Game: Krusty's Fun House and Krusty's Super Fun House
Release: 1992-1993
Platforms: NES, PC, Sega Master System, Nintendo Game Boy, Super NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment Inc.
Developer: Fox Williams and Audiogenic
Players: 1
Play: eBay

Take the game Lemmings, mix in some Simpsons-style graphics, add a dash of platforming, and you'll get Krusty's Fun House! Starring everyone's favorite bitter clown, it's a puzzle adventure though more than 55 levels of platforming, puzzle-solving madness as Krusty guides the rats infesting his fun house into a variety of brutal traps to extinguish them. Homer, Bart, and others join Krusty to squish those rats and clean the place up for good.

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NES Screenshots

Nintendo Game Boy Screenshots

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Super NES Screenshots

NES vs. NES Classic Gameplay

SNES vs. SNES Classic Gameplay

Click to expand or close the codes and cheats.


PAKATALA        Start with 1 life
TAKATALA        Start with 6 lives
PAKATALE        Start with 9 lives
AAUXAEZA        Infinite energy
AEOXSLPA        Pick up super balls instead of custard pies
TAKELEPA        Start with 6 pies
ZPKELEPA        Start with 18 pies
GXKZPKVK        Infinite pies--first life only


MCBAIN     Level 2 
MILHOUSE   Level 3 
CMBURNS    Level 4 
PRINCESS   Level 5 


Level Passwords 

Enter these codes at the Password Screen.
Level 2: BARTMAN 
Level 3: SMITHERS 
Level 4: SNOWBALL 
Level 5: JEBEDIAH 

Password For Everything

(make sure you put the spaces) Now you will start with unlimited lives, 
all doors unlocked, and a whole bunch of pies.


Level Passwords

Level 2 SELMA 


Level 4 SKINNER 

All Doors Unlocked
At the Passwords screen enter, TRACY 


Extra lives 

At the Passwords screen, put in  SMAILLIW
Level passwords 



Level 2: BARNEY 
Level 3: MARTIN 
Level 4: SQUISHY 
Level 5: ELFMAN

Click to expand or close the guides.

               The FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for KRUSTY'S FUN HOUSE, v1.1

                         Based on the Game Boy version
                    Written by SubSane and Martin Dale-Hench
                           Last updated May 10, 2004



     1.1 Introductions
     1.2 About the Game
     1.3 About the Guide
     1.4 About the Walkthrough

     2.1 Game Start
     2.2 Status Screen
     2.3 Controls
     2.4 Blocks
     2.5 Items
     2.6 Points


     4.1 World #1
     4.2 World #2
     4.3 World #3
     4.4 World #4
     4.5 World #5
     4.6 Conclusion
     4.7 Ending


     6.1 Version History
     6.2 Guide Credits
     6.3 Contact Information
     6.4 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ========================================================

                              1.1  Introductions

Martin Dale-Hench's (Reformed Pirate) Intro
Although I am not a Simpson worshipper (and I mean that in the nicest way,
heh) as Vic (SubSane), I certainly does love to watch Simpsons when I can,
like any other American. However, I have a bad taste on the Simpsons games
except for Simpsons Arcade, because I haven't played many good Simpsons

Boy was I wrong! Krusty's Funhouse is a well-organized, well-structured,
Lemmings-like video game! This excellent Simpsons game might be the longest
GB game I've ever played, next to perhaps Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
The puzzles keeps getting harder and harder while giving you some of the
easier ones on the way to make your life more plausible. *wink*

I wrote the even stages (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.) and Vic wrote odds, so if
you have any questions on a certain even stage, you can just e-mail me
at hockeyfox (at) ameritech (dot) net. Thanks and enjoy this FAQ!

SubSane's Intro
Well, another Simpsons FAQ by SubSane? WHAT A SHOCKER! And for those keeping
track (namely myself) it's the 28th notch on the bed post.

Of course this time I had the honor of workin' with my man Martin up there,
whose FAQs are among the best I have seen. So when he volunteered to help
out with this one it was quite welcome. See, I'll be honest. Krusty's
Fun House (as well as the Super version), is a LONG game. And even though I
had already written for the Genesis version, it was a task I wasn't looking
forward to. Plus, I'd always wanted to work with a coauthor.

Ok, I think that's long enough to count as an intro. :)


                              1.2  About the Game

Message from Krusty the Clown:

H-h-hi kids!

Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house up in the Springfield hills
and I need your help to get rid of them!

These rats are real dumb, they just walk around climbing over anything that
isn't bigger than they are. If they reach a wall or barrier that is higher
than them, they'll just turn around and go the other way...

Use the blocks and items that you find lying around to move the rats around
the level to those wacky traps where Bart, Homer and my faithful helpers
Sideshow Mel and Corporal Punishment are ready to help us get rid of those

Good luck...!

                              1.3  About the Guide

Well, um, what's there to say? This guide is for the Game Boy version of 
Krusty's Fun House, which is different from the Super versions that came out 
on the SNES and Genesis. So, I wouldn't use this guide for those games.

This guide also has a quick-find system in order to help those folks who don't
feel like randomly scrolling through text in search of some small thing. Just 
look above in the table of contents to find the section, highlight the 
reference number (such as 1.1), and hold ctrl and C to copy it. Then, hold ctrl
and F to open a Find screen, and finally press ctrl and V to paste the number
and search for the section.

                           1.4  About the Walkthrough

The walkthrough is divided according to the five Worlds that are in the game.
But, each World is then divided by the number of doors within the World. You
can find a map of the World at the beginning of each section.


===== 2.0 THE BASICS ==========================================================

                                2.1  Game Start

Push Start
- - - - - -
You'll be sent straight to a password screen, but if you don't have a password
just press Start to begin.

                              2.2  Status Screen

- - -
The Krusty icon in the top-left is the number of lives you have.

Current Block
- - - - - - -
The gap between the lives and points is where your current block is shown.

- - - -
The six digits in the top-center represent your points. Points grant extra 
lives, but this game is too easy to lose any lives in.

- - - -
The last item on the right is your current weapon. The weapons will always be 
either pies or marbles.

- - - -
This is something I should mention. This is NOT in the HUD, but you only have 
ten hits before you lose a life. You can replenish health with burgers and 
squishees. Krusty is low on health when he starts to breathe heavily.

                                2.3  Controls

    Command      |  Character Action           |  Other           
    Left         |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Right        |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Up           |  Enter the doors            |  Navigate menus
    Down         |  Pick up/drop blocks        |  Navigate menus
    B button     |  Throw pies, kick blocks    |  -
    A button     |  Jump                       |  -
    Select       |  Quit and exit a door       |  -
    Start        |  Pause                      |  Select in the menus

                                 2.4  Blocks

    Block type   |  Purpose of block
    Basic        |  Basic block, used for climbing
    Pipe         |  Both vertical and L-shaped, used for pipes
    Fan          |  Blows rats up, left, or right
    Spring       |  Used to bounce up
    Jar          |  Holds one rat, kick to bust open
    Moving       |  Can be kicked to the side
    Magic        |  Kick to reveal items, open new areas, reveal
                    new magic blocks, or reveal platforms
    Weak         |  Can be broken by standing on or using marbles

                                   2.5  Items

    Item         |  Purpose of item
    Pies         |  Weapons
    Marbles      |  Weapons
    Krusty icon  |  Extra life
    Burgers      |  Replenish health
    Squishee     |  Replenish health
    Mug          |  Replenish health
    Hot dog      |  Replenish health
    Spotted bag  |  100 points
    Horn         |  100 points

                                  2.6  Points

Points are good for extra lives, but there are plenty of extra lives in the 
game anyway. So, points are optional.

Rat Points
- - - - - -
You get 330 points for each rat that gets killed. Hooray for rat death!

Items Points
- - - - - - -
Spotted bag...100

Enemy Points
- - - - - - -
World #1...100
World #2...100
World #3...500
World #4...500
World #5...1000

You can also get points from beating timed stages before time runs out. Timed 
stages give you plenty of time, so it shouldn't be a problem.


===== 3.0 QUICK TIPS ==========================================================

- - - - -
Try to group the rats as often as possible. You can do this by trapping the 
rats in a small space so that they all become a very tight group.

 There are three ways:

 (B=Block, F=Fan)

 | B

 | B


 The top one is for three available blocks, the bottom one is best when only
 two blocks are available. They both make it easier to manage large groups. 

 The third method involves using a fan that is facing a wall or another block.
 Remember, the fan has to face TOWARD the wall or block.

 They may not always be mentioned in the guide, but keep these methods in mind.

Thinking Ahead
- - - - - - - -
Always go through an entire door before starting to trap the rats. It's best 
to know what's ahead so you can plan out the best possible method to trap the

Don't Kill
- - - - - -
Sometimes it's best to avoid an enemy, if possible. You can conserve precious
ammo, especially the marbles since they are sometimes needed to access areas in
a door.


===== 4.0 WALKTHROUGH =========================================================

                                 4.1  World #1

Door locations for World #1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|                                      |           |
|____    1-1      1-2      1-3         |   ________|
|    |____________________________     |  |        |
|                                      |  |   1-7  |
| 1-8        1-6     1-5      1-4      |__|   _____|

(Door 1-7 cannot be accessed until you kick the special magic block in Door
 1-4. Door 1-8 will open once you have beaten Doors 1-1 through 1-7.)

Enemies in World #1 are: Snakes
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Smash-O-Matic

  Door 1-1
  - - - - - - -

Very simple first door. Go to the right and grab the basic block that is on the
small platform by pressing Down while on top of it. Don't use the block for the
mice yet. Take it to the right and place it next to the wall to get in the 

Go through and you'll find a room with a snake in it. One pie will kill the 
snake. Press B to kick the magic block and get some point items.

Go back to the hole where the mice fell into and place the block on the right 
edge of the hole. The mice will now climb up and go into Bart's trap. Go back
to complete the first door.

  Door 1-2
  - - - - - - -

Jump onto the platform to the right and hop to the left to get onto the moving
platform. You might miss it, but try again and get on it. Once there, step
onto the next platform to the left and pick up the block (down while on it)
and drop to the base level with the mice. Put the block on the left-most
position, directly below the silver pipe. Wait for all FOUR mice to enter
the pipe and pick the block up again.

Return to the moving platform and have a BIG jump to the right to reach the
far platform. Drop down to find the mice again. Place the block on the base
of the double-stacked platform on the ground to let the mice climb over it.
When all 4 have crossed the platform, pick it up and put it on the right-most
area (against the wall). The mice will climb to the next pipe and toward
Bart's machine. You're done with the mice now!

Scale the wall to the right and go down to the 'tunnel' and continue to the
right. Once you see a path underneath, take the right fork to find a snake.
Bang him (her?) away with a burger. Return to the fork and take the left path
to find several platform under a moving platform. Take it to return to the
area with the door.

  Door 1-3
  - - - - - - -

This door looks complicated, but it's easy. The rats will walk themselves right
next to the trap, so don't worry about them. Jump into the hole on the left and
pick up that block. Then, run to the right (kick any magic blocks to get the
stuff) until you see the first pipe. Place the block over that pipe in the 
ground to block it and ensure that the rats walk over it. But if a rat falls in
all you have to do is wait for it to return. You'll need that same basic block 
to cover the pipe that is next to the trap and kill all the rats.

Now pick up the basic block and climb up to the upper levels from the right 
side. On the top you'll have to kill some snakes, but there are also magic 
blocks containing pies, and point items. Use the basic block to reach the last
magic block all the way on the left.

All done, let's get to the next door.

  Door 1-4
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and climb up the stairs to enter a large greenhouse of sorts. 
Jump along the tops of the palm trees and get the marbles from the block at 
the top of a tree, then pick up the block on the platform just below. Use a
marble or two to break open the cracked wall that is to the upper right. 

Go inside and you'll see some breakable blocks with point items, then at the 
very top you'll find another block. Kick this block to unlock the opening 
to Door 1-7.

Go back down and avoid or kill the snake, because now they fire spit from 
their mouths. The mice should be near the trap already, so just get yourself 
to the right.

There are two separate groups of rats, so go to the upper right corner of the 
room. Step on the left block of the platform that those rats are on, and it 
will break. The rats will fall through and eventually join the other group of
rats on the ground.

Once the rats are together, place the block you have in your hands next to the
pots to have the rats climb over. After all the rats have gone over, quickly 
take the blue block and place it on the very left edge of the platform between
the pipes. Here's how it should look: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

 PPPP            PPPP
     B___________   P

The rats will come out of the pipe on the right and climb up to the other pipe
using the block. That pipe will then drop them off in front of the trap. 

Memorize that block strategy because in the later stages you will be using it.

All done here, let's go to 1-5.

  Door 1-5
  - - - - - - -

This door is left of Door 1-4. Go inside and to the right. Make your way down 
the stairs to find a snake (kill it off if you can) and a pipe block, a new 
type of block that you will start to see.

Pick it up and place it under the stairway so you can jump up there again, 
then continue to the right. Kick that single magic block and use the moving 
platform to reach the basic block at the top. Pick that up and go all the way
back to the entrance.

So, now you can reach the magic block in mid air, which will give up some 
marbles. Use them to bust through the weak blocks on the left, where you will 
find more magic blocks with point items, as well as some pies. Make sure to
pick up the basic block again.

When you reach the bottom and go right you will find more magic blocks. Kick 
them to get more stuff, then kill the snake and kick the magic block at the
end of the path. That will take you to a bonus room where, if you collected 
all the items, you will get an extra life.

Leave and go up the other new area to find yourself back in the main hall. 
Go to the right this time and ride the platform to the top. Jump on the 
platform under the trap and stand on the dark blocks to break them. Keep 
doing this until you reach the bottom.

Now that the rats are in position you will need that pipe block. Go back
and get it, then jump under the trap and jump into the gap on the right. You
should see that there is a gap between the vertical and horizontal pipes. 
Place the pipe into the gap to connect the two.

Now go back and pick up the basic block from where ever you dropped it. Go
back down to the bottom and to the right, where you'll find a small gap
between a pipe and the ground. Your job is to place the block between the
ground and the pipe so it's in mid-air. Check section 3.0 for the details,
in case you already forgot.

So, the block goes between the pipe and the edge, creating a step for the rats.
You may not get all the rats at once, but keep doing it until they all get up
to the trap.

We're done, let's move on.

  Door 1-6
  - - - - - - -

Head up and kick the boxes to find some bonus items for some points. Go to
the right and climb up the platforms on the right-side wall. You will see some
mice (4) walking around in a tiny space. Ignore them and continue to the left
wall and jump and hug the wall to land on a platform with a block. Pick it up,
of course. You will have to return to the top platform like you did before
(use the platforms to get to the right wall and go up).

Back there, you may want to place the block on the left indent sticking out
under the hole in the ceiling. (Watch out for debris [eggs?] coming from
above) Jump from it to propel yourself to the top-most platform to find 4
blocks for you, including some burgers. Then, go back to the mice pit and
put the block on the right side, allowing the mice to jump off to the side.
(Don't forget the block!)

Go all of the way down to the corner, where the machine and Bart lurks. Put
the block ON the pipe entrance on the ground. That way, the mice won't enter
the pipe and start over on the top, causing you pain and suffering. :)

Simply go to the center of the room for the door to leave.

  Door 1-7
  - - - - - - -

The access to this door will open when you kick the special magic block in 
Door 1-4.

This door requires you to be very fast in order to trap the rats. Fall into the
hole just ahead, then you will find three more gaps to fall into. Fall into the
small hole on the left and you should find a basic block. Pick it up quickly
and jump in the next hole to the right.

The path will lead you through a tunnel. You may run into drops and snakes,
but they shouldn't be a problem. Once you see the trap find the hole in front
and place the basic block over the hole. By blocking that hole the rats will
climb over and go into the trap.

Now go all the way to the left and you'll find a platform and some magic 
blocks. You'll get point items, health items, and an extra life.

That wasn't too difficult, now let's go to the final door.

  Door 1-8
  - - - - - - -

You cannot access this door until you beat the first seven doors. 

Drop down levels and kill the snakes as they come (6 total) with your weapon.
On the way, you will see a block that you can pick up. Pick it up and continue
to the right corridor. Jump up and break each box on each side on every floor.
Once you reach the top floor, break the right box to unlock World 2. Break
the left box to reveal a cracked floor. Drop through it and continue dropping
through cracked floors.

When going back up to the door, use the block to propel yourself up an
unreachable level.

Go back to the entrance to close Room #1 and gain access to Room #2.

                                 4.2  World #2

Door locations for World #2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|      |                 2-8  2-9      |      |
|      |2-4      ----------------      |      |
|      |---    _|       2-5  2-6  2-7  |      |
|      |     _|        _ _ _ _ _ _ _   |      |
|      |__________                          __|
|      |             2-3  2-2  2-1        _|  |
|      | 2-10 --------------------------------|
|______|_____|                                |

(You cannot access Doors 2-5 through 2-7 until you kick the special magic 
 block in Door 2-2. Door 2-10 will open once you defeat all the other 

Enemies in World #2 are: Aliens
Trap assistant will be: Homer and the Zap-O-Matic

  Door 2-1
  - - - - - - -

At the start you'll find three basic blocks. Pick one up and fall down next to
the pipe. Place it under the pipe, then go back up and grab another block. 
Place the next block at the base, so that you build steps.

Example: (P=Pipe, B=Block)


Keep this method in mind because you will have to use it again. Anyway, go to 
the top and pick up the third basic block, then go to the right. You will reach
a wall you can't jump over, so drop the block one space away from it. Go back 
and get the block that you dropped on the floor and put it on the right edge 
of the one next to the wall. It should look like this:


Pick up the block on the ground and jump over the wall. Now go to the right
and use the basic block to get the three rats into the trap.

Well then, it's time for some extras. When you see the moving platforms, climb
on them. They will lead you to a long line of weak blocks. These break away,
so what you have to do is walk to the left and don't stop. When you get to the
end of this path you'll find some magic blocks containing point items, pies, 
and a burger. Kill the alien as soon as you arrive to get it out of the way.

Next, fall down and break through the weak blocks on the ground. Go all the 
way to the right and bust open the magic block to get an extra life.

Get to the door to exit.

  Door 2-2
  - - - - - - -

There are no blocks here to pick up, only blocks that you can kick to MOVE,
not break. Press B next to a block to move it. Keep that in mind.

Kick the block to the right of you to drop it a level and continue kicking it
until it goes down to the ground level. DO NOT KICK IT INTO A WALL! It will
be trapped there and you will have to press select to die and re-start.

Before we proceed, go back near the top and jump through the thin pipes near 
the door. Make your way through the pipe maze, keeping in mind that you can 
only jump up through horizontal pipes. When you get to the laser gun, avoid 
its shots. Go through the tunnel and kill the aliens. When you get to the 
open space go up, kicking any blocks you see.

The block that is surrounded by thick pipes leads to a secret area. 

You will get an extra life if you beat it, plus a VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THING!
realize that the secret area in here is very important. You must get all of 
the items in a short amount of time. One tip: when you get the first mug, jump
into the hole and then back up to get the bag on the right side. Now I mean 
it, you have to beat this secret area no matter what!!! If you mess up, Pause 
and press C to exit and come back in.

When you beat it you'll get the extra life like I mentioned, but you'll 
appear at a different door. Next to this door is the VERY IMPORTANT thing. 
A breakable block. Kick it to gain access to doors 2-5 through 2-7.

Go up and kick the block away, then make your way back to the tunnels you 
came from. Walk right and you'll end up in a room with an alien and the rats.
Kill the alien and make your way up to the rat platforms.

Go up onto the platforms find some mice (4). Kick the lower block to the
left and the upper one to the right to allow the mice climb down. Now, this is
important... break the block to the left to get some marbles. Head back to
the unbreakable blocks set in two rows. Destroy them with your new marbles.
Go to the other side and kick the block to the RIGHT until it drops. The mice
will head for Homer and his machine.

Head up for the door to end this.

  Door 2-3
  - - - - - - -

Well, we're back to the step method in this door, where you have to build 
steps to platforms using basic blocks.

But first, let's take care of the extras. Go to the right and fall into the 
first hole you see. There will be two aliens in this bottom area, so kill 
them and get the marbles from the magic block.

Now go up to the top and use the moving platforms to reach the weak blocks 
in the top-left corner. Bust through with some marbles and you'll get access
to a whole bunch of point items and pies. Remember to kick the magic blocks on
top first, then the ones at the bottom.

Go back down and jump across the platforms above the thick pipes until you 
see a magic block. Kick it to get a burger.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Leave the basic block that is covering the 
pipe, and pick up one of the others. Now, if you jump up to the platforms
above that series of thick pipes, and if you get to the top-left platform,
you should see a pipe hanging down from the ceiling. Memorize that place.

Drop the basic block at the left edge, so it looks like this:

(P=Pipe, B=Block)



Go back for another basic block and place it at the left edge of the first,
then pick up the fan block that is facing to the right. Place the fan at
the left edge of the second block, then take away the first block. The whole 
thing should look like this:


Almost done. The final move is to pick up the fan block that is facing up
and place it on the right half of the first high thick pipes you come across.
These pipes will be just under and to the left of a platform. Here's an
illustration of it:

(P=Pipe, F=Fan)


         PP  PPP
       PP       P

The plan here is that the rats will walk to that bottom fan and get blown
up so they cross the path of the fan you placed at the top. That right-facing
fan will then blow them across the length of the room, and they will stop
right above the trap and fall in. The placement of the fans is important here,
so make sure you have them in the right spots.

Step in front of the door to exit and lock it up for good.

  Door 2-4
  - - - - - - -

The rats will be right next to your entrance, and they will stay there
forever, until you put them up to the Zap-O-Matic to the left. There are
four blocks that you will have to pick up and arrange them like a staircase,
so let's go get them first.

Now that you know how to put the mouse up, let's find the blocks.

Block #1: Directly to the right of you, protected by an alien. Just pounce on
          his ass and pick the block amongst the other breakable blocks.
          Place the block on the ground with the mice.

Block #2: Ride the elevator on the right side of the main room up. On the way,
          you should see an alcove with a lone block. Break it to find five
          marbles waiting for you. Continue upwards (use the platforms against
          the wall) to the next passage. There are some boxes blocking your
          to the next block. Break them with the marbles, and pick the block
          up. Return to the base floor and place the block there.

Block #3: This time, take the LEFT elevator, the one above the Zap-O-Matic.
          The first passage to the left will lead you to a large room with
          an alien and the block you need, which is in the lower left corner.
          Break the other boxes from top to bottom to free the block. Put
          the block along with the other blocks you had.

Block #4: Again, take the left elevator, but bypass the first passage and
          find the next one. Once in there, defeat the two aliens to find the
          final block, stashed away in the rear.

Now that you have all of the boxes, arrange them like a staircase:

         |               ZOM: Zap-O-Matic
         |B                B: Block
         | B
         |  B      |

If the mice gets stuck in the inside part of the blocks, just remove the first
one and let them pass and put it back.

  Door 2-5
  - - - - - - -

This door is huge, but not that hard to beat. Start off by falling down the
hole to the left and killing the alien along the way. Pick up the block when
you see it, then jump up through the small tunnel to get back to the door. Go
to the left again and use the block to get over the high wall.

Kill the alien in the first hole, then kill the next alien you see. Go through
the tunnel and fall down. Find the rats and pick up the block next to it, then
go up to the platform near a laser gun. Place the block on the left edge of
the platform and jump onto the small ledges on the left.

Jump up and kick any magic blocks to get some point items, and kill the alien
as well. Fall back to the bottom and pick up the basic block again.

Jump over the thick pipe next to the rats and you'll find the trap, so let's
trap the rats. Fall into the hole that is left of the rat area and pick up the
fan block on the left. You can drop the block here for now. Fall in the hole 
and place the fan right under the trap platform, but not directly under. Place
it under and one space to the left.

(F=Fan, P=Pipe, B=Block)



Now go back to where the three blocks are gathered on the left. Take one
block and cover the pipe that is on the ground. Take another block and 
cover one of the pipes on the left, then take the third block and cover the
other pipe on the right side, near the spot where the blocks used to be.


Go back around all the way to where you dropped the first block you had and
pick it up. Use this block to build a step for the rats to get out of their
area. Now rush to the spot where you placed all the blocks (the pipe area at
the bottom), and place this block to complete the steps.


Wait for the rats to walk over, then grab those three blocks and build some
steps up to the thick pipes. I also suggest grouping the rats, a method that
is described in section 3.0 of this FAQ.

   B PP
  B  PP

This next part must be done quickly. As soon as the rats walk over the block
that is covering the pipe on the left, pick up that block and run all the way
to the trap. Stand on the left edge of the platform as if you were going to 
place the block on the edge, but wait.

After the rats fly up in the air place the block on the edge. The rats will
then land on the block and walk into the trap.

See, not too tough. Go to the far right then follow the tunnel at the top to
go back to the door and leave.

  Door 2-6
  - - - - - - - 

Head upwards, hopping around pipes, and head up and a bit to the right. When
you have the chance to go to the left, do it. Keep going left until you're
nearly at the top (should be able see the Alien on the top-most platform)
BUT DO NOT get to the top. Get to the second-to-last platform, the under
right under the Alien. Go to the right and follow the abyss down to the
ground. Once back to the ground, go to the left to find the block along
with an Alien.

Go back up through the pipes, to the left this time. Continue doing this
until you're at the top and is able to go down freely. You should end
up back the starting point, by the Zap-O-Matic.

Now, place the block under the pipe to allow the mice climb up to the
pipe, like this:


When at least 3 mice are in the pipe, QUICKLY pick the block up and
head up to the top end of the pipes and place the block to the left of
the Zap-O-Matic before the mice falls to the ground, starting the
process all over again. The block should be like this:

/PPP        |    ZOM: Zap-O-Matic
\PPPP\ __ZOM_      B: Block

If there's still some mice left, just repeat the process. 1 or 2 mice at
a time is the best way to do it, not with all 4.

  Door 2-7
  - - - - - - - 

This door can't be accessed until you kick the special magic block in 
Door 2-2.

This one is quite difficult when trying to figure it out. Of course you don't 
have to if you're reading this guide.

Let's take care of everything else first. Ignore all rats and blocks and fall
down to the bottom. Kill those two aliens. Keep walking to the right and kill
the third alien you come across.

Hop up to the upper level (near the trap), and ride that moving platform to 
the right. Kick the magic block to get some marbles. Ride the platform back to
the left and hop up to the level with the weak blocks. Use the marbles to break
through and kick the magic blocks to get some point items.

All right, let's trap the rats. Pick up a basic block and fall into the hole
left of the door. Now you have to block a series of fans and pipes. Let me 

(P=Pipe, F=Fan, B=Block)
                                            _|  |
                                          _|    |
                                        _|      |
_____P______________F___P_____F___F____|        |_________P___

This is a diagram showing all of the pipes and fans that you need to block 
using the three basic blocks near the door. 

Start by blocking the first pipe, then grab another block and cover the fan 
that follows. Grab the third block and use it to get the rats out of their 
spot (after GROUPING the rats, check section 3.0 of the FAQ for details). 
Pick up the block again when the rats are out use the block to cover
the pipe on the platform below the entrance. That pipe must be covered or
the rats will end up back at the beginning. Take the block and cover the
next pipe in the line after the rats have turned to the left.

Once the rat has passed over the first pipe, pick up that block and cover the
next fan in the way. Once the rat has passed over the first fan, pick up the
block and cover the third fan in the way. When the rat has passed over the
second pipe, take that block and cover the fan at the top of the steps. When 
the rat has passed over the fan at the top of the steps, take that block and
cover the last pipe in the way.

This is the more complicated way. If you're quick enough all you really need
is one block.

Whew, that was a whole lot of moving. Unfortunately, we're only half done. Now
we have to get the rats up some platforms and onto the level with the trap. 
It's time to whip out the ol' step method.

So, leave the block that is covering the pipe alone. Go back and pick up the 
two blocks we left behind and bring them here. Hop onto the first pyramid 
platform and place a block out on the right edge. Grab another block and 
place it on the right edge of the first block. It should look like this:


Now, take away the first block and place it on the left edge of the block that
is covering the pipe. Like this:

The rats have to be on the right side of the steps so they can climb up. The 
absolute SECOND the rats get onto the pyramid, take away the top block and 
place it at the top of the pyramid. Like this:

     B       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__

Again, the absolute SECOND the rats turn around, take that block from the 
top of the pyramid and make a step, like this:

     _       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__B

The rats will climb up the steps and over onto the next pyramid platform. Take
another block and trap the rats between the top of the pyramid and the wall.

Now take the block at the very bottom and the one in mid air and make steps 
that lead to the third platform on the left. Quickly take away the block that 
has the rats trapped and place it at the edge of the third platform. Once the 
rats have gone over one of the other blocks, pick one up and place it at the
left edge of the other block to build steps up to the next level.

Once the rat has climbed over one of the blocks, take it and quickly cover the
hole that is between two pyramid platforms on this level. The rats will walk
themselves the rest of the way and get zapped.

Man, was that not A LOT OF HELL? Seriously, it's not too tough. It just takes
an understanding of the step method. I hope by now you got it.

That's finally done, let us go on.

  Door 2-8
  - - - - - - - 

One of the easiest stages in the first 2 worlds.

Quickly head to the right and pick the block by the pipe and jump right. You
will see another block blocking the other side of the pipe. Leave the block
you have right now RIGHT NEXT to it and pick the one blocking the pipe up.
Go onto the weak blocks and have one of them break down and fall through it.

Now, there are three alien 'ships' around here. Don't mind them, just dodge 
their 'lasers' or whatever. Place the block under the first alien ship's
metal thingy, it should look like this:

_         _
 |_      | |_
   |____B|   |_

Wait for the mice to come (they should come if you unclogged the pipes
quickly enough!). When they goes across the block, pick it up again and
move to the next two-layer wall (like the above picture) and place the
block in its intended position. After that, fast-forward to the end of 
the wall to the right and place the block against the wall there. The 
mice will climb up to the 'fan'/'blower' and go up to Homer J. Simpson 
and his Zap-O-Matic.

To return to the door, follow the path west of the three alien ships
and go up the platforms.

  Door 2-9
  - - - - - - -

Hey all right, another easy one! Fall straight to the bottom-left corner. There
are two laser guns going up and down, so watch out for them. Kick those purple
blocks starting with the top ones to get some health and point items.

Now jump up through the pipes on the right side. At the top you'll find a basic
block, so pick it up. Go over the top and to the rat hole on the left. Place
the block as a step so any rats that come out will fall over. Wait for all of
the rats to go over, then jump over yourself.

Now the final simple part is to use the block to create a step to the steps
that are already on the right side of the trap. It may take a couple of times
to get all the rats, but it's still way easy.

To get back to the door, go around the right side and over the top. Go into 
the spot where the rats were and fall over, but fall to the left. You will 
land on a piece of pipe. Now just jump up to the door.

Great, another simple door defeated. On to the next door.

  Door 2-10
  - - - - - - - 

Follow the tunnel left and up, and you will come upon three pits with a 
space ship firing lasers in each pit (3). Now, jump over all three and make
a LARGE jump to the right and stick to the wall. You should make it into a 
small passage in the wall. Follow it to an alien. Blast it to hell and 
continue walking the path. You should find several blocks here, with the
final one as the switch for World 3.

To get back to the door, just return via the passage and drop down. Fall
through the LEFT breakable blocks and continue west (left) until you can go
further down, which will lead you to the door.

                                 4.3  World #3

Door locations for World #3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|            |                                                |
|            |             3-5  3-6                           |
| 3-1     ___|           __________                           |
|____   _|   |      3-4     |      |_     3-12 3-13           |
|     _|     |     _________|_     | |_   ---------  3-11 3-14|
|    |_______|    |  |      |  3-10|   |             _________|
| 3-2            |   |    --|______|    |  3-8 3-9  |         |
|____           |    | 3-7  |            |_________|          |
|    |_        |     |______|                                 |
|      |_ 3-3 |                                               |
|        |___|                                                |

(Door 3-7 can be accessed after kicking the special kick block in Door 3-6. 
 Door 3-10 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in Door 3-9.
 Doors 3-12 and 3-13 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in
 Door 3-8. Door 3-14 will open once you have closed all of the other doors.)

Enemies in World #3 are: Flying pigs, snakes
Trap assistant will be: Sideshow Mel and the Pop-O-Matic

  Door 3-1
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the right and use the group of red springs on the left to get to the
platform at the top. The left platform has a burger if you want to get it as
well. Hold the jump button to go higher each time you hit the springs. Don't
even bother with the flying pig, just go around it. So you once get to the
top grab the fan block and jump down, then use the next spring to get over
the wall.

Fall down and go left to find the trap, a basic block, and a moving block.
First you need to drop the fan block. Look at the steps that lead up to the
left. Do you see how they are single spaces, but then the steps get wider?
You need to put the fan on the left side of the very first wide step.

Now go to the platform above the trap and pick up the basic block, then kick
the moving block to the right twice. The moving block will fall onto the
platform below. The trap platform has two elevated spaces on the left. Put
the basic block on the right space.

Now just wait. The rats will eventually make their way up the long steps, the
fan will push them to the right, the moving block will make them turn left,
and the basic block will make them turn toward the trap. Visuals are always
good, so:

(F=Fan, B=Block, R=Moving block)
 |__                          R
    |F_                ________
       |_         |
         |_       | _B         __

Hope that helps. After the rats have all been blown up, let's get the extras.
Pick up the basic block and go to the left. Avoid the flying pigs for now.

Fall down and you'll get to some magic blocks. Place the block next to the
magic blocks and kick through the top row first, then the bottom row. You'll
get a point item and pies.

Well, that's about it. You can kill the flying pigs if you want, but it 
takes three hits. Go back to the door to exit.

  Door 3-2
  - - - - - - - 

Head up and break ALL of the magic boxes to hit it off. Yes, break ALL of
them because they're just hindrances... anyway... take either a block or a
fan and bring it down to the door. See the two fans on the ground that's
blowing the mice up in the air? Place the block/fan ABOVE the RIGHT fan to
move the right-side mice over to the left side. Take the block/fan.

Head to the north-most platform, with the two kick-able blocks. Kick the 
RIGHT brick to the RIGHT TWICE. Then, kick the same brick to the LEFT two
times. It should drop through the hole. Then, use your fan or block to 
construct a staircase to the Pop-O-Matic. It should look like this:

PP__    __
       |  |___POM__
      B|             POM: Pop-O-Matic
    _X                 P: Pipe
     PPP               B: Block
                       X: Brick

Take the only remaining pick-up block (the block or the fan) and go down the
shaft to the left. Place the block on the lower left corner to block the mice
from going to the left-side fan. They will use the block/fan to go up to the
upper-left fan, en route the Pop-O-Matic. If you constructed a staircase to
the Pop-O-Matic correctly (like I said), the mice will be popcorn.

Head for the door to finish it.

  Door 3-3
  - - - - - - - 

This one is simple. Jump up to the left and you'll see some platforms, and the
top platform will have a moving block. Kick the moving block to the left, then
go around the bottom and kick it to the left again, then kick left one more
time. It will cover the pipe and force the rats to go the other way, to the

Like I said, easy. Now let's get the extras. Go to the left into the checkered
area. Kick the blocks to get some point items 'n such, then walk into the
hole on the left and some stairs will appear. Follow them and jump into the
gap on the right to get some more point items.

Follow the tunnel and you'll run into a snake. Afterwards, use the spring to
get to the top and run into some purple blocks. You'll get pies, point items,
and a few health items.

That's about it, so go to the left and exit.

  Door 3-4
  - - - - - - -

There are a lot of blocks here, as you can see. But there is a fan at the top
of the staircase. That's the most important thing. You may check around the
level for a few breakable blocks for some items, but that's not necessary.

Here's what to do with the blocks... take one and put it on the left side of
the weird inverted L-shaped platform jutting out. That should make a stair-
case for the mice to get over that obstacle. The second block should be the
one that leads the mice to the pipe to far right. Altogether, it should
look like this:

               __          P
   ___________B__|_______ B|
 _|                      | |
|                        | |

You have three blocks and a fan left unused. Let's get them. Take a block and
go up to the platform where the pipe will end (go up to the left first, jump
two gaps to get here). Place the block on the extreme left end. Return and
take one more block and place one atop the previous one. Now, get a fan and
place it one block right of the structure support that lies below. (I know
it's hard to describe, but here's a map to help you anyway) Take the final
block and return to this place again.

     B___F_______PP   F: Fan
        |        |P   P: Pipe
        |        |P   B: Block (should still have one more block in you)

Now, wait for the mice to arrive to this place. However, if one of them
are nearing the pipe to go down again, block them by covering the entrance
to the pip with your remaining block. Re-open it when the mice aren't nearing
it to allow the other mice to get in. 2 or 3 mice at a time should be fine
(you can get the other mice later).

With 2 or 3 mice on the platform pictured above, leave a block front of the
pipe to block it. Return downwards and get the block from the L-shape and go
up all of the way to the Pop-O-Matic. Wait for the mice to go up and fall
down by the Pop-O-Matic. When they are falling, pop the block off the edge
to catch it. If it was heading to the right, it will go into the Pop-O-Matic.
If not, it will be the next time it comes. Repeat until all mice are in.

Return to the door to complete it.

  Door 3-5
  - - - - - - -

This room is fairly small, so go around the outside kicking all the magic
blocks and killing flying pigs. You'll get point items, health items, and

Once all this is done, go inside the structure. There are no blocks to pick
up, just a lot of moving blocks to kick. Go to the bottom of the first column
of moving blocks and kick ONE moving block.

Go through the new hole and to the next column of moving blocks. Kick TWO
moving blocks, then break through the weak blocks you just opened.

For this last column of moving blocks kick THREE moving blocks. Go and
break through the weak blocks to fall to the bottom.

Go to the left side of the three moving blocks and kick two moving blocks to
the RIGHT. 

Go back to the top and kick three more moving blocks down to the bottom. Go
to the bottom again and kick two of these moving blocks to the LEFT. 

Go up again and kick down the last two moving blocks. Kick ONE of these
moving blocks to the right, then kick the other moving block to the left.

The rats will then climb into the trap, so go back to the door.

  Door 3-6
  - - - - - - -

Easy. Climb the structures up to the block and pick it up. Go back left to
find the break-able block floating in the air. Use the block to kick it, and
you will receive some marbles. Go back up to the moving platform and ride it
to the left. Break the walls with your marbles. Take the block with you.

Continue going left and drop down to base level. Walk a bit to the right to
find a hole to a strange maze-like room, where the mice should be at right
now. Now, the stage is all set for you. All you have to do: go to the right-
most part of this room, just below the upper pipe. Wait for a mouse to come
up to that very place and quickly place the block you have on that place.
If you timed it right, the mouse will go into the pipe above and leave below,
heading for the Pop-O-Matic. Repeat this for all mice. All done!

Wait... you still have to find the secret block to unlock 3-7. You see the
stairs to the left of the 'maze' where the mice was in? Well, take both
blocks and make a alternating extended staircase to make the blocks go
higher. When it is high enough, you should be able to jump up to the
above air-room with three blocks. The procedure looks like this:

             B          B
   B          B
    B_          _          _   
   _| | =>    _| | =>    _| |  => and so on... (do it five times)
 _|   |     _|   |     _|   |
|     |    |     |    |     |

Once a block has reached the fifth layer, take the other block with
you and go up. DO NOT break any of the boxes YET! Place a block on a
box and jump up to the top. Break the top-most box to unlock Door 3-7.
NOW you may break the others.

Use the moving platform to the left to get to the right side of the
room for the door.

  Door 3-7
  - - - - - - -

This one is fairly simple as well. Start by using the basic blocks and build
some steps starting on the right magic block. Like so:

(M=Magic block, B=Block)

  B |
 B  |
MM  |

Now take the fourth block on the left and place it on the small platform on
the right side of the wall. Get the two blocks that make up the first two
steps and put them all on the right side of the wall.

Now use these blocks to create steps that go into the air on the left. Once
you have three steps that go to the left, pick up the first block and place it
at the left edge to create another step.

MM  | 

Keep doing this until you can barely manage to jump onto the steps. Leave the
bottom of the three blocks alone, so you'll still be able to jump onto it.

Now keep building steps using the two upper blocks. When you reach the space
between the thin-lined trim and the fan block, STOP! Leave the space between
the fan and thin-lined trim empty because the rats will need to reach that
fan in just a minute.

Get on the platform with the fan, and I would also kill the flying pig right
now. Grab the fan block and fall down to the bottom when you're ready.

Place the fan right next to the door on the right. You want to put the fan
so it will blow the rats up, then the fan at the top will blow the rats to
the right. They will land directly in the trap.

Fall to the bottom and get the items in the magic blocks, then leave.

  Door 3-8
  - - - - - - -

This level is very long and perhaps very tough... but you're here so you don't
have to worry. :)

Start off by going to the right and down to slay two snakes that lurks there.
Go back up and get on the lone platform to the right. Jump to the THIN post
with a spring on the top of it. Now, move a bit to the right so only the
heel of Krusty's big shoes are touching the spring. Then, go all of the way
to the right without jumping (the spring will provide you enough air) to the
next spring. Repeat for the next springs until you get to the end, where
four straight pipes and two turn pipes lurks AND a fan. Pick any of those 
and bring it all of the way to the beginning, by the mice (place it against 
the LEFT wall to be safe). Do the whole process all over again and again 
until all 7 items are taken.

Now, here's the tough part. You have to put the mice up to the second floor.
Here's how (in order):

Set the boxes up like this first:

|        _|     U: Straight pipe
|      _|       L: Turn pipe going right and up
|   U           J: Turn pipe going left and up
|   U           F: Fan
|   U      _    M: Mice (should be STUCK here)
|   U   F | |_
|___L___JM|   |

Get the mice trapped in the position in the picture, and then QUICKLY take the
fan away and place it left of the pipe, like this:

|        _|
|  F   _|
|   U
|   U
|   U      _
|   U     | |_
|___L___J_|   |

Now the mice will fly to the right and climb up the stairs, toward the second

Time to put the mice into the Pop-O-Matic! Here's how:
           _     P
         _|      P            U: Straight Pipe
       _|F       P            L: Turn pipe going right and up
     _|   J      P            J: Turn pipe going left and up
   _|     U      P            F: Fan
 _|       U      P            M: Mice (should be STUCK here)
|         U     |

With that make-up set, take the turn pipe going to the left (J) away
and go to the first spring to the right. Use A to jump high, and follow
the path to the Pop-O-Matic. Place the turn pipe over the gap to the
left of the Pop-O-Matic.

Return to the mice and QUICKLY take the straight pipe blocking the mice's
path to the entrance of the turn pipe when the mice are the farthest away.
Then, put the U on the top of the other U. If you did it fast enough,
the mice will be on their way to the Pop-O-Matic! Whoo! (like this) :)

           _     P
         _|      P            U: Straight Pipe
       _|F>>>>>>>P            L: Turn pipe going right and up
     _|   U      P            F: Fan
   _|     U      P
 _|       U      P
|         U      | 

BUT WAIT! You're not done yet! Skip over the door and go to the THIRD
spring from the left. There should be an opening above that spring. Jump
twice or more on that spring to make the jump super high. Get on the top
passage and kill the flying pig. Break the right box to unlock the path
to Door 3-12 and 3-13.

Now you're done! Whew!

  Door 3-9
  - - - - - - -

This one is another block-kicking door. Start by kicking three moving
blocks in the column to the left. Now go around the top, kicking all of the
magic blocks along the way. You'll get point items, health items, and pies.

Now, kick one of the two remaining moving blocks to the right, then go back
around and kick the last moving block to the left.

Go to the bottom and kick one moving block to the left, then go around and
kick that moving block all the way to the left. Go and kick one more moving
block all the way to the left. Leave the last moving block alone.

There are two moving blocks left on the upper platform. Kick the left moving
block all the way to the left to create some steps for the rats. They will
then go up in a pipe that leads to the trap area.

Jump up to the top and hop on the moving block to reach a room at the very
top. Kick the special magic block to gain access to Door 3-10.

Now then, there will be a moving block in that tunnel at the top, and what
you need to do is kick it all the way to the left until it falls in the
hole. Drop down and kick that same block (which landed on the lower
platform), to the right. It should fall in a gap next to the trap. Then,
go back up and kick that other block to the right once, then to the left
once. It will fall down to the rats' level, and the final step is to kick
it to the right one last time. With the steps now complete the rats will
climb up and into the trap.

  Door 3-10
  - - - - - - -

There are three blocks around this level, including the one RIGHT next to you,
but don't touch them yet. Go right and maneuver through several up-and-downs
to the last room, with a fan that you can pick up. Get that fan and place
it off the top left platform in the same section of the room. The fan should
be like this:

  P         P|
  P        __|
  P   |_F

Go back left and put each block you encounter onto the left-side fan instead
of the right-side that they are on currently (2 of them). When you reach the
block by the door, just remove it. The mice will be on their way to the
Pop-O-Matic, assuming you placed the block over the left-side fans to prevent
them to going back to the original point.

If you want to break the boxes above, just use the blocks to get there.

  Door 3-11
  - - - - - - -

Start off by killing the flying pig because it can get really annoying. Now we 
have to set up a few things. Use the springs to get up through the platforms
on the left and right.

There are fans that blow the rats up to the top platform, as well as fan
blocks. Take each of the fan blocks and go up to the top platform. Use each
fan to cover the spots where the rats fly up through, keeping them stuck in
their little areas.

Now pick up the basic block and go inside one of the areas. Since the rats are
now blocked in, they are constantly being blown up, but they then come straight
down. You have to wait for the rats to get blown up AND face the pipe on the
platforms in the middle.

So, stand on the edge of the platforms while holding the basic block. When a
rat facing the pipe gets blown up, quickly place the block on the edge so the
rat will land and start walking toward the pipe. Pick up the block again and
make a step that leads up to the pipe. This pipe will lead to another pipe
that will lead to the trap.

Repeat this process to finish off the rats. Now let's get the magic blocks
on the right.

Use the basic block and two fan blocks and stack two of them on top of each
other. Place the third one on the right edge. Like so:

(B=Block, F=Fan, M=Magic block)

|   M
|   -
| B

Now take the two bottom blocks and stack them on the one that was on the
right edge. Do this to reach all the magic blocks and get point items, a
squishee, and pies.

We're all done, so go ahead and leave.

  Door 3-12
  - - - - - - -

Immediately go to the right and jump on the springs. Go to the middle of the
springs (7th from the right, to be exact) and jump thrice (hold down the
jump button - A button) to get sky-high. You should land on two invisible
platforms. It is in the middle of a small box on the background wall, if you
couldn't find it. Once there, jump to the left to find another invisible
platforms (may take a few tries).

Head for the room to the left, break whatever you want there. Pick the fan
up and go back to the first room with the mice. Place the fan on the lower
left corner and return to the room in the air and pick the block up.

Again, you have to find and seizure invisible platforms. Jump from the room
in the air, heading right. A good-sized jump should get you to the first
invisible platforms. Directly above those platforms is your next ones. Then,
jump to the left for the final platform. Continue heading left to find the
Pop-O-Matic and the mice stuck between walls. Place the block on the left
side of the hole the mice are in to guide them into the Pop-O-Matic.

Go all of the way down to the door.

  Door 3-13
  - - - - - - -

Pick up the fan block and get to the top using the moving platform. There are
some flying pigs at the top floating near some platforms, so go ahead and kill
them to save some frustration.

Trapping the rats requires a couple of simple steps. First pick up the fan
block that faces to the left. Get up to those high tower-like structures
(near the highest flying pig) and jump to the platform on the left. Place it
at the left edge of the platform. Now get the right-facing fan and place it at
the left edge of the first fan. Finally, get the first fan and move it on top
of the right-facing fan. Like this:

(LF=Left-facing fan, RF=Right-facing fan)


Use the fan blocks to get to the upper platforms. Ignore the fan block for now
and go to the right. Jump to the far right and you'll find another room.

There are plenty of magic blocks in here, as well as snakes and a flying pig.
Kill the enemies if you like. Kick all of the magic blocks to get point items,
health items, and pies.

Now let's trap the rats. Go back and get the fan that faces up, and fall down
to the bottom. There are two flower pots and a pipe down here. Place the fan
next to the flower pot on the right. The rats will then come out of the pipe
and get pushed up by the fan. The other fans will take care of the rest.

All right, let's get out of here.

  Door 3-14
  - - - - - - -

Crap. This is tough.

You have to use the springs on single-columns to get across the room to the
platform with the box that unlocks Room 4. If you fall, there's some 
invisible platforms on the left wall for you to climb. You may use your
pies/burgers/marbles/whatever to attack the pigs, or just tough it out by
trying to jump over them or just take hits and hope you get to the next
spring somehow. Once at the end, just break the bottom box to complete the
job. The others are just pointless at this time.

                                 4.4  World #4

Door locations for World #4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|                 |   |                                       |
|        4-1      |   | 4-14                                  |
|___________     _|   |_______     4-7   4-8  4-9  4-10       |
|   4-3  4-2   _|_____________|   ______________________    __|
|   __________|                 _|  | 4-13|  4-12| 4-11|  _|  |
|4-4              4-5   4-6   _|____|_____|______|_____|_|____|

(You can reach Doors 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 after kicking the
 special magic block in Door 4-7. Door 4-11 opens after kicking
 the special magic block in Door 4-9. Door 4-12 opens after
 kicking the special magic block in Door 4-11, and 4-13 opens
 after kicking the special magic block in 4-12. 4-14 opens
 after closing all the other doors.)

Enemies in World #4 are: Birds
Trap assistant will be: Corporal Punishment and the Squish-O-Matic

  Door 4-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the spring to the right and kicking the magic block at the
top of the room. You'll get some marbles. Fall down and pick up the spring
and move it to the left side of the door.

Jump up and break through the weak blocks by using your marbles, but try not
to use more than three. Break the blocks along the ground so the rats can
then climb out.

Do you see those jar blocks? Each of those holds one rat, but once the jar has
a rat you can use it as a block. Pick up the spring and put it at the right
corner below the trap, then use the jars as blocks to build steps. The two
rats that aren't in jars will climb up the steps into the trap.

Now pick up one of the jars and get over to the right side of the trap using
the spring. Drop the jar and kick it to free the rat, then do the same with
the other jar.

Now then, if you have at least two remaining marbles you can get the extra
stuff. Pick up the spring block and use the marbles to bust through the
tunnel under the trap. It will lead to a large room full of magic blocks
and two birds. Take the spring to the far right and jump up to the platform
to get a magic block with 5 more marbles. Use those marbles to kill the
birds, then jump up and get the rest of the goodies.

As always, get back to the door once you're done.

  Door 4-2
  - - - - - - -

First of all, just kill the annoying bird above you. It will drop some shit
on you, so that might make a smelly mess, you know what I mean.

Then, take the moving platform up and jump to the right to find three strange
blocks. Take one of them down to the left corner, and leave it there. Take
the next one and leave it there too, and so on until you have all three
down there.

Now, set the blocks into a staircase like this:

| B

A mouse will be trapped in each block, while the lone fourth one will go up
the pipe and into the Squish-O-Matic.

Bring each block with a mouse inside to the platform to the right and jump
to the right to find the Squish-O-Matic. Place the block to the right of the
machine and kick it. The block will break, freeing the mouse. The mouse will
then head for the machine for the kill. Do it for the other blocks.

Head for the door to complete it. :)

  Door 4-3
  - - - - - - -

Proceed to the right to find a moving block. Kick that block all the way to
the right until it falls off the edge, then stand on the weak blocks to
break them. This will leave a gap for you to jump in and continue kicking
the block until it hits the wall on the right.

Ride up on the moving platform and go to the left. Get around to the top and
grab the basic block near the trap, and then go to the top of the trap. Stand
on the edge of the platform so that you can break the single weak block that
is at the top, but DO NOT fall in.

Take that basic block and go to the right. If you look at that platform under
the trap you'll see a raised block at the end. Like this:


________| |__

Place the basic block on top of that raised block, so then the rats that come
out of the pipe will be turned to the left. Wait for all the rats to turn
left and get trapped in the area on the left, under a pipe. Pick up the basic
block when they're set.

Now I suggest you go around and kick all the magic blocks, as well as kill the
two birds. There are some along the middle platform, some in the top-right
corner, and some along the small platforms at the top. There will be plenty
of pies in there, which means killing the birds should be a breeze.

Trapping the rats requires setting up quite a few things. First take the
basic block and put it in the gap between the platforms above the trap, then
gather all three vertical pipes and the curved pipe and bring them to the
left. Place the curved pipe on the right side of the platform above the fan,
and stack the vertical pipes on top of the curved pipe. And finally, pick up
the fan and put it directly under the long pipe on the left (the one hanging
over the rats). It should all look like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Pipe, CP=Curved pipe)

  P          ______    _ _
  P         P      B _|
  P         P      _|
  P         P     |
  P       _CV     |

         |  |__
__F______|     |__

If it's as I have it above, the rats will fly up the pipe, land next to the
curved pipe, travel up the vertical pipes, and the basic block will keep them
from wandering to the left. You might as well head back to the door because
the rats are all toast.

  Door 4-4
  - - - - - - -

Go the left and up the wall to find a holder stacked on another one. Take the
top off and lay it on the ground to allow a mouse to get into it. When you
have all four holders filled up with mice, bring two of them to the right side
of the right wall, under the Squish-O-Matic. Use those two to make a path to
the Squish-O-Matic and take the other two there, BUT DO NOT BREAK THEM!
Instead, use those two to make an alternating staircase to reach the platform
right above the machine.

Reach the block and the box on the platform and break the box for some marbles
and the pick up the block. If you want some items, use a block and a holder to
construct a path to the upper left passage, where a wall blocks you. Use a
marble or two to break through to discover some items.

Anyway, put the block on the second layer of the lower pit to allow you to
pick the holders up. Like this:


Pick the holder up and put it by the Squish-O-Matic and kick it towards the
machine. Do it for all holders to complete the objective.

Head for the door after all of this, of course.

  Door 4-5
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and kick the moving block, then go into the large room on the
far right. The room with the trap and rats.

This area is drenched in water drops, so avoid them as best as possible. Go up
to the upper left platforms and you'll see three moving blocks. Kick a moving
block to the right, then kick it to the right again to have it fall down to
the ground. Fall to the bottom and kick the moving block all the way to the
right. Now go back up to the top-left platforms and kick the other two blocks
down to the right so that all three of them are lined up on the ground near
the trap.

Now go up to the moving blocks on the top-right platform. Kick the two moving
blocks to the left one at a time so that they land on the platform in the
middle. Then, kick them down to the right one a time, then go down and kick
the bottom moving block once more. See the steps forming?

Go to the top and kick the last moving block to the left to complete the
steps and get the rats trapped.

Go back near the entrance and fall in the hole to kick the magic block for a
burger, then jump up to the tunnel above the door. Kick all of those magic
blocks starting with the top one to get point items, a squishee, and pies. Go
to the door to exit.

  Door 4-6
  - - - - - - -

Go left and down to find a block. Pick it up and kill the bird to the right,
if you have any weapons on you right now. Anyway, go down to the tunnel with a
bird going through it. Wait until the bird is at the left wall and jump over
it and go through the tunnel. 

You will see some breakable blocks around here. Stand on them to break all of
them. Then, go up to find another mouse and some more weak blocks. Break them
as well. Continue going up, with the help of your block and break the next two
set of weak blocks. All four mice should be going to the base floor if you 
broke all of the weak blocks.

There are four blocks that you have seen around here. Take THREE of them to
the left end of the tunnel where a bird flies through. Place all of those
like this:

|       B______|
|   B

You're done with that part for now.

Place a block under the first step of the underground room where the mice
are, like this:

_________   ____

When all of the mice are on the upper platform, quickly take the block away
and place it on the first step, like this:

_________   ____

The mice will go to the left side of the tunnel now. Take the lone block
in the previous room to the tunnel now. Put the block off the left edge
of the top block you placed, like this:
|     B
|      B_______|   M: Mice should be trapped here
|   B

Remove the right-most block and put it to the right side, out of the way.
Then, put the left-most block on the right edge of the bottom block:

|      B
|      _______B|
|     B

The mice will now climb to the second platform. Quickly take a block
other than the top one and put it off the left edge of the second platform
to complete a staircase to the pipe. When the mice have entered through the
pipe, take a block and QUICKLY go up to the right side, by the Squish-O-
Matic and place it on the lone bump on the surface to prevent the mice from
going over it. The mice will be on their way to the Squish-O-Matic!

Congrats and return to the door!

  Door 4-7
  - - - - - - -

Start by picking up the jar block, then jump up to rat platform above. Place
the jar block on the raised blocks on the right side and jump up onto the
moving platform. From there enter the tunnel on the left.

Ride the moving platform down about halfway to find a special magic block.
Kick it to enter the SECRET AREA! As you should know by now, secret areas are
often the only way to unlock certain doors in the worlds, and this one is no
different. You absolutely have to beat this secret area to gain access to Door
4-8. Quickly go left and stand on the weak blocks to reach the lower area.
Kick that magic block, then keeping making your way down and kick every magic
block along the way. When you reach the spring at the bottom use it to get
back up to the next platform and break through the weak blocks on the right.
Break through the next bunch of weak blocks on the right to get another magic
block, then get down to the bottom to find the spring. Keep kicking magic
blocks until you've bounced all the way to the block at the top for an
extra life.

You will then appear next to a couple of magic blocks, so kick them all to get
items and open up Door 4-8. You can go back to that tunnel on the left if you
want some more

Hop up the spring to get back to the top, then get
up to the rats.

Jump up and get the fan from the top-right corner, then jump back down to the
door level. There are several gaps on the ground, and you have to put down the
fan in the second gap from the left. This gap lines up with the center of the
rat platform.

Now go up and move the jar to the right edge of the platform above the rats.
Go down and pick up the left basic block. Take it and place it on the edge of
the jar to create a step, then take one more basic block and finish the steps
up to the trap.

Do you see how the rats keep falling in the first gap on the door level? Use
the last basic block and cover that gap, and the rats will walk into the fan
and get blown up. After all the rats have climbed up, pick up the jar with
the rat and kick it next to the trap to get the last rat in there.

Well, that's it. Let's get out of here.

  Door 4-8
  - - - - - - -

Kill the bastard bird above immediately (some weapons in the boxes to the


First, take a block from the right and place it off the edge of the same
platform. That will prevent the mice from getting stuck between the fans
along the walls. Now, do this fast: take the OTHER block and go down to the
floor and place it on the second from the right fan. Wait ON the block... when
the mice has passed that block, take it again and place it over the NEXT fan,
to the left. This concludes the hard part.

Take a block and climb the platforms all of the way to the top, where the
Squish-O-Matic is. To the right of the machine, there is a gap between the
stairs. Place the block in that gap, forming a full staircase.

Take the other block and get on the TOP-MOST platform. The mice should be
rattling between the fans in the opposing sides like a pinball. Stand on the
middle of the platform and wait for the mice to go LEFT of you and place the
block. The block will stop the mice... the mice will go over the block instead
of going the other way. The mice will be their way to their death.

Head for the door.

  Door 4-9
  - - - - - - -
Start by going to the left and falling down into the lower room. Kick the
magic blocks on the bottom-left corner and pick up the fan block, and also
try to kill the bird flying around near the springs.

Now jump onto the first spring. DO NOT hold the jump button. Just jump on it
then jump to the next three by holding Right. Once you get to a spring with a
high ceiling, hold the jump button. You can also reach the final spring on
the right by jumping on the invisible platforms in that black wall. Just jump
up from the right side to find them, then jump to the right to reach the

Go over the wall and fall to the right, but aim for the same distance as the
last spring. From here jump up to the platforms and drop off the fan block
somewhere on top, near the trap.

Return to the door where all the rats should now be trapped in jars. Take the
jars and drop them off on top where you left the fan, then pick up the basic
block in the bottom-right corner and take it up to the top as well.

Before trapping the rats you should kick the three magic blocks next to the
trap, starting with the top one. You'll get a health item, point item, and
a VERY IMPORTANT block. It will open access to Door 4-11.

Once everything is over there, take the blocks to the right side of the pit
near the trap. You'll need everything on the right ledge, and it should be
set up according to this diagram:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


The fan is now lined up with the hole next to the trap. Kick all the jars on
the right side to send the rats walking to the left. They'll all be blown
straight into the trap. DO NOT fall into the big hole that is to the left of
the fan and block. You will get stuck.

That'll do it, so get back to the door to exit.

  Door 4-10
  - - - - - - -

and allow at least ONE mouse go up, you're finished. You have to lose a life
and re-do the level.

After picking the fan up, go right and up to get on the second floor. On the
left side, there's four holders waiting for you. Take them one at a time and
go down to the mice and fill it up and leave it on the second floor, not the
base floor. After filling the holders with mice, leave a holder on the right
side of the pipe (second floor) just left of the Squish-O-Matic. Not off the
edge, but ON the pipe. Take the fan and put it off the edge of that holder.
Overall, it should look like this:
               |        |
               |        | SOM: Squish-O-Matic
              ____SOM___|   P: Pipe
             F              F: Fan
            H               H: Holder

Now, place any of the holders on the tiny platform left of the Squish-O-
Matic (right of the fan). Get on the fan and kick the holder to make the
mouse go into the iron maiden. Do it for all four. Ta-da!

Note: If you want a life bonus, take the marbles on the base level and use
it to break the weak blocks above the Squish-O-Matic (stand one block away
from the right wall to make the marble bounce up to the weak blocks). Beyond
those weak blocks lies three boxes, including the one with the coveted life

  Door 4-11
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is a bit complicated, so let's get all of the extras first.
Jump up all the way to the top-left corner of the room. Kick the magic block
to get some marbles. Walk to the left and you'll notice some rows of weak
blocks in the wall. Break the blocks using the marbles to open a tunnel. Watch
out for all the drops and kick the magic blocks starting with the top one.
You'll gain plenty of items and access to Door 4-12.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Enter the area on the right and use the two
jars to trap the rats at the bottom, then drop off the jars on the platform
above the trap. DO NOT kick them yet, just drop them off.

Now take all the pipes and jars that are here and drop them somewhere on the
trap platform. Set everything up according to this picture:

(P=Pipe, J=Jar)

   P  __Trap_
   P J
    P  _______
    P |       |
    |_|  Door |

So the rats will travel up the pipe and end up right there next to the trap
platform, but they are blocked in so the rats will just go back down the pipe.
Make sure you have the jar block in place, or the rats will get trapped and
you'll have to start over.

What you have to do now is grab the other jar and stand on top of the pipe.
The second a rat pops up, drop the jar. If you timed it right the rat will get
pushed up and walk straight into the trap. Repeat this for the other rat that
comes up the pipe.

After that is done, set the two jars on the left side of the trap. Kick the
jars on the left side to make the rats walk into the trap.

All done, let's get out of here.

  Door 4-12
  - - - - - - -

Not too tough. On the platform with the door, jump to the right, into the
black background. If you jumped high enough, you should have landed onto an
invisible platform. Jump straight up to get to a higher one. Have a BIG jump
to the left (mind the bird), onto the tip of the darkness. Jump once again,
straight up. You should be on the top-most point of the room now.

Run to the right and fall into the next room. Break the boxes for a secret
switch to Room 4-13. Pick the holder up and jump on the black background
to the left to climb up the invisible platforms.

Back to the original room... Place the holder under the Squish-O-Matic,
the only obvious position. That will suck in one mouse, but will make
the other three into the Squish-O-Matic.

Take the holder with you and return to the invisible platform BELOW the top-
most one. I repeat, BELOW! Walk to the left and stop when the black back-
ground runs out. Then, jump off to the left and hit the wall. You should end
up on yet another platform that you can't see. Leave the holder here and
kick it. The mouse will fall down to Mr. Death.

  Door 4-13
  - - - - - - -

Start by using the moving platforms to get to the top and go into the tunnel.
Kick the magic blocks at the top to get a couple of the usual items. That's it
for the extras, so go down to the main room.

This is basically a maze of fans, but you just have to know where to put the
blocks. Go down to the bottom-left and pick up a basic block, then cover the
fan that is on the immediate left of the door. The rats will then walk over to
the left and into another fan.

This will put all of the rats into a loop in the middle of the room. Now pick
up the block at the bottom-right and place it on the left edge of the trap



Grab the other basic block and stand on the top platform. If you put down the
block it will cause the rats to start walking to the left. After enough rats
have been stopped, quickly pick up the block and and put it on top of the
other block. The rats will walk straight into the trap.

Keep repeating the process until all the rats have been trapped. If some rats
fall out of the loop, just use the blocks to get them back in.

Well, that's it for this door. One more to go.

  Door 4-14
  - - - - - - -

Easier than the final stage of Room 3....

Destroy the birds as you come across them, if you wish. Just letting you know.

You will find your first pick-able springs here. Take the spring to the right
and place it on the left end of the platform where the door is on. Jump up
to the next floor to break some boxes for items. Use the spring again to
jump up higher to find another spring and some boxes. Use the second spring
to jump up to the final part of the level.

Break the top-most boxes for a life bonus and, of course, the switch to 
room 5!

                                 4.5  World #5

Door locations for World #5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|            | |                       |        ||             |
|    5-1     | |  5-5                  |  5-9   ||             |
|_______     | |_______ _              |______  ||   5-10 5-11 |
|           _| |  5-3  |_|_      5-6            ||_  ________  |
|         _|_|  ____    |_|_    ____           _||_ |          |
|       _|_|  _|    |_    |_|  |    |           ||_ |5-12     ||
|5-2  _|_|  _|        |_      |      |         _||_ |___     | |
|__  |_|  _|     _______|    |    ____|    5-14 ||_ |   |   |__|
|  |_    |      |  5-4      |    | 5-7     _____||  |    |     |
|    |__|       |__________|     |_____     5-8     |     |5-13|
|                                      |____________|      |___|

(Door 5-10 will appear after kicking the special magic block 
 in Door 5-8. Door 5-11 can only be accessed after kicking the 
 special block in Door 5-10, and Doors 5-12 and 5-13 will open 
 once the special block in Door 5-11 is kicked.

 Door 5-14 will open once you have closed all other doors.)

Enemies in World #5 are: Snakes, aliens, flying pigs, birds
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Slice-O-Matic

  Door 5-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by grabbing the fan block on the left. Run to the right and place the
fan block on the lower branch of the second tree, so that the rats will get
blown up, then get blown to the left by the other fan.

Now go to the left again and grab one of the basic blocks. Walk to the right
until you reach the hole in the ground. You have to place the basic block one
space from the left side of the hole. Here's a nice little diagram to better

(B=Block, T=Tree)

____B_   __T

Now go to the left and kick the moving block to the right until it hits the
basic block. This is the first step. Pick up the basic block and place it
at the right edge of the moving block to create the next step, then pick
up the final block near the door and use it to create the last step.

(M=Moving block, B=Block, T=Tree)

      B    T
     B     T
____M_   __T

Now just make sure the rats are on the left side of the steps and they will
climb to their doom.

There are also a couple of extras in here. Jump to the trap platform and jump
up to find an invisible platform. Keep jumping up (avoid the pigs), and you'll
find some magic blocks at the top. Start with the top ones to get point items,
pies, health items, and an extra life.

That was simple, let's move on.

  Door 5-2
  - - - - - - -

There are three blocks for your taking to the left, and a bird to the right.
Destroy the bird and take two blocks to the boxes on the lower right path and
kick all of them apart.

Now, use two of the blocks to block the first two fans from the left. Now,
take the third one and go up to the top, where the mice are. Put the block
on the left side of the mice's pit, to allow them to get down. When all of
the mice are out, take the block and go back down.

Put the block on the third fan from the left. You guessed it - keep the mice
away from the fans and pipes will clogging them with those three blocks. When
all four mice has crossed a block, take that and move it to the next obstacle.

If you clogged all of the fans and pipe without allowing any of the mice get
blown away, the mice will be in their destination.

  Door 5-3
  - - - - - - -

Go to the left and jump to the other roof on the left. Kick the magic blocks
to get more pies and a squishee, and you might as well kill the bird.

Now get the jars and start building steps from the roof of the trap room.
Start on the right edge as always, and once you have four jars you'll need
to go back down and pick up the lowest jar. Repeat the jar stacking until
you can reach the area on the top-right. Kill the alien once you get up there.

Kick the magic block on the right to enter a secret area on the right. Kick
all the magic blocks in this room to score an extra life at the end. You'll
then appear next to a few other magic blocks containing pies and health

After that's finished, it's time to trap the rats. Get the jars and trap all
of the rats inside them. Now take the jars and go into the little room on the
far left. Stack some jars to kick the magic blocks and get a squishee and a
point item.

Now take the jars one at a time and stand on the fan in the little room. Place
the jar on the left edge of the fan, then kick it to release the rat and have
it blown into the pipe. Make sure there is nothing blocking the pipe.

The rats will all go into the trap room you can leave.

  Door 5-4
  - - - - - - -

Alright, as you can see, there are four blocks right there. Take the first one
and go ALL of the way to the right, into the spring area and out. Stop once
you see Bart and his machine. Lay the block over the pit OR to the left of a
small wall. You have to go back and take another block and return here to 
place it in the other place. When finished, it should look like this:

 _______B|B ______SOM       B: Block
|________| |___________   SOM: Slice-O-Matic

Now return to the original point and the blocks... Take one off and go up
to the north-west corner, and place the block there. The mice will be on their
way to that place now. Go back for the last one and return to the NW corner. 
Construct a staircase with your two blocks, to allow the mice over the wall.

Once the mice are over, quickly take one of the blocks to the platform just
below the door and put it against the next platform. Go back and get the other
block. Place that on the next platform, also against the one AFTER that.


Then, grab the first one once the mice goes over it to the next platform
and place it on the END of the platform, not the edge. Again, take the other
one once the mice are over it and place it off the EDGE of the first block.
Like this:

Quickly take one of the blocks away as the mice are over them and move to
the gap between the platform and the pipe up ahead. Of course, put the
block on that gap to allow the mice to the pipe.

If you followed my directions and put the FIRST two in their positions
by the Slice-O-Matic when this level began, the mice will be seeing angels.

*NOTE! Want a bonus life??? Look on the right wall of the spring area, you
should see a slight difference of the texture of the wall. That's the secret
passage. Jump into and follow the mystery path to the blocks. One of those
blocks has a 1-Up.

  Door 5-5
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the far left and killing that bird. Kick those two magic
blocks to get pies and a horn. Now go to the right and climb up the tree near
the entrance to find the trap and a bunch of magic blocks. Kick them all to
get point and health items.

Pick up the basic block on the ground, then go down the tunnel next to it.
You'll find the rats in a room on the right.

Pick up the three blocks to release the rats, then use the three blocks to
build steps that go up to the tunnel on the left. Now, pick up a block and
quickly run to the left. Put the block down on the third space from the left
wall, then put another block on the left edge of the first block.


|      ___
| B

The rats will walk in and get trapped. Now take the other two blocks and build
some steps that go to the next platform on the right.

|      ___
| B   B

Grab a block from mini trap and put in on the platform, on the third space
from the right. Grab the other block and put it down on the right edge of the
block to build another one of those traps.

|____      |
|        B |
|      _B__|
|     B

Use the other two blocks to build steps up to the left platform, then build
another trap to enclose the rats again. Repeat this until the rats reach the
platform at the top, then use two blocks to keep the rats on the left platform.

Now, to get the rats up to the grass requires some speed and quick reflexes.
Get the two blocks that make up the trap and set them up like this:

|______|   |
|         B|
|        B |
|      ____|
|     B    |
|____B     |

The absolute SECOND that the rats pass over the first step block, pick it up
and put it at the bottom of the steps that go up to the grass. If any rats
fall then you'll have to go through all the platforms again, so don't mess up!

Once the rats get up to the grass, take two blocks and trap them on the grass.
Pick up the other two blocks and go to the right, over that metal barrier.
Cover the pipe in the ground with one block, then put the other block in front
of the pipe on the right.

Now go back and wait for the rats to walk to the right, then take one of the 
blocks from the left and put it next to the metal barrier. The rats will climb
over the metal barrier and make their way to the right. Pick up a block again
and rush over to the right, and put down the block next to the other block
that you had on the right to create steps.

The rats will climb up the steps and get blown across several fans until they
get stuck between two fans at the top. Take two blocks to the top of the tree
and put them as if you were building steps to the platform over the trap. Wait
for the rats to be on the LEFT side before putting the second block.

Once you put that second block the rats will stop and walk over the platform
and into the trap.

After all this you can finally leave.

  Door 5-6
  - - - - - - - 

Kill the snake on the bottom if you wish. Take the basic block on the top of
a pipe and enter the big room in the middle, with the rats. Create a two-
step staircase one space away from a wall (left or right) to group the rats
so they won't be too far apart.

Take a block other than the ones you used as the group trap (leave them there)
and place it off the left edge of the first pyramid (bottom). Take one more
(there is one on the right platform above the pyramids) and place it off the
right edge of the topmost pyramid.

Now, quickly take one of the blocks from the trap and place it off the left
edge of the left pyramid. Go back for the last block and place it on the top
of that block. Overall, it would look like this:

           _| |_
         _|     |
   B  |_________
  _| |_
_|     |_
           _| |_
         _|     |_
       _|         |_

As the mice goes over the first (bottom) block, take it and wait for the mice
to hit the left blocks and place the block off the right edge of the left 

           _| |_
         _|     |    M: Mice
   B  |_________
  _| |_
_|     |_

That should get the mice up the top pyramid. They will cross the top block,
toward the right platform. Get a block and get on the right platform
(watch out for the snake if you haven't killed him) and jump off the other
end. Place the block on the pipe to the left of the Slice-O-Matic. That
will clog the pipe from the mice.

Say bye-bye, mousey.

  Door 5-7
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and break through the three weak blocks, then kick the magic
blocks starting with the top ones to get point and health items. Pick up the
jar on the left.

Go back to the top, near the moving blocks. There are four moving blocks,
numbered 1 through 4 starting from the top. Put the jar on the left edge of
moving block 2.


   J 1

Now go and kick moving block 1 to the left. Pick up the jar again and put it
on the left edge of moving block 4.

 J 3

Go and kick moving block 2 to the left, then kick moving block 1 to the left


So moving block 1 is now free. Pick up the jar, then kick this moving block
to the left and it will fall over the edge. Put the jar next to the trap
platform on the left so it sits next to the wall.


Kick the moving block to the left and it will stop at the jar. Now use the jar
to cover that pipe in the ground and get the rats to the left. After they have
all passed over the pipe, pick up the jar and complete the steps up to the

Once all the rats have been destroyed, take the jar and put it on the trap
platform. Kick it from the right side to release the rat and finally complete
this door.

This one was easier than the last few doors, so let's move on.

  Door 5-8
  - - - - - - - 

Ignore everything and go to the lower right corner to find some boxes set
in a row. Break all of them to reveal some marbles for your usage. Now, use
the moving platform to get to the first platform to the right. Take the
block (not the fan) and put it front of the pipe, to the southwest of you.

Take the next block (on the second platform this time) and ride the moving
platform all of the way to the top and jump off to the left. Place the
block above the pipe coming from underneath. It should block two pipes,
one below, one to the left. Now go back down and grab the fan facing left
(second platform). Follow the platforms against the wall up until you reach
the THIRD from the last platform. Place the fan on the left end, not off the
edge, of the platform.

Get the last item: the fan that faces upward. Go to the room left of the
room with all of that boxes you found. There should be some mice there. Put
the fan on the piece of ground second from the left side. That should lead
the mice up to the pipe that takes them to the next room. If you placed it
in an incorrect position, the mice would come back, so you'll know.

Take the fan that faces up again and go to the next room to the right.
Get on any platform on the right and drop off the edge without going too
far. That should get you the exact spot where you need to put your fan.
Place the fan there (fifth spot from the right) and the mice will go up to
the next fan, and finally to the left.

To give you an idea:
P                            ____|
P<<                              |

                            KRUSTY'S SUPER FUN HOUSE
                              FAQ/WALKTHROUGH v0.9

                         Based on the Super NES version
                         Originally written by SubSane
                          Updated by Martin Dale-Hench
                         Last updated September 04, 2005



     1.1 Game Details
     1.2 Story

     2.1 Game Start
     2.2 Status Screen
     2.3 Controls
     2.4 Blocks
     2.5 Items
     2.6 Points


     4.1 World #1
     4.2 World #2
     4.3 World #3
     4.4 World #4
     4.5 World #5
     4.6 Conclusion


     6.1 Version History
     6.2 Guide Credits
     6.3 Contact Information
     6.4 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ========================================================

                              1.1  Game Details

The Super NES version of Krusty's Super Fun House was actually a change from 
the versions that came out for the NES, Master System, and Gameboy. However,
it is the same as the Genesis version.
Released by Flying Edge Inc. in 1992 and developed by Fox Williams and

                                1.2  Story

Message from Krusty the Clown:

H-h-hi kids!

Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house up in the Springfield hills
and I need your help to get rid of them!

These rats are real dumb, they just walk around climbing over anything that
isn't bigger than they are. If they reach a wall or barrier that is higher
than them, they'll just turn around and go the other way...

Use the blocks and items that you find lying around to move the rats around
the level to those wacky traps where Bart, Homer and my faithful helpers
Sideshow Mel and Corporal Punishment are ready to help us get rid of those

Good luck...!


===== 2.0 THE BASICS ==========================================================

                                2.1  Game Start

Push Start
You'll be sent straight to a password screen, but if you don't have a password
just press Start to begin.

                              2.2  Status Screen

Block box
The dotted line box in the top-left corner is where your blocks are held.

The six digits in the top-center represent your points. Points grant extra
lives, but this game is too easy to lose any lives in.

The item second from the right is your current weapon. The weapons will always
be either pies or marbles.

The Krusty icon in the top-right is the number of lives you have.

This is something I should mention. This is NOT in the HUD, but you only have
ten hits before you lose a life. You can replenish health with burgers, chips,
and squishees.

You can tell when Krusty is low on health because he will start to breathe

                                2.3  Controls

    Command      |  Character Action           |  Other           
    Left         |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Right        |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Up           |  Enter the doors            |  Navigate menus
    Down         |  Pick up/drop blocks        |  Navigate menus
    B button     |  Jump                       |  -
    Y button     |  Throw pies, kick blocks    |  -
    A button     |  -                          |  -
    X button     |  -                          |  -
    Select       |  Quit and exit a door       |  -
    Start        |  Pause                      |  Select in the menus

                                 2.4  Blocks

    Block type   |  Purpose of block
    Blue         |  Basic block, used for climbing
    Pipe         |  Both vertical and L-shaped, used for pipes
    Fan          |  Blows rats up, left, or right
    Spring       |  Used to bounce up
    Jar          |  Holds one rat, kick to bust open
    Barrel       |  Can be kicked to the side
    Purple       |  Kick to reveal items, open new areas, reveal new purple
                    blocks, or reveal platforms
    Brown        |  Can be broken by standing on or using marbles

                                   2.5  Items

    Item         |  Purpose of item
    Pies         |  Weapons
    Marbles      |  Weapons
    Krusty icon  |  Extra life
    Burgers      |  Replenish health
    Squishee     |  Replenish health
    Chips        |  Replenish health
    Spotted bag  |  10 points
    Mug          |  20 points
    Horn         |  50 points

                                  2.6  Points

Points are good for extra lives, but there are plenty of extra lives in the
game anyway. So, points are optional.

    Action/Item    |  Points
    Spotted bag    |  10
    Mug            |  20
    Horn           |  50
    Room 1 enemy   |  100
    Room 2 enemy   |  100
    Room 3 enemy   |  500
    Room 4 enemy   |  500
    Room 5 enemy   |  1000

You can also get points from beating timed stages before time runs out. Timed
stages give you plenty of time, so it shouldn't be a problem.


===== 3.0 QUICK TIPS ==========================================================

- - - - -
Try to group the rats as often as possible. You can do this by trapping the 
rats in a small space so that they all become a very tight group.

 There are three ways:

 (B=Block, F=Fan)

 | B

 | B


 The top one is for three available blocks, the bottom one is best when only
 two blocks are available. They both make it easier to manage large groups. 

 The third method involves using a fan that is facing a wall or another block.
 Remember, the fan has to face TOWARD the wall or block.

 They may not always be mentioned in the guide, but keep these methods in mind.

Thinking Ahead
- - - - - - - -
Always go through an entire door before starting to trap the rats. It's best 
to know what's ahead so you can plan out the best possible method to trap the

Don't Kill
- - - - - -
Sometimes it's best to avoid an enemy, if possible. You can conserve precious
ammo, especially the marbles since they are sometimes needed to access areas in
a door.


===== 4.0 WALKTHROUGH =========================================================

                                 4.1  World #1

Door locations for World #1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
|                                      |           |
|____    1-1      1-2      1-3         |   ________|
|    |____________________________     |  |        |
|                                      |  |   1-7  |
| 1-8        1-6     1-5      1-4      |__|   _____|

(Door 1-7 cannot be accessed until you kick the special magic block in Door
 1-4. Door 1-8 will open once you have beaten Doors 1-1 through 1-7.)

Enemies in World #1 are: Snakes
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Smash-O-Matic

  Door 1-1
  - - - - - - -

Very simple first door. Go to the right and grab the basic block that is on the
small platform by pressing Down while on top of it. Don't use the block for the
mice yet. Take it to the right and place it next to the wall to get in the 

Go through and you'll find a room with a snake in it. One pie will kill the 
snake. Press B to kick the magic block and get some point items.

Go back to the hole where the mice fell into and place the block on the right 
edge of the hole. The mice will now climb up and go into Bart's trap. Go back
to complete the first door.

 Door 1-2
  - - - - - - -

Jump onto the platform to the right and hop to the left to get onto the moving
platform. You might miss it, but try again and get on it. Once there, step
onto the next platform to the right and pick up the block (down while on it)
and drop to the base level with the mice.

Place the block on the base of the double-stacked platform on the ground to 
let the mice climb over it. When all 4 have crossed the platform, pick it up 
and put it on the right-most area (against the wall). The mice will climb to 
the next pipe and toward Bart's machine. You're done with the mice now!

Scale the wall to the right and go down to the 'tunnel' and continue to the
right. Once you see a path underneath, take the right fork to find a snake.
Bang him (her?) away with a burger. Return to the fork and take the left path
to find several platform under a moving platform. Take it to return to the
area with the door. (You can find a 1-UP in the left-most block in the left-
most alcove.)

  Door 1-3
  - - - - - - -

This door looks complicated, but it's easy. The rats will walk themselves right
next to the trap, so don't worry about them. Run to the right (grab the block)
until you see the first pipe. Place the block over that pipe in the 
ground to block it and ensure that the rats walk over it. But if a rat falls in
all you have to do is wait for it to return. You'll need that same basic block 
make a staircase in the hole that is next to the trap and kill all the rats.

Now climb up to the upper levels from the right side. On the top you'll have 
to kill some snakes, but there are also magic blocks containing pies, and 
point items.

All done, let's get to the next door.

  Door 1-4
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and climb up the stairs to enter a large greenhouse of sorts. 
Jump along the tops of the palm trees and get the marbles from the block at 
the top of a tree, then pick up the block on the platform just below. Use a
marble or two to break open the cracked wall that is to the upper right. 

Go inside and you'll see some breakable blocks with point items, then at the 
very top you'll find another block. Kick this block to unlock the opening 
to Door 1-7.

Go back down and avoid or kill the snake, because now they fire spit from 
their mouths. The mice should be near the trap already, so just get yourself 
to the right.

There are two separate groups of rats, so go to the upper right corner of the 
room. Step on the left block of the platform that those rats are on, and it 
will break. The rats will fall through and eventually join the other group of
rats on the ground.

Once the rats are together, place the block you have in your hands next to the
pots to have the rats climb over. After all the rats have gone over, quickly 
take the blue block and place it on the very left edge of the platform between
the pipes. Here's how it should look: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

 PPPP            PPPP
     B___________   P

The rats will come out of the pipe on the right and climb up to the other pipe
using the block. That pipe will then drop them off in front of the trap. 

Memorize that block strategy because in the later stages you will be using it.

All done here, let's go to 1-5.

  Door 1-5
  - - - - - - -

This door is left of Door 1-4. Go inside and to the right. Make your way down 
the stairs to find a snake (kill it off if you can) and a pipe block, a new 
type of block that you will start to see.

Pick it up and place it under the stairway so you can jump up there again, 
then continue to the right. Kick that single magic block and use the moving 
platform to reach the basic block at the top. Pick that up and go all the way
back to the entrance.

So, now you can reach the magic block in mid air, which will give up some 
marbles. Use them to bust through the weak blocks on the left, where you will 
find more magic blocks with point items, as well as some pies. Make sure to
pick up the basic block again.

When you reach the bottom and go right you will find more magic blocks. Kick 
them to get more stuff, then kill the snake and kick the magic block at the
end of the path. That will take you to a bonus room where, if you collected 
all the items, you will get an extra life.

Leave and go up the other new area to find yourself back in the main hall. 
Go to the right this time and ride the platform to the top. Jump on the 
platform under the trap and stand on the dark blocks to break them. Keep 
doing this until you reach the bottom.

Now that the rats are in position you will need that pipe block. Go back
and get it, then jump under the trap and jump into the gap on the right. You
should see that there is a gap between the vertical and horizontal pipes. 
Place the pipe into the gap to connect the two.

Now go back and pick up the basic block from where ever you dropped it. Go
back down to the bottom and to the right, where you'll find a small gap
between a pipe and the ground. Your job is to place the block between the
ground and the pipe so it's in mid-air. Check section 3.0 for the details,
in case you already forgot.

So, the block goes between the pipe and the edge, creating a step for the rats.
You may not get all the rats at once, but keep doing it until they all get up
to the trap.

We're done, let's move on.

  Door 1-6
  - - - - - - -

Go left and pick the lone block to open up a path to the right. Go through
the narrow passage to a wide open area. Scale the platforms to the upper right,
and get on the center platform with all of the mice. Ignore them and continue 
to the left and grab the block on the way.

You may want to place the block on the left indent sticking out
under the hole in the ceiling. (Watch out for debris [eggs?] coming from
above) Jump from it to propel yourself to the top-most platform to find some
blocks for you, including some burgers and a 1-UP. Then, go back to the mice 
pit and put the block on the right side, allowing the mice to jump off to 
the side. That will lead them straight to Bart's machine and their death

Simply go back to the left of the room for the door to leave.

  Door 1-7
  - - - - - - -

The access to this door will open when you kick the special magic block in 
Door 1-4.

This door requires you to be very fast in order to trap the rats. Fall into the
hole just ahead, then you will find three more gaps to fall into. Fall into the
middle hole.

The path will lead you through a tunnel. You may run into drops and snakes,
but they shouldn't be a problem. On the way, you'll see a basic block. Pick it
up, of course. Once you see the trap find the hole in front and place the basic 
block over the hole. By blocking that hole the rats will
climb over and go into the trap.

Now go all the way to the left and you'll find a platform and some magic 
blocks. You'll get point items, health items, and an extra life.

That wasn't too difficult, now let's go to the final door.

  Door 1-8
  - - - - - - -

You cannot access this door until you beat the first seven doors. 

Drop down levels and kill the snakes as they come (6 total) with your weapon.
Keep going until you reach a room via a right corridor. Break the block on
the lower right corner to unlock World 2. Break all of the others for some
more goodies (weapons, burgers, etc.) Pick up the basic block,  too.

When going back up to the door, use the block to propel yourself up an
unreachable level.

Go back to the entrance to close Room #1 and gain access to Room #2.

                                 4.2  World #2

Door locations for Room #2.
|                                               |      |
|      2-9    2-8    _________                  |      |
|_    ___________             |  2-5  2-6  2-7  |      |
| |_             |_    2-4    |  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  |___   |
|   |_             |______   _|                       _|
|     |_       2-10   |    _|  2-3   2-2   2-1      _| |
|       |_____________|____________________________|   |

(You cannot access Doors 2-5 through 2-7 until you kick the special purple
 block in Door 2-2. Door 2-10 will open once you defeat all the other doors.)

Enemies in World #2 are: Aliens
Trap assistant will be: Homer and the Zap-O-Matic

  Door 2-1
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going up and finding three blue blocks. Pick one up and fall down
next to the pipe. Place it under the pipe, then go back up and grab another
block. Place the next block at the base, so that you build steps.

Example: (P=Pipe, B=Block)


Keep this method in mind because you will have to use it again. Anyway, go to
the top and pick up the third blue block, then go to the right. You will reach
a wall you can't jump over, so drop the block next to it. Go back and get the
block that you dropped on the floor and put it on top of the one next to the
wall. Now you can jump over the wall.

When you see the moving platforms, climb on them. They will lead you to a long
line of brown blocks. These break away, so what you have to do is walk to the
left and don't stop. When you get to the end of this path you'll find some
purple blocks containing point items, pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and kill the alien. He shoots beams, so watch out for those.
Next, break through the brown blocks on the ground. Go to the left end of the
tunnel to find a blue block, then go all the way to the right. Bust open the 
purple block to get an extra life.

Get yourself to the top and use the blue block to get the three rats into the
trap. Once they're in, pick up the blue block again and go back toward the
door. Place the block on the last step next to that wall to get back over it.

Get to the door to exit.

  Door 2-2
  - - - - - - -

Move forward and kick the barrel forward to have it fall down. Keep kicking it
down the tunnels, but NEVER kick it to the wall. It'll get stuck. Keep kicking
the barrel until it lands on the ground, next to the trap.

Before we proceed, go back near the top and jump through the thin pipes near
the door. Make your way through the pipe maze, keeping in mind that you can
only jump up through horizontal pipes. When you get to the laser gun, avoid
it's shots. Go through the tunnel and kill the aliens. When you get to the 
open space go up, kicking any purple blocks you see.

The purple block that is surrounded by thick pipes leads to a secret area. 

You will get an extra life if you beat it, plus a VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THING!

Sorry, I had to make sure you realize that the secret area in here is very
important. You must get all of the items in a short amount of time. One tip:
when you get the first mug, jump into the hole and then back up to get the bag
on the right side. Now I mean it, you have to beat this secret area no matter
what!!! If you mess up, Pause and press C to exit and come back in.

When you beat it you'll get the extra life like I mentioned, but you'll appear
at a different door. Next to this door is the VERY IMPORTANT thing. A purple
block. Kick it to gain access to doors 2-5 through 2-7.

Go up and kick the purple block, then make your way back to the tunnels you
came from. Walk right and you'll end up in a room with an alien and the rats.
Kill the alien and make your way up to the rat platforms.

Kick the first barrel to the left, then hop up to the next platform and
kick the other barrel to the right. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Fall down and go all the way to the left until you see some brown blocks. Use
your marbles to break them all, then kick the barrel from the beginning all the
way to the right. You need that barrel to fall into that gap where the rats
can't climb over.

Once the rats climb up that'll be it, so let's move on.

  Door 2-3
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left. Go past the trap and enter the first tunnel you
see. You'll find a blue block. Take this blue block to the ledge beside the

Now, there is a bit of creative thinking when trying to get the rats into this
trap. Place this first block four spaces from the edge at the bottom.

Example: (B=Block)


The block at the bottom is that first block, placed four spaces from the edge.
Now go left, but hop up the platforms to the next tunnel you see. The moving
laser guns in the middle will be firing laser bolts, so look out.

This next tunnel will lead to a large room that has silver platforms leading to
the bottom. Get to the bottom and kill the alien, then get the point items and
pick up the blue block. Take the blue block back to the trap.

Place the block directly on top of the first one. This is temporary, and make
sure none of the rats get stuck. Now go all the way back to the tunnel
entrance. Hop up the platforms again to reach a third tunnel at the top. There
will be two aliens in here, so kill them off easily. Pick up the blue block and
take it back to the trap. Place it anywhere you like for now. We'll fix it

Now it's time to handle the right side. Go to the right and hop up to the
second tunnel you see. Kick that purple block to get some marbles. Go up to
the next tunnel and use the marbles to break through the brown block barrier.
You'll find a blue block in there. There's nothing in the very top tunnel, so
don't worry about it.

Go drop off the block next to the others, but don't do anything yet. Go to the
right again and go inside the pipe tunnel.
There will be an alien on those red blocks, so use whatever weapon you have to
kill it. Kick the purple blocks on the right edge to get some point items.

Now use the brown blocks to climb to the top. These blocks break away, so DO
NOT stay on them. Just quickly hop from one to the next. When you get to the
row on top keep going left because these break away much quicker. The purple
block will contain some chips. Jump onto the brown blocks that are just below
to get some pies from the purple block.

All right, we can finally get the rats into the trap! Go and set the blocks up
according to this diagram:
    | B
    |  B

The block at the bottom is that first one, so just set up the other three to
build the steps. Make sure none of the rats get trapped.

The rats will then climb to their doom, so this door is done.

  Door 2-4
  - - - - - - - 

One of the easiest stages in the first 2 worlds.

Quickly head to the right and pick the block by the pipe and jump right. You
will see another block blocking the other side of the pipe. Leave the block
you have right now RIGHT NEXT to it and pick the one blocking the pipe up.
Now, do not step on any of the weak blocks. Wait for all three mice to pass
through the pipe and walk over the blocks. Now, as soon the third mice leaves
your screen to the right, RUN over the weak blocks and place the basic block
by the gap to the right. If you are quick enough, all three should make it to
the trap. If at least one miss, you'll have to jump down to the bottom area.

Now, there are three alien 'ships' around here. Don't mind them, just dodge 
their 'lasers' or whatever. Place the block under the first alien ship's
metal thingy, it should look like this:

_         _
 |_      | |_
   |____B|   |_

Wait for the mice to come (they should come if you unclogged the pipes
quickly enough!). When they goes across the block, pick it up again and
move to the next two-layer wall (like the above picture) and place the
block in its intended position. After that, fast-forward to the end of 
the wall to the right and place the block against the wall there. The 
mice will climb up to the 'fan'/'blower' and go up to Homer J. Simpson 
and his Zap-O-Matic.

To return to the door, follow the path west of the three alien ships
and go up the platforms.

  Door 2-5
  - - - - - - -

This door can't be accessed until you kick the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

This one has only one rat, but it's quite difficult when trying to figure it
out. Of course you don't have to if you're reading this guide.

Let's take care of everything else first. Ignore all rats and blocks and fall
down to the bottom. Kill those two aliens. Keep walking to the right and kill
the third alien you come across.

Hop up to the upper level (near the trap), and ride that moving platform to the
right. Kick the purple block to get some marbles. Ride the platform back to the
left and hop up to the level with the brown blocks. Use the marbles to break
through and kick the purple blocks to get some chips, pies, and point items.

All right, let's trap the rat. Pick up a blue block and fall into the hole left
of the door. Now you have to block a series of fans and pipes. Let me

(P=Pipe, F=Fan, B=Block)
                                            _|  |
                                          _|    |
                                        _|      |
_____P______________F___P_____F___F____|        |_________P___

This is a diagram showing all of the pipes and fans that you need to block
using the three blue blocks near the door. 

Start by blocking the first pipe, then place another block on the fan that
follows. Grab the third block and use it to get the rat out of it's spot. Pick
up the block again when the rat is out and place it on the next pipe.

Once the rat has passed over the first pipe, pick up that block and cover the
next fan in the way. Once the rat has passed over the first fan, pick up the
block and cover the third fan in the way. When the rat has passed over the
second pipe, take that block and cover the fan at the top of the steps. When
the rat has passed over the fan at the top of the steps, take that block and
cover the last pipe in the way.

This is the more complicated way. If you're quick enough all you really need
is one block.

Whew, that was a whole lot of moving. Unfortunately, we're only half done. Now
we have to get the rats up some platforms and onto the level with the trap.
It's time to whip out the ol' step method.

So, leave the block that is covering the pipe alone. Go back and pick up the
two blocks we left behind and bring them here. Hop onto the first pyramid
platform and place a block out on the right edge. Grab another block and place
it on the right edge of the first block. It should look like this:


Now, take away the first block and place it on the left edge of the block that
is covering the pipe. Like this:

The rat has to be on the right side of the steps so it can climb up. The
absolute SECOND the rat gets onto the pyramid, take away the top block and
place it at the top of the pyramid. Like this:

     B       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__

Again, the absolute SECOND the rat turns around, take that block from the top
of the pyramid and make a step, like this:

     _       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__B

The rat will climb up the steps and over onto the next pyramid platform. Take
another block and trap the rat between the top of the pyramid and the wall.

Now take the block at the very bottom and the one in mid air and make steps
that lead to the third platform. Quickly take away the block that has the rat
trapped and place it at the edge of the third platform. Once the rat has gone
over one of the other blocks, pick one up and place it at the left edge of the
other block to build steps up to the next level.

Once the rat has climbed over one of the blocks, take it and quickly cover the
hole that is between two pyramid platforms on this level. The rat will walk
itself the rest of the way and get zapped.

Man, was that not A LOT OF HELL? Seriously, it's not too tough. It just takes
an understanding of the step method. I hope by now you got it.

That's finally done, let us go on.

  Door 2-6
  - - - - - - - 

This door can only be accessed after kicking the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

Well, we're back to the step method in this door. There is only one rat, and
you have to build steps to platforms using blue blocks.

But first, let's take care of the extras. Go to the right and fall into the
first hole you see. There will be two aliens in this bottom area, so kill
them and get the marbles from the purple block.

Now go up to the top and use the moving platforms to reach the brown blocks
in the top-left corner. Bust through with some marbles and you'll get access
to a whole bunch of point items. Remember to kick the purple blocks on top
first, then the ones at the bottom.

Go back down and jump across the platforms until you see a purple block. Kick
it to get some pies.

Now it's time to trap the rat. Leave the blue block that is covering the pipe,
and pick up one of the others. Place it at the base of the thick pipes to the
right. Pick up another block and place it on the right half of the highest
pipe next to the platform. Pick up two more block and use them to build steps
up to the platform. Like this:

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

As soon as the rat climbs over that first block at the base of the pipes, pick
it up and place it on the small pipe that's on the platform. Like this:


When the rat has passed over the first step, take that block. Wait for the rat
to be between the two small pipes on the platform, then block him in like this:

 B  B

Take the other two blocks and build some steps to the next platform. Now, the
next platform has two more small pipes. Grab the right block from the first
platform, and place it on the right pipe of the second platform. When the rat
is between the pipes of the second platform, trap him.

            B   B

Take the two step blocks and build some steps to the third platform. Take the
right block from the second platform and place it on the single pipe of the
third platform. Then take the left block from the second platform and place it
on the right pipe.

      B  B

Now, go all the way back and pick up the fan block that is facing up. Take it
and jump to the top-left platform, the one with a pipe hanging over it. Place
the fan directly under the pipe.

Now, wait for the rat to start walking to the right and pick up the block that
was on the left pipe. Place it on the left edge of the left pipe.

Once the rat starts walking left, pick up the block that was on the right and
use it to complete the steps that lead up to the fan. The rat will then just
walk into the fan, and the pipe will lead it to the trap. A quick reminder:
DO NOT jump into the trap area. You'll get stuck.

Let's move on to the next door.

  Door 2-7
  - - - - - - - 

This door can only be accessed after kicking the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

Well, it's about time we get a break. This door may seem complicated, but it's
very easy. First go to the right and make your way through the pipes. Remember
that you can only jump through horizontal pipes. Along the way you'll find a
purple block with some pies.

If you go to the top-right of the pipes you'll come out on the other side.
Fall to the bottom and you'll face two aliens, and find a blue block at the

Grab the block and go back into the pipes. Make your way to the top-left of
the pipes now and jump to the left side of the room. Avoid the laser gun. On
the far left side you'll find some point items and a burger.

Now fall down near the trap and place the block to build a step to the pipe.
See, here you have to make a rat go into the pipe, then pick up the block and
place it in the hole between the trap platform and the pipes. You'll see what
I mean.

It might take a couple of times to get all the rats, but it's still extremely
easy. Let's move on to the next door.

  Door 2-8
  - - - - - - - 

Hey all right, another easy one! Fall straight to the bottom-left corner. There
are two laser guns going up and down, so watch out for them. Kick those purple
blocks starting with the top ones to get some pies, chips, and point items.

Now jump up through the pipes on the right side. At the top you'll find a blue
block, so pick it up. Go over the top and to the rat hole on the left. Place
the block as a step so any rats that come out will fall over. Wait for all of
the rats to go over, then jump over yourself.

Now the final simple part is to use the block to create a step to the steps
that are already on the right side of the trap. It may take a couple of times
to get all the rats, but it's still way easy.

To get back to the door, go around the right side and over the top. Go into
the spot where the rats were and fall over, but fall to the left. You will
land on a piece of pipe. Now just jump up to the door.

Great, another simple door defeated. On to the next door.

  Door 2-9
  - - - - - - -

This door is huge, but not that hard to beat. Start off by falling down the
hole to the left and killing the alien along the way. Pick up the block when
you see it, then jump up through the small tunnel to get back to the door. Go
to the left again and use the block to get over the high wall.

Kill the alien in the first hole, then kill the next alien you see. Go through
the tunnel and fall down. Find the rat and pick up the block next to it, then
go up to the platform near a laser gun. Place the block on the left edge of
the platform and jump onto the small ledges on the left.

Jump up and kick any purple blocks to get some pies, a squishee, and point
items. Kill the alien as well. Fall back to the bottom and pick up the blue
block again.

Jump over the thick pipe next to the rat and you'll find the trap. Don't worry
about it yet, and keep going to the right. Place the blue block over the lower
purple block you see to create a step. You can now kick the higher purple
block to get an extra life. Take away the blue block and get bag from the other
purple block. Don't go on the right side yet.

That's it for the extras, let's trap the rat. Fall into the hole that is left
of the rat area and pick up the fan block on the left. You can drop the block
here for now. Fall in the hole and place the fan right under the trap
platform, but not directly under. Place it under and one space to the left.

(F=Fan, P=Pipe, B=Block)



Now go back to where the three blocks are gathered. Take one block and cover
the pipe that is on the ground. Take another block and cover one of the pipes
on the left, then take the third block and cover the other pipe.


Go back around all the way to where you dropped the first block you had and
pick it up. Use this block to build a step for the rat to get out. Now rush
to the spot where you placed all the blocks and place this block to complete
the steps.


Wait for the rat to walk over, then grab those three blocks and build some
steps up to the thick pipes.

   B PP
  B  PP

This next part must be done quickly. As soon as the rat walks over the block
that is covering the pipe on the ground, pick up that pipe and run all the way
to the trap. Stand on the left edge of the platform as if you were going to
place the block on the edge, but wait.

After the rat flys up in the air place the block on the edge. The rat will
then land on the block and walk into the trap.

See, not too tough. Go to the right and kick the purple block along the way to
get a burger, then follow the tunnel at the top to go back to the door and

  Door 2-10
  - - - - - - - 

This door cannot be accessed until you close all of the other doors.

Go up the tunnel until you get to the laser guns. Jump across the gaps until
you pass a third laser gun. Try to avoid any aliens along the way.

Make a far jump to the right to find yourself in an area with two aliens and
some purple blocks. Kill the aliens, then kick the purple blocks to get point
items, chips, an extra life, and to kick the special purple block that will
close Room #2 and open Room #3.

You're done with the whole room, so go to the entrance and leave.

                                 4.3  World #3

Door locations for Room #3.
|            |                                                |
|            |             3-5  3-6                           |
| 3-1     ___|           __________                           |
|____   _|   |      3-4     |      |_     3-12 3-13           |
|     _|     |     _________|_     | |_   ---------  3-11 3-14|
|    |_______|    |  |      |  3-10|   |             _________|
| 3-2            |   |    --|______|    |  3-8 3-9  |         |
|____           |    | 3-7  |            |_________|          |
|    |_        |     |______|                                 |
|      |_ 3-3 |                                               |
|        |___|                                                |

(Door 3-7 can be accessed after kicking the special purple block in Door 3-5.
 Door 3-10 can be accessed after kicking the special purple block in Door
 3-8. Doors 3-12 and 3-13 can be accessed after kicking the special purple
 block in Door 3-11. Door 3-14 will open once you have closed all of the
 other doors.)

Enemies in World #3 are: Flying pigs, snakes
Trap assistant will be: Sideshow Mel and the Pop-O-Matic

  Door 3-1
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the right and use the group of red springs to get to the platform at the
top. Hold the jump button to go higher each time you hit the springs. Grab the
fan block and jump down, then use the next spring to get over the wall.

Fall down and go left to find the trap, a blue block, and a barrel block.
First you need to drop the fan block. Look at the steps that lead up to the
left. Do you see how they are single spaces, but then the steps get wider? You
need to put the fan on the left side of the very first wide step. 

Now go and pick up the blue block, then kick the barrel to the right twice. The
barrel will fall onto the platform below. The trap platform has two elevated
spaces on the left. Put the blue block on the right space.

Now just wait. The rats will eventually make their way up the long steps, the
fan will push them to the right, the barrel will make them turn left, and the
blue block will make them turn toward the trap. Visuals are always good, so:

(F=Fan, B=Block, R=Barrel)
 |__                          R
    |F_                ________
       |_         |
         |_       | _B         __

Hope that helps. After the rats have all been blown up, let's get the extras.
Pick up the blue block and go to the left. Avoid the flying pigs for now.

Fall down and you'll get to some purple blocks. Place the block next to the
purple blocks and kick through the top row first, then the bottom row. You'll
get point items, a burger, and pies.

Well, that's about it. You can kill the flying pigs if you want, but it takes
three hits. Go back to the door to exit.

  Door 3-2
  - - - - - - - 

This one is simple. Jump up to the left and you'll see some platforms, and the
top platform will have a barrel block. Kick the barrel to the left, then go
around the bottom and kick it to the left again, then kick left one more time.
It will cover the pipe and force the rats to go the other way, to the trap.

Like I said, easy. Now let's get the extras. Go to the left into the blue area.
If you jump in the center a red platform will appear, so use it to jump up to
the left.

Run straight left and more red platforms will appear, creating a bunch of
steps. Follow the tunnel and you'll run into a snake. Afterwards, use the
spring to get to the top and run into a flying pig, and some purple blocks.

When kicking the purple blocks, start at the TOP, then work your way down.
You'll get pies, point items, and a few health items.

That's about it, so go to the left and exit.

  Door 3-3
  - - - - - - - 

Ignore any blocks and rats and go to the right. I think it would be better to
get the extras first. On the far right you will fall down a hole, then have to
kill some snakes to the left. Kick the purple block down here to open a new
block, then jump back up.

Go to the right again and you'll find a new purple block containing some
marbles. Take these marbles and break through the brown blocks that are down
the hole.

The new area has some springs, a flying pig, purple blocks, and a secret area.
First use the spring to fly over the wall, then kick those purple blocks. As
always, start with the top block first. You'll get a bag, squishee, and pies.

Use this next spring to get to the top. Jump on the right side of the purple
block to make a red block appear. Kick the purple block to open a secret area.

Go inside and use the springs to get all the items along the way, then an
extra life. You are timed, but it isn't too tough. Once you're done get back to
the rats.

Let's go ahead and trap the rats. Grab a block from the top steps and cover up
the hole on the far right. The one you fell in before. It should create a step
that leads up to a pipe. Now go back and get the fan block.

Jump up the platforms and keep jumping up until you see a fan on the left side,
stuck in the wall. Jump onto the platform directly below it and put the fan
block down on the left side next to the wall.

Now go get another block and jump up to the uneven platforms. It's the spot
with a hole in the middle. Use the block to cover that hole. Go back and get
another block and place it at the left edge of the uneven platforms, then get
another block and place it at the left edge of the first one. Grab the first
block back and put it at the left edge of the block in mid air. So after all
that it should look like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)

     B        ______

Go get the last block. There is a small platform on the ground that will block
the rats, so build a step and wait for all four rats to climb over.

Quickly pick up the block and jump up through the hole in the blocks to the
next platform. Use the block to cover the hole, and you're done. The rats will
climb up and get pushed into the trap by the fans. 

Jump up and kick the purple block at the top to get pies and kill flying pigs.
Go to the door to exit.

  Door 3-4
  - - - - - - -

This room is fairly small, so go around the outside kicking all the purple
blocks and killing flying pigs. You'll get point items, health items, and pies.

Once all this is done, go inside the structure. There are no blocks to pick up,
just a lot of barrels to kick. Go to the bottom of the first column of barrels
and kick ONE barrel.

Go through the new hole and to the next column of barrels. Kick TWO barrels,
then break through the brown blocks you just opened.

For this last column of barrels kick THREE barrels. Go and break through the
brown blocks to fall to the bottom.

Go to the left side of the three barrels and kick two barrels to the RIGHT. 

Go back to the top and kick three more barrels down to the bottom. Go to the
bottom again and kick two of these barrels to the LEFT. 

Go up again and kick down the last two barrels. Kick ONE of these barrels to
the right, then kick the other barrel to the left.

The rats will then climb into the trap, so go back to the door.

  Door 3-5
  - - - - - - -

The rats in this room are easy to trap, but they aren't the main thing. There
is a special purple block in here.

Go to the left and pick up the blue block, then place it next to the purple
block between the trees. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Jump up to the top and ride the platform to the left, then jump in the gap.
Try to only use two marbles, because you'll need the rest of them elsewhere.

Once you're through, go left and jump onto the moving platform. There is
another path in the left wall, but there is also a flying pig flying around.
Avoid the pig and jump into the gap to the path.

If you have three marbles hold Left and just shoot three marbles out to get
through. If you have less than three, good luck getting through. There are
only point items, health items, and pies in there anyway.

Now let's trap the rats. Fall down and go to the right. Do you see the pipe on
the ground before the steps? Place the blue block next to the pipe opening to
cover it.

Keep going to the right to find the rats. Pick up the blue block that is
covering a hole on the right and the rats will fall in. Since you covered the
other end of the pipe down there, the rats will turn around and walk straight
into the trap.

Once they're all popped, it's time to get the last things in this door. Go back
to where you placed the first block. See those steps? Place a block at the
right edge of the top step. Like so:


B _
 | |

Grab the other block and put it at the left edge of the first block, as if you
were building steps. But, now go back and get the first block, and put it at
the left edge of the other one. Keep stacking the blocks up to reach the
platforms at the top, but make sure you have a block with you when you get up

DO NOT kick that first purple block. Place the blue block on it and use that
to jump up to the top. You'll get a Krusty mug from the first one, and the
second purple block will open up Door 3-7. So... MAKE SURE TO KICK THIS

Fall down and kick that last purple block to get another point item.

It seems that's it for this door, so let us exit.

  Door 3-6
  - - - - - - -

Another easy door. Start by jumping onto the springs on the right. Be careful
because there will be a flying pig flying around.

If you jump in the center, some red platforms will appear. Jump up and right
from the platforms to make two more appear. Jump up and toward the center
again to make another group of platforms appear. There will be two more on the
left, then two more near the center. Jump up and to the left one more time to
get two more platforms.

Go inside the tunnel to find the trap and a purple block. Kick the purple
block to open some secret platforms. Go back to the red platforms and jump to
the far right to make four new red platforms appear.

This area has a lot of purple blocks. Kick them all to get point items, health
items, and pies. Pick up the blue block and go back to the trap. Place the blue
block next to the little wall that is next to the trap. To build a step, ya

Go get the fan block, then fall down and into the rat area. Put down the fan
block on the left side, and you're done. The series of fans in this room will
push the rats straight into the trap.

Like I said, easy. Get to the door to leave.

  Door 3-7
  - - - - - - -

This one is fairly simple as well. Start by using the blue blocks and build
some steps starting on the right purple block. Like so:

(P=Purple block, B=Block)

  B |
 B  |
PP  |

Now take the fourth block on the left and place it on the small platform on the
right side of the wall. Get the two blocks that make up the first two steps
and put them all on the right side of the wall.

Now use these blocks to create steps that go into the air on the left. Once you
have three steps that go to the left, pick up the first block and place it at
the left edge to create another step.

PP  | 

Keep doing this until you can barely manage to jump onto the steps. Leave the
bottom of the three blocks alone, so you'll still be able to jump onto it.

Now keep building steps using the two upper blocks. When you reach the edge of
the black window, near the fan block, STOP! You want the last step to be on
the border of the black window and blue trim.

Get the other block and place it on top of the first to reach the platform and
fan. I would also kill the flying pig right now. Grab the fan block and fall
down to the bottom.

Place the fan on the blue trim of the window. You want to put the fan so it
will blow the rats up, then the fan at the top will blow the rats to the right.
They will land directly on the trap.

If you want an extra life, keep reading. Take the fan block and get to the top
again. Put the fan block back on the platform, then get the top block of the
two you stacked and place it on the left edge, over the blue trim. Take the
block under it and hop up to the platform.

Use the blue block and fan block and build steps to the right. There will be a
tunnel with a purple block, containing an extra life.

Fall to the bottom and get the health items in the purple blocks, then leave.

  Door 3-8
  - - - - - - -

This one is another barrel-kicking door. Start by kicking three barrels in the
column to the left. Now go around the top, kicking all of the purple blocks
along the way. You'll get point items, chips, and pies.

Now, kick one of the two remaining barrels to the right, then go back around
and kick the last barrel to the left.

Go to the bottom and kick one barrel to the left, then go around and kick that
barrel all the way to the left. Go and kick one more barrel all the way to the
left. Leave the last barrel alone.

There are two barrels left on the upper platform. Kick the left barrel all the
way to the left to create some steps for the rats. They will then go up in a
pipe that leads to the trap area.

Jump up to the top and hop on the barrels to reach a room at the very top.
Kick the special purple block to gain access to Door 3-10.

Go back down and kick the bottom barrel of the two that are stacked. Go down
and kick that barrel all the way to the right. Go back up and do the same to
the other barrel on the left.

Now kick the last barrel once to the left so it lands on the middle platform,
then kick it once to the right. With the steps now complete the rats will
climb up and into the trap.

So far it's been fairly simple. Let's move on.

  Door 3-9
  - - - - - - -

Start off by killing the flying pig because it can get really annoying. Now we
have to set up a few things. Pick up the spring in the center and use it to
get up through the red platforms on the left and right.

There are fans that blow the rats up to the top platform, as well as fan
blocks. Take each of the fan blocks and go up to the top platform. Use each
fan to cover the spots where the rats fly up through, keeping them stuck in
their little areas.

Now pick up the blue block and go inside one of the areas. Since the rats are
now blocked in, they are constantly being blown up, but they then come
straight down. You have to wait for the rats to get blown up AND face the pipe
on the platforms in the middle.

So, stand on the edge of the platforms while holding the blue block. When a
rat facing the pipe gets blown up, quickly place the block on the edge so the
rat will land and start walking toward the pipe. Pick up the pipe again and
make a step that leads up to the pipe. This pipe will lead to another pipe
that will lead to the trap.

Repeat this process to finish off the rats. Now let's get the purple blocks on
the right.

Use the blue block and two fan blocks and stack two of them on top of each
other. Place the third one on the right edge. Like so:

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Purple block)

|   P
|   -
| B

Now take the two bottom blocks and stack them on the one that was on the right
edge. Do this to reach all the purple blocks and get point items, a squishee,
and pies.

We're all done, so go ahead and leave.

  Door 3-10
  - - - - - - -

Pick up the fan block and get to the top using the moving platform. There are
some flying pigs at the top floating near some platforms, so go ahead and kill
them to save some frustration.

Trapping the rats requires a couple or simple steps. First pick up the fan
block the faces to the left. Place it at the left edge of the small platform
that is nearest to the bottom. Now get the right-facing fan and place it at
the left edge of the first fan. Finally, get the first fan and move it on top
of the right-facing fan. Like this:

(LF=Left-facing fan, RF=Right-facing fan)


Use the fan blocks to get to the upper platforms. Ignore the fan block for now
and go to the right. Jump to the far right and you'll find another room.

There are plenty of purple blocks in here, as well as snakes and a flying pig.
Kill the enemies if you like. Kick all of the purple blocks to get point
items, health items, and pies.

Now let's trap the rats. Go back and get the fan that faces up, and fall down
to the bottom. There are two flower pots and a pipe down here. Place the fan
next to the flower pot on the right. The rats will then come out of the pipe
and get pushed up by the fan. The other fans will take care of the rest.

All right, let's get out of here.

  Door 3-11
  - - - - - - -

Go straight to the right and jump onto the first platform you see. Now jump
onto the spring on the right, but DO NOT hold the jump button. Just hold Right
and you will automatically jump onto another spring on the right. If you fall
there are three snakes at the bottom, so try not to fall.

When you come across a third spring, stop! Hold the jump button and get up
through the tunnel at the top. Kill then flying pig, then kick all the purple
blocks to get point items, health items, and pies. The single block on the
right opens access to Doors 3-12 and 3-13.

Fall back down and keep bouncing to the right to find a whole bunch of
different blocks. Pick up and drop off all of these blocks over by the door.

First grab the fan block. Jump onto the first spring and go up to where the
trap is. Place the fan on the left side of the hole that is on the left.

Now go back and get the L pipe that opens on the left and place it under the
blue steps, and one space to the left. Next you have to get three of the
vertical pipes and place them over the L pipe. Make sure the rats are on the
left, then put the pipes in. The rats will go in and get sucked up to the
steps. Here's the visual:

(L=L-shaped pipe, V=Vertical pipe)


Now get that same L pipe and two vertical pipes and take them to the next
platform on top. Now all you have to do is put the L pipe in the right corner
and stack two vertical pipes on it.

The rats will go through the pipes, and the fan you put next to the trap will
finish the job. Get to the door to leave.

  Door 3-12
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is actually pretty easy. Go over the first wall and move the
block from the right fan to the left fan. Go over the next wall and do the
same thing. Finally, go all the way to the right. Kill the flying pig, then
pick up the fan block. Place the fan according to the this picture:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

 |   __|

It's the spot at the top, near a pipe. Now just go back and pick up the blue
block that is covering the fan. The rats will make their way to the fan and
get blown into the trap.

Gather all the blocks now and make some steps in mid air to get to the trap.
Kick the purple block at the top to open a new area near the door. Pick up a
block on the way there.

Make sure to JUMP OVER THE DOOR. We don't want to exit yet. Fall in the hole,
then kill the flying pig. Kick all of the purple blocks, starting with the
TOP ones. Just place a block to get the ones on top, then take away the block
to get the ones underneath. You'll get point items, a burger, and pies.

Use the spring to get back to the top and exit.

  Door 3-13
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the very top and kicking the purple blocks for point
items, health items, and pies. NEVER go to the left, because you will get
stuck down there.

Get the fan block and fall down to the bottom, near the door. Put the fan
block over the spot where the rats fly up on the right. This will force the
rats into the loop on the left, grouping all the rats together.

Pick up the fan and go up again, and place it on the right edge of the
platform in front of the pipe. Like this:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

PP__F __

Now go to the top and kick the left barrel to the left, then again to the
left, then to the right, then one more time to the left.

Wait for all of the rats to blow up, then you can leave.

  Door 3-14
  - - - - - - -

Fall down and jump on the first spring. Don't hold the jump button, just bounce
normally. Make your way to the right, but obviously you want to avoid hitting
any of the flying pigs.

It's not tough at all. When you get to the end you'll get a whole bunch of
purple blocks. Kick 'em all to get point items, health items, pies, and an
extra life.

The single purple block at the bottom is a special block that will close
Room #3 and grant you access to Room #4. Go all the way back and hop up through
the tunnel on the far left to exit.

Let's finally get out of here!

                                 4.4  World #4

Door locations for Room #4.
|                 |   |     |                                 |
|        4-1      |   | 4-8 |                                 |
|___________     _|   |_____|_     4-7   4-9  4-10  4-14      |
|   4-3  4-2   _|_____________|   ______________________    __|
|   __________|                 _|  | 4-13|  4-12| 4-11|  _|  |
|4-4              4-5   4-6   _|____|_____|______|_____|_|____|

(You can reach Door 4-8 after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-7.
 Door 4-11 opens after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-10. Door
 4-12 opens after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-11, and 4-13
 opens after kicking the special purple block in 4-12. 4-14 opens after
 closing all the other doors.)

Enemies in World #4 are: Birds
Trap assistant will be: Corporal Punishment and the Eat-O-Matic

  Door 4-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the spring to the right and kicking the purple block.
You'll get some marbles. Fall down and pick up the spring. Put it on the left

Jump up and break through the brown blocks by using your marbles. The rats will
then climb out and fall to the ground below.

Do you see those jar blocks? Each of those holds one rat, but once the jar has
a rat you can use it as a block. Pick up the spring and put it at the right
corner below the trap, then use the jars as blocks to build steps. The two rats
that aren't in jars will climb up the steps into the trap.

Now pick up one of the jars and get over to the right side of the trap using
the spring. Drop the jar and kick it to free the rat, then do the same with
the other jar.

As always the first door was easy. Let's move on.

  Door 4-2
  - - - - - - -

Get on the moving platform to the left and ride up to the top. Try to avoid the
two birds. Once you're at the top go to the right to find a whole bunch of

The jars are obviously for the rats, but first let's get up to the room to the
right. Use the jars as blocks to build steps up the tunnel on the right.

You'll find some purple blocks at the top. Kick them all starting with top one
to get point items, health items, and pies.

Fall back down and carry each of the jars to the bottom, where the rats are.
There are six jars, but seven rats... No problem. Just build some steps up to
the pipe that is in the left wall. Start the steps next to the rat hole.

(J=Jar, H=hole, P=pipe)

| J
|  J
|   J
|    J

The pipe will lead the rat straight to the trap. Now just take each of the jars
and drop them on the RIGHT side of the trap and kick them to get the rest of
the rats into the trap.

A bit tough, but not bad. On to the next door!

  Door 4-3
  - - - - - - -

I'll say this now: this door just looks complicated. Like many of the other
rooms, trapping the rats is a very easy task. Fall straight down and go to the
right. You don't have to touch the barrel along the way.

You will eventually run into a moving platform. Ride up on it then go to the
left. Get the blue block and then go to the top of the trap. Stand on the edge
of the platform so that you can break the single brown block that is at the
top. DO NOT fall in.

Now go back to the moving platform and jump into the middle area on the left.
There should be some breakable brown blocks. Stand on the brown blocks and
break through until you land in a rocky area.

Get through the birds as best as you can until you see the pipe. Break through
the three brown blocks then place the blue block to cover the gap. Like this:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

__        _PPP
  |_   __|

The rats will walk over the block and into the pipe. That pipe will then drop
them right into trap, so that's all done.

Now it's time for the extras. Pick up the blue block and go into the area on
the right. Kick all of the purple blocks in this area to get pies and point
items. Go back to the rocky tunnel and jump up the tunnel to find yourself
back near the trap. Kick the purple block to get some Krusty chips.

Jump up to the top platforms and go left to get back to the door and exit.

  Door 4-4
  - - - - - - -

Go left to find the rats and a whole bunch of jars. Trap all the rats in the
jars. Also, kill that damn bird.

Now, you may notice that there are some breakable brown blocks in the upper
left corner. But, you have no marbles. Use the jar blocks to build some steps
starting on the right edge. You're trying to reach the small platforms up near
the ceiling.

Kick the purple block to get some marbles, then pick up the blue block. Fall
down again and use the jars again to build some steps that lead up to the brown
blocks. Use your marbles to break through.

Go all the way to the left and kick the two lone purple blocks to get some
horns, then kick the other purple blocks starting with the top one. Point items
and pies will be your reward.

Let's finally trap the rats. You have to build steps again, but you also have
to put the blue block in a certain spot. I'll just draw it out:

(B=Block, J=Jar)

      B |
     J  |
    J   |
   J    |
  J     |

Now just carry all the jars up to the trap, and use the block to jump back up
after all the jars are gone.

Kick the jars to release the rats and finish this door.

  Door 4-5
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and kick the barrel, then go into the area on the right.

This area is drenched in water drops, so avoid them as best as possible. Go up
to the upper left platforms and you'll see three barrels. Kick a barrel to the
right, then kick it left off the middle platform.

Fall to the bottom and kick the barrel to the right. Now just go back up and do
the same to the other two barrels so that all three are on the bottom right.

Now go up to the barrels on the upper right platforms. Kick the two barrels
that are at the top so that they land on the platform in the middle. Then
kick them down to the right, then go down and kick the bottom barrel once
more. See the steps forming?

Go to the top and kick the last barrel to the left to complete the steps and
get the rats trapped.

Go back near the entrance and fall down on the left side of the thick brown
pipes. Kick all of those purple blocks starting with the top one to get point
items, a squishee, and pies. Go to the door to exit.

  Door 4-6
  - - - - - - -

Hmmmm... all right. This door is huge, and there are various ways to go. But
as always, trapping the rats is a very basic thing.

Go to the far right and you'll see the trap. Jump up through the red platform
above it and step on the brown block to break it. Now fall into the hole to the
left and go through the tunnel.

There are some birds in the tunnel, but just avoid them by jumping up into the
small gap in the ceiling. Pick up a blue block as well while you're in there.

Go to the right to find some of the rats. Start off by breaking through the
brown blocks at the bottom, then use the two blue blocks from the tunnel and
the one at the bottom to build steps up to the top platforms. Kick the purple
blocks to get point items and pies, then grab the blue block at the top.

Since you have more pies I suggest killing the two birds right now. Then, break
the brown blocks on each platform to get the rats down to the bottom. 

Now we want to get the rats to the tunnel on the left. Use a blue block as a
step to get the rats out of the bottom and on the surface. If you go to the far
left of the tunnel you'll see that there are a couple of platforms and a pipe 
that goes around and ends right over the trap.

Once the rats are in that area, just use the four blue blocks to make steps and
get the rats into the pipe. Here is the visual:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)


When the rats get to the trap they need to be enclosed, or else they will just
fall down to the lower area again. As soon as the rats enter the pipe take a
block and place it on top of the raised brown block to cover their exit. Like



So, think we're done? Nope, there are still more rats to trap. Go all the way
back to the area on the right and use the blue blocks to get to the top
platforms. Once you have the steps set up, take all three blocks except the
one that is between the lower and upper platforms.

You need three blocks at the top, so you can only leave one to jump up to the
platforms. Use the three blocks to reach the tunnel at the top.

Walk straight to the right and DO NOT stop. There is a row of breakable blocks
and you don't want to break them. 

At the end of this tunnel you'll find the last two rats and a whole bunch of
other stuff. Start by riding the moving platform that is on the right. On the
way down you'll see a vertical pipe block, so pick it up.

Go up to the rats and put the pipe block next to the long pipe on the left.
Next, go up and kick the barrel to the left, then one more time. Go back down
the moving platform.

Jump into the first tunnel and go left. Pick up the fan block, then jump down
and kick the purple block to get some chips.

Go back to the rats and put the fan block down in the center of the platform
above. With that the rats will get blown into the tunnel at the top.

The rats will go through the pipe, but when they come out they will be walking
to the right. Quickly pick up the fan block and place it at the right side of
this tunnel to create a barrier and make the rats turn the other way.

Pick up the fan again and run to the left. Ignore the bird and keep going
until you reach some tangled pipes and purple blocks. Don't kick the purple
blocks yet.

Put the fan block under the THIRD pipe from the left. The right pipe out of
the three above. What you want is for the rats to get blown into that pipe.

Remember way back in the beginning when you broke that block over the trap?
Well, now you'll see why. The rats will fall down on the pipe below and then
fall through that broken block, straight into the trap.

Now it's time to leave. Go back the way you came, and remember to kick the
purple blocks for point items and pies. Also remember not to stop when you
cross that row of brown blocks, or you'll get stuck if you don't have a block.

Right, so go back to the door and finally leave.

  Door 4-7
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the far right and falling down to find a purple block. Kick
it to get some marbles, then jump back to the top. Now pick up the jar block,
then jump up to the highest platform in the middle. Place the jar block on the
very left edge and then jump into the tunnel on the left.

Ride the moving platform down to the bottom and kick the two purple blocks to
get a squishee and mug. Go back to the moving platform and enter the tunnel all
the way at the top.

There will be a moving platform going from left to right at the top, but there
is also a bird. Feel free to use one or two marbles to try and kill the bird,
but you must keep at least three marbles.

Break through the brown blocks and kick the purple blocks to get a spotted bag
and to open a secret area. Go back to the moving platform you just used and
jump down about halfway to the other side. You'll see the top of the doorway

THIS SECRET AREA IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! You absolutely have to beat this
secret area to gain access to Door 4-8. Quickly go left and break through the
brown blocks, sticking to the right side. When you reach the bottom use the
springs to quickly hop up and grab the last two horns, and get an extra life.

You will then appear next to a purple block, so kick it to open up Door 4-8.
Hop up the springs to get back to the top, then go down to the rats.

There are several gaps on the door level, and you have to put down the fan in
the second gap from the left. This gap lines up with the center of the rat

Now go up and move the jar from the left edge of this platform to the right
edge. Go down and pick up the left blue block. Take it and place it on the
edge of the jar to create a step, then take one more blue block and finish
the steps up to the trap.

Do you see how the rats keep falling in the first gap on the door level? Use
the last blue block and cover that gap, and the rats will walk into the fan
and get blown up. After all the rats have climbed up, pick up the jar with
the rat and kick it on the right side of the trap to get the last rat into
the trap.

Well, that's it. Let's get out of here.

  Door 4-8
  - - - - - - -

get blown up they'll be stuck and you'll be forced to quit.

After you've picked up the fan, kick the purple block to get some marbles. Go
to the top of the pipes and drop the fan, then break through those brown blocks
in the ceiling by using the marbles. You'll get pies and point items.

So, let's trap the rats. There are five jars, and five rats. Trap each rat in
one jar, then drop off all of the jars on the pipe above.

Set up the fan and a jar according to this picture:

(F=Fan, J=Jar)

Now take the rest of the jars and kick them next to the trap one at a time.
When all the rats have been trapped, take the last jar and break it to the
left. The rat will walk towards the fan and get blown up, then land and go into
the trap.

Well, that one was a bit easier. On to Door 4-9

  Door 4-9
  - - - - - - -

The first thing to do is kill that annoying bird. Now go to the left tunnel and
kick all of the purple blocks starting with the top ones to get point items and

Go to the right tunnel and pick up a blue block to release the rats. Now go to
the top-left platform of the four small ones and place the block on the left
edge. Go back for the other blue block and put it on the left edge as if
building steps, but what will happen is the rats will crash into this block.

(B=Block, F=Fan)

| B____

Quickly pick up the lower block and the rats will fall onto another fan that
will blow them up to another set of fans at the top.

Go up to the trap platform and place the blue block on the right edge so
that you build a step between the trap platform and the small one on the right.
Go down and get the other blue block.

Go up to the very top platform and use the blue block to stop the rats. Try
and wait for the rats to be going to the right. The rats will then start
walking and they'll make their way to the trap.

That was fairly easy, so let's go back to the door and exit.

  Door 4-10
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the right and going down the long steps. Eventually you'll
see a column of brown blocks in the ground, so stand on them to break through.

Grab the blue block, then kick all of the purple blocks on the left to find
point items, a burger, pies, and a special purple block that opens Door 4-11.
Use the spring to get out of here.

If you go up the steps you'll see a small green platform up in the air. Jump
on this platform. Now jump onto the spring on the right. DO NOT hold the jump
button. Just jump on it then jump to the next three by just hold Right. Once
you get to a spring with a high ceiling, hold the jump button.

Go over the wall and land in the middle to hit another spring, then jump over
the next wall and aim for the same distance as the last spring. From here jump
up to the platforms and drop off the blue block somewhere on top. Also, kill
this bird right now because you'll be returning.

Go all the way to the rats by using the springs again (you really don't want to
mess with the birds at the bottom), and jump into the tunnel with some jars in
it. Take the jars and get all the rats trapped in them, then pick up the fan

Go drop the fan block over where you dropped the blue block, then do the same
with all the jars. This will take a while.

Once everything is over there, set it up like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


Kick all the jars on the right side to send the rats walking to the left.
They'll all be blown straight into the trap. DO NOT fall into the big hole
that is to the left of the fan and block. You will get stuck.

Only four doors to go! Let's move on.

  Door 4-11
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is a bit complicated, so let's get all of the extras first.
Kill the bird that is flying around the trap, then jump up all the way to the
top-left corner of the room. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Walk to the left and you'll notice some rows of brown blocks in the wall. Break
the blocks using the marbles to open a tunnel. Watch out for all the drops and
kick the purple blocks starting with the top one. You'll get more marbles and
gain access to Door 4-12.

Now go all the way to the far right, near some jar blocks and pipe blocks.
Break through the brown blocks with the marbles and go through the tunnel to
find more purple blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and marbles.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Pick up two pipe blocks from the pipes near
the door and take them over to the right. Set up the pipes and blocks according
to this picture:

(J=Jar, P=Pipe)

      J |
     JP |
___ PPP_|

The rats will climb up the steps and go into the pipe. The pipe will then lead
them to the left area with the other rats.

Now take all the pipes and jars that are here and drop them somewhere on the
trap platform. Set everything up according to this picture:

   P  __Trap_
   P J
    P  _______
    P |       |
    |_|  Door |

So the rats will travel up the pipe and end up right there next to the trap
platform, but they are blocked in so the rats will just go back down the pipe. 

What you have to do is grab the other jar and stand on top of the pipe. The
second a rat pops up, drop the jar. If you timed it right the rat will get
pushed up and walk straight into the trap. Repeat this for every other rat
that comes up the pipe.

After that is done, set the two jars on the left side of the trap. Kick the
jars on the left side to make the rats walk into the trap.

All done, let's get out of here.

  Door 4-12
  - - - - - - -

Kill the bird that is flying around, then walk to the right. There's a jar
there, but also a wall.

In this door there are several invisible platforms. The first ones are near the
blue wall on the right. These platforms are between a column of grey-green
bricks and a column of blue bricks with a design. The space between has a pitch
black shadow.

Jump onto this area from the door platform to find the first invisible
platform, then jump up once to find the second one. Now hold Left and jump far
to the left to find another invisible platform, then jump up once more and walk
right to get over the blue wall.

Fall down and kill the bird, then kick the purple blocks at the bottom to get
some pies and to gain access to Door 4-13. Also pick up the jar.

Stand next to the blue wall and jump up four times. Once you're on the fourth
invisible step, jump as far to the right as you can. You will land on another
invisible platform.

Walk to the right to find a room full of purple blocks. Each purple block has
an invisible platform, so start with the top purple blocks. Remember to kick
the top blocks before kicking the ones underneath. Kick the singles blocks

Now go back and place the jar block under the trap platform, to build a step.
All of the rats will then climb up into the trap, except for the rat that gets
trapped in the jar.

Once all the rats are trapped, pick up the jar. Go back up the invisible
platforms, but don't jump up to the top platform that goes to the wall. Stay on
the one just below and jump to the far left.

There is a small platform high above the trap, so once you're on it put down
the jar and kick it to free the rat. The rat will fall straight down into the

I know it's a bit tough, but once you find all the invisible platforms it's a

  Door 4-13
  - - - - - - -

Start by using the moving platforms to get to the top and go into the tunnel.
Look out for the drops and go to the right, but don't kick the purple blocks.
There are some invisible platforms that go up into the tunnel.

Kick the purple block at the top to get a horn, then kick the purple blocks
below to get point items, health items, and pies. That's it for the extras, so
go down to the main room.

This is basically a maze of fans, but you just have to know where to put the
blocks. Go down to the bottom and pick up a blue block, then jump onto the
platform above the trap.

There is a rusted column to the right of this platform, and it has an
left-facing fan on it. Put the blue block on top of the fan.

Now go down and pick up another block and cover the fan that is on the
immediate left of the door. The rats will then walk over to the left and into
another fan.

This will put all of the rats into a loop in the middle of the room. Now pick
up the block at the bottom and place it on the left edge of the trap platform.



Grab the other blue block and stand on the top platform. If you put down the
block it will cause the rats to start walking to the left. After about three
rats have been stopped, quickly pick up the fan and put it on top of the
other block. The rats will walk straight into the trap.

Keep repeating the process until all the rats have been trapped. If some rats
fall out of the loop, just use the blocks to get them back in.

Well, that's it for this door. One more to go.

  Door 4-14
  - - - - - - -

Go up one level and kill the bird, then go to the right and kick the purple
block to get a spotted bag. Pick up the spring block and use it to go up TWO
levels. Don't go into the second level yet, so go into the third. Also try and
avoid any drops that fall down.

Go right and kick the two purple blocks to get some horns, then pick up the
spring and go back to the left by using the red platforms hidden in the blue
bricks. Use the spring to go up to the fourth level.

Kick all of the purple blocks in this area to get an extra life, marbles,
squishee, and to close Room #4. Go back down to level three and go to the

Fall down to the tunnel and you'll come out on level two. Kick those two
purple blocks to get more point items, then go back to the door to exit and
finally finish Room #4.

                                 4.5  World #5

Door locations for Room #5.
|            | |                       |        ||             |
|    5-1     | |  5-5                  |  5-9   ||             |
|_______     | |_______ _              |______  ||   5-10 5-11 |
|           _| |  5-3  |_|_      5-6            ||_  ________  |
|         _|_|  ____    |_|_    ____           _||_ |          |
|       _|_|  _|    |_    |_|  |    |           ||_ |5-12     ||
|5-2  _|_|  _|        |_      |      |         _||_ |___     | |
|__  |_|  _|     _______|    |    ____|    5-14 ||_ |   |   |__|
|  |_    |      |  5-4      |    | 5-7     _____||  |    |     |
|    |__|       |__________|     |_____     5-8     |     |5-13|
|                                      |____________|      |___|

(Door 5-10 will appear after kicking the special purple block in Door 5-8.
 Door 5-11 can only be accessed after kicking the special block in Door 5-10,
 and Doors 5-12 and 5-13 will open once the special block in Door 5-11 is

 Door 5-14 will open once you have closed all other doors.)

Enemies in World #5 are: Snakes, aliens, flying pigs, birds
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Slice-O-Matic

  Door 5-1
  - - - - - - -

There is a snake and some flying pigs in here, so kill them from the get go.
Then grab the fan block on the left. Run to the right and place the fan block
on the lower branch of the second tree, so that the rats will get blown up,
then get blown to the left by the other fan.

Now kick the barrel block to the right five times. Use the blue blocks on the
left to build steps up to the lower branch of the tree. Now just make sure the
rats are on the left side of the steps and they will climb to their doom.

That was simple, let's move on.

  Door 5-2
  - - - - - - -

Grab two of the blue blocks on the left and stack them next to the three purple
blocks on the right. Use the blocks to kick the purple blocks and get point
items and marbles.

Use only one marble to kill that bird, then use the four blue blocks to build
some steps. Start two spaces from the right of the pipe in the ground, and the
last step should hang right over the trap.

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

     B Trap
    B  Trap

Use some marbles to break through the brown blocks above and get up there. Kick
the purple blocks to get some point items. Then, kill the bird if you can.

Jump to the left against the wall to land on an invisible platform, then jump
up to the top and walk right. You will walk through the wall and into another
room full of purple blocks and jars.

Kick the purple blocks to get health items and pies, then pick up a jar. Go
all the way back to the beginning, near the rats.

Jump into the rat area and put down the jar in the middle, never on the left.
Take the trapped rat and put down the jar on the right side of the pipe that
is in the ground. Make sure it is on the RIGHT side of the pipe. The rats will
then climb up the blocks and fall in the trap.

Repeat this with the other five rats to trap them all and close this door.

  Door 5-3
  - - - - - - -

Go to the left and kill the bird flying over the trap room, then kill the
flying pig flying overhead. Jump to the other roof on the left and kick the
purple blocks to get more pies and a burger.

Now get the jars and build steps that go to the upper-right ledge. You will
need to grab some of the lower jars to keep extending the steps. Kill the
alien once you get up there.

Kick the purple blocks to get chips, a horn, and open a secret area on the
right. Enter and get all of the items to get an extra life.

After that's finished, it's time to trap the rats. Get the jars and trap all
of the rats inside them. Now take the jars and go into the little room on the
far left. Stack some jars to kick the purple blocks and get a squishee and
a mug.

Now take the jars one at a time and stand on the fan in the little room.
Place the jar on the left edge of the fan, then kick it to release the rat
and have it blown into the pipe. Make sure there is nothing blocking the

The rats will all go into the trap room you can leave.

  Door 5-4
  - - - - - - -

Before I begin, let me warn you that the drops will become an extreme annoyance
in this door. Just wanted to make sure ya know.

Start by going to the bottom and picking up one of the blue blocks. Place it
next to the purple blocks on the left so that the rats fall into the gap
between the purple blocks and get trapped.

Now get a block and jump onto the third ice platform on the right. Put down
the block on the right side of the platform. Go back for another block and put
it on the right edge of the first block to build steps up to the fourth ice
platform. Pick up the bottom block, but leave the top one in mid air.

Go to the right and fall into the spring area. Keep going right and hold the
jump button to fly up into the trap area. Put down the block you have on the
right side of the ice platform to create a step over the barrier.

Go back near the door and jump into the small area in the top left corner. Put
down the fourth block in the middle of this platform, right under the pipe.
Pick up the block that is next to the purple blocks and put it on the right
edge of the block at the top, then pick up the bottom block and leave the
other in mid air.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Go to the bottom and put the block next to the
purple blocks again, then kick the purple block. The rats will start to walk
out, so quickly pick up the block and kick the other purple block. You'll get
some point items.

Rush up to the top platform and put the block next to the other one to build
some steps. Once the rats have gone over the first step, pick up that block
and go to the first ice platform. Put down the block on the right side to
build a step.

Once the rats have passed over this step, pick up the block and put it on the
right side of the second platform to build another step.

After the rats have gone over this step, get the block again and put it next
to the other block on the third ice platform. As soon as they pass over the
first step, pick up the block and put it on the right edge of the fourth ice
platform to build a step into the pipe.

This next part must be done QUICKLY. The absolute microsecond after the rats
have entered the pipe, pick up the block and enter the spring area. Hold the
jump button and you go to the right to go further, then get onto the ice
platform near the trap. Quickly go into the gap on the other side of the blue
barrier and put down the block at the bottom.

If all was successful, the rats will climb over the barrier and get trapped in
the gap. Pick up the blue block from the platform and put it on the block
inside the gap to push up the rats and lead them to the trap.

If you mess up any of this, don't worry. Just let the rats get back to the area
in the upper left corner of the room and start over.

After all that mess you deserve some extras. Jump into the wall right of the
trap to find a secret tunnel. Go through and then kick the purple blocks
starting with the top ones. You'll get point and health items.

Go back to the area with the big ice platforms and fall down on the left side
of the fourth platform. Kick the purple block near the fan to get more pies.

Go to the door to leave.

  Door 5-5
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left and killing that flying pig, then jump up the
trees and kill the bird. Kick the purple blocks near the trap to get point and
health items. Go to the far left and kick those two purple blocks to get pies
and a horn.

Pick up the blue block on the ground, then go down the tunnel next to it. Drop
the blue block near the Krusty Burgers sign, then kill the two aliens along
the way. You'll find the rats in a room on the right.

Pick up the three blocks to release the rats, then use the three blocks to
build steps that go up to the tunnel on the left. Now, pick up a block and
quickly run to the left. Put the block down on the third space from the left
wall, then put another block on the left edge of the first block.


|      ___
| B

The rats will walk in and get trapped. Now take the other two blocks and build
some steps that go to the next platform on the right.

|      ___
| B   B

Grab a block from mini trap and put in on the platform, on the third space from
the right. Grab the other block and put it down on the right edge of the block
to build another one of those traps.

|____      |
|        B |
|      _B__|
|     B

Use the other two blocks to build steps up to the left platform, then build
another trap to enclose the rats again. Repeat this until the rats reach the
platform at the top, then use two blocks to keep the rats on the left platform.

Now, to get the rats up to the grass requires some speed and quick reflexes.
Get the two blocks that make up the trap and set them up like this:

|______|   |
|         B|
|        B |
|      ____|
|     B    |
|____B     |

The absolute SECOND that the rats pass over the first step block, pick it up
and put it at the bottom of the steps that go up to the grass. If any rats
fall then you'll have to go through all the platforms again, so don't mess up!

Once the rats get up to the grass, take two blocks and trap them on the grass.
Pick up the other two blocks and go to the right, over that blue barrier. Cover
the pipe in the ground with one block, then put the other block in front of the
pipe on the right.

Now go back and wait for the rats to walk to the right, then take one of the
blocks from the left and put it next to the small bush that is on the left side
of the blue barrier.

The rats will now climb over the blue barrier and make their way to the right.
Pick up a block again and rush over to the right, and put down the block next
to the other block that you had on the right to create steps.

The rats will climb up the steps and get blown across several fans until they
get stuck between two fans at the top. Take two blocks to the top of the tree
and put them as if you were building steps to the platform over the trap. Wait
for the rats to be on the LEFT side before putting the second block.

Once you put that second block the rats will stop and walk over the platform
and into the trap.

After all this you can finally leave.

  Door 5-6
  - - - - - - - 

Kill the snake in front of you, then hop up the wooden fence and kick the first
purple blocks you see. You will get some pies and a squishee.

Kill the snake on the other side of the gap, then go to the right and kill that
last snake near the trap. Go back to that crumbling blue platform near the gap
on top.

Stand in the middle and jump straight up. You'll land on an invisible platform.
Keep going up and avoid the bird to find some more purple blocks. Kick them
all starting with the top one to get point and health items. Jump back down
and go inside the gap.

It's time to trap the rats. Go down to the bottom left corner to find four
blue blocks. Take the two blocks that are stacked on the left to leave a gap
between the wall and the two other blocks, then put one of the blue blocks
next to the two that are stacked. The rats will then fall into that gap and
get grouped together very nicely.

Take the blue block that was used as a step and go to the first pyramid in the
middle of the room. Put the block between the bottom pyramid and the one on the
right to create a step between the two pyramids.

Get another block and put it on the tip of the right pyramid, creating a wall.
Now the rats will be stuck on the left side of the room.

Grab another block and go to the right pyramid. Wait for the rats to bet
heading back down, then pick up the block on the tip of the pyramid and put it
on the right edge of the tip. Get the other block and put it on top of the
first one to create another wall.

Here's what you have so far:


           _| |_
         _|     |
  _| |_
_|     |_

Grab the last unused block and put it on the left edge of the tip of the top
pyramid to create a step out of this place.

Now wait for the rats. As soon as the group passes over the very first block
(the one on the bottom pyramid), grab that block and build a step between the
right pyramid and top pyramid. If you made it in time the rats will climb up
the top pyramid and go to the left.

Now just stand by and watch the rats make their way into the trap. You should
know that the rats can go either way from the top of the roof and they will
still end up in the trap.

All done here, so go back to the door and exit.

  Door 5-7
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and break through the three brown blocks, then kick the purple
blocks starting with the top ones to get point and health items. Pick up the
jar on the left.

Go back to the top, near the barrels. There are four barrels, numbered 1
through 4 starting from the top. Put the jar on the left edge of barrel 2.


   J 1

Now go and kick barrel 1 to the left. Pick up the jar again and put it on the
left edge of barrel 4.

 J 3

Go and kick barrel 2 to the left, then kick barrel 1 to the left twice.


So barrel 1 is now free. Pick up the jar, then kick this barrel to the left and
it will fall over the edge. Put the jar two spaces to the left of the barrel,
so there must be two spaces between the jar and barrel.


Kick the barrel to the left and it will stop at the jar. Now pick up the jar
again and kick the barrel to the left five times. It will stop one space from
the left wall.

Now use the jar to cover that pipe in the ground and get the rats to the left.
After they have all passed over the pipe, pick up the jar and complete the
steps up to the trap. 

Once all the rats have been destroyed, take the jar and put it on the trap
platform. Kick it from the right side to release the rat and finally complete
this door.

This one was easier than the last few doors, so let's move on.

  Door 5-8
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going to the far right and killing the two flying pigs near the moving
platform. Then kick the row of purple blocks at the bottom to get point items,
health items, and some marbles.

Hop on the moving platform and jump onto the first platform on the right. Pick
up one of the fans that face up. Take that fan to the hole where the rats are

Do you see the three pipes that hang over the rat hole? Put down the fan so
that the rats will get blown up into the left pipe. They will end up in the
area on the right, near the moving platform.

Drop the fan somewhere on the top platforms and pick up one of the blue
blocks. Use this block to cover the pipe on the bottom left and keep the rats
here in the right area.

Go pick up the other blue block and go up to the top right corner. Make sure
you have the marbles before going in here. Put the blue block next to the pipe,
then use two marbles to break through the brown blocks.

Keep going left, over all the mess of pipes, and you'll find an area near the
trap. Stand on the brown blocks to break through to the bottom, then use a
marble to bust through the blocks over the trap.

Go back to the fan blocks and pick up the fan that faces to the left. Hop up to
the top and put the fan block on the third space from the left.

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Pipe)

      | P

Go get a fan that faces up and fall to the ground where the rats are. Put this
fan down on the second space from the right wall.


Now the rats will get blown up, the left, then they will fall right into the

Well, that's done. Let's go kick the last purple block. Grab any two blocks and
use them to reach the purple block to the left, near the big hole. This is a
special purple block, and after you kick this one go in the hole to find
another purple block.

Kick this block to gain access to Door 5-10, then leave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know why, but after you defeat this door it will not
close. You have to close every other door then come back and beat this one
again to finally close it.

  Door 5-9
  - - - - - - - 

All right, start by killing the two flying pigs and the snake under the
mushroom platforms. Then, go to the right and fall to find some purple blocks.
Kick 'em all to get point and health items, and pies.

There are some hidden bushes under the tall mushroom, so just jump around to
make them appear. Go back to the left and kick that barrel down to the left,
then pick up the two blue blocks and go under the tall mushrooms.

The rats will be walking around in this area. Set the blue blocks according to
this picture to group the rats together:


| B

Now, the next part requires some speed. You need to build some steps up to the
first low platform using the two blocks. Here's an illustration:

|          ___
|         B | 

As soon as the rats walk over the first block, pick it up and quickly get to
the top of the mushrooms. There is an invisible bush next to the wall that you
can use.

So quickly go into the spot where the rats entered and use the block to cover
the entrance they used. This will keep them in this area between the
mushrooms. Now grab the other block and put it on the right side of the first
block to create some steps that go to the left.

After the rats have entered the left side, take the two blocks and quickly
stack them up on top of the right platform of this part. Here's the visual:
     ___   B
___ ______B

After the rats have climbed up the steps, take the two blocks and build steps
that go to the higher platform on the left.

Wait for the rats to walk up these steps, then pick up a block and go to the
left. There are two mushrooms on the far left, and under them to the right is
a gap that the rats can fall through you have to put the block in that gap to
cover it.
|    ___ 
|     |  ___
|     |_B_

Once that hole is covered the rats will walk over the wall and fall to the
left, and go into the trap.

Go to the door to exit.

  Door 5-10
  - - - - - - - 

Walk across the bush blocks that appear. Now, there are some invisible blocks
on the left side of the shaft that goes up. They aren't next to the left wall,
but a bit closer to the center. Hop up the invisible platforms to find some
purple blocks. You'll get a mug, burger, pies, and you'll also open access to
Door 5-11.

Now go to the bottom and pick up the blue block, then enter the area on the
left. DO NOT fall into the first gap, instead jump over to the left side.
There are some mini platforms on the left, and there is a hidden tunnel in
the wall under it. Go inside and kick all the purple blocks (starting with
the top ones), to get a whole bunch of horns.

Go back outside and fall to the bottom, where there is a ledge and a small
gap. Put the blue block on the edge of the ledge, like this:

(B=Block, R=Barrel)

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|       |
|____ B |
     |  |

Now go to the hole under the bush blocks on the right and pick up the blue
block that is down there. Take it back to the first block and put it on the
right edge, then pick up the first block. The other block will be left in mid

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|      B|
|____   |
     |  |

Go around to the right side of the barrels. Kick three of the barrels to the
left, then go back to the rat area. Get onto the solid platform (the one just
above the ground), and put the block down on the right edge. This will let the
rats climb up to the next platform.

Now, as soon as a rat climbs over the block, pick it up and put it next to the
pipe. You will need to repeat this several times to get all of the rats into
the pipe.

A fan will blow the rats to the left, and they will walk themselves into the

Time to move on.

  Door 5-11
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going up the tree and grabbing the fan block that is facing up. Take
this block and fall into the hole on the right. There is a tunnel that goes
left, and one that goes right. DO NOT enter these tunnels yet.

Fall to the bottom and you'll find yourself in a room full of drops. Kill the
bird, then put the fan block right on the wooden beam nearest to the entrance.

(F=Fan, B=Block)



Now go back and pick up the block that faces to the left. Put it on the left
side of the farthest top right platform.


Now pick up the blue block from the tree and make a step for the rats that are
near the door. They will climb out and begin marching to the right.

They will go over the grass, through the tunnel on the left, then finally get
to the fans that you set up at the bottom. Pick up the fan block that faces
up after all the rats have been blown to the trap area.

Jump into the trap area and put down the fan block on top of the pyramid. The
rats will eventually get to the trap.

Go back up the tunnel and go into that left tunnel with the purple blocks.
Start with the top ones to get point items. Now go to the tunnel on the right.

Kill the alien, then quickly cross over the brown blocks. Kick these purple
blocks to get pies and chips. Now break through the brown blocks.

Break through the next column of brown blocks, then kick the purple block on
the left to get a squishee. Now go to the right and jump up the springs.

Enter the room and kick the single purple block to get a horn, then kick the
other ones starting with the top one. You'll get a horn, marbles, and you'll
open up Doors 5-12 and 5-13.

Use the marbles to break through the brown blocks and exit.

  Door 5-12
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and you'll find two jars and three pipe blocks. Wait for two of
the rats to get trapped in the jars, then use the jars to trap the rats on the
left side, next to the hedge.

(J=Jar, V=Vertical pipe, L=L-shaped pipe)

| J

There are seven mushroom platforms to the right, and four of them build an
arch. Like this:
      ___ |___
       |  | |
       |  | |
       |  | |
   ___ |  | |

Now grab the L-shaped pipe and put it on the right side of the first platform,
then stack the two vertical pipes on top of it.
      ___ |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

Take one of the jars and put it on the right side of the second platform to
build a step. Then wait for the rats to be on the left, then put the other jar
to build a step from the ground to the first platform.
      __J |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

As soon as the rats pass over the first jar, pick it up and put it on the edge
of the fourth platform.

Now do this next part QUICKLY! Pick up the second jar after the rats have
walked over it and rush to the right. There is a raised tunnel here, so put
the jar a space away as if you were building steps up to the platform.

Pick up the other jar after the rats have passed over it and complete the steps
to the tunnel. If any rats fall just repeat what you did.

The tunnel leads to an area full of fans, so grab all the jars and pipes and
take them over there. Kill the snake at the bottom too. Kick the purple blocks
in the right corner to get a mug and pies.

Now it's finally time to trap the rats. First take the two jars up to the
small platform in the middle, and build some steps up to the next platform on
the right. Then, take the bottom jar and leave the other one in mid air.

The rats are stuck between two fans, so wait for the rats to be on the left
and put a jar in their way. Make sure to put the block on the right side so
that the rats can climb up to the right.

Now the rats will go into another fan and get stuck between two more fans. Get
the jar and take it up to the third platform. Drop it on the right edge. Now
get the L-Shaped pipe.

Go down to the platform where the rats are blowing around. Drop the pipe to
have the rats climb onto the right, then quickly pick up the pipe and jump up
to the jar above. Wait on the right edge for the rats to go up, and drop the
pipe on the right edge immediately after.

Once all the rats have been trapped, take the two jars and bust them on the
trap platform to get those last two rats in. Go back to the door to exit.

  Door 5-13
  - - - - - - - 

Pick up one of the two jars and trap a rat in each one, then break the brown
blocks near the rats to have the rats fall into a hole on the right. Place the
jar in the left gap of that brown barrier on the right side to have a perfect 

There are two barrels on the top platform. Kick the left barrel down, then
kick it again to make it fall in the rat hole.

Now take the other jar and place it on the right edge of the bottom square,
then kick the barrel to the left. Once the barrel is on the square kick it to
the right and the jar will stop it. Pick up the jar and put it on the right
edge of the barrel. After all that you should see this picture:

(J=Jar, R=Barrel)

    J |
    | |
___R| |__

Wait for the rats to be walking to the left, then pick up the lower jar and
quickly put it at the right edge of the top jar. The completed steps will let
the rats walk into the next area.

Pick up a jar and go into the next area. Break brown blocks to let the rats go
into the lower area, then drop the jar anywhere. Now we have to get the other
jar. Use the jar you have to jump over the wall and get the other jar.

Do you see that little dip in the ground that is two spaces wide? Take a jar
and place it according to this picture:

__ J  __

Go to the top and kick the barrel to the right and it will fall to the ground.
Kick it to the right again and the jar will stop it next to the dip.

__RJ  __

The next part should be obvious. You have to take the two jars and build steps
starting at the right edge of the barrel. Make sure the rats are on the left
of the barrel before you put the jars.

__R   __

Pick up the two jars and go into the next area. Place one jar on the pipe, then
kick the upper barrel of the two on the left. Once that barrel is on the
ground, kick it to the right and it will stop next to the pipe.

Now kick the lower barrel of the two on the left. One time to the right is all
it takes.

After the lower barrel has been kicked down, use the two jars to build steps
that lead to the trap. The rats will then climb up and get sliced. Move the
two jars back to the left side, away from the trap.

Now go up to the top right and kick those three barrels down to the left. The
three barrels will stack up on top of each other. Put the last two jars near
the trap and stand on the stacked barrels to slice up the last two rats.

The rats are done, so let's get the extras. Kick the purple block at the top
to get some marbles, then shoot a marble straight into the wall on the right.
You will break into a hidden tunnel.

Kick all of the purple blocks in this tunnel to get point and health items.
Break through the brown blocks in the hole, then go to the door to exit.

  Door 5-14
  - - - - - - - 

Just avoid the laser gun and go to the right. Pick up that first spring and
move one space over so the drops don't hit you, then kick the blocks at the top
to get pies and a mug.

Go down and pick up the spring again. Use the other spring to jump up and get
the mug in the purple block, then use the spring again and go to the right.

Kill the alien, then kick the two blocks to get a horn and to kick the special
block that closes Room #5.

There is more stuff on top, but you're pretty much done with the game already.
Anyway, go up and kill the snakes if you have to, then kick the block on the
left to get a mug.

Put down the spring and jump up to the left to get a spotted bag, then jump
on the tree for a horn. Jump to the right one more time for a squishee and an
extra life.

All done, so go to the door to exit and finally be done with Room #5.

                               4.6  Conclusion

After you leave Room #5 you will get a message:


So, go ALL the way back to the beginning and enter the door to finally beat
this game.

Thanks for playing, and...



===== 5.0 CODES & SECRETS =====================================================


    Password     |  Password effect
    BARTMAN      |  Room 1 defeated
    SMITHERS     |  Rooms 1 and 2 defeated
    SNOWBALL     |  Rooms 1, 2, and 3 defeated
    JEBEDIAH     |  Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 defeated
    _JOSHUA_     |  Every room unlocked, unlimited lives,
                      ammo refills (L+R)


    Password     |  Password effect
    SKINNER      |  Room 1 defeated
    SCRATCHY     |  Rooms 1 and 2 defeated
    BARTDUDE     |  Rooms 1, 2, and 3 defeated
    BOUVIER      |  Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 defeated


===== 6.0 LEGAL / MISC. =======================================================

                              6.1  Version History

September 4: Version 0.9
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another Krusty game down the chute. Huzzah!

                               6.2  Guide Credits

Thanks to...

1. Martin for taking an interest and redesigning this guide for the SNES. The
edits were all him.

2. Matt Groening. The man created 'The Simpsons', which has been on the air
for 14 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy bearded bastard!

3. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds of
individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers, voice actors,
animators, producers, gofers, and every other person involved... thank you!

4. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants'
guide. It inspired me to write guides for Simpsons video games. 

5. Flying Edge, Fox Williams, and Audiogenic for this game.

6. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health...

                            6.3  Contact Information

The address is:

The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so we'll most likely respond to
any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put
'Krusty's Super Fun House FAQ' or something similar in the subject line.

                               6.4  Legal Stuff

1. "Krusty's Super Fun House" is copyright © 1992 Flying Edge Inc. The Simpsons
and any related Simpsons characters are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film

2. This guide copyright © 2005 SubSane and Martin Dale-Hench. This guide may be
distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form.
It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being
displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that


                          Based on the  Genesis version
                        Written and maintained by SubSane
                           Last updated  July 10, 2003



     1.1 Game Details
     1.2 Story

     2.1 Game Start
     2.2 Status Screen
     2.3 Controls
     2.4 Blocks
     2.5 Items
     2.6 Points


     4.1 World #1
     4.2 World #2
     4.3 World #3
     4.4 World #4
     4.5 World #5
     4.6 Conclusion


     6.1 Version History
     6.2 Guide Credits
     6.3 Contact Information
     6.4 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ========================================================

                              1.1  Game Details

The Genesis version of Krusty's Super Fun House was actually a change from the
versions that came out for the NES, Master System, and Gameboy.
Released by Flying Edge Inc. in 1992 and developed by Fox Williams and

                                1.2  Story

Message from Krusty the Clown:

H-h-hi kids!

Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house up in the Springfield hills
and I need your help to get rid of them!

These rats are real dumb, they just walk around climbing over anything that
isn't bigger than they are. If they reach a wall or barrier that is higher
than them, they'll just turn around and go the other way...

Use the blocks and items that you find lying around to move the rats around
the level to those wacky traps where Bart, Homer and my faithful helpers
Sideshow Mel and Corporal Punishment are ready to help us get rid of those

Good luck...!


===== 2.0 THE BASICS ==========================================================

                                2.1  Game Start

Push Start
You'll be sent straight to a password screen, but if you don't have a password
just press Start to begin.

                              2.2  Status Screen

Block box
The dotted line box in the top-left corner is where your blocks are held.

The six digits in the top-center represent your points. Points grant extra
lives, but this game is too easy to lose any lives in.

The item second from the right is your current weapon. The weapons will always
be either pies or marbles.

The Krusty icon in the top-right is the number of lives you have.

This is something I should mention. This is NOT in the HUD, but you only have
ten hits before you lose a life. You can replenish health with burgers, chips,
and squishees.

You can tell when Krusty is low on health because he will start to breathe

                                2.3  Controls

    Command      |  Character Action           |  Other           
    Left         |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Right        |  Move Krusty                |  Navigate menus
    Up           |  Enter the doors            |  Navigate menus
    Down         |  Pick up/drop blocks        |  Navigate menus
    A button     |  Jump                       |  -
    B button     |  Throw pies, kick blocks    |  -
    C button     |  Start, then C to exit      |  -
    Select       |  Quit and exit a door       |  -
    Start        |  Pause                      |  Select in the menus

                                 2.4  Blocks

    Block type   |  Purpose of block
    Blue         |  Basic block, used for climbing
    Pipe         |  Both vertical and L-shaped, used for pipes
    Fan          |  Blows rats up, left, or right
    Spring       |  Used to bounce up
    Jar          |  Holds one rat, kick to bust open
    Barrel       |  Can be kicked to the side
    Purple       |  Kick to reveal items, open new areas, reveal new purple
                    blocks, or reveal platforms
    Brown        |  Can be broken by standing on or using marbles

                                   2.5  Items

    Item         |  Purpose of item
    Pies         |  Weapons
    Marbles      |  Weapons
    Krusty icon  |  Extra life
    Burgers      |  Replenish health
    Squishee     |  Replenish health
    Chips        |  Replenish health
    Spotted bag  |  10 points
    Mug          |  20 points
    Horn         |  50 points

                                  2.6  Points

Points are good for extra lives, but there are plenty of extra lives in the
game anyway. So, points are optional.

    Action/Item    |  Points
    Spotted bag    |  10
    Mug            |  20
    Horn           |  50
    Room 1 enemy   |  100
    Room 2 enemy   |  100
    Room 3 enemy   |  500
    Room 4 enemy   |  500
    Room 5 enemy   |  1000

You can also get points from beating timed stages before time runs out. Timed
stages give you plenty of time, so it shouldn't be a problem.


===== 3.0 QUICK TIPS ==========================================================

- - - - -
Try to group the rats as often as possible. You can do this by trapping the 
rats in a small space so that they all become a very tight group.

 There are three ways:

 (B=Block, F=Fan)

 | B

 | B


 The top one is for three available blocks, the bottom one is best when only
 two blocks are available. They both make it easier to manage large groups. 

 The third method involves using a fan that is facing a wall or another block.
 Remember, the fan has to face TOWARD the wall or block.

 They may not always be mentioned in the guide, but keep these methods in mind.

Thinking Ahead
- - - - - - - -
Always go through an entire door before starting to trap the rats. It's best 
to know what's ahead so you can plan out the best possible method to trap the

Don't Kill
- - - - - -
Sometimes it's best to avoid an enemy, if possible. You can conserve precious
ammo, especially the marbles since they are sometimes needed to access areas in
a door.


===== 4.0 WALKTHROUGH =========================================================

                                 4.1  World #1

Door locations for Room #1.
|                                      |           |
|____    1-1      1-2      1-3         |   ________|
|    |____________________________     |  |        |
|                                      |  |   1-7  |
| 1-8        1-6     1-5      1-4      |__|   _____|

(Door 1-7 cannot be accessed until you kick the special purple block in Door
 1-4. Door 1-8 will open once you have beaten Doors 1-1 through 1-7.)

Enemies in Room #1 are: Snakes
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Smash-O-Matic

  Door 1-1
  - - - - - - -

Very simple first door. Go to the right and grab the blue block that is on the
small platform by pressing Down while on top of it. Don't use the block for the
mice yet. Take it to the right and place it next to the wall to get in the

Go through and you'll find a room with a snake in it. One pie will kill the
snake. Press B to kick the purple block and get a spotted bag for 10 points.

Go back to the hole where the mice fell into and place the block on the right
edge of the hole. The mice will now climb up and go into Bart's trap. Go back
to complete the first door.

  Door 1-2
  - - - - - - -

Jump onto the moving platform and then jump to the right. You'll be in an
area with green-blue checkered walls. Grab the block. Place the block to the
right side of the hole the rats are in, and they will walk into the fans on the
right. The fans will do the rest of the work. Now go to the right.

You'll find a purple block with a burger in it, then some blocks with pies and
a spotted bag. Keep going left and avoid the blue drops to get into pit with a
snake. Kill the snake and fall to get a horn worth 50 points. Now go left again
and fall into the hole that comes up. The purple block in here has an extra
life, but watch out for the drops.

Leave and ride up the platform to find yourself back at the entrance. Walk by
the door to leave.

  Door 1-3
  - - - - - - -

This door looks complicated, but it's easy. The rats will walk themselves right
next to the trap, so don't worry about them. Go right and grab the blue block
along the way, then put the blue block so that the rats can climb up to the

Now climb up to the upper levels from the right side. On the top you'll have
to kill some snakes, but there are also purple blocks containing pies, and
point items.

All done, let's get to the next door.

  Door 1-4
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and climb up the stairs to enter a large greenhouse of sorts.
Jump along the tops of the palm trees and get the marbles from the purple block
at the top, then pick up the blue block on the platform just below. Use a
marble or two to break open the cracked wall that is to the right. 

Go inside and you'll see some purple blocks with point items, then at the very
top you'll find another purple block. Kick this block to unlock the opening to
Door 1-7.

Go back down and avoid or kill the snakes, because now they fire spit from
their mouths. The mice should be near the trap already, so just get yourself
to the right.

There are two separate groups of rats, so go to the upper right corner of the
room. Step on the left block of the platform that those rats are on, and it
will break. The rats will fall through and eventually join the other group of
rats on the ground.

Once the rats are together, place the blue block next to the colored pots to
have the rats climb over. After all the rats have gone over, quickly take the
blue block and place it on the very left edge of the platform between the
pipes. Here's how it should look: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

PPPPP            PPPP

The rats will come out of the pipe on the right and climb up to the other pipe
using the block. That pipe will then drop them off in front of the trap. 

Memorize that block strategy because in the later stages you will be using it.

All done here, let's go to 1-5.

  Door 1-5
  - - - - - - -

This door is left of Door 1-4. Go inside and to the left. Kick the first purple
block to get some marbles, then use the marbles to break some holes in the
walls and keep going left. You will find more purple blocks with point items,
as well as some pies.

When you reach the bottom and go right you will find two more purple blocks.
Kick both to open up new areas. Go inside the door to find a bonus room. If
you get all the point items within the time limit you will get an extra life. 

Leave and go up the other new area to find yourself back in the main hall. Go
right this time and ride the platform to the top. Jump on the platform under
the trap and stand on the dark blocks to break them. Keep doing this until you
reach the bottom.

Now, do you see that curved block? That's a pipe, a new type of block that you
will start to see. Kill the slow snake, then pick up the pipe and ride up the
elevator. Jump under the trap and jump into the gap on the right. You should
see that there is a gap between the vertical and horizontal pipes. Place the
pipe into the gap to connect the two.

Go back down and pick up the blue block and go to the right. You now have to
place the blue block in the air so that the rats go into the pipe. Remember,
from Door 1-4? Fine, I'll show you just ONE more time: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

P          |
PPPP       |

So, the block goes between the pipe and the edge, creating a step for the
rats. You may not get all the rats at once, but keep doing it until they all
get up to the trap.

We're done, let's move on.

  Door 1-6
  - - - - - - -

Go all the way to the left avoiding the drops until you reach a purple block.
Kick it to open up a new area on the right side of the door.

Hop on the platforms and get over the striped wall on the right, but then hop
up some more platforms to the top. Ignore the rats for now and pick up the
blue block. Go to the left and place the block under the hole in the ceiling.
You will want to stay on the right side of the tunnel so the drops won't hit
you. When you get to the top kick all the purple blocks to get point items,
pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and land on the rats platform. Place the blue block at the far
right edge so that the rats can climb up and fall down into the trap below.

That's it for this door, let's go to 1-7

  Door 1-7
  - - - - - - -

The access to this door will open when you kick the special purple block in
Door 1-4.

This door requires you to be very fast in order to trap the rats. Fall into
the hole just ahead, then you will find three more gaps to fall into. Fall in
the middle gap and it will lead you through a tunnel. You will run into drops
and snakes, but they shouldn't be a problem.

You will find a blue block along the way, so pick it up. Once you see the trap
find the hole in front and place the blue block over the hole. You should know
what I mean by now. By blocking that hole the rats will climb over and go into
the trap.

Now go all the way to the left and you'll find a platform and some purple 
blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and an extra life.

That wasn't too difficult, now let's go to the final door.

  Door 1-8
  - - - - - - -

You cannot access this door until you beat the first seven doors. 

Fall down, killing any snakes you come across. You will eventually reach a
room with a bunch of purple blocks and one blue block. Kick all of the purple
blocks to get point items, some extra hit items, and to kick a special purple
block. This purple block MUST be kicked in order to close the room. Pick up
the blue block and go back to the door.

Use the blue block to get up to the high platform, then just go back to the
door to beat Door 1-8.

Go back to the entrance to close Room #1 and gain access to Room #2.

                                 4.2  World #2

Door locations for Room #2.
|                                               |      |
|      2-9    2-8    _________                  |      |
|_    ___________             |  2-5  2-6  2-7  |      |
| |_             |_    2-4    |  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  |___   |
|   |_             |______   _|                       _|
|     |_       2-10   |    _|  2-3   2-2   2-1      _| |
|       |_____________|____________________________|   |

(You cannot access Doors 2-5 through 2-7 until you kick the special purple
 block in Door 2-2. Door 2-10 will open once you defeat all the other doors.)

Enemies in Room #2 are: Aliens
Trap assistant will be: Homer and the Zap-O-Matic

  Door 2-1
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going up and finding three blue blocks. Pick one up and fall down
next to the pipe. Place it under the pipe, then go back up and grab another
block. Place the next block at the base, so that you build steps.

Example: (P=Pipe, B=Block)


Keep this method in mind because you will have to use it again. Anyway, go to
the top and pick up the third blue block, then go to the right. You will reach
a wall you can't jump over, so drop the block next to it. Go back and get the
block that you dropped on the floor and put it on top of the one next to the
wall. Now you can jump over the wall.

When you see the moving platforms, climb on them. They will lead you to a long
line of brown blocks. These break away, so what you have to do is walk to the
left and don't stop. When you get to the end of this path you'll find some
purple blocks containing point items, pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and kill the alien. He shoots beams, so watch out for those.
Next, break through the brown blocks on the ground. Go to the left end of the
tunnel to find a blue block, then go all the way to the right. Bust open the 
purple block to get an extra life.

Get yourself to the top and use the blue block to get the three rats into the
trap. Once they're in, pick up the blue block again and go back toward the
door. Place the block on the last step next to that wall to get back over it.

Get to the door to exit.

  Door 2-2
  - - - - - - -

Move forward and kick the barrel forward to have it fall down. Keep kicking it
down the tunnels, but NEVER kick it to the wall. It'll get stuck. Keep kicking
the barrel until it lands on the ground, next to the trap.

Before we proceed, go back near the top and jump through the thin pipes near
the door. Make your way through the pipe maze, keeping in mind that you can
only jump up through horizontal pipes. When you get to the laser gun, avoid
it's shots. Go through the tunnel and kill the aliens. When you get to the 
open space go up, kicking any purple blocks you see.

The purple block that is surrounded by thick pipes leads to a secret area. 

You will get an extra life if you beat it, plus a VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THING!

Sorry, I had to make sure you realize that the secret area in here is very
important. You must get all of the items in a short amount of time. One tip:
when you get the first mug, jump into the hole and then back up to get the bag
on the right side. Now I mean it, you have to beat this secret area no matter
what!!! If you mess up, Pause and press C to exit and come back in.

When you beat it you'll get the extra life like I mentioned, but you'll appear
at a different door. Next to this door is the VERY IMPORTANT thing. A purple
block. Kick it to gain access to doors 2-5 through 2-7.

Go up and kick the purple block, then make your way back to the tunnels you
came from. Walk right and you'll end up in a room with an alien and the rats.
Kill the alien and make your way up to the rat platforms.

Kick the first barrel to the left, then hop up to the next platform and
kick the other barrel to the right. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Fall down and go all the way to the left until you see some brown blocks. Use
your marbles to break them all, then kick the barrel from the beginning all the
way to the right. You need that barrel to fall into that gap where the rats
can't climb over.

Once the rats climb up that'll be it, so let's move on.

  Door 2-3
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left. Go past the trap and enter the first tunnel you
see. You'll find a blue block. Take this blue block to the ledge beside the

Now, there is a bit of creative thinking when trying to get the rats into this
trap. Place this first block four spaces from the edge at the bottom.

Example: (B=Block)


The block at the bottom is that first block, placed four spaces from the edge.
Now go left, but hop up the platforms to the next tunnel you see. The moving
laser guns in the middle will be firing laser bolts, so look out.

This next tunnel will lead to a large room that has silver platforms leading to
the bottom. Get to the bottom and kill the alien, then get the point items and
pick up the blue block. Take the blue block back to the trap.

Place the block directly on top of the first one. This is temporary, and make
sure none of the rats get stuck. Now go all the way back to the tunnel
entrance. Hop up the platforms again to reach a third tunnel at the top. There
will be two aliens in here, so kill them off easily. Pick up the blue block and
take it back to the trap. Place it anywhere you like for now. We'll fix it

Now it's time to handle the right side. Go to the right and hop up to the
second tunnel you see. Kick that purple block to get some marbles. Go up to
the next tunnel and use the marbles to break through the brown block barrier.
You'll find a blue block in there. There's nothing in the very top tunnel, so
don't worry about it.

Go drop off the block next to the others, but don't do anything yet. Go to the
right again and go inside the pipe tunnel.
There will be an alien on those red blocks, so use whatever weapon you have to
kill it. Kick the purple blocks on the right edge to get some point items.

Now use the brown blocks to climb to the top. These blocks break away, so DO
NOT stay on them. Just quickly hop from one to the next. When you get to the
row on top keep going left because these break away much quicker. The purple
block will contain some chips. Jump onto the brown blocks that are just below
to get some pies from the purple block.

All right, we can finally get the rats into the trap! Go and set the blocks up
according to this diagram:
    | B
    |  B

The block at the bottom is that first one, so just set up the other three to
build the steps. Make sure none of the rats get trapped.

The rats will then climb to their doom, so this door is done.

  Door 2-4
  - - - - - - -

This door requires extreme speed to beat it as easily as possible.

Quickly go to the right and pick up the first blue block you see. Jump on the
pipes and drop that block. Fall down on the right side and pick up the next
blue block. Run across the brown blocks, but NEVER pause. You want to run by
but still leave the blocks there. You need them for the rats to walk across.

When you get to hole with a pipe over it, put down the block. You want to
build a step for the rats to climb over. If you did all this the rats will
casually walk by and into the trap.

Whew, that was fast. The next stuff is pretty much optional, so it's up to you
if you want to get some points and extra health.

Go into the area behind the trap. When you see more brown blocks, stop! The
first row of brown blocks will break away, so run quickly. The next three rows
will have four layers of blocks. Break the top layers of each row by running
across three times. Then, break through the left and middle of each section to
reach the point items.

Go back near the trap and climb up through the pipes that run across a small
vertical tunnel. There will be a burger up here.

Well, that's it. Head back to the door to exit.

  Door 2-5
  - - - - - - -

This door can't be accessed until you kick the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

This one has only one rat, but it's quite difficult when trying to figure it
out. Of course you don't have to if you're reading this guide.

Let's take care of everything else first. Ignore all rats and blocks and fall
down to the bottom. Kill those two aliens. Keep walking to the right and kill
the third alien you come across.

Hop up to the upper level (near the trap), and ride that moving platform to the
right. Kick the purple block to get some marbles. Ride the platform back to the
left and hop up to the level with the brown blocks. Use the marbles to break
through and kick the purple blocks to get some chips, pies, and point items.

All right, let's trap the rat. Pick up a blue block and fall into the hole left
of the door. Now you have to block a series of fans and pipes. Let me

(P=Pipe, F=Fan, B=Block)
                                            _|  |
                                          _|    |
                                        _|      |
_____P______________F___P_____F___F____|        |_________P___

This is a diagram showing all of the pipes and fans that you need to block
using the three blue blocks near the door. 

Start by blocking the first pipe, then place another block on the fan that
follows. Grab the third block and use it to get the rat out of it's spot. Pick
up the block again when the rat is out and place it on the next pipe.

Once the rat has passed over the first pipe, pick up that block and cover the
next fan in the way. Once the rat has passed over the first fan, pick up the
block and cover the third fan in the way. When the rat has passed over the
second pipe, take that block and cover the fan at the top of the steps. When
the rat has passed over the fan at the top of the steps, take that block and
cover the last pipe in the way.

This is the more complicated way. If you're quick enough all you really need
is one block.

Whew, that was a whole lot of moving. Unfortunately, we're only half done. Now
we have to get the rats up some platforms and onto the level with the trap.
It's time to whip out the ol' step method.

So, leave the block that is covering the pipe alone. Go back and pick up the
two blocks we left behind and bring them here. Hop onto the first pyramid
platform and place a block out on the right edge. Grab another block and place
it on the right edge of the first block. It should look like this:


Now, take away the first block and place it on the left edge of the block that
is covering the pipe. Like this:

The rat has to be on the right side of the steps so it can climb up. The
absolute SECOND the rat gets onto the pyramid, take away the top block and
place it at the top of the pyramid. Like this:

     B       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__

Again, the absolute SECOND the rat turns around, take that block from the top
of the pyramid and make a step, like this:

     _       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__B

The rat will climb up the steps and over onto the next pyramid platform. Take
another block and trap the rat between the top of the pyramid and the wall.

Now take the block at the very bottom and the one in mid air and make steps
that lead to the third platform. Quickly take away the block that has the rat
trapped and place it at the edge of the third platform. Once the rat has gone
over one of the other blocks, pick one up and place it at the left edge of the
other block to build steps up to the next level.

Once the rat has climbed over one of the blocks, take it and quickly cover the
hole that is between two pyramid platforms on this level. The rat will walk
itself the rest of the way and get zapped.

Man, was that not A LOT OF HELL? Seriously, it's not too tough. It just takes
an understanding of the step method. I hope by now you got it.

That's finally done, let us go on.

  Door 2-6
  - - - - - - - 

This door can only be accessed after kicking the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

Well, we're back to the step method in this door. There is only one rat, and
you have to build steps to platforms using blue blocks.

But first, let's take care of the extras. Go to the right and fall into the
first hole you see. There will be two aliens in this bottom area, so kill
them and get the marbles from the purple block.

Now go up to the top and use the moving platforms to reach the brown blocks
in the top-left corner. Bust through with some marbles and you'll get access
to a whole bunch of point items. Remember to kick the purple blocks on top
first, then the ones at the bottom.

Go back down and jump across the platforms until you see a purple block. Kick
it to get some pies.

Now it's time to trap the rat. Leave the blue block that is covering the pipe,
and pick up one of the others. Place it at the base of the thick pipes to the
right. Pick up another block and place it on the right half of the highest
pipe next to the platform. Pick up two more block and use them to build steps
up to the platform. Like this:

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

As soon as the rat climbs over that first block at the base of the pipes, pick
it up and place it on the small pipe that's on the platform. Like this:


When the rat has passed over the first step, take that block. Wait for the rat
to be between the two small pipes on the platform, then block him in like this:

 B  B

Take the other two blocks and build some steps to the next platform. Now, the
next platform has two more small pipes. Grab the right block from the first
platform, and place it on the right pipe of the second platform. When the rat
is between the pipes of the second platform, trap him.

            B   B

Take the two step blocks and build some steps to the third platform. Take the
right block from the second platform and place it on the single pipe of the
third platform. Then take the left block from the second platform and place it
on the right pipe.

      B  B

Now, go all the way back and pick up the fan block that is facing up. Take it
and jump to the top-left platform, the one with a pipe hanging over it. Place
the fan directly under the pipe.

Now, wait for the rat to start walking to the right and pick up the block that
was on the left pipe. Place it on the left edge of the left pipe.

Once the rat starts walking left, pick up the block that was on the right and
use it to complete the steps that lead up to the fan. The rat will then just
walk into the fan, and the pipe will lead it to the trap. A quick reminder:
DO NOT jump into the trap area. You'll get stuck.

Let's move on to the next door.

  Door 2-7
  - - - - - - - 

This door can only be accessed after kicking the special purple block in
Door 2-2.

Well, it's about time we get a break. This door may seem complicated, but it's
very easy. First go to the right and make your way through the pipes. Remember
that you can only jump through horizontal pipes. Along the way you'll find a
purple block with some pies.

If you go to the top-right of the pipes you'll come out on the other side.
Fall to the bottom and you'll face two aliens, and find a blue block at the

Grab the block and go back into the pipes. Make your way to the top-left of
the pipes now and jump to the left side of the room. Avoid the laser gun. On
the far left side you'll find some point items and a burger.

Now fall down near the trap and place the block to build a step to the pipe.
See, here you have to make a rat go into the pipe, then pick up the block and
place it in the hole between the trap platform and the pipes. You'll see what
I mean.

It might take a couple of times to get all the rats, but it's still extremely
easy. Let's move on to the next door.

  Door 2-8
  - - - - - - - 

Hey all right, another easy one! Fall straight to the bottom-left corner. There
are two laser guns going up and down, so watch out for them. Kick those purple
blocks starting with the top ones to get some pies, chips, and point items.

Now jump up through the pipes on the right side. At the top you'll find a blue
block, so pick it up. Go over the top and to the rat hole on the left. Place
the block as a step so any rats that come out will fall over. Wait for all of
the rats to go over, then jump over yourself.

Now the final simple part is to use the block to create a step to the steps
that are already on the right side of the trap. It may take a couple of times
to get all the rats, but it's still way easy.

To get back to the door, go around the right side and over the top. Go into
the spot where the rats were and fall over, but fall to the left. You will
land on a piece of pipe. Now just jump up to the door.

Great, another simple door defeated. On to the next door.

  Door 2-9
  - - - - - - -

This door is huge, but not that hard to beat. Start off by falling down the
hole to the left and killing the alien along the way. Pick up the block when
you see it, then jump up through the small tunnel to get back to the door. Go
to the left again and use the block to get over the high wall.

Kill the alien in the first hole, then kill the next alien you see. Go through
the tunnel and fall down. Find the rat and pick up the block next to it, then
go up to the platform near a laser gun. Place the block on the left edge of
the platform and jump onto the small ledges on the left.

Jump up and kick any purple blocks to get some pies, a squishee, and point
items. Kill the alien as well. Fall back to the bottom and pick up the blue
block again.

Jump over the thick pipe next to the rat and you'll find the trap. Don't worry
about it yet, and keep going to the right. Place the blue block over the lower
purple block you see to create a step. You can now kick the higher purple
block to get an extra life. Take away the blue block and get bag from the other
purple block. Don't go on the right side yet.

That's it for the extras, let's trap the rat. Fall into the hole that is left
of the rat area and pick up the fan block on the left. You can drop the block
here for now. Fall in the hole and place the fan right under the trap
platform, but not directly under. Place it under and one space to the left.

(F=Fan, P=Pipe, B=Block)



Now go back to where the three blocks are gathered. Take one block and cover
the pipe that is on the ground. Take another block and cover one of the pipes
on the left, then take the third block and cover the other pipe.


Go back around all the way to where you dropped the first block you had and
pick it up. Use this block to build a step for the rat to get out. Now rush
to the spot where you placed all the blocks and place this block to complete
the steps.


Wait for the rat to walk over, then grab those three blocks and build some
steps up to the thick pipes.

   B PP
  B  PP

This next part must be done quickly. As soon as the rat walks over the block
that is covering the pipe on the ground, pick up that pipe and run all the way
to the trap. Stand on the left edge of the platform as if you were going to
place the block on the edge, but wait.

After the rat flys up in the air place the block on the edge. The rat will
then land on the block and walk into the trap.

See, not too tough. Go to the right and kick the purple block along the way to
get a burger, then follow the tunnel at the top to go back to the door and

  Door 2-10
  - - - - - - - 

This door cannot be accessed until you close all of the other doors.

Go up the tunnel until you get to the laser guns. Jump across the gaps until
you pass a third laser gun. Try to avoid any aliens along the way.

Make a far jump to the right to find yourself in an area with two aliens and
some purple blocks. Kill the aliens, then kick the purple blocks to get point
items, chips, an extra life, and to kick the special purple block that will
close Room #2 and open Room #3.

You're done with the whole room, so go to the entrance and leave.

                                 4.3  World #3

Door locations for Room #3.
|            |                                                |
|            |             3-5  3-6                           |
| 3-1     ___|           __________                           |
|____   _|   |      3-4     |      |_     3-12 3-13           |
|     _|     |     _________|_     | |_   ---------  3-11 3-14|
|    |_______|    |  |      |  3-10|   |             _________|
| 3-2            |   |    --|______|    |  3-8 3-9  |         |
|____           |    | 3-7  |            |_________|          |
|    |_        |     |______|                                 |
|      |_ 3-3 |                                               |
|        |___|                                                |

(Door 3-7 can be accessed after kicking the special purple block in Door 3-5.
 Door 3-10 can be accessed after kicking the special purple block in Door
 3-8. Doors 3-12 and 3-13 can be accessed after kicking the special purple
 block in Door 3-11. Door 3-14 will open once you have closed all of the
 other doors.)

Enemies in Room #3 are: Flying pigs, snakes
Trap assistant will be: Sideshow Mel and the Pop-O-Matic

  Door 3-1
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the right and use the group of red springs to get to the platform at the
top. Hold the jump button to go higher each time you hit the springs. Grab the
fan block and jump down, then use the next spring to get over the wall.

Fall down and go left to find the trap, a blue block, and a barrel block.
First you need to drop the fan block. Look at the steps that lead up to the
left. Do you see how they are single spaces, but then the steps get wider? You
need to put the fan on the left side of the very first wide step. 

Now go and pick up the blue block, then kick the barrel to the right twice. The
barrel will fall onto the platform below. The trap platform has two elevated
spaces on the left. Put the blue block on the right space.

Now just wait. The rats will eventually make their way up the long steps, the
fan will push them to the right, the barrel will make them turn left, and the
blue block will make them turn toward the trap. Visuals are always good, so:

(F=Fan, B=Block, R=Barrel)
 |__                          R
    |F_                ________
       |_         |
         |_       | _B         __

Hope that helps. After the rats have all been blown up, let's get the extras.
Pick up the blue block and go to the left. Avoid the flying pigs for now.

Fall down and you'll get to some purple blocks. Place the block next to the
purple blocks and kick through the top row first, then the bottom row. You'll
get point items, a burger, and pies.

Well, that's about it. You can kill the flying pigs if you want, but it takes
three hits. Go back to the door to exit.

  Door 3-2
  - - - - - - - 

This one is simple. Jump up to the left and you'll see some platforms, and the
top platform will have a barrel block. Kick the barrel to the left, then go
around the bottom and kick it to the left again, then kick left one more time.
It will cover the pipe and force the rats to go the other way, to the trap.

Like I said, easy. Now let's get the extras. Go to the left into the blue area.
If you jump in the center a red platform will appear, so use it to jump up to
the left.

Run straight left and more red platforms will appear, creating a bunch of
steps. Follow the tunnel and you'll run into a snake. Afterwards, use the
spring to get to the top and run into a flying pig, and some purple blocks.

When kicking the purple blocks, start at the TOP, then work your way down.
You'll get pies, point items, and a few health items.

That's about it, so go to the left and exit.

  Door 3-3
  - - - - - - - 

Ignore any blocks and rats and go to the right. I think it would be better to
get the extras first. On the far right you will fall down a hole, then have to
kill some snakes to the left. Kick the purple block down here to open a new
block, then jump back up.

Go to the right again and you'll find a new purple block containing some
marbles. Take these marbles and break through the brown blocks that are down
the hole.

The new area has some springs, a flying pig, purple blocks, and a secret area.
First use the spring to fly over the wall, then kick those purple blocks. As
always, start with the top block first. You'll get a bag, squishee, and pies.

Use this next spring to get to the top. Jump on the right side of the purple
block to make a red block appear. Kick the purple block to open a secret area.

Go inside and use the springs to get all the items along the way, then an
extra life. You are timed, but it isn't too tough. Once you're done get back to
the rats.

Let's go ahead and trap the rats. Grab a block from the top steps and cover up
the hole on the far right. The one you fell in before. It should create a step
that leads up to a pipe. Now go back and get the fan block.

Jump up the platforms and keep jumping up until you see a fan on the left side,
stuck in the wall. Jump onto the platform directly below it and put the fan
block down on the left side next to the wall.

Now go get another block and jump up to the uneven platforms. It's the spot
with a hole in the middle. Use the block to cover that hole. Go back and get
another block and place it at the left edge of the uneven platforms, then get
another block and place it at the left edge of the first one. Grab the first
block back and put it at the left edge of the block in mid air. So after all
that it should look like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)

     B        ______

Go get the last block. There is a small platform on the ground that will block
the rats, so build a step and wait for all four rats to climb over.

Quickly pick up the block and jump up through the hole in the blocks to the
next platform. Use the block to cover the hole, and you're done. The rats will
climb up and get pushed into the trap by the fans. 

Jump up and kick the purple block at the top to get pies and kill flying pigs.
Go to the door to exit.

  Door 3-4
  - - - - - - -

This room is fairly small, so go around the outside kicking all the purple
blocks and killing flying pigs. You'll get point items, health items, and pies.

Once all this is done, go inside the structure. There are no blocks to pick up,
just a lot of barrels to kick. Go to the bottom of the first column of barrels
and kick ONE barrel.

Go through the new hole and to the next column of barrels. Kick TWO barrels,
then break through the brown blocks you just opened.

For this last column of barrels kick THREE barrels. Go and break through the
brown blocks to fall to the bottom.

Go to the left side of the three barrels and kick two barrels to the RIGHT. 

Go back to the top and kick three more barrels down to the bottom. Go to the
bottom again and kick two of these barrels to the LEFT. 

Go up again and kick down the last two barrels. Kick ONE of these barrels to
the right, then kick the other barrel to the left.

The rats will then climb into the trap, so go back to the door.

  Door 3-5
  - - - - - - -

The rats in this room are easy to trap, but they aren't the main thing. There
is a special purple block in here.

Go to the left and pick up the blue block, then place it next to the purple
block between the trees. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Jump up to the top and ride the platform to the left, then jump in the gap.
Try to only use two marbles, because you'll need the rest of them elsewhere.

Once you're through, go left and jump onto the moving platform. There is
another path in the left wall, but there is also a flying pig flying around.
Avoid the pig and jump into the gap to the path.

If you have three marbles hold Left and just shoot three marbles out to get
through. If you have less than three, good luck getting through. There are
only point items, health items, and pies in there anyway.

Now let's trap the rats. Fall down and go to the right. Do you see the pipe on
the ground before the steps? Place the blue block next to the pipe opening to
cover it.

Keep going to the right to find the rats. Pick up the blue block that is
covering a hole on the right and the rats will fall in. Since you covered the
other end of the pipe down there, the rats will turn around and walk straight
into the trap.

Once they're all popped, it's time to get the last things in this door. Go back
to where you placed the first block. See those steps? Place a block at the
right edge of the top step. Like so:


B _
 | |

Grab the other block and put it at the left edge of the first block, as if you
were building steps. But, now go back and get the first block, and put it at
the left edge of the other one. Keep stacking the blocks up to reach the
platforms at the top, but make sure you have a block with you when you get up

DO NOT kick that first purple block. Place the blue block on it and use that
to jump up to the top. You'll get a Krusty mug from the first one, and the
second purple block will open up Door 3-7. So... MAKE SURE TO KICK THIS

Fall down and kick that last purple block to get another point item.

It seems that's it for this door, so let us exit.

  Door 3-6
  - - - - - - -

Another easy door. Start by jumping onto the springs on the right. Be careful
because there will be a flying pig flying around.

If you jump in the center, some red platforms will appear. Jump up and right
from the platforms to make two more appear. Jump up and toward the center
again to make another group of platforms appear. There will be two more on the
left, then two more near the center. Jump up and to the left one more time to
get two more platforms.

Go inside the tunnel to find the trap and a purple block. Kick the purple
block to open some secret platforms. Go back to the red platforms and jump to
the far right to make four new red platforms appear.

This area has a lot of purple blocks. Kick them all to get point items, health
items, and pies. Pick up the blue block and go back to the trap. Place the blue
block next to the little wall that is next to the trap. To build a step, ya

Go get the fan block, then fall down and into the rat area. Put down the fan
block on the left side, and you're done. The series of fans in this room will
push the rats straight into the trap.

Like I said, easy. Get to the door to leave.

  Door 3-7
  - - - - - - -

This one is fairly simple as well. Start by using the blue blocks and build
some steps starting on the right purple block. Like so:

(P=Purple block, B=Block)

  B |
 B  |
PP  |

Now take the fourth block on the left and place it on the small platform on the
right side of the wall. Get the two blocks that make up the first two steps
and put them all on the right side of the wall.

Now use these blocks to create steps that go into the air on the left. Once you
have three steps that go to the left, pick up the first block and place it at
the left edge to create another step.

PP  | 

Keep doing this until you can barely manage to jump onto the steps. Leave the
bottom of the three blocks alone, so you'll still be able to jump onto it.

Now keep building steps using the two upper blocks. When you reach the edge of
the black window, near the fan block, STOP! You want the last step to be on
the border of the black window and blue trim.

Get the other block and place it on top of the first to reach the platform and
fan. I would also kill the flying pig right now. Grab the fan block and fall
down to the bottom.

Place the fan on the blue trim of the window. You want to put the fan so it
will blow the rats up, then the fan at the top will blow the rats to the right.
They will land directly on the trap.

If you want an extra life, keep reading. Take the fan block and get to the top
again. Put the fan block back on the platform, then get the top block of the
two you stacked and place it on the left edge, over the blue trim. Take the
block under it and hop up to the platform.

Use the blue block and fan block and build steps to the right. There will be a
tunnel with a purple block, containing an extra life.

Fall to the bottom and get the health items in the purple blocks, then leave.

  Door 3-8
  - - - - - - -

This one is another barrel-kicking door. Start by kicking three barrels in the
column to the left. Now go around the top, kicking all of the purple blocks
along the way. You'll get point items, chips, and pies.

Now, kick one of the two remaining barrels to the right, then go back around
and kick the last barrel to the left.

Go to the bottom and kick one barrel to the left, then go around and kick that
barrel all the way to the left. Go and kick one more barrel all the way to the
left. Leave the last barrel alone.

There are two barrels left on the upper platform. Kick the left barrel all the
way to the left to create some steps for the rats. They will then go up in a
pipe that leads to the trap area.

Jump up to the top and hop on the barrels to reach a room at the very top.
Kick the special purple block to gain access to Door 3-10.

Go back down and kick the bottom barrel of the two that are stacked. Go down
and kick that barrel all the way to the right. Go back up and do the same to
the other barrel on the left.

Now kick the last barrel once to the left so it lands on the middle platform,
then kick it once to the right. With the steps now complete the rats will
climb up and into the trap.

So far it's been fairly simple. Let's move on.

  Door 3-9
  - - - - - - -

Start off by killing the flying pig because it can get really annoying. Now we
have to set up a few things. Pick up the spring in the center and use it to
get up through the red platforms on the left and right.

There are fans that blow the rats up to the top platform, as well as fan
blocks. Take each of the fan blocks and go up to the top platform. Use each
fan to cover the spots where the rats fly up through, keeping them stuck in
their little areas.

Now pick up the blue block and go inside one of the areas. Since the rats are
now blocked in, they are constantly being blown up, but they then come
straight down. You have to wait for the rats to get blown up AND face the pipe
on the platforms in the middle.

So, stand on the edge of the platforms while holding the blue block. When a
rat facing the pipe gets blown up, quickly place the block on the edge so the
rat will land and start walking toward the pipe. Pick up the pipe again and
make a step that leads up to the pipe. This pipe will lead to another pipe
that will lead to the trap.

Repeat this process to finish off the rats. Now let's get the purple blocks on
the right.

Use the blue block and two fan blocks and stack two of them on top of each
other. Place the third one on the right edge. Like so:

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Purple block)

|   P
|   -
| B

Now take the two bottom blocks and stack them on the one that was on the right
edge. Do this to reach all the purple blocks and get point items, a squishee,
and pies.

We're all done, so go ahead and leave.

  Door 3-10
  - - - - - - -

Pick up the fan block and get to the top using the moving platform. There are
some flying pigs at the top floating near some platforms, so go ahead and kill
them to save some frustration.

Trapping the rats requires a couple or simple steps. First pick up the fan
block the faces to the left. Place it at the left edge of the small platform
that is nearest to the bottom. Now get the right-facing fan and place it at
the left edge of the first fan. Finally, get the first fan and move it on top
of the right-facing fan. Like this:

(LF=Left-facing fan, RF=Right-facing fan)


Use the fan blocks to get to the upper platforms. Ignore the fan block for now
and go to the right. Jump to the far right and you'll find another room.

There are plenty of purple blocks in here, as well as snakes and a flying pig.
Kill the enemies if you like. Kick all of the purple blocks to get point
items, health items, and pies.

Now let's trap the rats. Go back and get the fan that faces up, and fall down
to the bottom. There are two flower pots and a pipe down here. Place the fan
next to the flower pot on the right. The rats will then come out of the pipe
and get pushed up by the fan. The other fans will take care of the rest.

All right, let's get out of here.

  Door 3-11
  - - - - - - -

Go straight to the right and jump onto the first platform you see. Now jump
onto the spring on the right, but DO NOT hold the jump button. Just hold Right
and you will automatically jump onto another spring on the right. If you fall
there are three snakes at the bottom, so try not to fall.

When you come across a third spring, stop! Hold the jump button and get up
through the tunnel at the top. Kill then flying pig, then kick all the purple
blocks to get point items, health items, and pies. The single block on the
right opens access to Doors 3-12 and 3-13.

Fall back down and keep bouncing to the right to find a whole bunch of
different blocks. Pick up and drop off all of these blocks over by the door.

First grab the fan block. Jump onto the first spring and go up to where the
trap is. Place the fan on the left side of the hole that is on the left.

Now go back and get the L pipe that opens on the left and place it under the
blue steps, and one space to the left. Next you have to get three of the
vertical pipes and place them over the L pipe. Make sure the rats are on the
left, then put the pipes in. The rats will go in and get sucked up to the
steps. Here's the visual:

(L=L-shaped pipe, V=Vertical pipe)


Now get that same L pipe and two vertical pipes and take them to the next
platform on top. Now all you have to do is put the L pipe in the right corner
and stack two vertical pipes on it.

The rats will go through the pipes, and the fan you put next to the trap will
finish the job. Get to the door to leave.

  Door 3-12
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is actually pretty easy. Go over the first wall and move the
block from the right fan to the left fan. Go over the next wall and do the
same thing. Finally, go all the way to the right. Kill the flying pig, then
pick up the fan block. Place the fan according to the this picture:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

 |   __|

It's the spot at the top, near a pipe. Now just go back and pick up the blue
block that is covering the fan. The rats will make their way to the fan and
get blown into the trap.

Gather all the blocks now and make some steps in mid air to get to the trap.
Kick the purple block at the top to open a new area near the door. Pick up a
block on the way there.

Make sure to JUMP OVER THE DOOR. We don't want to exit yet. Fall in the hole,
then kill the flying pig. Kick all of the purple blocks, starting with the
TOP ones. Just place a block to get the ones on top, then take away the block
to get the ones underneath. You'll get point items, a burger, and pies.

Use the spring to get back to the top and exit.

  Door 3-13
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the very top and kicking the purple blocks for point
items, health items, and pies. NEVER go to the left, because you will get
stuck down there.

Get the fan block and fall down to the bottom, near the door. Put the fan
block over the spot where the rats fly up on the right. This will force the
rats into the loop on the left, grouping all the rats together.

Pick up the fan and go up again, and place it on the right edge of the
platform in front of the pipe. Like this:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

PP__F __

Now go to the top and kick the left barrel to the left, then again to the
left, then to the right, then one more time to the left.

Wait for all of the rats to blow up, then you can leave.

  Door 3-14
  - - - - - - -

Fall down and jump on the first spring. Don't hold the jump button, just bounce
normally. Make your way to the right, but obviously you want to avoid hitting
any of the flying pigs.

It's not tough at all. When you get to the end you'll get a whole bunch of
purple blocks. Kick 'em all to get point items, health items, pies, and an
extra life.

The single purple block at the bottom is a special block that will close
Room #3 and grant you access to Room #4. Go all the way back and hop up through
the tunnel on the far left to exit.

Let's finally get out of here!

                                 4.4  World #4

Door locations for Room #4.
|                 |   |     |                                 |
|        4-1      |   | 4-8 |                                 |
|___________     _|   |_____|_     4-7   4-9  4-10  4-14      |
|   4-3  4-2   _|_____________|   ______________________    __|
|   __________|                 _|  | 4-13|  4-12| 4-11|  _|  |
|4-4              4-5   4-6   _|____|_____|______|_____|_|____|

(You can reach Door 4-8 after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-7.
 Door 4-11 opens after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-10. Door
 4-12 opens after kicking the special purple block in Door 4-11, and 4-13
 opens after kicking the special purple block in 4-12. 4-14 opens after
 closing all the other doors.)

Enemies in Room #4 are: Birds
Trap assistant will be: Corporal Punishment and the Eat-O-Matic

  Door 4-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the spring to the right and kicking the purple block.
You'll get some marbles. Fall down and pick up the spring. Put it on the left

Jump up and break through the brown blocks by using your marbles. The rats will
then climb out and fall to the ground below.

Do you see those jar blocks? Each of those holds one rat, but once the jar has
a rat you can use it as a block. Pick up the spring and put it at the right
corner below the trap, then use the jars as blocks to build steps. The two rats
that aren't in jars will climb up the steps into the trap.

Now pick up one of the jars and get over to the right side of the trap using
the spring. Drop the jar and kick it to free the rat, then do the same with
the other jar.

As always the first door was easy. Let's move on.

  Door 4-2
  - - - - - - -

Get on the moving platform to the left and ride up to the top. Try to avoid the
two birds. Once you're at the top go to the right to find a whole bunch of

The jars are obviously for the rats, but first let's get up to the room to the
right. Use the jars as blocks to build steps up the tunnel on the right.

You'll find some purple blocks at the top. Kick them all starting with top one
to get point items, health items, and pies.

Fall back down and carry each of the jars to the bottom, where the rats are.
There are six jars, but seven rats... No problem. Just build some steps up to
the pipe that is in the left wall. Start the steps next to the rat hole.

(J=Jar, H=hole, P=pipe)

| J
|  J
|   J
|    J

The pipe will lead the rat straight to the trap. Now just take each of the jars
and drop them on the RIGHT side of the trap and kick them to get the rest of
the rats into the trap.

A bit tough, but not bad. On to the next door!

  Door 4-3
  - - - - - - -

I'll say this now: this door just looks complicated. Like many of the other
rooms, trapping the rats is a very easy task. Fall straight down and go to the
right. You don't have to touch the barrel along the way.

You will eventually run into a moving platform. Ride up on it then go to the
left. Get the blue block and then go to the top of the trap. Stand on the edge
of the platform so that you can break the single brown block that is at the
top. DO NOT fall in.

Now go back to the moving platform and jump into the middle area on the left.
There should be some breakable brown blocks. Stand on the brown blocks and
break through until you land in a rocky area.

Get through the birds as best as you can until you see the pipe. Break through
the three brown blocks then place the blue block to cover the gap. Like this:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

__        _PPP
  |_   __|

The rats will walk over the block and into the pipe. That pipe will then drop
them right into trap, so that's all done.

Now it's time for the extras. Pick up the blue block and go into the area on
the right. Kick all of the purple blocks in this area to get pies and point
items. Go back to the rocky tunnel and jump up the tunnel to find yourself
back near the trap. Kick the purple block to get some Krusty chips.

Jump up to the top platforms and go left to get back to the door and exit.

  Door 4-4
  - - - - - - -

Go left to find the rats and a whole bunch of jars. Trap all the rats in the
jars. Also, kill that damn bird.

Now, you may notice that there are some breakable brown blocks in the upper
left corner. But, you have no marbles. Use the jar blocks to build some steps
starting on the right edge. You're trying to reach the small platforms up near
the ceiling.

Kick the purple block to get some marbles, then pick up the blue block. Fall
down again and use the jars again to build some steps that lead up to the brown
blocks. Use your marbles to break through.

Go all the way to the left and kick the two lone purple blocks to get some
horns, then kick the other purple blocks starting with the top one. Point items
and pies will be your reward.

Let's finally trap the rats. You have to build steps again, but you also have
to put the blue block in a certain spot. I'll just draw it out:

(B=Block, J=Jar)

      B |
     J  |
    J   |
   J    |
  J     |

Now just carry all the jars up to the trap, and use the block to jump back up
after all the jars are gone.

Kick the jars to release the rats and finish this door.

  Door 4-5
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and kick the barrel, then go into the area on the right.

This area is drenched in water drops, so avoid them as best as possible. Go up
to the upper left platforms and you'll see three barrels. Kick a barrel to the
right, then kick it left off the middle platform.

Fall to the bottom and kick the barrel to the right. Now just go back up and do
the same to the other two barrels so that all three are on the bottom right.

Now go up to the barrels on the upper right platforms. Kick the two barrels
that are at the top so that they land on the platform in the middle. Then
kick them down to the right, then go down and kick the bottom barrel once
more. See the steps forming?

Go to the top and kick the last barrel to the left to complete the steps and
get the rats trapped.

Go back near the entrance and fall down on the left side of the thick brown
pipes. Kick all of those purple blocks starting with the top one to get point
items, a squishee, and pies. Go to the door to exit.

  Door 4-6
  - - - - - - -

Hmmmm... all right. This door is huge, and there are various ways to go. But
as always, trapping the rats is a very basic thing.

Go to the far right and you'll see the trap. Jump up through the red platform
above it and step on the brown block to break it. Now fall into the hole to the
left and go through the tunnel.

There are some birds in the tunnel, but just avoid them by jumping up into the
small gap in the ceiling. Pick up a blue block as well while you're in there.

Go to the right to find some of the rats. Start off by breaking through the
brown blocks at the bottom, then use the two blue blocks from the tunnel and
the one at the bottom to build steps up to the top platforms. Kick the purple
blocks to get point items and pies, then grab the blue block at the top.

Since you have more pies I suggest killing the two birds right now. Then, break
the brown blocks on each platform to get the rats down to the bottom. 

Now we want to get the rats to the tunnel on the left. Use a blue block as a
step to get the rats out of the bottom and on the surface. If you go to the far
left of the tunnel you'll see that there are a couple of platforms and a pipe 
that goes around and ends right over the trap.

Once the rats are in that area, just use the four blue blocks to make steps and
get the rats into the pipe. Here is the visual:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)


When the rats get to the trap they need to be enclosed, or else they will just
fall down to the lower area again. As soon as the rats enter the pipe take a
block and place it on top of the raised brown block to cover their exit. Like



So, think we're done? Nope, there are still more rats to trap. Go all the way
back to the area on the right and use the blue blocks to get to the top
platforms. Once you have the steps set up, take all three blocks except the
one that is between the lower and upper platforms.

You need three blocks at the top, so you can only leave one to jump up to the
platforms. Use the three blocks to reach the tunnel at the top.

Walk straight to the right and DO NOT stop. There is a row of breakable blocks
and you don't want to break them. 

At the end of this tunnel you'll find the last two rats and a whole bunch of
other stuff. Start by riding the moving platform that is on the right. On the
way down you'll see a vertical pipe block, so pick it up.

Go up to the rats and put the pipe block next to the long pipe on the left.
Next, go up and kick the barrel to the left, then one more time. Go back down
the moving platform.

Jump into the first tunnel and go left. Pick up the fan block, then jump down
and kick the purple block to get some chips.

Go back to the rats and put the fan block down in the center of the platform
above. With that the rats will get blown into the tunnel at the top.

The rats will go through the pipe, but when they come out they will be walking
to the right. Quickly pick up the fan block and place it at the right side of
this tunnel to create a barrier and make the rats turn the other way.

Pick up the fan again and run to the left. Ignore the bird and keep going
until you reach some tangled pipes and purple blocks. Don't kick the purple
blocks yet.

Put the fan block under the THIRD pipe from the left. The right pipe out of
the three above. What you want is for the rats to get blown into that pipe.

Remember way back in the beginning when you broke that block over the trap?
Well, now you'll see why. The rats will fall down on the pipe below and then
fall through that broken block, straight into the trap.

Now it's time to leave. Go back the way you came, and remember to kick the
purple blocks for point items and pies. Also remember not to stop when you
cross that row of brown blocks, or you'll get stuck if you don't have a block.

Right, so go back to the door and finally leave.

  Door 4-7
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the far right and falling down to find a purple block. Kick
it to get some marbles, then jump back to the top. Now pick up the jar block,
then jump up to the highest platform in the middle. Place the jar block on the
very left edge and then jump into the tunnel on the left.

Ride the moving platform down to the bottom and kick the two purple blocks to
get a squishee and mug. Go back to the moving platform and enter the tunnel all
the way at the top.

There will be a moving platform going from left to right at the top, but there
is also a bird. Feel free to use one or two marbles to try and kill the bird,
but you must keep at least three marbles.

Break through the brown blocks and kick the purple blocks to get a spotted bag
and to open a secret area. Go back to the moving platform you just used and
jump down about halfway to the other side. You'll see the top of the doorway

THIS SECRET AREA IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! You absolutely have to beat this
secret area to gain access to Door 4-8. Quickly go left and break through the
brown blocks, sticking to the right side. When you reach the bottom use the
springs to quickly hop up and grab the last two horns, and get an extra life.

You will then appear next to a purple block, so kick it to open up Door 4-8.
Hop up the springs to get back to the top, then go down to the rats.

There are several gaps on the door level, and you have to put down the fan in
the second gap from the left. This gap lines up with the center of the rat

Now go up and move the jar from the left edge of this platform to the right
edge. Go down and pick up the left blue block. Take it and place it on the
edge of the jar to create a step, then take one more blue block and finish
the steps up to the trap.

Do you see how the rats keep falling in the first gap on the door level? Use
the last blue block and cover that gap, and the rats will walk into the fan
and get blown up. After all the rats have climbed up, pick up the jar with
the rat and kick it on the right side of the trap to get the last rat into
the trap.

Well, that's it. Let's get out of here.

  Door 4-8
  - - - - - - -

get blown up they'll be stuck and you'll be forced to quit.

After you've picked up the fan, kick the purple block to get some marbles. Go
to the top of the pipes and drop the fan, then break through those brown blocks
in the ceiling by using the marbles. You'll get pies and point items.

So, let's trap the rats. There are five jars, and five rats. Trap each rat in
one jar, then drop off all of the jars on the pipe above.

Set up the fan and a jar according to this picture:

(F=Fan, J=Jar)

Now take the rest of the jars and kick them next to the trap one at a time.
When all the rats have been trapped, take the last jar and break it to the
left. The rat will walk towards the fan and get blown up, then land and go into
the trap.

Well, that one was a bit easier. On to Door 4-9

  Door 4-9
  - - - - - - -

The first thing to do is kill that annoying bird. Now go to the left tunnel and
kick all of the purple blocks starting with the top ones to get point items and

Go to the right tunnel and pick up a blue block to release the rats. Now go to
the top-left platform of the four small ones and place the block on the left
edge. Go back for the other blue block and put it on the left edge as if
building steps, but what will happen is the rats will crash into this block.

(B=Block, F=Fan)

| B____

Quickly pick up the lower block and the rats will fall onto another fan that
will blow them up to another set of fans at the top.

Go up to the trap platform and place the blue block on the right edge so
that you build a step between the trap platform and the small one on the right.
Go down and get the other blue block.

Go up to the very top platform and use the blue block to stop the rats. Try
and wait for the rats to be going to the right. The rats will then start
walking and they'll make their way to the trap.

That was fairly easy, so let's go back to the door and exit.

  Door 4-10
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the right and going down the long steps. Eventually you'll
see a column of brown blocks in the ground, so stand on them to break through.

Grab the blue block, then kick all of the purple blocks on the left to find
point items, a burger, pies, and a special purple block that opens Door 4-11.
Use the spring to get out of here.

If you go up the steps you'll see a small green platform up in the air. Jump
on this platform. Now jump onto the spring on the right. DO NOT hold the jump
button. Just jump on it then jump to the next three by just hold Right. Once
you get to a spring with a high ceiling, hold the jump button.

Go over the wall and land in the middle to hit another spring, then jump over
the next wall and aim for the same distance as the last spring. From here jump
up to the platforms and drop off the blue block somewhere on top. Also, kill
this bird right now because you'll be returning.

Go all the way to the rats by using the springs again (you really don't want to
mess with the birds at the bottom), and jump into the tunnel with some jars in
it. Take the jars and get all the rats trapped in them, then pick up the fan

Go drop the fan block over where you dropped the blue block, then do the same
with all the jars. This will take a while.

Once everything is over there, set it up like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


Kick all the jars on the right side to send the rats walking to the left.
They'll all be blown straight into the trap. DO NOT fall into the big hole
that is to the left of the fan and block. You will get stuck.

Only four doors to go! Let's move on.

  Door 4-11
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is a bit complicated, so let's get all of the extras first.
Kill the bird that is flying around the trap, then jump up all the way to the
top-left corner of the room. Kick the purple block to get some marbles.

Walk to the left and you'll notice some rows of brown blocks in the wall. Break
the blocks using the marbles to open a tunnel. Watch out for all the drops and
kick the purple blocks starting with the top one. You'll get more marbles and
gain access to Door 4-12.

Now go all the way to the far right, near some jar blocks and pipe blocks.
Break through the brown blocks with the marbles and go through the tunnel to
find more purple blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and marbles.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Pick up two pipe blocks from the pipes near
the door and take them over to the right. Set up the pipes and blocks according
to this picture:

(J=Jar, P=Pipe)

      J |
     JP |
___ PPP_|

The rats will climb up the steps and go into the pipe. The pipe will then lead
them to the left area with the other rats.

Now take all the pipes and jars that are here and drop them somewhere on the
trap platform. Set everything up according to this picture:

   P  __Trap_
   P J
    P  _______
    P |       |
    |_|  Door |

So the rats will travel up the pipe and end up right there next to the trap
platform, but they are blocked in so the rats will just go back down the pipe. 

What you have to do is grab the other jar and stand on top of the pipe. The
second a rat pops up, drop the jar. If you timed it right the rat will get
pushed up and walk straight into the trap. Repeat this for every other rat
that comes up the pipe.

After that is done, set the two jars on the left side of the trap. Kick the
jars on the left side to make the rats walk into the trap.

All done, let's get out of here.

  Door 4-12
  - - - - - - -

Kill the bird that is flying around, then walk to the right. There's a jar
there, but also a wall.

In this door there are several invisible platforms. The first ones are near the
blue wall on the right. These platforms are between a column of grey-green
bricks and a column of blue bricks with a design. The space between has a pitch
black shadow.

Jump onto this area from the door platform to find the first invisible
platform, then jump up once to find the second one. Now hold Left and jump far
to the left to find another invisible platform, then jump up once more and walk
right to get over the blue wall.

Fall down and kill the bird, then kick the purple blocks at the bottom to get
some pies and to gain access to Door 4-13. Also pick up the jar.

Stand next to the blue wall and jump up four times. Once you're on the fourth
invisible step, jump as far to the right as you can. You will land on another
invisible platform.

Walk to the right to find a room full of purple blocks. Each purple block has
an invisible platform, so start with the top purple blocks. Remember to kick
the top blocks before kicking the ones underneath. Kick the singles blocks

Now go back and place the jar block under the trap platform, to build a step.
All of the rats will then climb up into the trap, except for the rat that gets
trapped in the jar.

Once all the rats are trapped, pick up the jar. Go back up the invisible
platforms, but don't jump up to the top platform that goes to the wall. Stay on
the one just below and jump to the far left.

There is a small platform high above the trap, so once you're on it put down
the jar and kick it to free the rat. The rat will fall straight down into the

I know it's a bit tough, but once you find all the invisible platforms it's a

  Door 4-13
  - - - - - - -

Start by using the moving platforms to get to the top and go into the tunnel.
Look out for the drops and go to the right, but don't kick the purple blocks.
There are some invisible platforms that go up into the tunnel.

Kick the purple block at the top to get a horn, then kick the purple blocks
below to get point items, health items, and pies. That's it for the extras, so
go down to the main room.

This is basically a maze of fans, but you just have to know where to put the
blocks. Go down to the bottom and pick up a blue block, then jump onto the
platform above the trap.

There is a rusted column to the right of this platform, and it has an
left-facing fan on it. Put the blue block on top of the fan.

Now go down and pick up another block and cover the fan that is on the
immediate left of the door. The rats will then walk over to the left and into
another fan.

This will put all of the rats into a loop in the middle of the room. Now pick
up the block at the bottom and place it on the left edge of the trap platform.



Grab the other blue block and stand on the top platform. If you put down the
block it will cause the rats to start walking to the left. After about three
rats have been stopped, quickly pick up the fan and put it on top of the
other block. The rats will walk straight into the trap.

Keep repeating the process until all the rats have been trapped. If some rats
fall out of the loop, just use the blocks to get them back in.

Well, that's it for this door. One more to go.

  Door 4-14
  - - - - - - -

Go up one level and kill the bird, then go to the right and kick the purple
block to get a spotted bag. Pick up the spring block and use it to go up TWO
levels. Don't go into the second level yet, so go into the third. Also try and
avoid any drops that fall down.

Go right and kick the two purple blocks to get some horns, then pick up the
spring and go back to the left by using the red platforms hidden in the blue
bricks. Use the spring to go up to the fourth level.

Kick all of the purple blocks in this area to get an extra life, marbles,
squishee, and to close Room #4. Go back down to level three and go to the

Fall down to the tunnel and you'll come out on level two. Kick those two
purple blocks to get more point items, then go back to the door to exit and
finally finish Room #4.

                                 4.5  World #5

Door locations for Room #5.
|            | |                       |        ||             |
|    5-1     | |  5-5                  |  5-9   ||             |
|_______     | |_______ _              |______  ||   5-10 5-11 |
|           _| |  5-3  |_|_      5-6            ||_  ________  |
|         _|_|  ____    |_|_    ____           _||_ |          |
|       _|_|  _|    |_    |_|  |    |           ||_ |5-12     ||
|5-2  _|_|  _|        |_      |      |         _||_ |___     | |
|__  |_|  _|     _______|    |    ____|    5-14 ||_ |   |   |__|
|  |_    |      |  5-4      |    | 5-7     _____||  |    |     |
|    |__|       |__________|     |_____     5-8     |     |5-13|
|                                      |____________|      |___|

(Door 5-10 will appear after kicking the special purple block in Door 5-8.
 Door 5-11 can only be accessed after kicking the special block in Door 5-10,
 and Doors 5-12 and 5-13 will open once the special block in Door 5-11 is

 Door 5-14 will open once you have closed all other doors.)

Enemies in Room #5 are: Snakes, aliens, flying pigs, birds
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Slice-O-Matic

  Door 5-1
  - - - - - - -

There is a snake and some flying pigs in here, so kill them from the get go.
Then grab the fan block on the left. Run to the right and place the fan block
on the lower branch of the second tree, so that the rats will get blown up,
then get blown to the left by the other fan.

Now kick the barrel block to the right five times. Use the blue blocks on the
left to build steps up to the lower branch of the tree. Now just make sure the
rats are on the left side of the steps and they will climb to their doom.

That was simple, let's move on.

  Door 5-2
  - - - - - - -

Grab two of the blue blocks on the left and stack them next to the three purple
blocks on the right. Use the blocks to kick the purple blocks and get point
items and marbles.

Use only one marble to kill that bird, then use the four blue blocks to build
some steps. Start two spaces from the right of the pipe in the ground, and the
last step should hang right over the trap.

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

     B Trap
    B  Trap

Use some marbles to break through the brown blocks above and get up there. Kick
the purple blocks to get some point items. Then, kill the bird if you can.

Jump to the left against the wall to land on an invisible platform, then jump
up to the top and walk right. You will walk through the wall and into another
room full of purple blocks and jars.

Kick the purple blocks to get health items and pies, then pick up a jar. Go
all the way back to the beginning, near the rats.

Jump into the rat area and put down the jar in the middle, never on the left.
Take the trapped rat and put down the jar on the right side of the pipe that
is in the ground. Make sure it is on the RIGHT side of the pipe. The rats will
then climb up the blocks and fall in the trap.

Repeat this with the other five rats to trap them all and close this door.

  Door 5-3
  - - - - - - -

Go to the left and kill the bird flying over the trap room, then kill the
flying pig flying overhead. Jump to the other roof on the left and kick the
purple blocks to get more pies and a burger.

Now get the jars and build steps that go to the upper-right ledge. You will
need to grab some of the lower jars to keep extending the steps. Kill the
alien once you get up there.

Kick the purple blocks to get chips, a horn, and open a secret area on the
right. Enter and get all of the items to get an extra life.

After that's finished, it's time to trap the rats. Get the jars and trap all
of the rats inside them. Now take the jars and go into the little room on the
far left. Stack some jars to kick the purple blocks and get a squishee and
a mug.

Now take the jars one at a time and stand on the fan in the little room.
Place the jar on the left edge of the fan, then kick it to release the rat
and have it blown into the pipe. Make sure there is nothing blocking the

The rats will all go into the trap room you can leave.

  Door 5-4
  - - - - - - -

Before I begin, let me warn you that the drops will become an extreme annoyance
in this door. Just wanted to make sure ya know.

Start by going to the bottom and picking up one of the blue blocks. Place it
next to the purple blocks on the left so that the rats fall into the gap
between the purple blocks and get trapped.

Now get a block and jump onto the third ice platform on the right. Put down
the block on the right side of the platform. Go back for another block and put
it on the right edge of the first block to build steps up to the fourth ice
platform. Pick up the bottom block, but leave the top one in mid air.

Go to the right and fall into the spring area. Keep going right and hold the
jump button to fly up into the trap area. Put down the block you have on the
right side of the ice platform to create a step over the barrier.

Go back near the door and jump into the small area in the top left corner. Put
down the fourth block in the middle of this platform, right under the pipe.
Pick up the block that is next to the purple blocks and put it on the right
edge of the block at the top, then pick up the bottom block and leave the
other in mid air.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Go to the bottom and put the block next to the
purple blocks again, then kick the purple block. The rats will start to walk
out, so quickly pick up the block and kick the other purple block. You'll get
some point items.

Rush up to the top platform and put the block next to the other one to build
some steps. Once the rats have gone over the first step, pick up that block
and go to the first ice platform. Put down the block on the right side to
build a step.

Once the rats have passed over this step, pick up the block and put it on the
right side of the second platform to build another step.

After the rats have gone over this step, get the block again and put it next
to the other block on the third ice platform. As soon as they pass over the
first step, pick up the block and put it on the right edge of the fourth ice
platform to build a step into the pipe.

This next part must be done QUICKLY. The absolute microsecond after the rats
have entered the pipe, pick up the block and enter the spring area. Hold the
jump button and you go to the right to go further, then get onto the ice
platform near the trap. Quickly go into the gap on the other side of the blue
barrier and put down the block at the bottom.

If all was successful, the rats will climb over the barrier and get trapped in
the gap. Pick up the blue block from the platform and put it on the block
inside the gap to push up the rats and lead them to the trap.

If you mess up any of this, don't worry. Just let the rats get back to the area
in the upper left corner of the room and start over.

After all that mess you deserve some extras. Jump into the wall right of the
trap to find a secret tunnel. Go through and then kick the purple blocks
starting with the top ones. You'll get point and health items.

Go back to the area with the big ice platforms and fall down on the left side
of the fourth platform. Kick the purple block near the fan to get more pies.

Go to the door to leave.

  Door 5-5
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left and killing that flying pig, then jump up the
trees and kill the bird. Kick the purple blocks near the trap to get point and
health items. Go to the far left and kick those two purple blocks to get pies
and a horn.

Pick up the blue block on the ground, then go down the tunnel next to it. Drop
the blue block near the Krusty Burgers sign, then kill the two aliens along
the way. You'll find the rats in a room on the right.

Pick up the three blocks to release the rats, then use the three blocks to
build steps that go up to the tunnel on the left. Now, pick up a block and
quickly run to the left. Put the block down on the third space from the left
wall, then put another block on the left edge of the first block.


|      ___
| B

The rats will walk in and get trapped. Now take the other two blocks and build
some steps that go to the next platform on the right.

|      ___
| B   B

Grab a block from mini trap and put in on the platform, on the third space from
the right. Grab the other block and put it down on the right edge of the block
to build another one of those traps.

|____      |
|        B |
|      _B__|
|     B

Use the other two blocks to build steps up to the left platform, then build
another trap to enclose the rats again. Repeat this until the rats reach the
platform at the top, then use two blocks to keep the rats on the left platform.

Now, to get the rats up to the grass requires some speed and quick reflexes.
Get the two blocks that make up the trap and set them up like this:

|______|   |
|         B|
|        B |
|      ____|
|     B    |
|____B     |

The absolute SECOND that the rats pass over the first step block, pick it up
and put it at the bottom of the steps that go up to the grass. If any rats
fall then you'll have to go through all the platforms again, so don't mess up!

Once the rats get up to the grass, take two blocks and trap them on the grass.
Pick up the other two blocks and go to the right, over that blue barrier. Cover
the pipe in the ground with one block, then put the other block in front of the
pipe on the right.

Now go back and wait for the rats to walk to the right, then take one of the
blocks from the left and put it next to the small bush that is on the left side
of the blue barrier.

The rats will now climb over the blue barrier and make their way to the right.
Pick up a block again and rush over to the right, and put down the block next
to the other block that you had on the right to create steps.

The rats will climb up the steps and get blown across several fans until they
get stuck between two fans at the top. Take two blocks to the top of the tree
and put them as if you were building steps to the platform over the trap. Wait
for the rats to be on the LEFT side before putting the second block.

Once you put that second block the rats will stop and walk over the platform
and into the trap.

After all this you can finally leave.

  Door 5-6
  - - - - - - - 

Kill the snake in front of you, then hop up the wooden fence and kick the first
purple blocks you see. You will get some pies and a squishee.

Kill the snake on the other side of the gap, then go to the right and kill that
last snake near the trap. Go back to that crumbling blue platform near the gap
on top.

Stand in the middle and jump straight up. You'll land on an invisible platform.
Keep going up and avoid the bird to find some more purple blocks. Kick them
all starting with the top one to get point and health items. Jump back down
and go inside the gap.

It's time to trap the rats. Go down to the bottom left corner to find four
blue blocks. Take the two blocks that are stacked on the left to leave a gap
between the wall and the two other blocks, then put one of the blue blocks
next to the two that are stacked. The rats will then fall into that gap and
get grouped together very nicely.

Take the blue block that was used as a step and go to the first pyramid in the
middle of the room. Put the block between the bottom pyramid and the one on the
right to create a step between the two pyramids.

Get another block and put it on the tip of the right pyramid, creating a wall.
Now the rats will be stuck on the left side of the room.

Grab another block and go to the right pyramid. Wait for the rats to bet
heading back down, then pick up the block on the tip of the pyramid and put it
on the right edge of the tip. Get the other block and put it on top of the
first one to create another wall.

Here's what you have so far:


           _| |_
         _|     |
  _| |_
_|     |_

Grab the last unused block and put it on the left edge of the tip of the top
pyramid to create a step out of this place.

Now wait for the rats. As soon as the group passes over the very first block
(the one on the bottom pyramid), grab that block and build a step between the
right pyramid and top pyramid. If you made it in time the rats will climb up
the top pyramid and go to the left.

Now just stand by and watch the rats make their way into the trap. You should
know that the rats can go either way from the top of the roof and they will
still end up in the trap.

All done here, so go back to the door and exit.

  Door 5-7
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and break through the three brown blocks, then kick the purple
blocks starting with the top ones to get point and health items. Pick up the
jar on the left.

Go back to the top, near the barrels. There are four barrels, numbered 1
through 4 starting from the top. Put the jar on the left edge of barrel 2.


   J 1

Now go and kick barrel 1 to the left. Pick up the jar again and put it on the
left edge of barrel 4.

 J 3

Go and kick barrel 2 to the left, then kick barrel 1 to the left twice.


So barrel 1 is now free. Pick up the jar, then kick this barrel to the left and
it will fall over the edge. Put the jar two spaces to the left of the barrel,
so there must be two spaces between the jar and barrel.


Kick the barrel to the left and it will stop at the jar. Now pick up the jar
again and kick the barrel to the left five times. It will stop one space from
the left wall.

Now use the jar to cover that pipe in the ground and get the rats to the left.
After they have all passed over the pipe, pick up the jar and complete the
steps up to the trap. 

Once all the rats have been destroyed, take the jar and put it on the trap
platform. Kick it from the right side to release the rat and finally complete
this door.

This one was easier than the last few doors, so let's move on.

  Door 5-8
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going to the far right and killing the two flying pigs near the moving
platform. Then kick the row of purple blocks at the bottom to get point items,
health items, and some marbles.

Hop on the moving platform and jump onto the first platform on the right. Pick
up one of the fans that face up. Take that fan to the hole where the rats are

Do you see the three pipes that hang over the rat hole? Put down the fan so
that the rats will get blown up into the left pipe. They will end up in the
area on the right, near the moving platform.

Drop the fan somewhere on the top platforms and pick up one of the blue
blocks. Use this block to cover the pipe on the bottom left and keep the rats
here in the right area.

Go pick up the other blue block and go up to the top right corner. Make sure
you have the marbles before going in here. Put the blue block next to the pipe,
then use two marbles to break through the brown blocks.

Keep going left, over all the mess of pipes, and you'll find an area near the
trap. Stand on the brown blocks to break through to the bottom, then use a
marble to bust through the blocks over the trap.

Go back to the fan blocks and pick up the fan that faces to the left. Hop up to
the top and put the fan block on the third space from the left.

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Pipe)

      | P

Go get a fan that faces up and fall to the ground where the rats are. Put this
fan down on the second space from the right wall.


Now the rats will get blown up, the left, then they will fall right into the

Well, that's done. Let's go kick the last purple block. Grab any two blocks and
use them to reach the purple block to the left, near the big hole. This is a
special purple block, and after you kick this one go in the hole to find
another purple block.

Kick this block to gain access to Door 5-10, then leave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know why, but after you defeat this door it will not
close. You have to close every other door then come back and beat this one
again to finally close it.

  Door 5-9
  - - - - - - - 

All right, start by killing the two flying pigs and the snake under the
mushroom platforms. Then, go to the right and fall to find some purple blocks.
Kick 'em all to get point and health items, and pies.

There are some hidden bushes under the tall mushroom, so just jump around to
make them appear. Go back to the left and kick that barrel down to the left,
then pick up the two blue blocks and go under the tall mushrooms.

The rats will be walking around in this area. Set the blue blocks according to
this picture to group the rats together:


| B

Now, the next part requires some speed. You need to build some steps up to the
first low platform using the two blocks. Here's an illustration:

|          ___
|         B | 

As soon as the rats walk over the first block, pick it up and quickly get to
the top of the mushrooms. There is an invisible bush next to the wall that you
can use.

So quickly go into the spot where the rats entered and use the block to cover
the entrance they used. This will keep them in this area between the
mushrooms. Now grab the other block and put it on the right side of the first
block to create some steps that go to the left.

After the rats have entered the left side, take the two blocks and quickly
stack them up on top of the right platform of this part. Here's the visual:
     ___   B
___ ______B

After the rats have climbed up the steps, take the two blocks and build steps
that go to the higher platform on the left.

Wait for the rats to walk up these steps, then pick up a block and go to the
left. There are two mushrooms on the far left, and under them to the right is
a gap that the rats can fall through you have to put the block in that gap to
cover it.
|    ___ 
|     |  ___
|     |_B_

Once that hole is covered the rats will walk over the wall and fall to the
left, and go into the trap.

Go to the door to exit.

  Door 5-10
  - - - - - - - 

Walk across the bush blocks that appear. Now, there are some invisible blocks
on the left side of the shaft that goes up. They aren't next to the left wall,
but a bit closer to the center. Hop up the invisible platforms to find some
purple blocks. You'll get a mug, burger, pies, and you'll also open access to
Door 5-11.

Now go to the bottom and pick up the blue block, then enter the area on the
left. DO NOT fall into the first gap, instead jump over to the left side.
There are some mini platforms on the left, and there is a hidden tunnel in
the wall under it. Go inside and kick all the purple blocks (starting with
the top ones), to get a whole bunch of horns.

Go back outside and fall to the bottom, where there is a ledge and a small
gap. Put the blue block on the edge of the ledge, like this:

(B=Block, R=Barrel)

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|       |
|____ B |
     |  |

Now go to the hole under the bush blocks on the right and pick up the blue
block that is down there. Take it back to the first block and put it on the
right edge, then pick up the first block. The other block will be left in mid

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|      B|
|____   |
     |  |

Go around to the right side of the barrels. Kick three of the barrels to the
left, then go back to the rat area. Get onto the solid platform (the one just
above the ground), and put the block down on the right edge. This will let the
rats climb up to the next platform.

Now, as soon as a rat climbs over the block, pick it up and put it next to the
pipe. You will need to repeat this several times to get all of the rats into
the pipe.

A fan will blow the rats to the left, and they will walk themselves into the

Time to move on.

  Door 5-11
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going up the tree and grabbing the fan block that is facing up. Take
this block and fall into the hole on the right. There is a tunnel that goes
left, and one that goes right. DO NOT enter these tunnels yet.

Fall to the bottom and you'll find yourself in a room full of drops. Kill the
bird, then put the fan block right on the wooden beam nearest to the entrance.

(F=Fan, B=Block)



Now go back and pick up the block that faces to the left. Put it on the left
side of the farthest top right platform.


Now pick up the blue block from the tree and make a step for the rats that are
near the door. They will climb out and begin marching to the right.

They will go over the grass, through the tunnel on the left, then finally get
to the fans that you set up at the bottom. Pick up the fan block that faces
up after all the rats have been blown to the trap area.

Jump into the trap area and put down the fan block on top of the pyramid. The
rats will eventually get to the trap.

Go back up the tunnel and go into that left tunnel with the purple blocks.
Start with the top ones to get point items. Now go to the tunnel on the right.

Kill the alien, then quickly cross over the brown blocks. Kick these purple
blocks to get pies and chips. Now break through the brown blocks.

Break through the next column of brown blocks, then kick the purple block on
the left to get a squishee. Now go to the right and jump up the springs.

Enter the room and kick the single purple block to get a horn, then kick the
other ones starting with the top one. You'll get a horn, marbles, and you'll
open up Doors 5-12 and 5-13.

Use the marbles to break through the brown blocks and exit.

  Door 5-12
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and you'll find two jars and three pipe blocks. Wait for two of
the rats to get trapped in the jars, then use the jars to trap the rats on the
left side, next to the hedge.

(J=Jar, V=Vertical pipe, L=L-shaped pipe)

| J

There are seven mushroom platforms to the right, and four of them build an
arch. Like this:
      ___ |___
       |  | |
       |  | |
       |  | |
   ___ |  | |

Now grab the L-shaped pipe and put it on the right side of the first platform,
then stack the two vertical pipes on top of it.
      ___ |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

Take one of the jars and put it on the right side of the second platform to
build a step. Then wait for the rats to be on the left, then put the other jar
to build a step from the ground to the first platform.
      __J |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

As soon as the rats pass over the first jar, pick it up and put it on the edge
of the fourth platform.

Now do this next part QUICKLY! Pick up the second jar after the rats have
walked over it and rush to the right. There is a raised tunnel here, so put
the jar a space away as if you were building steps up to the platform.

Pick up the other jar after the rats have passed over it and complete the steps
to the tunnel. If any rats fall just repeat what you did.

The tunnel leads to an area full of fans, so grab all the jars and pipes and
take them over there. Kill the snake at the bottom too. Kick the purple blocks
in the right corner to get a mug and pies.

Now it's finally time to trap the rats. First take the two jars up to the
small platform in the middle, and build some steps up to the next platform on
the right. Then, take the bottom jar and leave the other one in mid air.

The rats are stuck between two fans, so wait for the rats to be on the left
and put a jar in their way. Make sure to put the block on the right side so
that the rats can climb up to the right.

Now the rats will go into another fan and get stuck between two more fans. Get
the jar and take it up to the third platform. Drop it on the right edge. Now
get the L-Shaped pipe.

Go down to the platform where the rats are blowing around. Drop the pipe to
have the rats climb onto the right, then quickly pick up the pipe and jump up
to the jar above. Wait on the right edge for the rats to go up, and drop the
pipe on the right edge immediately after.

Once all the rats have been trapped, take the two jars and bust them on the
trap platform to get those last two rats in. Go back to the door to exit.

  Door 5-13
  - - - - - - - 

Pick up one of the two jars and trap a rat in each one, then break the brown
blocks near the rats to have the rats fall into a hole on the right. Place the
jar in the left gap of that brown barrier on the right side to have a perfect 

There are two barrels on the top platform. Kick the left barrel down, then
kick it again to make it fall in the rat hole.

Now take the other jar and place it on the right edge of the bottom square,
then kick the barrel to the left. Once the barrel is on the square kick it to
the right and the jar will stop it. Pick up the jar and put it on the right
edge of the barrel. After all that you should see this picture:

(J=Jar, R=Barrel)

    J |
    | |
___R| |__

Wait for the rats to be walking to the left, then pick up the lower jar and
quickly put it at the right edge of the top jar. The completed steps will let
the rats walk into the next area.

Pick up a jar and go into the next area. Break brown blocks to let the rats go
into the lower area, then drop the jar anywhere. Now we have to get the other
jar. Use the jar you have to jump over the wall and get the other jar.

Do you see that little dip in the ground that is two spaces wide? Take a jar
and place it according to this picture:

__ J  __

Go to the top and kick the barrel to the right and it will fall to the ground.
Kick it to the right again and the jar will stop it next to the dip.

__RJ  __

The next part should be obvious. You have to take the two jars and build steps
starting at the right edge of the barrel. Make sure the rats are on the left
of the barrel before you put the jars.

__R   __

Pick up the two jars and go into the next area. Place one jar on the pipe, then
kick the upper barrel of the two on the left. Once that barrel is on the
ground, kick it to the right and it will stop next to the pipe.

Now kick the lower barrel of the two on the left. One time to the right is all
it takes.

After the lower barrel has been kicked down, use the two jars to build steps
that lead to the trap. The rats will then climb up and get sliced. Move the
two jars back to the left side, away from the trap.

Now go up to the top right and kick those three barrels down to the left. The
three barrels will stack up on top of each other. Put the last two jars near
the trap and stand on the stacked barrels to slice up the last two rats.

The rats are done, so let's get the extras. Kick the purple block at the top
to get some marbles, then shoot a marble straight into the wall on the right.
You will break into a hidden tunnel.

Kick all of the purple blocks in this tunnel to get point and health items.
Break through the brown blocks in the hole, then go to the door to exit.

  Door 5-14
  - - - - - - - 

Just avoid the laser gun and go to the right. Pick up that first spring and
move one space over so the drops don't hit you, then kick the blocks at the top
to get pies and a mug.

Go down and pick up the spring again. Use the other spring to jump up and get
the mug in the purple block, then use the spring again and go to the right.

Kill the alien, then kick the two blocks to get a horn and to kick the special
block that closes Room #5.

There is more stuff on top, but you're pretty much done with the game already.
Anyway, go up and kill the snakes if you have to, then kick the block on the
left to get a mug.

Put down the spring and jump up to the left to get a spotted bag, then jump
on the tree for a horn. Jump to the right one more time for a squishee and an
extra life.

All done, so go to the door to exit and finally be done with Room #5.

                               4.6  Conclusion

After you leave Room #5 you will get a message:


So, go ALL the way back to the beginning and enter the door to finally beat
this game.

Thanks for playing, and...



===== 5.0 CODES & SECRETS =====================================================

    Password     |  Password effect
    WHOAMAMA     |  Room 1 defeated
    FLANDERS     |  Rooms 1 and 2 defeated
    BROCKMAN     |  Rooms 1, 2, and 3 defeated
    SIDESHOW     |  Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4 defeated


===== 6.0 LEGAL / MISC. =======================================================

                              6.1  Version History

July 10: Version 1.0
- - - - - - - - - - -
This is yet another in a long line of rewrites. Enjoy!

                               6.2  Guide Credits

Thanks to...

1. Matt Groening. The man created 'The Simpsons', which has been on the air
for 14 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy bearded bastard!

2. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds of
individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers, voice actors,
animators, producers, gofers, and every other person involved... thank you!

3. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants'
guide. It inspired me to write guides for Simpsons video games. 

4. Flying Edge, Fox Williams, and Audiogenic for this game.

5. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own health...

                            6.3  Contact Information

The address is:

The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely respond to
any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without a subject. Put
'Krusty's Fun House FAQ' or something similar in the subject line.

                               6.4  Legal Stuff

1. "Krusty's Super Fun House" is copyright © 1992 Flying Edge Inc. The Simpsons
and any related Simpsons characters are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film

2. This guide copyright © 2003 SubSane. This guide may be distributed freely
as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for
private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being
displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that

                            KRUSTY'S SUPER FUN HOUSE
                             FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, v1.0

                             Based on AMIGA Version
                       Written and Maintained by SubSane
                            Last Updated 2013.09.07


Use Ctrl + F and the section numbers in the Table of Contents below to find
exactly what you need.


    1.01 Game Details
    1.02 Story

    2.01 Game Start
    2.02 Status Screen
    2.03 Controls
    2.04 Blocks
    2.05 Items
    2.06 Points


    4.01 World #1
    4.02 World #2
    4.03 World #3
    4.04 World #4
    4.05 World #5


    6.01 Version History
    6.02 Guide Credits
    6.03 Contact Information
    6.04 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ========================================================

                              1.01  Game Details

The AMIGA version of Krusty's Super Fun House was released by Virgin
Interactive in 1992 and developed by Fox Williams and Audiogenic.

                                1.02  Story

Message from Krusty the Clown:

H-h-hi kids!

Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house up in the Springfield hills
and I need your help to get rid of them!

These rats are real dumb, they just walk around climbing over anything that
isn't bigger than they are. If they reach a wall or barrier that is higher
than them, they'll just turn around and go the other way...

Use the blocks and items that you find lying around to move the rats around
the level to those wacky traps where Bart, Homer and my faithful helpers
Sideshow Mel and Corporal Punishment are ready to help us get rid of those

Good luck...!


===== 2.0 THE BASICS ==========================================================

                                2.01  Game Start

Press Start:

You'll be sent straight to a password screen, but if you don't have a password
just press Start to begin.

                              2.02  Status Screen

Block box:

The box in the bottom-left corner is where your blocks are held.


The six digits in the top-center represent your points. Points grant extra


The item second from the right is your current weapon. The weapons will always
be either pies or marbles.


The Krusty icon in the bottom-right is the number of lives you have.


This is something I should mention. This is NOT in the HUD, but you only have
ten hits before you lose a life. You can replenish health with burgers, chips,
and squishees.

You can tell when Krusty is low on health because he will start to breathe

                                2.03  Controls

Controls depend on your settings.

    Character Action
    Walk Left
    Walk Right
    Pick Up/Drop
    Enter [Rooms]
    Fire [weapons]
    SFX On/Off
    Music On/Off
    Quit Level

                                 2.04  Blocks

    Block type   |  Purpose of block
    Blue         |  Basic block, used for climbing
    Pipe         |  Both vertical and L-shaped, used for pipes
    Fan          |  Blows rats up, left, or right
    Spring       |  Used to bounce up
    Jar          |  Holds one rat, kick to bust open
    Barrel       |  Can be kicked to the side
    Magic        |  Kick to reveal items, open new areas, reveal new magic
                    blocks, or reveal platforms
    Brown        |  Can be broken by standing on or using marbles

                                   2.05  Items

    Item         |  Purpose of item
    Pies         |  Weapons
    Marbles      |  Weapons
    Krusty icon  |  Extra life
    Burgers      |  Replenish health
    Squishee     |  Replenish health
    Chips        |  Replenish health
    Spotted bag  |  10 points
    Mug          |  20 points
    Horn         |  50 points

                                  2.06  Points

Points are good for extra lives, but there are plenty of extra lives in the
game anyway. So, points are optional.

    Action/Item     |  Points
    Spotted bag     |  10
    Mug             |  20
    Horn            |  50
    World 1 enemy   |  100
    World 2 enemy   |  100
    World 3 enemy   |  500
    World 4 enemy   |  500
    World 5 enemy   |  1000

You can also get points from beating timed stages before time runs out. Timed
stages give you plenty of time, so it shouldn't be a problem.


===== 3.0 QUICK TIPS ==========================================================

- - - - -
Try to group the rats as often as possible. You can do this by trapping the 
rats in a small space so that they all become a very tight group.

 There are three ways:

 (B=Block, F=Fan)

 | B

 | B


 The top one is for three available blocks, the bottom one is best when only
 two blocks are available. They both make it easier to manage large groups. 

 The third method involves using a fan that is facing a wall or another block.
 Remember, the fan has to face TOWARD the wall or block.

 They may not always be mentioned in the guide, but keep these methods in mind.

Thinking Ahead
- - - - - - - -
Always go through an entire Room before starting to trap the rats. It's best 
to know what's ahead so you can plan out the best possible method to trap them.

Don't Kill
- - - - - -
Sometimes it's best to avoid an enemy, if possible. You can conserve precious
ammo, especially the marbles since they are sometimes needed to access areas in
a Room.


===== 4.0 WALKTHROUGH =========================================================

                                 4.01  World #1

Room locations for World #1.
|                                      |           |
|____    1-1      1-2      1-3         |   ________|
|    |____________________________     |  |        |
|                                      |  |   1-7  |
| 1-8        1-6     1-5      1-4      |__|   _____|

(Room 1-7 cannot be accessed until you kick the special magic block in Room
 1-4. Room 1-8 will open once you have beaten Rooms 1-1 through 1-7.)

Enemies in World #1 are: Snakes
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Smash-O-Matic

  Room 1-1
  - - - - - - -

Very simple first Room. Go to the right and grab the blue block that is on the
small platform by pressing Down while on top of it. Don't use the block for the
mice yet. Take it to the right and place it next to the wall to get in the

Go through and you'll find a room with a snake in it. One pie will kill the
snake. Press B to kick the magic block and get a spotted bag for 10 points.

Go back to the hole where the mice fell into and place the block on the right
edge of the hole. The mice will now climb up and go into Bart's trap. Go back
to complete the first Room.

  Room 1-2
  - - - - - - -

Jump onto the moving platform and then jump to the right. You'll be in an
area with green-blue checkered walls. Grab the block. Place the block to the
right side of the hole the rats are in, and they will walk into the fans on the
right. The fans will do the rest of the work. Now go to the right.

You'll find a magic block with a burger in it, then some blocks with pies and
a spotted bag. Keep going left and avoid the blue drops to get into pit with a
snake. Kill the snake and fall to get a horn worth 50 points. Now go left again
and fall into the hole that comes up. The magic block in here has an extra
life, but watch out for the drops.

Leave and ride up the platform to find yourself back at the entrance. Walk by
the door to leave.

  Room 1-3
  - - - - - - -

This Room looks complicated, but it's easy. The rats will walk themselves right
next to the trap, so don't worry about them. Go right and grab the blue block
along the way, then put the blue block so that the rats can climb up to the

Now climb up to the upper levels from the right side. On the top you'll have
to kill some snakes, but there are also magic blocks containing pies, and
point items.

All done, let's get to the next Room.

  Room 1-4
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and climb up the stairs to enter a large greenhouse of sorts.
Jump along the tops of the palm trees and get the marbles from the magic block
at the top, then pick up the blue block on the platform just below. Use a
marble or two to break open the cracked wall that is to the right. 

Go inside and you'll see some magic blocks with point items, then at the very
top you'll find another magic block. Kick this block to unlock the opening to
Room 1-7.

Go back down and avoid or kill the snakes, because now they fire spit from
their mouths. The mice should be near the trap already, so just get yourself
to the right.

There are two separate groups of rats, so go to the upper right corner of the
room. Step on the left block of the platform that those rats are on, and it
will break. The rats will fall through and eventually join the other group of
rats on the ground.

Once the rats are together, place the blue block next to the colored pots to
have the rats climb over. After all the rats have gone over, quickly take the
blue block and place it on the very left edge of the platform between the
pipes. Here's how it should look: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

PPPPP            PPPP

The rats will come out of the pipe on the right and climb up to the other pipe
using the block. That pipe will then drop them off in front of the trap. 

Memorize that block strategy because in the later stages you will be using it.

All done here, let's go to 1-5.

  Room 1-5
  - - - - - - -

This Room is left of Room 1-4. Go inside and to the left. Kick the first magic
block to get some marbles, then use the marbles to break some holes in the
walls and keep going left. You will find more magic blocks with point items,
as well as some pies.

When you reach the bottom and go right you will find two more magic blocks.
Kick both to open up new areas. Go inside the door to find a bonus room. If
you get all the point items within the time limit you will get an extra life. 

Leave and go up the other new area to find yourself back in the main hall. Go
right this time and ride the platform to the top. Jump on the platform under
the trap and stand on the dark blocks to break them. Keep doing this until you
reach the bottom.

Now, do you see that curved block? That's a pipe, a new type of block that you
will start to see. Kill the slow snake, then pick up the pipe and ride up the
elevator. Jump under the trap and jump into the gap on the right. You should
see that there is a gap between the vertical and horizontal pipes. Place the
pipe into the gap to connect the two.

Go back down and pick up the blue block and go to the right. You now have to
place the blue block in the air so that the rats go into the pipe. Remember,
from Room 1-4? Fine, I'll show you just ONE more time: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

P          |
PPPP       |

So, the block goes between the pipe and the edge, creating a step for the
rats. You may not get all the rats at once, but keep doing it until they all
get up to the trap.

We're done, let's move on.

  Room 1-6
  - - - - - - -

Go all the way to the left avoiding the drops until you reach a magic block.
Kick it to open up a new area on the right side of the Room.

Hop on the platforms and get over the striped wall on the right, but then hop
up some more platforms to the top. Ignore the rats for now and pick up the
blue block. Go to the left and place the block under the hole in the ceiling.
You will want to stay on the right side of the tunnel so the drops won't hit
you. When you get to the top kick all the magic blocks to get point items,
pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and land on the rats platform. Place the blue block at the far
right edge so that the rats can climb up and fall down into the trap below.

That's it for this Room, let's go to 1-7

  Room 1-7
  - - - - - - -

The access to this Room will open when you kick the special magic block in
Room 1-4.

This Room requires you to be very fast in order to trap the rats. Fall into
the hole just ahead, then you will find three more gaps to fall into. Fall in
the middle gap and it will lead you through a tunnel. You will run into drops
and snakes, but they shouldn't be a problem.

You will find a blue block along the way, so pick it up. Once you see the trap
find the hole in front and place the blue block over the hole. You should know
what I mean by now. By blocking that hole the rats will climb over and go into
the trap.

Now go all the way to the left and you'll find a platform and some magic 
blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and an extra life.

That wasn't too difficult, now let's go to the final Room.

  Room 1-8
  - - - - - - -

You cannot access this Room until you beat the first seven Rooms. 

Fall down, killing any snakes you come across. You will eventually reach a
room with a bunch of magic blocks and one blue block. Kick all of the magic
blocks to get point items, some extra hit items, and to kick a special magic
block. This magic block MUST be kicked in order to close the World. Pick up
the blue block and go back to the door.

Use the blue block to get up to the high platform, then just go back to the
door to beat Room 1-8.

Go back to the entrance to close World #1 and gain access to World #2.

                                 4.02  World #2

Room locations for World #2.
|                                               |      |
|      2-9    2-8    _________                  |      |
|_    ___________             |  2-5  2-6  2-7  |      |
| |_             |_    2-4    |  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  |___   |
|   |_             |______   _|                       _|
|     |_       2-10   |    _|  2-3   2-2   2-1      _| |
|       |_____________|____________________________|   |

(You cannot access Rooms 2-5 through 2-7 until you kick the special magic
 block in Room 2-2. Room 2-10 will open once you defeat all the other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #2 are: Aliens
Trap assistant will be: Homer and the Zap-O-Matic

  Room 2-1
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going up and finding three blue blocks. Pick one up and fall down
next to the pipe. Place it under the pipe, then go back up and grab another
block. Place the next block at the base, so that you build steps.

Example: (P=Pipe, B=Block)


Keep this method in mind because you will have to use it again. Anyway, go to
the top and pick up the third blue block, then go to the right. You will reach
a wall you can't jump over, so drop the block next to it. Go back and get the
block that you dropped on the floor and put it on top of the one next to the
wall. Now you can jump over the wall.

When you see the moving platforms, climb on them. They will lead you to a long
line of brown blocks. These break away, so what you have to do is walk to the
left and don't stop. When you get to the end of this path you'll find some
magic blocks containing point items, pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and kill the alien. He shoots beams, so watch out for those.
Next, break through the brown blocks on the ground. Go to the left end of the
tunnel to find a blue block, then go all the way to the right. Bust open the 
magic block to get an extra life.

Get yourself to the top and use the blue block to get the three rats into the
trap. Once they're in, pick up the blue block again and go back toward the
door. Place the block on the last step next to that wall to get back over it.

Get to the door to exit.

  Room 2-2
  - - - - - - -

Move forward and kick the barrel forward to have it fall down. Keep kicking it
down the tunnels, but NEVER kick it to the wall. It'll get stuck. Keep kicking
the barrel until it lands on the ground, next to the trap.

Before we proceed, go back near the top and jump through the thin pipes near
the door. Make your way through the pipe maze, keeping in mind that you can
only jump up through horizontal pipes. When you get to the laser gun, avoid
it's shots. Go through the tunnel and kill the aliens. When you get to the 
open space go up, kicking any magic blocks you see.

The magic block that is surrounded by thick pipes leads to a secret area. 

You will get an extra life if you beat it, plus a VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THING!

Sorry, I had to make sure you realize that the secret area in here is very
important. You must get all of the items in a short amount of time. One tip:
when you get the first mug, jump into the hole and then back up to get the bag
on the right side. Now I mean it, you have to beat this secret area no matter
what!!! If you mess up, Pause and press C to exit and come back in.

When you beat it you'll get the extra life like I mentioned, but you'll appear
at a different door. Next to this door is the VERY IMPORTANT thing. A magic
block. Kick it to gain access to Rooms 2-5 through 2-7.

Go up and kick the magic block, then make your way back to the tunnels you
came from. Walk right and you'll end up in a room with an alien and the rats.
Kill the alien and make your way up to the rat platforms.

Kick the first barrel to the left, then hop up to the next platform and
kick the other barrel to the right. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Fall down and go all the way to the left until you see some brown blocks. Use
your marbles to break them all, then kick the barrel from the beginning all the
way to the right. You need that barrel to fall into that gap where the rats
can't climb over.

Once the rats climb up that'll be it, so let's move on.

  Room 2-3
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left. Go past the trap and enter the first tunnel you
see. You'll find a blue block. Take this blue block to the ledge beside the

Now, there is a bit of creative thinking when trying to get the rats into this
trap. Place this first block four spaces from the edge at the bottom.

Example: (B=Block)


The block at the bottom is that first block, placed four spaces from the edge.
Now go left, but hop up the platforms to the next tunnel you see. The moving
laser guns in the middle will be firing laser bolts, so look out.

This next tunnel will lead to a large room that has silver platforms leading to
the bottom. Get to the bottom and kill the alien, then get the point items and
pick up the blue block. Take the blue block back to the trap.

Place the block directly on top of the first one. This is temporary, and make
sure none of the rats get stuck. Now go all the way back to the tunnel
entrance. Hop up the platforms again to reach a third tunnel at the top. There
will be two aliens in here, so kill them off easily. Pick up the blue block and
take it back to the trap. Place it anywhere you like for now. We'll fix it

Now it's time to handle the right side. Go to the right and hop up to the
second tunnel you see. Kick that magic block to get some marbles. Go up to
the next tunnel and use the marbles to break through the brown block barrier.
You'll find a blue block in there. There's nothing in the very top tunnel, so
don't worry about it.

Go drop off the block next to the others, but don't do anything yet. Go to the
right again and go inside the pipe tunnel.
There will be an alien on those red blocks, so use whatever weapon you have to
kill it. Kick the magic blocks on the right edge to get some point items.

Now use the brown blocks to climb to the top. These blocks break away, so DO
NOT stay on them. Just quickly hop from one to the next. When you get to the
row on top keep going left because these break away much quicker. The magic
block will contain some chips. Jump onto the brown blocks that are just below
to get some pies from the magic block.

All right, we can finally get the rats into the trap! Go and set the blocks up
according to this diagram:
    | B
    |  B

The block at the bottom is that first one, so just set up the other three to
build the steps. Make sure none of the rats get trapped.

The rats will then climb to their doom, so this Room is done.

  Room 2-4
  - - - - - - -

This Room requires extreme speed to beat it as easily as possible.

Quickly go to the right and pick up the first blue block you see. Jump on the
pipes and drop that block. Fall down on the right side and pick up the next
blue block. Run across the brown blocks, but NEVER pause. You want to run by
but still leave the blocks there. You need them for the rats to walk across.

When you get to hole with a pipe over it, put down the block. You want to
build a step for the rats to climb over. If you did all this the rats will
casually walk by and into the trap.

Whew, that was fast. The next stuff is pretty much optional, so it's up to you
if you want to get some points and extra health.

Go into the area behind the trap. When you see more brown blocks, stop! The
first row of brown blocks will break away, so run quickly. The next three rows
will have four layers of blocks. Break the top layers of each row by running
across three times. Then, break through the left and middle of each section to
reach the point items.

Go back near the trap and climb up through the pipes that run across a small
vertical tunnel. There will be a burger up here.

Well, that's it. Head back to the door to exit.

  Room 2-5
  - - - - - - -

This Room can't be accessed until you kick the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

This one has only one rat, but it's quite difficult when trying to figure it
out. Of course you don't have to if you're reading this guide.

Let's take care of everything else first. Ignore all rats and blocks and fall
down to the bottom. Kill those two aliens. Keep walking to the right and kill
the third alien you come across.

Hop up to the upper level (near the trap), and ride that moving platform to the
right. Kick the magic block to get some marbles. Ride the platform back to the
left and hop up to the level with the brown blocks. Use the marbles to break
through and kick the magic blocks to get some chips, pies, and point items.

All right, let's trap the rat. Pick up a blue block and fall into the hole left
of the door. Now you have to block a series of fans and pipes. Let me

(P=Pipe, F=Fan, B=Block)
                                            _|  |
                                          _|    |
                                        _|      |
_____P______________F___P_____F___F____|        |_________P___

This is a diagram showing all of the pipes and fans that you need to block
using the three blue blocks near the door. 

Start by blocking the first pipe, then place another block on the fan that
follows. Grab the third block and use it to get the rat out of it's spot. Pick
up the block again when the rat is out and place it on the next pipe.

Once the rat has passed over the first pipe, pick up that block and cover the
next fan in the way. Once the rat has passed over the first fan, pick up the
block and cover the third fan in the way. When the rat has passed over the
second pipe, take that block and cover the fan at the top of the steps. When
the rat has passed over the fan at the top of the steps, take that block and
cover the last pipe in the way.

This is the more complicated way. If you're quick enough all you really need
is one block.

Whew, that was a whole lot of moving. Unfortunately, we're only half done. Now
we have to get the rats up some platforms and onto the level with the trap.
It's time to whip out the ol' step method.

So, leave the block that is covering the pipe alone. Go back and pick up the
two blocks we left behind and bring them here. Hop onto the first pyramid
platform and place a block out on the right edge. Grab another block and place
it on the right edge of the first block. It should look like this:


Now, take away the first block and place it on the left edge of the block that
is covering the pipe. Like this:

The rat has to be on the right side of the steps so it can climb up. The
absolute SECOND the rat gets onto the pyramid, take away the top block and
place it at the top of the pyramid. Like this:

     B       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__

Again, the absolute SECOND the rat turns around, take that block from the top
of the pyramid and make a step, like this:

     _       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__B

The rat will climb up the steps and over onto the next pyramid platform. Take
another block and trap the rat between the top of the pyramid and the wall.

Now take the block at the very bottom and the one in mid air and make steps
that lead to the third platform. Quickly take away the block that has the rat
trapped and place it at the edge of the third platform. Once the rat has gone
over one of the other blocks, pick one up and place it at the left edge of the
other block to build steps up to the next level.

Once the rat has climbed over one of the blocks, take it and quickly cover the
hole that is between two pyramid platforms on this level. The rat will walk
itself the rest of the way and get zapped.

Man, was that not A LOT OF HELL? Seriously, it's not too tough. It just takes
an understanding of the step method. I hope by now you got it.

That's finally done, let us go on.

  Room 2-6
  - - - - - - - 

This Room can only be accessed after kicking the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

Well, we're back to the step method in this Room. There is only one rat, and
you have to build steps to platforms using blue blocks.

But first, let's take care of the extras. Go to the right and fall into the
first hole you see. There will be two aliens in this bottom area, so kill
them and get the marbles from the magic block.

Now go up to the top and use the moving platforms to reach the brown blocks
in the top-left corner. Bust through with some marbles and you'll get access
to a whole bunch of point items. Remember to kick the magic blocks on top
first, then the ones at the bottom.

Go back down and jump across the platforms until you see a magic block. Kick
it to get some pies.

Now it's time to trap the rat. Leave the blue block that is covering the pipe,
and pick up one of the others. Place it at the base of the thick pipes to the
right. Pick up another block and place it on the right half of the highest
pipe next to the platform. Pick up two more block and use them to build steps
up to the platform. Like this:

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

As soon as the rat climbs over that first block at the base of the pipes, pick
it up and place it on the small pipe that's on the platform. Like this:


When the rat has passed over the first step, take that block. Wait for the rat
to be between the two small pipes on the platform, then block him in like this:

 B  B

Take the other two blocks and build some steps to the next platform. Now, the
next platform has two more small pipes. Grab the right block from the first
platform, and place it on the right pipe of the second platform. When the rat
is between the pipes of the second platform, trap him.

            B   B

Take the two step blocks and build some steps to the third platform. Take the
right block from the second platform and place it on the single pipe of the
third platform. Then take the left block from the second platform and place it
on the right pipe.

      B  B

Now, go all the way back and pick up the fan block that is facing up. Take it
and jump to the top-left platform, the one with a pipe hanging over it. Place
the fan directly under the pipe.

Now, wait for the rat to start walking to the right and pick up the block that
was on the left pipe. Place it on the left edge of the left pipe.

Once the rat starts walking left, pick up the block that was on the right and
use it to complete the steps that lead up to the fan. The rat will then just
walk into the fan, and the pipe will lead it to the trap. A quick reminder:
DO NOT jump into the trap area. You'll get stuck.

Let's move on to the next Room.

  Room 2-7
  - - - - - - - 

This Room can only be accessed after kicking the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

Well, it's about time we get a break. This Room may seem complicated, but it's
very easy. First go to the right and make your way through the pipes. Remember
that you can only jump through horizontal pipes. Along the way you'll find a
magic block with some pies.

If you go to the top-right of the pipes you'll come out on the other side.
Fall to the bottom and you'll face two aliens, and find a blue block at the

Grab the block and go back into the pipes. Make your way to the top-left of
the pipes now and jump to the left side of the room. Avoid the laser gun. On
the far left side you'll find some point items and a burger.

Now fall down near the trap and place the block to build a step to the pipe.
See, here you have to make a rat go into the pipe, then pick up the block and
place it in the hole between the trap platform and the pipes. You'll see what
I mean.

It might take a couple of times to get all the rats, but it's still extremely
easy. Let's move on to the next Room.

  Room 2-8
  - - - - - - - 

Hey all right, another easy one! Fall straight to the bottom-left corner. There
are two laser guns going up and down, so watch out for them. Kick those magic
blocks starting with the top ones to get some pies, chips, and point items.

Now jump up through the pipes on the right side. At the top you'll find a blue
block, so pick it up. Go over the top and to the rat hole on the left. Place
the block as a step so any rats that come out will fall over. Wait for all of
the rats to go over, then jump over yourself.

Now the final simple part is to use the block to create a step to the steps
that are already on the right side of the trap. It may take a couple of times
to get all the rats, but it's still way easy.

To get back to the door, go around the right side and over the top. Go into
the spot where the rats were and fall over, but fall to the left. You will
land on a piece of pipe. Now just jump up to the door.

Great, another simple Room defeated. On to the next Room.

  Room 2-9
  - - - - - - -

This Room is huge, but not that hard to beat. Start off by falling down the
hole to the left and killing the alien along the way. Pick up the block when
you see it, then jump up through the small tunnel to get back to the door. Go
to the left again and use the block to get over the high wall.

Kill the alien in the first hole, then kill the next alien you see. Go through
the tunnel and fall down. Find the rat and pick up the block next to it, then
go up to the platform near a laser gun. Place the block on the left edge of
the platform and jump onto the small ledges on the left.

Jump up and kick any magic blocks to get some pies, a squishee, and point
items. Kill the alien as well. Fall back to the bottom and pick up the blue
block again.

Jump over the thick pipe next to the rat and you'll find the trap. Don't worry
about it yet, and keep going to the right. Place the blue block over the lower
magic block you see to create a step. You can now kick the higher magic
block to get an extra life. Take away the blue block and get bag from the other
magic block. Don't go on the right side yet.

That's it for the extras, let's trap the rat. Fall into the hole that is left
of the rat area and pick up the fan block on the left. You can drop the block
here for now. Fall in the hole and place the fan right under the trap
platform, but not directly under. Place it under and one space to the left.

(F=Fan, P=Pipe, B=Block)



Now go back to where the three blocks are gathered. Take one block and cover
the pipe that is on the ground. Take another block and cover one of the pipes
on the left, then take the third block and cover the other pipe.


Go back around all the way to where you dropped the first block you had and
pick it up. Use this block to build a step for the rat to get out. Now rush
to the spot where you placed all the blocks and place this block to complete
the steps.


Wait for the rat to walk over, then grab those three blocks and build some
steps up to the thick pipes.

   B PP
  B  PP

This next part must be done quickly. As soon as the rat walks over the block
that is covering the pipe on the ground, pick up that pipe and run all the way
to the trap. Stand on the left edge of the platform as if you were going to
place the block on the edge, but wait.

After the rat flys up in the air place the block on the edge. The rat will
then land on the block and walk into the trap.

See, not too tough. Go to the right and kick the magic block along the way to
get a burger, then follow the tunnel at the top to go back to the door and

  Room 2-10
  - - - - - - - 

This Room cannot be accessed until you close all of the other Rooms.

Go up the tunnel until you get to the laser guns. Jump across the gaps until
you pass a third laser gun. Try to avoid any aliens along the way.

Make a far jump to the right to find yourself in an area with two aliens and
some magic blocks. Kill the aliens, then kick the magic blocks to get point
items, chips, an extra life, and to kick the special magic block that will
close World #2 and open World #3.

You're done with the whole World, so go to the entrance and leave.

                                 4.03  World #3

Room locations for World #3.
|            |                                                |
|            |             3-5  3-6                           |
| 3-1     ___|           __________                           |
|____   _|   |      3-4     |      |_     3-12 3-13           |
|     _|     |     _________|_     | |_   ---------  3-11 3-14|
|    |_______|    |  |      |  3-10|   |             _________|
| 3-2            |   |    --|______|    |  3-8 3-9  |         |
|____           |    | 3-7  |            |_________|          |
|    |_        |     |______|                                 |
|      |_ 3-3 |                                               |
|        |___|                                                |

(Room 3-7 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in Room 3-5.
 Room 3-10 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in Room
 3-8. Rooms 3-12 and 3-13 can be accessed after kicking the special magic
 block in Room 3-11. Room 3-14 will open once you have closed all of the
 other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #3 are: Flying pigs, snakes
Trap assistant will be: Sideshow Mel and the Pop-O-Matic

  Room 3-1
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the right and use the group of red springs to get to the platform at the
top. Hold the jump button to go higher each time you hit the springs. Grab the
fan block and jump down, then use the next spring to get over the wall.

Fall down and go left to find the trap, a blue block, and a barrel block.
First you need to drop the fan block. Look at the steps that lead up to the
left. Do you see how they are single spaces, but then the steps get wider? You
need to put the fan on the left side of the very first wide step. 

Now go and pick up the blue block, then kick the barrel to the right twice. The
barrel will fall onto the platform below. The trap platform has two elevated
spaces on the left. Put the blue block on the right space.

Now just wait. The rats will eventually make their way up the long steps, the
fan will push them to the right, the barrel will make them turn left, and the
blue block will make them turn toward the trap. Visuals are always good, so:

(F=Fan, B=Block, R=Barrel)
 |__                          R
    |F_                ________
       |_         |
         |_       | _B         __

Hope that helps. After the rats have all been blown up, let's get the extras.
Pick up the blue block and go to the left. Avoid the flying pigs for now.

Fall down and you'll get to some magic blocks. Place the block next to the
magic blocks and kick through the top row first, then the bottom row. You'll
get point items, a burger, and pies.

Well, that's about it. You can kill the flying pigs if you want, but it takes
three hits. Go back to the door to exit.

  Room 3-2
  - - - - - - - 

This one is simple. Jump up to the left and you'll see some platforms, and the
top platform will have a barrel block. Kick the barrel to the left, then go
around the bottom and kick it to the left again, then kick left one more time.
It will cover the pipe and force the rats to go the other way, to the trap.

Like I said, easy. Now let's get the extras. Go to the left into the blue area.
If you jump in the center a red platform will appear, so use it to jump up to
the left.

Run straight left and more red platforms will appear, creating a bunch of
steps. Follow the tunnel and you'll run into a snake. Afterwards, use the
spring to get to the top and run into a flying pig, and some magic blocks.

When kicking the magic blocks, start at the TOP, then work your way down.
You'll get pies, point items, and a few health items.

That's about it, so go to the left and exit.

  Room 3-3
  - - - - - - - 

Ignore any blocks and rats and go to the right. I think it would be better to
get the extras first. On the far right you will fall down a hole, then have to
kill some snakes to the left. Kick the magic block down here to open a new
block, then jump back up.

Go to the right again and you'll find a new magic block containing some
marbles. Take these marbles and break through the brown blocks that are down
the hole.

The new area has some springs, a flying pig, magic blocks, and a secret area.
First use the spring to fly over the wall, then kick those magic blocks. As
always, start with the top block first. You'll get a bag, squishee, and pies.

Use this next spring to get to the top. Jump on the right side of the magic
block to make a red block appear. Kick the magic block to open a secret area.

Go inside and use the springs to get all the items along the way, then an
extra life. You are timed, but it isn't too tough. Once you're done get back to
the rats.

Let's go ahead and trap the rats. Grab a block from the top steps and cover up
the hole on the far right. The one you fell in before. It should create a step
that leads up to a pipe. Now go back and get the fan block.

Jump up the platforms and keep jumping up until you see a fan on the left side,
stuck in the wall. Jump onto the platform directly below it and put the fan
block down on the left side next to the wall.

Now go get another block and jump up to the uneven platforms. It's the spot
with a hole in the middle. Use the block to cover that hole. Go back and get
another block and place it at the left edge of the uneven platforms, then get
another block and place it at the left edge of the first one. Grab the first
block back and put it at the left edge of the block in mid air. So after all
that it should look like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)

     B        ______

Go get the last block. There is a small platform on the ground that will block
the rats, so build a step and wait for all four rats to climb over.

Quickly pick up the block and jump up through the hole in the blocks to the
next platform. Use the block to cover the hole, and you're done. The rats will
climb up and get pushed into the trap by the fans. 

Jump up and kick the magic block at the top to get pies and kill flying pigs.
Go to the door to exit.

  Room 3-4
  - - - - - - -

This room is fairly small, so go around the outside kicking all the magic
blocks and killing flying pigs. You'll get point items, health items, and pies.

Once all this is done, go inside the structure. There are no blocks to pick up,
just a lot of barrels to kick. Go to the bottom of the first column of barrels
and kick ONE barrel.

Go through the new hole and to the next column of barrels. Kick TWO barrels,
then break through the brown blocks you just opened.

For this last column of barrels kick THREE barrels. Go and break through the
brown blocks to fall to the bottom.

Go to the left side of the three barrels and kick two barrels to the RIGHT. 

Go back to the top and kick three more barrels down to the bottom. Go to the
bottom again and kick two of these barrels to the LEFT. 

Go up again and kick down the last two barrels. Kick ONE of these barrels to
the right, then kick the other barrel to the left.

The rats will then climb into the trap, so go back to the door.

  Room 3-5
  - - - - - - -

The rats in this room are easy to trap, but they aren't the main thing. There
is a special magic block in here.

Go to the left and pick up the blue block, then place it next to the magic
block between the trees. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Jump up to the top and ride the platform to the left, then jump in the gap.
Try to only use two marbles, because you'll need the rest of them elsewhere.

Once you're through, go left and jump onto the moving platform. There is
another path in the left wall, but there is also a flying pig flying around.
Avoid the pig and jump into the gap to the path.

If you have three marbles hold Left and just shoot three marbles out to get
through. If you have less than three, good luck getting through. There are
only point items, health items, and pies in there anyway.

Now let's trap the rats. Fall down and go to the right. Do you see the pipe on
the ground before the steps? Place the blue block next to the pipe opening to
cover it.

Keep going to the right to find the rats. Pick up the blue block that is
covering a hole on the right and the rats will fall in. Since you covered the
other end of the pipe down there, the rats will turn around and walk straight
into the trap.

Once they're all popped, it's time to get the last things in this Room. Go back
to where you placed the first block. See those steps? Place a block at the
right edge of the top step. Like so:


B _
 | |

Grab the other block and put it at the left edge of the first block, as if you
were building steps. But, now go back and get the first block, and put it at
the left edge of the other one. Keep stacking the blocks up to reach the
platforms at the top, but make sure you have a block with you when you get up

DO NOT kick that first magic block. Place the blue block on it and use that
to jump up to the top. You'll get a Krusty mug from the first one, and the
second magic block will open up Room 3-7. So... MAKE SURE TO KICK THIS

Fall down and kick that last magic block to get another point item.

It seems that's it for this Room, so let us exit.

  Room 3-6
  - - - - - - -

Another easy Room. Start by jumping onto the springs on the right. Be careful
because there will be a flying pig flying around.

If you jump in the center, some red platforms will appear. Jump up and right
from the platforms to make two more appear. Jump up and toward the center
again to make another group of platforms appear. There will be two more on the
left, then two more near the center. Jump up and to the left one more time to
get two more platforms.

Go inside the tunnel to find the trap and a magic block. Kick the magic
block to open some secret platforms. Go back to the red platforms and jump to
the far right to make four new red platforms appear.

This area has a lot of magic blocks. Kick them all to get point items, health
items, and pies. Pick up the blue block and go back to the trap. Place the blue
block next to the little wall that is next to the trap. To build a step, ya

Go get the fan block, then fall down and into the rat area. Put down the fan
block on the left side, and you're done. The series of fans in this room will
push the rats straight into the trap.

Like I said, easy. Get to the door to leave.

  Room 3-7
  - - - - - - -

This one is fairly simple as well. Start by using the blue blocks and build
some steps starting on the right magic block. Like so:

(P=magic block, B=Block)

  B |
 B  |
PP  |

Now take the fourth block on the left and place it on the small platform on the
right side of the wall. Get the two blocks that make up the first two steps
and put them all on the right side of the wall.

Now use these blocks to create steps that go into the air on the left. Once you
have three steps that go to the left, pick up the first block and place it at
the left edge to create another step.

PP  | 

Keep doing this until you can barely manage to jump onto the steps. Leave the
bottom of the three blocks alone, so you'll still be able to jump onto it.

Now keep building steps using the two upper blocks. When you reach the edge of
the black window, near the fan block, STOP! You want the last step to be on
the border of the black window and blue trim.

Get the other block and place it on top of the first to reach the platform and
fan. I would also kill the flying pig right now. Grab the fan block and fall
down to the bottom.

Place the fan on the blue trim of the window. You want to put the fan so it
will blow the rats up, then the fan at the top will blow the rats to the right.
They will land directly on the trap.

If you want an extra life, keep reading. Take the fan block and get to the top
again. Put the fan block back on the platform, then get the top block of the
two you stacked and place it on the left edge, over the blue trim. Take the
block under it and hop up to the platform.

Use the blue block and fan block and build steps to the right. There will be a
tunnel with a magic block, containing an extra life.

Fall to the bottom and get the health items in the magic blocks, then leave.

  Room 3-8
  - - - - - - -

This one is another barrel-kicking Room. Start by kicking three barrels in the
column to the left. Now go around the top, kicking all of the magic blocks
along the way. You'll get point items, chips, and pies.

Now, kick one of the two remaining barrels to the right, then go back around
and kick the last barrel to the left.

Go to the bottom and kick one barrel to the left, then go around and kick that
barrel all the way to the left. Go and kick one more barrel all the way to the
left. Leave the last barrel alone.

There are two barrels left on the upper platform. Kick the left barrel all the
way to the left to create some steps for the rats. They will then go up in a
pipe that leads to the trap area.

Jump up to the top and hop on the barrels to reach a room at the very top.
Kick the special magic block to gain access to Room 3-10.

Go back down and kick the bottom barrel of the two that are stacked. Go down
and kick that barrel all the way to the right. Go back up and do the same to
the other barrel on the left.

Now kick the last barrel once to the left so it lands on the middle platform,
then kick it once to the right. With the steps now complete the rats will
climb up and into the trap.

So far it's been fairly simple. Let's move on.

  Room 3-9
  - - - - - - -

Start off by killing the flying pig because it can get really annoying. Now we
have to set up a few things. Pick up the spring in the center and use it to
get up through the red platforms on the left and right.

There are fans that blow the rats up to the top platform, as well as fan
blocks. Take each of the fan blocks and go up to the top platform. Use each
fan to cover the spots where the rats fly up through, keeping them stuck in
their little areas.

Now pick up the blue block and go inside one of the areas. Since the rats are
now blocked in, they are constantly being blown up, but they then come
straight down. You have to wait for the rats to get blown up AND face the pipe
on the platforms in the middle.

So, stand on the edge of the platforms while holding the blue block. When a
rat facing the pipe gets blown up, quickly place the block on the edge so the
rat will land and start walking toward the pipe. Pick up the pipe again and
make a step that leads up to the pipe. This pipe will lead to another pipe
that will lead to the trap.

Repeat this process to finish off the rats. Now let's get the magic blocks on
the right.

Use the blue block and two fan blocks and stack two of them on top of each
other. Place the third one on the right edge. Like so:

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=magic block)

|   P
|   -
| B

Now take the two bottom blocks and stack them on the one that was on the right
edge. Do this to reach all the magic blocks and get point items, a squishee,
and pies.

We're all done, so go ahead and leave.

  Room 3-10
  - - - - - - -

Pick up the fan block and get to the top using the moving platform. There are
some flying pigs at the top floating near some platforms, so go ahead and kill
them to save some frustration.

Trapping the rats requires a couple or simple steps. First pick up the fan
block the faces to the left. Place it at the left edge of the small platform
that is nearest to the bottom. Now get the right-facing fan and place it at
the left edge of the first fan. Finally, get the first fan and move it on top
of the right-facing fan. Like this:

(LF=Left-facing fan, RF=Right-facing fan)


Use the fan blocks to get to the upper platforms. Ignore the fan block for now
and go to the right. Jump to the far right and you'll find another room.

There are plenty of magic blocks in here, as well as snakes and a flying pig.
Kill the enemies if you like. Kick all of the magic blocks to get point
items, health items, and pies.

Now let's trap the rats. Go back and get the fan that faces up, and fall down
to the bottom. There are two flower pots and a pipe down here. Place the fan
next to the flower pot on the right. The rats will then come out of the pipe
and get pushed up by the fan. The other fans will take care of the rest.

All right, let's get out of here.

  Room 3-11
  - - - - - - -

Go straight to the right and jump onto the first platform you see. Now jump
onto the spring on the right, but DO NOT hold the jump button. Just hold Right
and you will automatically jump onto another spring on the right. If you fall
there are three snakes at the bottom, so try not to fall.

When you come across a third spring, stop! Hold the jump button and get up
through the tunnel at the top. Kill then flying pig, then kick all the magic
blocks to get point items, health items, and pies. The single block on the
right opens access to Rooms 3-12 and 3-13.

Fall back down and keep bouncing to the right to find a whole bunch of
different blocks. Pick up and drop off all of these blocks over by the door.

First grab the fan block. Jump onto the first spring and go up to where the
trap is. Place the fan on the left side of the hole that is on the left.

Now go back and get the L pipe that opens on the left and place it under the
blue steps, and one space to the left. Next you have to get three of the
vertical pipes and place them over the L pipe. Make sure the rats are on the
left, then put the pipes in. The rats will go in and get sucked up to the
steps. Here's the visual:

(L=L-shaped pipe, V=Vertical pipe)


Now get that same L pipe and two vertical pipes and take them to the next
platform on top. Now all you have to do is put the L pipe in the right corner
and stack two vertical pipes on it.

The rats will go through the pipes, and the fan you put next to the trap will
finish the job. Get to the door to leave.

  Room 3-12
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is actually pretty easy. Go over the first wall and move the
block from the right fan to the left fan. Go over the next wall and do the
same thing. Finally, go all the way to the right. Kill the flying pig, then
pick up the fan block. Place the fan according to the this picture:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

 |   __|

It's the spot at the top, near a pipe. Now just go back and pick up the blue
block that is covering the fan. The rats will make their way to the fan and
get blown into the trap.

Gather all the blocks now and make some steps in mid air to get to the trap.
Kick the magic block at the top to open a new area near the door. Pick up a
block on the way there.

Make sure to JUMP OVER THE DOOR. We don't want to exit yet. Fall in the hole,
then kill the flying pig. Kick all of the magic blocks, starting with the
TOP ones. Just place a block to get the ones on top, then take away the block
to get the ones underneath. You'll get point items, a burger, and pies.

Use the spring to get back to the top and exit.

  Room 3-13
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the very top and kicking the magic blocks for point
items, health items, and pies. NEVER go to the left, because you will get
stuck down there.

Get the fan block and fall down to the bottom, near the door. Put the fan
block over the spot where the rats fly up on the right. This will force the
rats into the loop on the left, grouping all the rats together.

Pick up the fan and go up again, and place it on the right edge of the
platform in front of the pipe. Like this:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

PP__F __

Now go to the top and kick the left barrel to the left, then again to the
left, then to the right, then one more time to the left.

Wait for all of the rats to blow up, then you can leave.

  Room 3-14
  - - - - - - -

Fall down and jump on the first spring. Don't hold the jump button, just bounce
normally. Make your way to the right, but obviously you want to avoid hitting
any of the flying pigs.

It's not tough at all. When you get to the end you'll get a whole bunch of
magic blocks. Kick 'em all to get point items, health items, pies, and an
extra life.

The single magic block at the bottom is a special block that will close
World #3 and grant you access to World #4. Go all the way back and hop up 
through the tunnel on the far left to exit.

Let's finally get out of here!

                                 4.04  World #4

Room locations for World #4.
|                 |   |     |                                 |
|        4-1      |   | 4-8 |                                 |
|___________     _|   |_____|_     4-7   4-9  4-10  4-14      |
|   4-3  4-2   _|_____________|   ______________________    __|
|   __________|                 _|  | 4-13|  4-12| 4-11|  _|  |
|4-4              4-5   4-6   _|____|_____|______|_____|_|____|

(You can reach Room 4-8 after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-7.
 Room 4-11 opens after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-10. Room
 4-12 opens after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-11, and 4-13
 opens after kicking the special magic block in 4-12. 4-14 opens after
 closing all the other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #4 are: Birds
Trap assistant will be: Corporal Punishment and the Eat-O-Matic

  Room 4-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the spring to the right and kicking the magic block.
You'll get some marbles. Fall down and pick up the spring. Put it on the left

Jump up and break through the brown blocks by using your marbles. The rats will
then climb out and fall to the ground below.

Do you see those jar blocks? Each of those holds one rat, but once the jar has
a rat you can use it as a block. Pick up the spring and put it at the right
corner below the trap, then use the jars as blocks to build steps. The two rats
that aren't in jars will climb up the steps into the trap.

Now pick up one of the jars and get over to the right side of the trap using
the spring. Drop the jar and kick it to free the rat, then do the same with
the other jar.

As always the first Room was easy. Let's move on.

  Room 4-2
  - - - - - - -

Get on the moving platform to the left and ride up to the top. Try to avoid the
two birds. Once you're at the top go to the right to find a whole bunch of

The jars are obviously for the rats, but first let's get up to the room to the
right. Use the jars as blocks to build steps up the tunnel on the right.

You'll find some magic blocks at the top. Kick them all starting with top one
to get point items, health items, and pies.

Fall back down and carry each of the jars to the bottom, where the rats are.
There are six jars, but seven rats... No problem. Just build some steps up to
the pipe that is in the left wall. Start the steps next to the rat hole.

(J=Jar, H=hole, P=pipe)

| J
|  J
|   J
|    J

The pipe will lead the rat straight to the trap. Now just take each of the jars
and drop them on the RIGHT side of the trap and kick them to get the rest of
the rats into the trap.

A bit tough, but not bad. On to the next Room!

  Room 4-3
  - - - - - - -

I'll say this now: this Room just looks complicated. Like many of the other
rooms, trapping the rats is a very easy task. Fall straight down and go to the
right. You don't have to touch the barrel along the way.

You will eventually run into a moving platform. Ride up on it then go to the
left. Get the blue block and then go to the top of the trap. Stand on the edge
of the platform so that you can break the single brown block that is at the
top. DO NOT fall in.

Now go back to the moving platform and jump into the middle area on the left.
There should be some breakable brown blocks. Stand on the brown blocks and
break through until you land in a rocky area.

Get through the birds as best as you can until you see the pipe. Break through
the three brown blocks then place the blue block to cover the gap. Like this:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

__        _PPP
  |_   __|

The rats will walk over the block and into the pipe. That pipe will then drop
them right into trap, so that's all done.

Now it's time for the extras. Pick up the blue block and go into the area on
the right. Kick all of the magic blocks in this area to get pies and point
items. Go back to the rocky tunnel and jump up the tunnel to find yourself
back near the trap. Kick the magic block to get some Krusty chips.

Jump up to the top platforms and go left to get back to the door and exit.

  Room 4-4
  - - - - - - -

Go left to find the rats and a whole bunch of jars. Trap all the rats in the
jars. Also, kill that damn bird.

Now, you may notice that there are some breakable brown blocks in the upper
left corner. But, you have no marbles. Use the jar blocks to build some steps
starting on the right edge. You're trying to reach the small platforms up near
the ceiling.

Kick the magic block to get some marbles, then pick up the blue block. Fall
down again and use the jars again to build some steps that lead up to the brown
blocks. Use your marbles to break through.

Go all the way to the left and kick the two lone magic blocks to get some
horns, then kick the other magic blocks starting with the top one. Point items
and pies will be your reward.

Let's finally trap the rats. You have to build steps again, but you also have
to put the blue block in a certain spot. I'll just draw it out:

(B=Block, J=Jar)

      B |
     J  |
    J   |
   J    |
  J     |

Now just carry all the jars up to the trap, and use the block to jump back up
after all the jars are gone.

Kick the jars to release the rats and finish this Room.

  Room 4-5
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and kick the barrel, then go into the area on the right.

This area is drenched in water drops, so avoid them as best as possible. Go up
to the upper left platforms and you'll see three barrels. Kick a barrel to the
right, then kick it left off the middle platform.

Fall to the bottom and kick the barrel to the right. Now just go back up and do
the same to the other two barrels so that all three are on the bottom right.

Now go up to the barrels on the upper right platforms. Kick the two barrels
that are at the top so that they land on the platform in the middle. Then
kick them down to the right, then go down and kick the bottom barrel once
more. See the steps forming?

Go to the top and kick the last barrel to the left to complete the steps and
get the rats trapped.

Go back near the entrance and fall down on the left side of the thick brown
pipes. Kick all of those magic blocks starting with the top one to get point
items, a squishee, and pies. Go to the Room to exit.

  Room 4-6
  - - - - - - -

Hmmmm... all right. This Room is huge, and there are various ways to go. But
as always, trapping the rats is a very basic thing.

Go to the far right and you'll see the trap. Jump up through the red platform
above it and step on the brown block to break it. Now fall into the hole to the
left and go through the tunnel.

There are some birds in the tunnel, but just avoid them by jumping up into the
small gap in the ceiling. Pick up a blue block as well while you're in there.

Go to the right to find some of the rats. Start off by breaking through the
brown blocks at the bottom, then use the two blue blocks from the tunnel and
the one at the bottom to build steps up to the top platforms. Kick the magic
blocks to get point items and pies, then grab the blue block at the top.

Since you have more pies I suggest killing the two birds right now. Then, break
the brown blocks on each platform to get the rats down to the bottom. 

Now we want to get the rats to the tunnel on the left. Use a blue block as a
step to get the rats out of the bottom and on the surface. If you go to the far
left of the tunnel you'll see that there are a couple of platforms and a pipe 
that goes around and ends right over the trap.

Once the rats are in that area, just use the four blue blocks to make steps and
get the rats into the pipe. Here is the visual:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)


When the rats get to the trap they need to be enclosed, or else they will just
fall down to the lower area again. As soon as the rats enter the pipe take a
block and place it on top of the raised brown block to cover their exit. Like



So, think we're done? Nope, there are still more rats to trap. Go all the way
back to the area on the right and use the blue blocks to get to the top
platforms. Once you have the steps set up, take all three blocks except the
one that is between the lower and upper platforms.

You need three blocks at the top, so you can only leave one to jump up to the
platforms. Use the three blocks to reach the tunnel at the top.

Walk straight to the right and DO NOT stop. There is a row of breakable blocks
and you don't want to break them. 

At the end of this tunnel you'll find the last two rats and a whole bunch of
other stuff. Start by riding the moving platform that is on the right. On the
way down you'll see a vertical pipe block, so pick it up.

Go up to the rats and put the pipe block next to the long pipe on the left.
Next, go up and kick the barrel to the left, then one more time. Go back down
the moving platform.

Jump into the first tunnel and go left. Pick up the fan block, then jump down
and kick the magic block to get some chips.

Go back to the rats and put the fan block down in the center of the platform
above. With that the rats will get blown into the tunnel at the top.

The rats will go through the pipe, but when they come out they will be walking
to the right. Quickly pick up the fan block and place it at the right side of
this tunnel to create a barrier and make the rats turn the other way.

Pick up the fan again and run to the left. Ignore the bird and keep going
until you reach some tangled pipes and magic blocks. Don't kick the magic
blocks yet.

Put the fan block under the THIRD pipe from the left. The right pipe out of
the three above. What you want is for the rats to get blown into that pipe.

Remember way back in the beginning when you broke that block over the trap?
Well, now you'll see why. The rats will fall down on the pipe below and then
fall through that broken block, straight into the trap.

Now it's time to leave. Go back the way you came, and remember to kick the
magic blocks for point items and pies. Also remember not to stop when you
cross that row of brown blocks, or you'll get stuck if you don't have a block.

Right, so go back to the door and finally leave.

  Room 4-7
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the far right and falling down to find a magic block. Kick
it to get some marbles, then jump back to the top. Now pick up the jar block,
then jump up to the highest platform in the middle. Place the jar block on the
very left edge and then jump into the tunnel on the left.

Ride the moving platform down to the bottom and kick the two magic blocks to
get a squishee and mug. Go back to the moving platform and enter the tunnel all
the way at the top.

There will be a moving platform going from left to right at the top, but there
is also a bird. Feel free to use one or two marbles to try and kill the bird,
but you must keep at least three marbles.

Break through the brown blocks and kick the magic blocks to get a spotted bag
and to open a secret area. Go back to the moving platform you just used and
jump down about halfway to the other side. You'll see the top of the doorway

THIS SECRET AREA IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! You absolutely have to beat this
secret area to gain access to Room 4-8. Quickly go left and break through the
brown blocks, sticking to the right side. When you reach the bottom use the
springs to quickly hop up and grab the last two horns, and get an extra life.

You will then appear next to a magic block, so kick it to open up Room 4-8.
Hop up the springs to get back to the top, then go down to the rats.

There are several gaps on the door level, and you have to put down the fan in
the second gap from the left. This gap lines up with the center of the rat

Now go up and move the jar from the left edge of this platform to the right
edge. Go down and pick up the left blue block. Take it and place it on the
edge of the jar to create a step, then take one more blue block and finish
the steps up to the trap.

Do you see how the rats keep falling in the first gap on the door level? Use
the last blue block and cover that gap, and the rats will walk into the fan
and get blown up. After all the rats have climbed up, pick up the jar with
the rat and kick it on the right side of the trap to get the last rat into
the trap.

Well, that's it. Let's get out of here.

  Room 4-8
  - - - - - - -

get blown up they'll be stuck and you'll be forced to quit.

After you've picked up the fan, kick the magic block to get some marbles. Go
to the top of the pipes and drop the fan, then break through those brown blocks
in the ceiling by using the marbles. You'll get pies and point items.

So, let's trap the rats. There are five jars, and five rats. Trap each rat in
one jar, then drop off all of the jars on the pipe above.

Set up the fan and a jar according to this picture:

(F=Fan, J=Jar)

Now take the rest of the jars and kick them next to the trap one at a time.
When all the rats have been trapped, take the last jar and break it to the
left. The rat will walk towards the fan and get blown up, then land and go into
the trap.

Well, that one was a bit easier. On to Room 4-9

  Room 4-9
  - - - - - - -

The first thing to do is kill that annoying bird. Now go to the left tunnel and
kick all of the magic blocks starting with the top ones to get point items and

Go to the right tunnel and pick up a blue block to release the rats. Now go to
the top-left platform of the four small ones and place the block on the left
edge. Go back for the other blue block and put it on the left edge as if
building steps, but what will happen is the rats will crash into this block.

(B=Block, F=Fan)

| B____

Quickly pick up the lower block and the rats will fall onto another fan that
will blow them up to another set of fans at the top.

Go up to the trap platform and place the blue block on the right edge so
that you build a step between the trap platform and the small one on the right.
Go down and get the other blue block.

Go up to the very top platform and use the blue block to stop the rats. Try
and wait for the rats to be going to the right. The rats will then start
walking and they'll make their way to the trap.

That was fairly easy, so let's go back to the door and exit.

  Room 4-10
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the right and going down the long steps. Eventually you'll
see a column of brown blocks in the ground, so stand on them to break through.

Grab the blue block, then kick all of the magic blocks on the left to find
point items, a burger, pies, and a special magic block that opens Room 4-11.
Use the spring to get out of here.

If you go up the steps you'll see a small green platform up in the air. Jump
on this platform. Now jump onto the spring on the right. DO NOT hold the jump
button. Just jump on it then jump to the next three by just hold Right. Once
you get to a spring with a high ceiling, hold the jump button.

Go over the wall and land in the middle to hit another spring, then jump over
the next wall and aim for the same distance as the last spring. From here jump
up to the platforms and drop off the blue block somewhere on top. Also, kill
this bird right now because you'll be returning.

Go all the way to the rats by using the springs again (you really don't want to
mess with the birds at the bottom), and jump into the tunnel with some jars in
it. Take the jars and get all the rats trapped in them, then pick up the fan

Go drop the fan block over where you dropped the blue block, then do the same
with all the jars. This will take a while.

Once everything is over there, set it up like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


Kick all the jars on the right side to send the rats walking to the left.
They'll all be blown straight into the trap. DO NOT fall into the big hole
that is to the left of the fan and block. You will get stuck.

Only four Rooms to go! Let's move on.

  Room 4-11
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is a bit complicated, so let's get all of the extras first.
Kill the bird that is flying around the trap, then jump up all the way to the
top-left corner of the room. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Walk to the left and you'll notice some rows of brown blocks in the wall. Break
the blocks using the marbles to open a tunnel. Watch out for all the drops and
kick the magic blocks starting with the top one. You'll get more marbles and
gain access to Room 4-12.

Now go all the way to the far right, near some jar blocks and pipe blocks.
Break through the brown blocks with the marbles and go through the tunnel to
find more magic blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and marbles.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Pick up two pipe blocks from the pipes near
the door and take them over to the right. Set up the pipes and blocks according
to this picture:

(J=Jar, P=Pipe)

      J |
     JP |
___ PPP_|

The rats will climb up the steps and go into the pipe. The pipe will then lead
them to the left area with the other rats.

Now take all the pipes and jars that are here and drop them somewhere on the
trap platform. Set everything up according to this picture:

   P  __Trap_
   P J
    P  _______
    P |       |
    |_|  Door |

So the rats will travel up the pipe and end up right there next to the trap
platform, but they are blocked in so the rats will just go back down the pipe. 

What you have to do is grab the other jar and stand on top of the pipe. The
second a rat pops up, drop the jar. If you timed it right the rat will get
pushed up and walk straight into the trap. Repeat this for every other rat
that comes up the pipe.

After that is done, set the two jars on the left side of the trap. Kick the
jars on the left side to make the rats walk into the trap.

All done, let's get out of here.

  Room 4-12
  - - - - - - -

Kill the bird that is flying around, then walk to the right. There's a jar
there, but also a wall.

In this Room there are several invisible platforms. The first ones are near the
blue wall on the right. These platforms are between a column of grey-green
bricks and a column of blue bricks with a design. The space between has a pitch
black shadow.

Jump onto this area from the door platform to find the first invisible
platform, then jump up once to find the second one. Now hold Left and jump far
to the left to find another invisible platform, then jump up once more and walk
right to get over the blue wall.

Fall down and kill the bird, then kick the magic blocks at the bottom to get
some pies and to gain access to Room 4-13. Also pick up the jar.

Stand next to the blue wall and jump up four times. Once you're on the fourth
invisible step, jump as far to the right as you can. You will land on another
invisible platform.

Walk to the right to find a room full of magic blocks. Each magic block has
an invisible platform, so start with the top magic blocks. Remember to kick
the top blocks before kicking the ones underneath. Kick the singles blocks

Now go back and place the jar block under the trap platform, to build a step.
All of the rats will then climb up into the trap, except for the rat that gets
trapped in the jar.

Once all the rats are trapped, pick up the jar. Go back up the invisible
platforms, but don't jump up to the top platform that goes to the wall. Stay on
the one just below and jump to the far left.

There is a small platform high above the trap, so once you're on it put down
the jar and kick it to free the rat. The rat will fall straight down into the

I know it's a bit tough, but once you find all the invisible platforms it's a

  Room 4-13
  - - - - - - -

Start by using the moving platforms to get to the top and go into the tunnel.
Look out for the drops and go to the right, but don't kick the magic blocks.
There are some invisible platforms that go up into the tunnel.

Kick the magic block at the top to get a horn, then kick the magic blocks
below to get point items, health items, and pies. That's it for the extras, so
go down to the main room.

This is basically a maze of fans, but you just have to know where to put the
blocks. Go down to the bottom and pick up a blue block, then jump onto the
platform above the trap.

There is a rusted column to the right of this platform, and it has an
left-facing fan on it. Put the blue block on top of the fan.

Now go down and pick up another block and cover the fan that is on the
immediate left of the door. The rats will then walk over to the left and into
another fan.

This will put all of the rats into a loop in the middle of the room. Now pick
up the block at the bottom and place it on the left edge of the trap platform.



Grab the other blue block and stand on the top platform. If you put down the
block it will cause the rats to start walking to the left. After about three
rats have been stopped, quickly pick up the fan and put it on top of the
other block. The rats will walk straight into the trap.

Keep repeating the process until all the rats have been trapped. If some rats
fall out of the loop, just use the blocks to get them back in.

Well, that's it for this Room. One more to go.

  Room 4-14
  - - - - - - -

Go up one level and kill the bird, then go to the right and kick the magic
block to get a spotted bag. Pick up the spring block and use it to go up TWO
levels. Don't go into the second level yet, so go into the third. Also try and
avoid any drops that fall down.

Go right and kick the two magic blocks to get some horns, then pick up the
spring and go back to the left by using the red platforms hidden in the blue
bricks. Use the spring to go up to the fourth level.

Kick all of the magic blocks in this area to get an extra life, marbles,
squishee, and to close World #4. Go back down to level three and go to the

Fall down to the tunnel and you'll come out on level two. Kick those two
magic blocks to get more point items, then go back to the door to exit and
finally finish World #4.

                                 4.05  World #5

Room locations for World #5.
|            | |                       |        ||             |
|    5-1     | |  5-5                  |  5-9   ||             |
|_______     | |_______ _              |______  ||   5-10 5-11 |
|           _| |  5-3  |_|_      5-6            ||_  ________  |
|         _|_|  ____    |_|_    ____           _||_ |          |
|       _|_|  _|    |_    |_|  |    |           ||_ |5-12     ||
|5-2  _|_|  _|        |_      |      |         _||_ |___     | |
|__  |_|  _|     _______|    |    ____|    5-14 ||_ |   |   |__|
|  |_    |      |  5-4      |    | 5-7     _____||  |    |     |
|    |__|       |__________|     |_____     5-8     |     |5-13|
|                                      |____________|      |___|

(Room 5-10 will appear after kicking the special magic block in Room 5-8.
 Room 5-11 can only be accessed after kicking the special block in Room 5-10,
 and Rooms 5-12 and 5-13 will open once the special block in Room 5-11 is

 Room 5-14 will open once you have closed all other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #5 are: Snakes, aliens, flying pigs, birds
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Slice-O-Matic

  Room 5-1
  - - - - - - -

There is a snake and some flying pigs in here, so kill them from the get go.
Then grab the fan block on the left. Run to the right and place the fan block
on the lower branch of the second tree, so that the rats will get blown up,
then get blown to the left by the other fan.

Now kick the barrel block to the right five times. Use the blue blocks on the
left to build steps up to the lower branch of the tree. Now just make sure the
rats are on the left side of the steps and they will climb to their doom.

That was simple, let's move on.

  Room 5-2
  - - - - - - -

Grab two of the blue blocks on the left and stack them next to the three magic
blocks on the right. Use the blocks to kick the magic blocks and get point
items and marbles.

Use only one marble to kill that bird, then use the four blue blocks to build
some steps. Start two spaces from the right of the pipe in the ground, and the
last step should hang right over the trap.

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

     B Trap
    B  Trap

Use some marbles to break through the brown blocks above and get up there. Kick
the magic blocks to get some point items. Then, kill the bird if you can.

Jump to the left against the wall to land on an invisible platform, then jump
up to the top and walk right. You will walk through the wall and into another
room full of magic blocks and jars.

Kick the magic blocks to get health items and pies, then pick up a jar. Go
all the way back to the beginning, near the rats.

Jump into the rat area and put down the jar in the middle, never on the left.
Take the trapped rat and put down the jar on the right side of the pipe that
is in the ground. Make sure it is on the RIGHT side of the pipe. The rats will
then climb up the blocks and fall in the trap.

Repeat this with the other five rats to trap them all and close this Room.

  Room 5-3
  - - - - - - -

Go to the left and kill the bird flying over the trap room, then kill the
flying pig flying overhead. Jump to the other roof on the left and kick the
magic blocks to get more pies and a burger.

Now get the jars and build steps that go to the upper-right ledge. You will
need to grab some of the lower jars to keep extending the steps. Kill the
alien once you get up there.

Kick the magic blocks to get chips, a horn, and open a secret area on the
right. Enter and get all of the items to get an extra life.

After that's finished, it's time to trap the rats. Get the jars and trap all
of the rats inside them. Now take the jars and go into the little room on the
far left. Stack some jars to kick the magic blocks and get a squishee and
a mug.

Now take the jars one at a time and stand on the fan in the little room.
Place the jar on the left edge of the fan, then kick it to release the rat
and have it blown into the pipe. Make sure there is nothing blocking the

The rats will all go into the trap room you can leave.

  Room 5-4
  - - - - - - -

Before I begin, let me warn you that the drops will become an extreme annoyance
in this Room. Just wanted to make sure ya know.

Start by going to the bottom and picking up one of the blue blocks. Place it
next to the magic blocks on the left so that the rats fall into the gap
between the magic blocks and get trapped.

Now get a block and jump onto the third ice platform on the right. Put down
the block on the right side of the platform. Go back for another block and put
it on the right edge of the first block to build steps up to the fourth ice
platform. Pick up the bottom block, but leave the top one in mid air.

Go to the right and fall into the spring area. Keep going right and hold the
jump button to fly up into the trap area. Put down the block you have on the
right side of the ice platform to create a step over the barrier.

Go back near the door and jump into the small area in the top left corner. Put
down the fourth block in the middle of this platform, right under the pipe.
Pick up the block that is next to the magic blocks and put it on the right
edge of the block at the top, then pick up the bottom block and leave the
other in mid air.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Go to the bottom and put the block next to the
magic blocks again, then kick the magic block. The rats will start to walk
out, so quickly pick up the block and kick the other magic block. You'll get
some point items.

Rush up to the top platform and put the block next to the other one to build
some steps. Once the rats have gone over the first step, pick up that block
and go to the first ice platform. Put down the block on the right side to
build a step.

Once the rats have passed over this step, pick up the block and put it on the
right side of the second platform to build another step.

After the rats have gone over this step, get the block again and put it next
to the other block on the third ice platform. As soon as they pass over the
first step, pick up the block and put it on the right edge of the fourth ice
platform to build a step into the pipe.

This next part must be done QUICKLY. The absolute microsecond after the rats
have entered the pipe, pick up the block and enter the spring area. Hold the
jump button and you go to the right to go further, then get onto the ice
platform near the trap. Quickly go into the gap on the other side of the blue
barrier and put down the block at the bottom.

If all was successful, the rats will climb over the barrier and get trapped in
the gap. Pick up the blue block from the platform and put it on the block
inside the gap to push up the rats and lead them to the trap.

If you mess up any of this, don't worry. Just let the rats get back to the area
in the upper left corner of the room and start over.

After all that mess you deserve some extras. Jump into the wall right of the
trap to find a secret tunnel. Go through and then kick the magic blocks
starting with the top ones. You'll get point and health items.

Go back to the area with the big ice platforms and fall down on the left side
of the fourth platform. Kick the magic block near the fan to get more pies.

Go to the door to leave.

  Room 5-5
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left and killing that flying pig, then jump up the
trees and kill the bird. Kick the magic blocks near the trap to get point and
health items. Go to the far left and kick those two magic blocks to get pies
and a horn.

Pick up the blue block on the ground, then go down the tunnel next to it. Drop
the blue block near the Krusty Burgers sign, then kill the two aliens along
the way. You'll find the rats in a room on the right.

Pick up the three blocks to release the rats, then use the three blocks to
build steps that go up to the tunnel on the left. Now, pick up a block and
quickly run to the left. Put the block down on the third space from the left
wall, then put another block on the left edge of the first block.


|      ___
| B

The rats will walk in and get trapped. Now take the other two blocks and build
some steps that go to the next platform on the right.

|      ___
| B   B

Grab a block from mini trap and put in on the platform, on the third space from
the right. Grab the other block and put it down on the right edge of the block
to build another one of those traps.

|____      |
|        B |
|      _B__|
|     B

Use the other two blocks to build steps up to the left platform, then build
another trap to enclose the rats again. Repeat this until the rats reach the
platform at the top, then use two blocks to keep the rats on the left platform.

Now, to get the rats up to the grass requires some speed and quick reflexes.
Get the two blocks that make up the trap and set them up like this:

|______|   |
|         B|
|        B |
|      ____|
|     B    |
|____B     |

The absolute SECOND that the rats pass over the first step block, pick it up
and put it at the bottom of the steps that go up to the grass. If any rats
fall then you'll have to go through all the platforms again, so don't mess up!

Once the rats get up to the grass, take two blocks and trap them on the grass.
Pick up the other two blocks and go to the right, over that blue barrier. Cover
the pipe in the ground with one block, then put the other block in front of the
pipe on the right.

Now go back and wait for the rats to walk to the right, then take one of the
blocks from the left and put it next to the small bush that is on the left side
of the blue barrier.

The rats will now climb over the blue barrier and make their way to the right.
Pick up a block again and rush over to the right, and put down the block next
to the other block that you had on the right to create steps.

The rats will climb up the steps and get blown across several fans until they
get stuck between two fans at the top. Take two blocks to the top of the tree
and put them as if you were building steps to the platform over the trap. Wait
for the rats to be on the LEFT side before putting the second block.

Once you put that second block the rats will stop and walk over the platform
and into the trap.

After all this you can finally leave.

  Room 5-6
  - - - - - - - 

Kill the snake in front of you, then hop up the wooden fence and kick the first
magic blocks you see. You will get some pies and a squishee.

Kill the snake on the other side of the gap, then go to the right and kill that
last snake near the trap. Go back to that crumbling blue platform near the gap
on top.

Stand in the middle and jump straight up. You'll land on an invisible platform.
Keep going up and avoid the bird to find some more magic blocks. Kick them
all starting with the top one to get point and health items. Jump back down
and go inside the gap.

It's time to trap the rats. Go down to the bottom left corner to find four
blue blocks. Take the two blocks that are stacked on the left to leave a gap
between the wall and the two other blocks, then put one of the blue blocks
next to the two that are stacked. The rats will then fall into that gap and
get grouped together very nicely.

Take the blue block that was used as a step and go to the first pyramid in the
middle of the room. Put the block between the bottom pyramid and the one on the
right to create a step between the two pyramids.

Get another block and put it on the tip of the right pyramid, creating a wall.
Now the rats will be stuck on the left side of the room.

Grab another block and go to the right pyramid. Wait for the rats to bet
heading back down, then pick up the block on the tip of the pyramid and put it
on the right edge of the tip. Get the other block and put it on top of the
first one to create another wall.

Here's what you have so far:


           _| |_
         _|     |
  _| |_
_|     |_

Grab the last unused block and put it on the left edge of the tip of the top
pyramid to create a step out of this place.

Now wait for the rats. As soon as the group passes over the very first block
(the one on the bottom pyramid), grab that block and build a step between the
right pyramid and top pyramid. If you made it in time the rats will climb up
the top pyramid and go to the left.

Now just stand by and watch the rats make their way into the trap. You should
know that the rats can go either way from the top of the roof and they will
still end up in the trap.

All done here, so go back to the door and exit.

  Room 5-7
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and break through the three brown blocks, then kick the magic
blocks starting with the top ones to get point and health items. Pick up the
jar on the left.

Go back to the top, near the barrels. There are four barrels, numbered 1
through 4 starting from the top. Put the jar on the left edge of barrel 2.


   J 1

Now go and kick barrel 1 to the left. Pick up the jar again and put it on the
left edge of barrel 4.

 J 3

Go and kick barrel 2 to the left, then kick barrel 1 to the left twice.


So barrel 1 is now free. Pick up the jar, then kick this barrel to the left and
it will fall over the edge. Put the jar two spaces to the left of the barrel,
so there must be two spaces between the jar and barrel.


Kick the barrel to the left and it will stop at the jar. Now pick up the jar
again and kick the barrel to the left five times. It will stop one space from
the left wall.

Now use the jar to cover that pipe in the ground and get the rats to the left.
After they have all passed over the pipe, pick up the jar and complete the
steps up to the trap. 

Once all the rats have been destroyed, take the jar and put it on the trap
platform. Kick it from the right side to release the rat and finally complete
this Room.

This one was easier than the last few Rooms, so let's move on.

  Room 5-8
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going to the far right and killing the two flying pigs near the moving
platform. Then kick the row of magic blocks at the bottom to get point items,
health items, and some marbles.

Hop on the moving platform and jump onto the first platform on the right. Pick
up one of the fans that face up. Take that fan to the hole where the rats are

Do you see the three pipes that hang over the rat hole? Put down the fan so
that the rats will get blown up into the left pipe. They will end up in the
area on the right, near the moving platform.

Drop the fan somewhere on the top platforms and pick up one of the blue
blocks. Use this block to cover the pipe on the bottom left and keep the rats
here in the right area.

Go pick up the other blue block and go up to the top right corner. Make sure
you have the marbles before going in here. Put the blue block next to the pipe,
then use two marbles to break through the brown blocks.

Keep going left, over all the mess of pipes, and you'll find an area near the
trap. Stand on the brown blocks to break through to the bottom, then use a
marble to bust through the blocks over the trap.

Go back to the fan blocks and pick up the fan that faces to the left. Hop up to
the top and put the fan block on the third space from the left.

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Pipe)

      | P

Go get a fan that faces up and fall to the ground where the rats are. Put this
fan down on the second space from the right wall.


Now the rats will get blown up, the left, then they will fall right into the

Well, that's done. Let's go kick the last magic block. Grab any two blocks and
use them to reach the magic block to the left, near the big hole. This is a
special magic block, and after you kick this one go in the hole to find
another magic block.

Kick this block to gain access to Room 5-10, then leave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I don't know why, but after you defeat this Room it will not
close. You have to close every other Room then come back and beat this one
again to finally close it.

  Room 5-9
  - - - - - - - 

All right, start by killing the two flying pigs and the snake under the
mushroom platforms. Then, go to the right and fall to find some magic blocks.
Kick 'em all to get point and health items, and pies.

There are some hidden bushes under the tall mushroom, so just jump around to
make them appear. Go back to the left and kick that barrel down to the left,
then pick up the two blue blocks and go under the tall mushrooms.

The rats will be walking around in this area. Set the blue blocks according to
this picture to group the rats together:


| B

Now, the next part requires some speed. You need to build some steps up to the
first low platform using the two blocks. Here's an illustration:

|          ___
|         B | 

As soon as the rats walk over the first block, pick it up and quickly get to
the top of the mushrooms. There is an invisible bush next to the wall that you
can use.

So quickly go into the spot where the rats entered and use the block to cover
the entrance they used. This will keep them in this area between the
mushrooms. Now grab the other block and put it on the right side of the first
block to create some steps that go to the left.

After the rats have entered the left side, take the two blocks and quickly
stack them up on top of the right platform of this part. Here's the visual:
     ___   B
___ ______B

After the rats have climbed up the steps, take the two blocks and build steps
that go to the higher platform on the left.

Wait for the rats to walk up these steps, then pick up a block and go to the
left. There are two mushrooms on the far left, and under them to the right is
a gap that the rats can fall through you have to put the block in that gap to
cover it.
|    ___ 
|     |  ___
|     |_B_

Once that hole is covered the rats will walk over the wall and fall to the
left, and go into the trap.

Go to the door to exit.

  Room 5-10
  - - - - - - - 

Walk across the bush blocks that appear. Now, there are some invisible blocks
on the left side of the shaft that goes up. They aren't next to the left wall,
but a bit closer to the center. Hop up the invisible platforms to find some
magic blocks. You'll get a mug, burger, pies, and you'll also open access to
Room 5-11.

Now go to the bottom and pick up the blue block, then enter the area on the
left. DO NOT fall into the first gap, instead jump over to the left side.
There are some mini platforms on the left, and there is a hidden tunnel in
the wall under it. Go inside and kick all the magic blocks (starting with
the top ones), to get a whole bunch of horns.

Go back outside and fall to the bottom, where there is a ledge and a small
gap. Put the blue block on the edge of the ledge, like this:

(B=Block, R=Barrel)

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|       |
|____ B |
     |  |

Now go to the hole under the bush blocks on the right and pick up the blue
block that is down there. Take it back to the first block and put it on the
right edge, then pick up the first block. The other block will be left in mid

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|      B|
|____   |
     |  |

Go around to the right side of the barrels. Kick three of the barrels to the
left, then go back to the rat area. Get onto the solid platform (the one just
above the ground), and put the block down on the right edge. This will let the
rats climb up to the next platform.

Now, as soon as a rat climbs over the block, pick it up and put it next to the
pipe. You will need to repeat this several times to get all of the rats into
the pipe.

A fan will blow the rats to the left, and they will walk themselves into the

Time to move on.

  Room 5-11
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going up the tree and grabbing the fan block that is facing up. Take
this block and fall into the hole on the right. There is a tunnel that goes
left, and one that goes right. DO NOT enter these tunnels yet.

Fall to the bottom and you'll find yourself in a room full of drops. Kill the
bird, then put the fan block right on the wooden beam nearest to the entrance.

(F=Fan, B=Block)



Now go back and pick up the block that faces to the left. Put it on the left
side of the farthest top right platform.


Now pick up the blue block from the tree and make a step for the rats that are
near the door. They will climb out and begin marching to the right.

They will go over the grass, through the tunnel on the left, then finally get
to the fans that you set up at the bottom. Pick up the fan block that faces
up after all the rats have been blown to the trap area.

Jump into the trap area and put down the fan block on top of the pyramid. The
rats will eventually get to the trap.

Go back up the tunnel and go into that left tunnel with the magic blocks.
Start with the top ones to get point items. Now go to the tunnel on the right.

Kill the alien, then quickly cross over the brown blocks. Kick these magic
blocks to get pies and chips. Now break through the brown blocks.

Break through the next column of brown blocks, then kick the magic block on
the left to get a squishee. Now go to the right and jump up the springs.

Enter the room and kick the single magic block to get a horn, then kick the
other ones starting with the top one. You'll get a horn, marbles, and you'll
open up Rooms 5-12 and 5-13.

Use the marbles to break through the brown blocks and exit.

  Room 5-12
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and you'll find two jars and three pipe blocks. Wait for two of
the rats to get trapped in the jars, then use the jars to trap the rats on the
left side, next to the hedge.

(J=Jar, V=Vertical pipe, L=L-shaped pipe)

| J

There are seven mushroom platforms to the right, and four of them build an
arch. Like this:
      ___ |___
       |  | |
       |  | |
       |  | |
   ___ |  | |

Now grab the L-shaped pipe and put it on the right side of the first platform,
then stack the two vertical pipes on top of it.
      ___ |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

Take one of the jars and put it on the right side of the second platform to
build a step. Then wait for the rats to be on the left, then put the other jar
to build a step from the ground to the first platform.
      __J |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

As soon as the rats pass over the first jar, pick it up and put it on the edge
of the fourth platform.

Now do this next part QUICKLY! Pick up the second jar after the rats have
walked over it and rush to the right. There is a raised tunnel here, so put
the jar a space away as if you were building steps up to the platform.

Pick up the other jar after the rats have passed over it and complete the steps
to the tunnel. If any rats fall just repeat what you did.

The tunnel leads to an area full of fans, so grab all the jars and pipes and
take them over there. Kill the snake at the bottom too. Kick the magic blocks
in the right corner to get a mug and pies.

Now it's finally time to trap the rats. First take the two jars up to the
small platform in the middle, and build some steps up to the next platform on
the right. Then, take the bottom jar and leave the other one in mid air.

The rats are stuck between two fans, so wait for the rats to be on the left
and put a jar in their way. Make sure to put the block on the right side so
that the rats can climb up to the right.

Now the rats will go into another fan and get stuck between two more fans. Get
the jar and take it up to the third platform. Drop it on the right edge. Now
get the L-Shaped pipe.

Go down to the platform where the rats are blowing around. Drop the pipe to
have the rats climb onto the right, then quickly pick up the pipe and jump up
to the jar above. Wait on the right edge for the rats to go up, and drop the
pipe on the right edge immediately after.

Once all the rats have been trapped, take the two jars and bust them on the
trap platform to get those last two rats in. Go back to the door to exit.

  Room 5-13
  - - - - - - - 

Pick up one of the two jars and trap a rat in each one, then break the brown
blocks near the rats to have the rats fall into a hole on the right. Place the
jar in the left gap of that brown barrier on the right side to have a perfect 

There are two barrels on the top platform. Kick the left barrel down, then
kick it again to make it fall in the rat hole.

Now take the other jar and place it on the right edge of the bottom square,
then kick the barrel to the left. Once the barrel is on the square kick it to
the right and the jar will stop it. Pick up the jar and put it on the right
edge of the barrel. After all that you should see this picture:

(J=Jar, R=Barrel)

    J |
    | |
___R| |__

Wait for the rats to be walking to the left, then pick up the lower jar and
quickly put it at the right edge of the top jar. The completed steps will let
the rats walk into the next area.

Pick up a jar and go into the next area. Break brown blocks to let the rats go
into the lower area, then drop the jar anywhere. Now we have to get the other
jar. Use the jar you have to jump over the wall and get the other jar.

Do you see that little dip in the ground that is two spaces wide? Take a jar
and place it according to this picture:

__ J  __

Go to the top and kick the barrel to the right and it will fall to the ground.
Kick it to the right again and the jar will stop it next to the dip.

__RJ  __

The next part should be obvious. You have to take the two jars and build steps
starting at the right edge of the barrel. Make sure the rats are on the left
of the barrel before you put the jars.

__R   __

Pick up the two jars and go into the next area. Place one jar on the pipe, then
kick the upper barrel of the two on the left. Once that barrel is on the
ground, kick it to the right and it will stop next to the pipe.

Now kick the lower barrel of the two on the left. One time to the right is all
it takes.

After the lower barrel has been kicked down, use the two jars to build steps
that lead to the trap. The rats will then climb up and get sliced. Move the
two jars back to the left side, away from the trap.

Now go up to the top right and kick those three barrels down to the left. The
three barrels will stack up on top of each other. Put the last two jars near
the trap and stand on the stacked barrels to slice up the last two rats.

The rats are done, so let's get the extras. Kick the magic block at the top
to get some marbles, then shoot a marble straight into the wall on the right.
You will break into a hidden tunnel.

Kick all of the magic blocks in this tunnel to get point and health items.
Break through the brown blocks in the hole, then go to the door to exit.

  Room 5-14
  - - - - - - - 

Just avoid the laser gun and go to the right. Pick up that first spring and
move one space over so the drops don't hit you, then kick the blocks at the top
to get pies and a mug.

Go down and pick up the spring again. Use the other spring to jump up and get
the mug in the magic block, then use the spring again and go to the right.

Kill the alien, then kick the two blocks to get a horn and to kick the special
block that closes World #5.

There is more stuff on top, but you're pretty much done with the game already.
Anyway, go up and kill the snakes if you have to, then kick the block on the
left to get a mug.

Put down the spring and jump up to the left to get a spotted bag, then jump
on the tree for a horn. Jump to the right one more time for a squishee and an
extra life.

All done, so go to the door to exit and finally be done with World #5.


Go ALL the way to the beginning and enter the door to finally beat this game.

Thanks for playing and congratulations!!!


===== 5.0 CODES & SECRETS =====================================================

    Password     |  Password effect
    NELSON       |  World 1 defeated
    PATTIE       |  Worlds 1 and 2 defeated
    MRPLOW       |  Worlds 1, 2, and 3 defeated
    MAGGIE       |  Worlds 1, 2, 3, and 4 defeated
    ZACHARY      |  Unlimited lives, all Worlds and Rooms unlocked


===== 6.0 LEGAL / MISC. =======================================================

                              6.01  Version History

2013.09.07 - Version 1.0: Guide completed.

                               6.02  Guide Credits

Thanks to these folks...

1. Virgin Interactive, Fox Williams, and the people at Audiogenic for creating
   the game.

2. Wilson Lau for his excellent guide to 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants'. It
   inspired the over 60 guides I've written to date.

3. You for reading.

                            6.03  Contact Information

subsane at gmail dot com

                               6.04  Legal Stuff

1. "Krusty's Super Fun House" is copyright (C) 1992 Acclaim Entertainment Inc.
   Distributed by Virgin Interactive. Based on a concept and game designed by
   Fox Williams. Developed by Audiogenic Software Ltd.

2. This guide copyright (C) 2013 SubSane. This guide may be distributed freely
   as long as it remains in its ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for
   private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

   If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being
   displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that

                               KRUSTY'S FUN HOUSE
                             FAQ/WALKTHROUGH, v1.0

                              Based on PC Version
                       Written and Maintained by SubSane
                            Last Updated 2013.09.07


Use Ctrl + F and the section numbers in the Table of Contents below to find
exactly what you need.


    1.01 Game Details
    1.02 Story

    2.01 Game Start
    2.02 Status Screen
    2.03 Controls
    2.04 Blocks
    2.05 Items
    2.06 Points


    4.01 World #1
    4.02 World #2
    4.03 World #3
    4.04 World #4
    4.05 World #5


    6.01 Version History
    6.02 Guide Credits
    6.03 Contact Information
    6.04 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION ========================================================

                              1.01  Game Details

The PC version of Krusty's Fun House was published by Virgin Interactive and
Acclaim in 1993 and developed by Fox Williams and Audiogenic.

                                1.02  Story

Message from Krusty the Clown:

H-h-hi kids!

Some pesky rats have infested my lovely fun house up in the Springfield hills
and I need your help to get rid of them!

These rats are real dumb, they just walk around climbing over anything that
isn't bigger than they are. If they reach a wall or barrier that is higher
than them, they'll just turn around and go the other way...

Use the blocks and items that you find lying around to move the rats around
the level to those wacky traps where Bart, Homer and my faithful helpers
Sideshow Mel and Corporal Punishment are ready to help us get rid of those

Good luck...!


===== 2.0 THE BASICS ==========================================================

                                2.01  Game Start

Running DOS on Modern PCs:

Getting a DOS program to run on Windows XP and beyond can be difficult. I
recommend a program called D-Fend Reloaded. This program comes equipped with
DOS Box--the best DOS emulator available--as well as a helpful GUI for managing
programs. Simply click the ADD button and navigate to the folder for Krusty's
Fun House. Click the KRUSTY.BAT file to add the program to the list.

Click RUN to load and run the program.

Sound Card:

First, select a sound mode. If you're playing on a modern system you can press
"3" to get full sound.

Copy Protection:

The first screen in the game is the copy protection screen, which asks for
specific numbers and letters from the game manual. Press Enter if you are
playing on the abandonware version to skip this screen.


You can select your control mode, sound mode, and adjust key settings.

Press Any Key:

You'll be sent straight to a level password screen, but if you don't have a
password just press Enter to begin.

                              2.02  Status Screen

Block box:

The box in the bottom-left corner is where your blocks are held.


The six digits in the top-center represent your points. Points grant extra


The item second from the right is your current weapon. The weapons will always
be either pies or marbles.


The Krusty icon in the bottom-right is the number of lives you have.


This is something I should mention. This is NOT in the HUD, but you only have
ten hits before you lose a life. You can replenish health with burgers, chips,
and squishees.

You can tell when Krusty is low on health because he will start to breathe

                                2.03  Controls

Controls depend on your settings. Hit F3 at the configuration screen to assign
the game controls to keys of your choice.

    Character Action
    Walk Left
    Walk Right
    Pick Up/Drop
    Enter [Rooms]
    Fire [weapons]
    SFX On/Off
    Music On/Off
    Quit Level

                                 2.04  Blocks

    Block type   |  Purpose of block
    Blue         |  Basic block, used for climbing
    Pipe         |  Both vertical and L-shaped, used for pipes
    Fan          |  Blows rats up, left, or right
    Spring       |  Used to bounce up
    Jar          |  Holds one rat, kick to bust open
    Barrel       |  Can be kicked to the side
    Magic        |  Kick to reveal items, open new areas, reveal new magic
                    blocks, or reveal platforms
    Brown        |  Can be broken by standing on or using marbles

                                   2.05  Items

    Item         |  Purpose of item
    Pies         |  Weapons
    Marbles      |  Weapons
    Krusty icon  |  Extra life
    Burgers      |  Replenish health
    Squishee     |  Replenish health
    Chips        |  Replenish health
    Spotted bag  |  10 points
    Mug          |  20 points
    Horn         |  50 points

                                  2.06  Points

Points are good for extra lives, but there are plenty of extra lives in the
game anyway. So, points are optional.

    Action/Item    |  Points
    Spotted bag    |  50
    Mug            |  20
    Horn           |  10
    Exterminations |  330
    World 1 enemy  |  100
    World 2 enemy  |  500
    World 3 enemy  |  500
    World 4 enemy  |  1000
    World 5 enemy  |  1000


===== 3.0 QUICK TIPS ==========================================================

- - - - -
Try to group the rats as often as possible. You can do this by trapping the 
rats in a small space so that they all become a very tight group.

 There are three ways:

 (B=Block, F=Fan)

 | B

 | B


 The top one is for three available blocks, the bottom one is best when only
 two blocks are available. They both make it easier to manage large groups. 

 The third method involves using a fan that is facing a wall or another block.
 Remember, the fan has to face TOWARD the wall or block.

 They may not always be mentioned in the guide, but keep these methods in mind.

Thinking Ahead
- - - - - - - -
Always go through an entire Room before starting to trap the rats. It's best 
to know what's ahead so you can plan out the best possible method to trap them.

Don't Kill
- - - - - -
Sometimes it's best to avoid an enemy, if possible. You can conserve precious
ammo, especially the marbles since they are sometimes needed to access areas in
a Room.


===== 4.0 WALKTHROUGH =========================================================

                                 4.01  World #1

Room locations for World #1.
|                                      |           |
|____    1-1      1-2      1-3         |   ________|
|    |____________________________     |  |        |
|                                      |  |   1-7  |
| 1-8        1-6     1-5      1-4      |__|   _____|

(Room 1-7 cannot be accessed until you kick the special magic block in Room
 1-4. Room 1-8 will open once you have beaten Rooms 1-1 through 1-7.)

Enemies in World #1 are: Snakes
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Smash-O-Matic

  Room 1-1
  - - - - - - -

Very simple first Room. Go to the right and grab the blue block that is on the
small platform by jumping up to it. Don't use the block for the mice yet. Take
it to the right and place it next to the wall to get in the tunnel.

Go through and you'll find a room with a snake in it. One pie will kill the
snake. Press your Fire key to kick the magic block and get 10 points.

Go back to the hole where the mice fell into and place the block on the right
edge of the hole. The mice will now climb up and go into Bart's trap. Go back
to complete the first Room.

  Room 1-2
  - - - - - - -

Jump onto the moving platform and then jump to the right. You'll be in an
area with green-blue checkered walls. Grab the block. Place the block to the
right side of the hole the rats are in, and they will walk into the fans on the
right. The fans will do the rest of the work. Now go to the right.

You'll find a magic block with points in it, then some blocks with pies and
a more points. Keep going left and avoid the blue drops to get into pit with a
snake. Kill the snake and fall to get more points. Now go left again and fall
into the hole that comes up. The magic block in here has an extra life, but
watch out for the drops.

Leave and ride up the platform to find yourself back at the entrance. Walk by
the door to leave.

  Room 1-3
  - - - - - - -

This Room looks complicated, but it's easy. The rats will walk themselves right
next to the trap, so don't worry about them. Go right and grab the blue block
along the way, then put the blue block so that the rats can climb up to the

Now climb up to the upper levels from the right side. On the top you'll have
to kill some snakes, but there are also magic blocks containing pies, and
point items.

All done, let's get to the next Room.

  Room 1-4
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and climb up the stairs to enter a large greenhouse of sorts.
Jump along the tops of the palm trees and get the marbles from the magic block
at the top, then pick up the blue block on the platform just below. Use a
marble or two to break open the cracked wall that is to the right. 

Go inside and you'll see some magic blocks with point items, then at the very
top you'll find another magic block. Kick this block to unlock the opening to
Room 1-7.

Go back down and avoid or kill the snakes, because now they fire spit from
their mouths. The mice should be near the trap already, so just get yourself
to the right.

There are two separate groups of rats, so go to the upper right corner of the
room. Step on the left block of the platform that those rats are on, and it
will break. The rats will fall through and eventually join the other group of
rats on the ground.

Once the rats are together, place the blue block next to the colored pots to
have the rats climb over. After all the rats have gone over, quickly take the
blue block and place it on the very left edge of the platform between the
pipes. Here's how it should look: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

PPPPP            PPPP

The rats will come out of the pipe on the right and climb up to the other pipe
using the block. That pipe will then drop them off in front of the trap. 

Memorize that block strategy because in the later stages you will be using it.

All done here, let's go to 1-5.

  Room 1-5
  - - - - - - -

This Room is left of Room 1-4. Go inside and to the left. Kick the first magic
block to get some marbles, then use the marbles to break some holes in the
walls and keep going left. You will find more magic blocks with point items,
as well as some pies.

When you reach the bottom and go right you will find two more magic blocks.
Kick both to open up new areas. Go inside the door to find a bonus room. If
you get all the point items within the time limit you will get an extra life. 

Leave and go up the other new area to find yourself back in the main hall. Go
right this time and ride the platform to the top. Jump on the platform under
the trap and stand on the dark blocks to break them. Keep doing this until you
reach the bottom.

Now, do you see that curved block? That's a pipe, a new type of block that you
will start to see. Kill the slow snake, then pick up the pipe and ride up the
elevator. Jump under the trap and jump into the gap on the right. You should
see that there is a gap between the vertical and horizontal pipes. Place the
pipe into the gap to connect the two.

Go back down and pick up the blue block and go to the right. You now have to
place the blue block in the air so that the rats go into the pipe. Remember,
from Room 1-4? Fine, I'll show you just ONE more time: 

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

P          |
PPPP       |

So, the block goes between the pipe and the edge, creating a step for the
rats. You may not get all the rats at once, but keep doing it until they all
get up to the trap.

We're done, let's move on.

  Room 1-6
  - - - - - - -

Go all the way to the left avoiding the drops until you reach a magic block.
Kick it to open up a new area on the right side of the door.

Hop on the platforms and get over the striped wall on the right, but then hop
up some more platforms to the top. Ignore the rats for now and pick up the
blue block. Go to the left and place the block under the hole in the ceiling.
You will want to stay on the right side of the tunnel so the drops won't hit
you. When you get to the top kick all the magic blocks to get point items,
pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and land on the rats platform. Place the blue block at the far
right edge so that the rats can climb up and fall down into the trap below.

That's it for this Room, let's go to 1-7

  Room 1-7
  - - - - - - -

The access to this Room will open when you kick the special magic block in
Room 1-4.

This Room requires you to be very fast in order to trap the rats. Fall into
the hole just ahead, then you will find three more gaps to fall into. Fall in
the middle gap and it will lead you through a tunnel. You will run into drops
and snakes, but they shouldn't be a problem.

You will find a blue block along the way, so pick it up. Once you see the trap
find the hole in front and place the blue block over the hole. You should know
what I mean by now. By blocking that hole the rats will climb over and go into
the trap.

Now go all the way to the left and you'll find a platform and some magic 
blocks. You'll get point items, chips, and an extra life.

That wasn't too difficult, now let's go to the final Room.

  Room 1-8
  - - - - - - -

You cannot access this Room until you beat the first seven Rooms. 

Fall down, killing any snakes you come across. You will eventually reach a
room with a bunch of magic blocks and one blue block. Kick all of the magic
blocks to get point items, some extra hit items, and to kick a special magic
block. This magic block MUST be kicked in order to close the World. Pick up
the blue block and go back to the door.

Use the blue block to get up to the high platform, then just go back to the
door to beat Room 1-8.

Go back to the entrance to close World #1 and gain access to World #2.

                                 4.02  World #2

Room locations for World #2.
|                                               |      |
|      2-9    2-8    _________                  |      |
|_    ___________             |  2-5  2-6  2-7  |      |
| |_             |_    2-4    |  _ _ _ _ _ _ _  |___   |
|   |_             |______   _|                       _|
|     |_       2-10   |    _|  2-3   2-2   2-1      _| |
|       |_____________|____________________________|   |

(You cannot access Rooms 2-5 through 2-7 until you kick the special magic
 block in Room 2-2. Room 2-10 will open once you defeat all the other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #2 are: Aliens
Trap assistant will be: Homer and the Zap-O-Matic

  Room 2-1
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going up and finding three blue blocks. Pick one up and fall down
next to the pipe. Place it under the pipe, then go back up and grab another
block. Place the next block at the base, so that you build steps.

Example: (P=Pipe, B=Block)


Keep this method in mind because you will have to use it again. Anyway, go to
the top and pick up the third blue block, then go to the right. You will reach
a wall you can't jump over, so drop the block next to it. Go back and get the
block that you dropped on the floor and put it on top of the one next to the
wall. Now you can jump over the wall.

When you see the moving platforms, climb on them. They will lead you to a long
line of brown blocks. These break away, so what you have to do is jump up there
and start hopping repeatedly to the left. When you get to the end of this path
you'll find some magic blocks containing point items, pies, and a burger.

Fall back down and kill the alien. He shoots beams, so watch out for those.
Next, break through the brown blocks on the ground. Go to the left end of the
tunnel to find a blue block, then go all the way to the right. Bust open the 
magic block to get an extra life.

Get yourself to the top and use the blue block to get the three rats into the
trap. Once they're in, pick up the blue block again and go back toward the
door. Place the block on the last step next to that wall to get back over it.

Get to the door to exit.

  Room 2-2
  - - - - - - -

Move forward and kick the barrel forward to have it fall down. Keep kicking it
down the tunnels, but NEVER kick it to the wall. It'll get stuck. Keep kicking
the barrel until it lands on the ground, next to the trap.

Before we proceed, go back near the top and jump through the thin pipes near
the door. Make your way through the pipe maze, keeping in mind that you can
only jump up through horizontal pipes. When you get to the laser gun, avoid
its shots. Go through the tunnel and kill the aliens. When you get to the 
open space go up, kicking any magic blocks you see.

The magic block that is surrounded by thick pipes leads to a secret area. 

You will get an extra life if you beat it, plus a VERY, VERY IMPORTANT THING!

Sorry, I had to make sure you realize that the secret area in here is very
important. You must get all of the items in a short amount of time. One tip:
when you get the first mug, jump into the hole and then back up to get the bag
on the right side. Now I mean it, you have to beat this secret area no matter
what!!! If you mess up, Pause and Exit to replay the level.

When you beat it you'll get the extra life like I mentioned, but you'll appear
at a different door. Next to this door is the VERY IMPORTANT thing. A magic
block. Kick it to gain access to Rooms 2-5 through 2-7.

Go up and kick the magic block, then make your way back to the tunnels you
came from. Walk right and you'll end up in a room with an alien and the rats.
Kill the alien and make your way up to the rat platforms.

Kick the first barrel to the left, then hop up to the next platform and
kick the other barrel to the right. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Fall down and go all the way to the left until you see some brown blocks. Use
your marbles to break them all, then kick the barrel from the beginning all the
way to the right. You need that barrel to fall into that gap where the rats
can't climb over.

Once the rats climb up that'll be it, so let's move on.

  Room 2-3
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left. Go past the trap and enter the first tunnel you
see. You'll find a blue block. Take this blue block to the ledge beside the

Now, there is a bit of creative thinking when trying to get the rats into this
trap. Place this first block four spaces from the edge at the bottom.

Example: (B=Block)


The block at the bottom is that first block, placed four spaces from the edge.
Now go left, but hop up the platforms to the next tunnel you see. The moving
laser guns in the middle will be firing laser bolts, so look out.

This next tunnel will lead to a large room that has silver platforms leading to
the bottom. Get to the bottom and kill the alien, then get the point items and
pick up the blue block. Take the blue block back to the trap.

Place the block directly on top of the first one. This is temporary, and make
sure none of the rats get stuck. Now go all the way back to the tunnel
entrance. Hop up the platforms again to reach a third tunnel at the top. There
will be two aliens in here, so kill them off easily. Pick up the blue block and
take it back to the trap. Place it anywhere you like for now. We'll fix it

Now it's time to handle the right side. Go to the right and hop up to the
second tunnel you see. Kick that magic block to get some marbles. Go up to
the next tunnel and use the marbles to break through the brown block barrier.
You'll find a blue block in there. There's nothing in the very top tunnel, so
don't worry about it.

Go drop off the block next to the others, but don't do anything yet. Go to the
right again and go inside the pipe tunnel.
There will be an alien on those red blocks, so use whatever weapon you have to
kill it. Kick the magic blocks on the right edge to get some point items.

Now use the brown blocks to climb to the top. These blocks break away, so DO
NOT stay on them. Just quickly hop from one to the next. When you get to the
row on top keep going left because these break away much quicker. The magic
block will contain some chips. Jump onto the brown blocks that are just below
to get some pies from the magic block.

All right, we can finally get the rats into the trap! Go and set the blocks up
according to this diagram:
    | B
    |  B

The block at the bottom is that first one, so just set up the other three to
build the steps. Make sure none of the rats get trapped.

The rats will then climb to their doom, so this Room is done.

  Room 2-4
  - - - - - - -

This Room requires extreme speed to beat it as easily as possible.

Quickly go to the right and pick up the first blue block you see. Jump on the
pipes and drop that block. Fall down on the right side and pick up the next
blue block. Run across the brown blocks, but NEVER pause. You want to run by
but still leave the blocks there. You need them for the rats to walk across.

When you get to hole with a pipe over it, put down the block. You want to
build a step for the rats to climb over. If you did all this the rats will
casually walk by and into the trap.

Whew, that was fast. The next stuff is pretty much optional, so it's up to you
if you want to get some points and extra health.

Go into the area behind the trap. When you see more brown blocks, stop! The
first row of brown blocks will break away, so run quickly. The next three rows
will have four layers of blocks. Break the top layers of each row by running
across three times. Then, break through the left and middle of each section to
reach the point items.

Go back near the trap and climb up through the pipes that run across a small
vertical tunnel. There will be a burger up here.

Well, that's it. Head back to the door to exit.

  Room 2-5
  - - - - - - -

This Room can't be accessed until you kick the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

This one has only one rat, but it's quite difficult when trying to figure it
out. Of course you don't have to if you're reading this guide.

Let's take care of everything else first. Ignore all rats and blocks and fall
down to the bottom. Kill those two aliens. Keep walking to the right and kill
the next alien you come across.

Hop up to the upper level (near the trap), and ride that moving platform to the
right. Kick the magic block to get some marbles. Ride the platform back to the
left and hop up to the level with the brown blocks. Use the marbles to break
through and kick the magic blocks to get some chips, pies, and point items.

All right, let's trap the rat. Pick up a blue block and fall into the hole left
of the door. Now you have to block a series of fans and pipes. Let me

(P=Pipe, F=Fan, B=Block)
                                            _|  |
                                          _|    |
                                        _|      |
_____P______________F___P_____F___F____|        |_________P___

This is a diagram showing all of the pipes and fans that you need to block
using the three blue blocks near the door. 

Start by blocking the first pipe, then place another block on the fan that
follows. Grab the third block and use it to get the rat out of it's spot. Pick
up the block again when the rat is out and place it on the next pipe.

Once the rat has passed over the first pipe, pick up that block and cover the
next fan in the way. Once the rat has passed over the first fan, pick up the
block and cover the third fan in the way. When the rat has passed over the
second pipe, take that block and cover the fan at the top of the steps. When
the rat has passed over the fan at the top of the steps, take that block and
cover the last pipe in the way.

This is the more complicated way. If you're quick enough all you really need
is one block.

Whew, that was a whole lot of moving. Unfortunately, we're only half done. Now
we have to get the rats up some platforms and onto the level with the trap.
It's time to whip out the ol' step method.

So, leave the block that is covering the pipe alone. Go back and pick up the
two blocks we left behind and bring them here. Hop onto the first pyramid
platform and place a block out on the right edge. Grab another block and place
it on the right edge of the first block. It should look like this:


Now, take away the first block and place it on the left edge of the block that
is covering the pipe. Like this:

The rat has to be on the right side of the steps so it can climb up. The
absolute SECOND the rat gets onto the pyramid, take away the top block and
place it at the top of the pyramid. Like this:

     B       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__

Again, the absolute SECOND the rat turns around, take that block from the top
of the pyramid and make a step, like this:

     _       _
   _| |_    B
__|     |__B

The rat will climb up the steps and over onto the next pyramid platform. Take
another block and trap the rat between the top of the pyramid and the wall.

Now take the block at the very bottom and the one in mid air and make steps
that lead to the third platform. Quickly take away the block that has the rat
trapped and place it at the edge of the third platform. Once the rat has gone
over one of the other blocks, pick one up and place it at the left edge of the
other block to build steps up to the next level.

Once the rat has climbed over one of the blocks, take it and quickly cover the
hole that is between two pyramid platforms on this level. The rat will walk
itself the rest of the way and get zapped.

Man, was that not A LOT OF HELL? Seriously, it's not too tough. It just takes
an understanding of the step method. I hope by now you got it.

That's finally done, let us go on.

  Room 2-6
  - - - - - - - 

This Room can only be accessed after kicking the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

Well, we're back to the step method in this Room. There is only one rat, and
you have to build steps to platforms using blue blocks. Start by removing the
block from the pipe near the door so that the rat can walk around in that
starting area. This is to prevent a bug in which the rat disappears from the
map completely.

Now first, let's take care of the extras. Go to the right and fall into the
first hole you see. There will be two aliens in this bottom area, so kill
them and get the marbles from the magic block.

Now go up to the top and use the moving platforms to reach the brown blocks
in the top-left corner. Bust through with some marbles and you'll get access
to a whole bunch of point items. Remember to kick the magic blocks on top
first, then the ones at the bottom.

Go back down and jump across the platforms until you see a magic block. Kick
it to get some pies.

Now it's time to trap the rat. Leave the blue block that is covering the pipe,
and pick up one of the others. Place it at the base of the thick pipes to the
right. Pick up another block and place it on the right half of the highest
pipe next to the platform. Pick up two more blocks and use them to build steps
up to the platform. Like this:

(P=Pipe, B=Block)

As soon as the rat climbs over that first block at the base of the pipes, pick
it up and place it on the small pipe that's on the platform. Like this:


When the rat has passed over the first step, take that block. Wait for the rat
to be between the two small pipes on the platform, then block him in like this:

 B  B

Take the other two blocks and build some steps to the next platform. Now, the
next platform has two more small pipes. Grab the right block from the first
platform, and place it on the right pipe of the second platform. When the rat
is between the pipes of the second platform, trap him.

            B   B

Take the two step blocks and build some steps to the third platform. Take the
right block from the second platform and place it on the single pipe of the
third platform. Then take the left block from the second platform and place it
on the right pipe.

      B  B

Now, go all the way back and pick up the fan block that is facing up. Take it
and jump to the top-left platform, the one with a pipe hanging over it. Place
the fan directly under the pipe.

Now, wait for the rat to start walking to the right and pick up the block that
was on the left pipe. Place it on the left edge of the left pipe.

Once the rat starts walking left, pick up the block that was on the right and
use it to complete the steps that lead up to the fan. The rat will then just
walk into the fan, and the pipe will lead it to the trap. A quick reminder:
DO NOT jump into the trap area. You'll get stuck.

Let's move on to the next Room.

  Room 2-7
  - - - - - - - 

This Room can only be accessed after kicking the special magic block in
Room 2-2.

Well, it's about time we get a break. This Room may seem complicated, but it's
very easy. First go to the right and make your way through the pipes. Remember
that you can only jump through horizontal pipes. Along the way you'll find a
magic block with some pies.

If you go to the top-left and then top-right of the pipes you'll come out on
the other side. Fall to the bottom and you'll face two aliens, and find a blue
block at the bottom.

Grab the block and go back into the pipes. Make your way to the top-left of
the pipes now and jump to the left side of the room. Avoid the laser gun. On
the far left side you'll find some point items and a burger.

Now fall down near the trap and place the block to build a step to the pipe.
See, here you have to make a rat go into the pipe, then pick up the block and
place it in the hole between the trap platform and the pipes. You'll see what
I mean.

It might take a couple of times to get all the rats, but it's still extremely
easy. Let's move on to the next Room.

  Room 2-8
  - - - - - - - 

Hey all right, another easy one! Fall straight to the bottom-left corner. There
are two laser guns going up and down, so watch out for them. Kick those magic
blocks starting with the top ones to get some pies, chips, and point items.

Now jump up through the pipes on the right side. At the top you'll find a blue
block, so pick it up. Go over the top and to the rat hole on the left. Place
the block as a step so any rats that come out will fall over. Wait for all of
the rats to go over, then jump over yourself.

Now the final simple part is to use the block to create a step to the steps
that are already on the right side of the trap. It may take a couple of times
to get all the rats, but it's still way easy.

To get back to the door, go around the right side and over the top. Go into
the spot where the rats were and fall over, but fall to the left. You will
land on a piece of pipe. Now just jump up to the door.

Great, another simple Room defeated. On to the next Room.

  Room 2-9
  - - - - - - -

This Room is huge, but not that hard to beat. Start off by falling down the
hole to the left and kill the alien along the way. Pick up the block when
you see it, then jump up through the small tunnel to get back to the door. Go
to the left again and use the block to get over the high wall.

Kill the alien in the first hole, then kill the next alien you see. Go through
the tunnel and fall down. Find the rat and pick up the block next to it, then
go up to the platform near a laser gun. Place the block on the left edge of
the platform and jump onto the small ledges on the left.

Jump up and kick any magic blocks to get some pies, a squishee, and point
items. Kill the alien as well. Fall back to the bottom and pick up the blue
block again.

Jump over the thick pipe next to the rat and you'll find the trap. Don't worry
about it yet, and keep going to the right. Place the blue block over the lower
magic block you see to create a step. You can now kick the higher magic
block to get an extra life. Take away the blue block and get bag from the other
magic block. Don't go on the right side yet.

That's it for the extras, let's trap the rat. Fall into the hole that is left
of the rat area and pick up the fan block on the left. You can drop the block
here for now. Fall in the hole and place the fan right under the trap
platform, but not directly under. Place it under and one space to the left.

(F=Fan, P=Pipe, B=Block)



Now go back to where the three blocks are gathered. Take one block and cover
the pipe that is on the ground. Take another block and cover one of the pipes
on the left, then take the third block and cover the other pipe.


Go back around all the way to where you dropped the first block you had and
pick it up. Use this block to build a step for the rat to get out. Now rush
to the spot where you placed all the blocks and place this block to complete
the steps.


Wait for the rat to walk over, then grab those three blocks and build some
steps up to the thick pipes.

   B PP
  B  PP

This next part must be done quickly. As soon as the rat walks over the block
that is covering the pipe on the ground, pick up that pipe and run all the way
to the trap. Stand on the left edge of the platform as if you were going to
place the block on the edge, but wait.

After the rat flys up in the air place the block on the edge. The rat will
then land on the block and walk into the trap.

See, not too tough. Go to the right and kick the magic block along the way to
get a burger, then follow the tunnel at the top to go back to the door and

  Room 2-10
  - - - - - - - 

This Room cannot be accessed until you close all of the other Rooms.

Go up the tunnel until you get to the laser guns. Jump across the gaps until
you pass a third laser gun. Try to avoid any aliens along the way.

Make a far jump to the right to find yourself in an area with two aliens and
some magic blocks. Kill the aliens, then kick the magic blocks to get point
items, chips, an extra life, and to kick the special magic block that will
close World #2 and open World #3.

You're done with the whole World, so go to the entrance and leave. You can fall
through the brown blocks on the right side when you get to the lower-right
corner of the map.

                                 4.03  World #3

Room locations for World #3.
|            |                                                |
|            |             3-5  3-6                           |
| 3-1     ___|           __________                           |
|____   _|   |      3-4     |      |_     3-12 3-13           |
|     _|     |     _________|_     | |_   ---------  3-11 3-14|
|    |_______|    |  |      |  3-10|   |             _________|
| 3-2            |   |    --|______|    |  3-8 3-9  |         |
|____           |    | 3-7  |            |_________|          |
|    |_        |     |______|                                 |
|      |_ 3-3 |                                               |
|        |___|                                                |

(Room 3-7 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in Room 3-5.
 Room 3-10 can be accessed after kicking the special magic block in Room
 3-8. Rooms 3-12 and 3-13 can be accessed after kicking the special magic
 block in Room 3-11. Room 3-14 will open once you have closed all of the
 other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #3 are: Flying pigs, snakes
Trap assistant will be: Sideshow Mel and the Pop-O-Matic

  Room 3-1
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the right and use the group of red springs to get to the platform at the
top. Hold the jump button to go higher each time you hit the springs. Grab the
fan block and jump down, then use the next spring to get over the wall.

Fall down and go left to find the trap, a blue block, and a barrel block.
First you need to drop the fan block. Look at the steps that lead up to the
left. Do you see how they are single spaces, but then the steps get wider? You
need to put the fan on the left side of the very first wide step. 

Now go and pick up the blue block, then kick the barrel to the right twice. The
barrel will fall onto the platform below. The trap platform has two elevated
spaces on the left. Put the blue block on the right space.

Now just wait. The rats will eventually make their way up the long steps, the
fan will push them to the right, the barrel will make them turn left, and the
blue block will make them turn toward the trap. Visuals are always good, so:

(F=Fan, B=Block, R=Barrel)
 |__                          R
    |F_                ________
       |_         |
         |_       | _B         __

Hope that helps. After the rats have all been blown up, let's get the extras.
Pick up the blue block and go to the left. Avoid the flying pigs for now.

Fall down and you'll get to some magic blocks. Place the block next to the
magic blocks and kick through the top row first, then the bottom row. You'll
get point items, a burger, and pies.

Well, that's about it. You can kill the flying pigs if you want, but it takes
three hits. Go back to the door to exit.

  Room 3-2
  - - - - - - - 

This one is simple. Jump up to the left and you'll see some platforms, and the
top platform will have a barrel block. Kick the barrel to the left, then go
around the bottom and kick it to the left again, then kick left one more time.
It will cover the pipe and force the rats to go the other way, to the trap.

Like I said, easy. Now let's get the extras. Go to the left into the blue area.
If you jump in the center a red platform will appear, so use it to jump up to
the left.

Run straight left and more red platforms will appear, creating a bunch of
steps. Follow the tunnel and you'll run into a snake. Afterwards, pick up and
use the spring to get to the top and run into a flying pig, and some magic

When kicking the magic blocks, start at the TOP, then work your way down.
You'll get pies, point items, and a few health items.

That's about it, so go to the left and exit.

  Room 3-3
  - - - - - - - 

Ignore any blocks and rats and go to the right. I think it would be better to
get the extras first. On the far right you will find a magic block containing
marbles and then a hole in the ground. Fall down the hole, then kill some
snakes to the left.

Go to the right again and use the marbles to break through the brown blocks.

The new area has some springs, a flying pig, magic blocks, and a secret area.
First use the spring to fly over the wall, then kick those magic blocks. As
always, start with the top block first. You'll get point and food items.

Use this next spring to get to the top. Jump on the right side of the magic
block to make a red block appear. Kick the magic block to open a secret area.

Go inside and use the springs to get all the items along the way, then an
extra life. You are timed, but it isn't too tough. Once you're done get back to
the rats.

Let's go ahead and trap the rats. Grab a block from the top steps and cover up
the hole on the far right. The one you fell in before. It should create a step
that leads up to a pipe. Now go back and get the fan block.

Jump up the platforms and keep jumping up until you see a fan on the left side,
stuck in the wall. Jump onto the platform directly below it and put the fan
block down on the left side next to the wall.

Now go get another block and jump up to the uneven platforms. It's the spot
with a hole in the middle. Use the block to cover that hole. Go back and get
another block and place it at the left edge of the uneven platforms, then get
another block and place it at the left edge of the first one. Pick up the
bottom block to create a set of steps with a hole in the middle. It should look
like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


Go get the last block. There is a small platform on the ground that will block
the rats, so build a step and wait for all four rats to climb over.

Quickly pick up the block and jump up through the hole in the blocks to the
next platform. Use the block to cover the hole, and you're done. The rats will
climb up and get pushed into the trap by the fans. 

Jump up and kick the magic block at the top to get pies and kill flying pigs.
Go to the door to exit.

  Room 3-4
  - - - - - - -

This room is fairly small, so go around the outside kicking all the magic
blocks and killing flying pigs. You'll get point items, health items, and pies.

Once all this is done, go inside the structure. There are no blocks to pick up,
just a lot of barrels to kick. Go to the bottom of the first column of barrels
and kick ONE barrel.

Go through the new hole and to the next column of barrels. Kick TWO barrels,
then break through the brown blocks you just revealed.

For this last column of barrels kick THREE barrels. Go and break through the
brown blocks to fall to the bottom.

Go to the left side of the three barrels and kick two barrels to the RIGHT. 

Go back to the top and kick three more barrels down to the bottom where the
rats are walking around. Go to the bottom again and kick two of these barrels
to the LEFT. 

Go up again and kick down two more barrels. Kick ONE of these barrels to
the right.

Kick the final barrel down to the rat level and kick it left.

The rats will then climb into the trap, so go back to the door.

  Room 3-5
  - - - - - - -

The rats in this room are easy to trap, but they aren't the main thing. There
is a special magic block in here.

Go to the left and pick up the blue block, then place it next to the magic
block between the trees. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Jump up to the top and ride the platform to the left, then jump in the gap.
Try to only use two marbles, because you'll need the rest of them elsewhere.

Once you're through, go left and jump onto the moving platform. There is
another path in the left wall, but there is also a flying pig flying around.
Avoid the pig and jump into the gap to the path.

If you have three marbles hold Left and just shoot three marbles out to get
through. If you have less than three, good luck getting through. There are
only point items, health items, and pies in there anyway.

Now let's trap the rats. Fall down and go to the right. Do you see the pipe on
the ground before the steps? Place the blue block next to the pipe opening to
cover it.

Keep going to the right to find the rats. Pick up the blue block that is
covering a hole on the right and the rats will fall in. Since you covered the
other end of the pipe down there, the rats will turn around and walk straight
into the trap.

Once they're all popped, it's time to get the last things in this Room. Go back
to where you placed the first block. See those steps? Place a block at the
right edge of the top step. Like so:


B _
 | |

Grab the other block and put it at the left edge of the first block, as if you
were building steps. But, now go back and get the first block, and put it at
the left edge of the other one. Keep stacking the blocks up to reach the
platforms at the top, but make sure you have a block with you when you get up

DO NOT kick that first magic block. Place the blue block on it and use that
to jump up to the top. You'll get a Krusty mug from the first one, and the
second magic block will open up Room 3-7. So... MAKE SURE TO KICK THIS

Fall down and kick that last magic block to get another point item.

It seems that's it for this Room, so it's time to exit. Use the moving platform
to jump into the tunnel at the top and return to the door.

  Room 3-6
  - - - - - - -

Another easy Room. Start by jumping onto the springs on the right. Be careful
because there will be a flying pig flying around.

If you jump in the center, some red platforms will appear. Jump up and right
from the platforms to make two more appear. Jump up and toward the center
again to make another group of platforms appear. There will be two more on the
left, then two more near the center. Jump up and to the left one more time to
get two more platforms.

Go inside the tunnel to find the trap. Go back to the red platforms and jump
to the far right to make four new red platforms appear.

This area has a lot of magic blocks. Kick them all to get point items, health
items, and pies. Pick up the blue block and go back to the trap. Place the blue
block next to the little wall that is next to the trap. To build a step, ya

Go get the fan block, then fall down and into the rat area. Put down the fan
block on the left side, and you're done. The series of fans in this room will
push the rats straight into the trap.

Like I said, easy. Get to the door to leave.

  Room 3-7
  - - - - - - -

This one is fairly simple as well. Start by using the blue blocks and build
some steps starting on the right magic block. Like so:

(P=magic block, B=Block)

  B |
 B  |
PP  |

Now take the fourth block on the left and place it on the small platform on the
right side of the wall. Get the two blocks that make up the first two steps
and put them all on the right side of the wall.

Now use these blocks to create steps that go into the air on the left. Once you
have three steps that go to the left, pick up the first block and place it at
the left edge to create another step.

PP  | 

Keep doing this until you can barely manage to jump onto the steps. Leave the
bottom of the three blocks alone, so you'll still be able to jump onto it.

Now keep building steps using the two upper blocks. When you reach the edge of
the black window, near the fan block, STOP! You want the last step to be on
the border of the black window and blue trim.

Get the other block and place it on top of the first to reach the platform and
fan. If possible, kill the flying pig right now. Grab the fan block and fall
down to the bottom.

Place the fan on the blue trim of the window. You want to place the fan so it
blows the rats up, then the fan at the top will blow the rats to the right.
They will land directly on the trap.

If you want an extra life, keep reading. Take the fan block and get to the top
again. Put the fan block back on the platform, then get the top block of the
two you stacked and place it on the left edge, over the blue trim. Take the
block under it and hop up to the platform.

Use the blue block and fan block and build steps to the right. There will be a
tunnel with a magic block, containing an extra life.

Fall to the bottom and get the health items in the magic blocks, then leave.

  Room 3-8
  - - - - - - -

This one is another barrel-kicking Room. Start by kicking three barrels in the
column to the left. Now go around the top, kicking all of the magic blocks
along the way. You'll get point items, chips, and pies.

Now, kick one of the two remaining barrels to the right, then go back around
and kick the last barrel to the left.

Go to the bottom and kick one barrel to the left, then go around and kick that
barrel all the way to the left so that it makes a step for the rats to enter
the pipe. Go and kick one more barrel on the rat level all the way to the left.
Leave the last barrel alone.

There are two barrels left on the upper platform. Kick the left barrel all the
way to the left to create some steps for the rats. They will then go up in a
pipe that leads to the trap area.

Jump up to the top and hop on the barrels to reach a room at the very top.
Kick the special magic block to gain access to Room 3-10.

Go back down and kick the bottom barrel of the two that are stacked. Go down
and kick that barrel all the way to the right. Go back up and do the same to
the other barrel on the left.

Now kick the last barrel at the top once to the left so it lands on the middle
platform, then kick it once to the right. With the steps now complete the rats
will climb up and into the trap.

So far it's been fairly simple. Let's move on.

  Room 3-9
  - - - - - - -

Start off by killing the flying pig because it can get really annoying. Now we
have to set up a few things. Use the springs to get up through the red
platforms on the left and right.

There are fans that blow the rats up to the top platform, as well as fan
blocks. Take each of the fan blocks and go up to the top platform. Use each
fan to cover the spots where the rats fly up through, keeping them stuck in
their little areas.

Now pick up the blue block and go inside one of the areas. Since the rats are
now blocked in, they are constantly being blown up, but they then come
straight down. You have to wait for the rats to get blown up AND for them to
face the pipe on the platforms in the middle.

So, stand on the edge of the platforms while holding the blue block. When a
rat facing the pipe gets blown up, quickly place the block on the edge so the
rat will land and start walking toward the pipe. Pick up the block again and
make a step that leads up to the pipe. This pipe will lead to another pipe
that will lead to the trap.

Repeat this process to finish off the rats. Now let's get the magic blocks on
the right.

Use the blue block and two fan blocks and stack two of them on top of each
other. Place the third one on the right edge. Like so:

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=magic block)

|   P
|   -
| B

Now take the two bottom blocks and stack them on the one that was on the right
edge. Do this to reach all the magic blocks and get points, health, and
extra pies.

We're all done, so go ahead and leave.

  Room 3-10
  - - - - - - -

Pick up the fan block and get to the top using the moving platform. There are
some flying pigs at the top floating near some platforms, so go ahead and kill
them to save some frustration.

Trapping the rats requires a couple of simple steps. First pick up the fan
block that faces to the left. Place it at the left edge of the small platform
that is nearest to the bottom. Now get the right-facing fan and place it at
the left edge of the first fan. Finally, get the first fan and move it on top
of the right-facing fan. Like this:

(LF=Left-facing fan, RF=Right-facing fan)


Note the gap between the platform and the fan blocks.

Use the fan blocks to get to the upper platforms. Ignore the fan block for now
and go to the right. Jump to the far right and you'll find another room.

There are plenty of magic blocks in here, as well as snakes and a flying pig.
Kill the enemies if you like. Kick all of the magic blocks to get point
items, health items, and pies.

Now let's trap the rats. Go back and get the fan that faces up, and fall down
to the bottom. There are two flower pots and a pipe down here. Place the fan
next to the flower pot on the right. The rats will then come out of the pipe
and get pushed up by the fan. The other fans will take care of the rest.

All right, let's get out of here.

  Room 3-11
  - - - - - - -

Go straight to the right and jump onto the first platform you see. Now jump
onto the spring on the right, but DO NOT hold the jump button. Just hold Right
and you will automatically jump onto another spring on the right. If you fall
there are three snakes at the bottom, so try not to fall.

When you come across a third spring, stop! Hold the jump button and get up
through the tunnel at the top. Kill then flying pig, then kick all the magic
blocks to get point items, health items, and pies. The single block on the
right opens access to Rooms 3-12 and 3-13.

Fall back down and keep bouncing to the right to find a whole bunch of
different blocks. Pick up and drop off all of these blocks over by the door.

First grab the fan block. Jump onto the first spring and go up to where the
trap is. Place the fan on the left side of the hole that is on the left.

Now go back and get the L pipe that opens on the left and place it under the
blue steps, and one space to the left. Next you have to get three of the
vertical pipes and place them over the L pipe. The rats will go in and get 
sucked up to the steps. Here's the visual:

(L=L-shaped pipe, V=Vertical pipe)


Now get that same L pipe and two vertical pipes and take them to the next
platform on top. Now all you have to do is put the L pipe in the right corner
and stack TWO vertical pipes on it so that the rats enter the second pipe from
the bottom.

The rats will go through the pipes, and the fan you put next to the trap will
finish the job. Get to the door to leave.

  Room 3-12
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is actually pretty easy. Go over the first wall and move the
block from the right fan to the left fan. Go over the next wall and do the
same thing. Finally, go all the way to the right. Kill the flying pig, then
pick up the fan block. Place the fan according to this picture:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

 |   __|

It's the spot at the top, near a pipe. Now just go back and pick up the blue
block that is covering the fan. The rats will make their way to the fan and
get blown into the trap.

Gather all the blocks now and make some steps in mid air to get to the trap.
Kick the magic block at the top to open a new area near the door. Pick up a
block on the way there.

Make sure to JUMP OVER THE DOOR. We don't want to exit yet. Fall in the hole,
then kill the flying pig. Kick all of the magic blocks, starting with the
TOP ones. Just place a block to get the ones on top, then take away the block
to get the ones underneath. You'll get point items, a burger, and pies.

Use the spring to get back to the top and exit.

  Room 3-13
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the very top and kicking the magic blocks for point
items, health items, and pies. NEVER go to the left, because you will get
stuck down there.

Get the fan block and fall down to the bottom, near the door. Put the fan
block over the spot where the rats fly up on the right. This will force the
rats into the loop on the left, grouping all the rats together.

Pick up the fan and go up again, and place it on the right edge of the
platform in front of the pipe. Like this:

(F=Fan, P=Pipe)

PP__F __

Now go to the top and kick the left barrel to the left, then again to the
left, then to the right, then one more time to the left. Repeat these steps
with the other barrel block on the top so that it falls on top of the previous

Wait for all of the rats to blow up, then you can leave.

  Room 3-14
  - - - - - - -

Fall down and jump on the first spring. Don't hold the jump button, just bounce
normally. Make your way to the right, but obviously you want to avoid hitting
any of the flying pigs.

It's not tough at all. When you get to the end you'll get a whole bunch of
magic blocks. Kick 'em all to get point items, health items, pies, and an
extra life.

The single magic block at the bottom is a special block that will close
World #3 and grant you access to World #4. Go all the way back and hop up 
through the tunnel on the far left to exit.

Let's finally get out of here!

                                 4.04  World #4

Room locations for World #4.
|                 |   |     |                                 |
|        4-1      |   | 4-14|                                 |
|___________     _|   |_____|_     4-7   4-8  4-9   4-10      |
|   4-3  4-2   _|_____________|   ______________________    __|
|   __________|                 _|  | 4-13|  4-12| 4-11|  _|  |
|4-4              4-5   4-6   _|____|_____|______|_____|_|____|

(Room 4-11 opens after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-9. Room
 4-12 opens after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-11. Room 4-13
 opens after kicking the special magic block in 4-12. 

 You can reach Room 4-14 after kicking the special magic block in Room 4-7.
 Room 4-14 opens after closing all the other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #4 are: Birds
Trap assistant will be: Corporal Punishment and the Eat-O-Matic

  Room 4-1
  - - - - - - -

Start by jumping on the spring to the right and kick the magic block. You'll
get some marbles. Fall down and pick up the spring. Put it on the left side.

Jump up and break through the brown blocks by using your marbles. The rats will
then climb out and fall to the ground below.

Do you see those jar blocks? Each of those holds one rat, but once the jar has
a rat you can use it as a block. Pick up the spring and put it at the right
corner below the trap, then use the jars as blocks to build steps. The two rats
that aren't in jars will climb up the steps into the trap.

Now pick up one of the jars and get over to the right side of the trap using
the spring. Drop the jar and kick it to free the rat, then do the same with
the other jar.

As always the first Room was easy. Let's move on.

  Room 4-2
  - - - - - - -

Get on the moving platform to the left and ride up to the top. Try to avoid the
two birds. Once you're at the top go to the right to find a whole bunch of
jars and the trap.

The jars are obviously for the rats, but first let's get up to the room to the
right. Use the jars as blocks to build steps up the tunnel on the right.

You'll find some magic blocks at the top. Kick them all starting with top one
to get point items, health items, and pies.

Fall back down and carry each of the jars to the bottom, where the rats are.
There are six jars, but seven rats... No problem. Just build some steps up to
the pipe that is in the left wall. Start the steps next to the rat hole.

(J=Jar, H=hole, P=pipe)

| J
|  J
|   J
|    J

The pipe will lead the rat straight to the trap. Now just take each of the jars
and drop them on the RIGHT side of the trap and kick them to get the rest of
the rats into the trap.

A bit tough, but not bad. On to the next Room!

  Room 4-3
  - - - - - - -

I'll say this now: this Room just looks complicated. Like many of the other
rooms, trapping the rats is a very easy task. Fall straight down and go to the
right. You don't have to touch the barrel along the way.

You will eventually run into a moving platform. Ride up on it then go to the
left. Get the blue block and then go to the top of the trap. Stand on the edge
of the platform so that you can break the single brown block that is at the
top. DO NOT fall in.

Now go back to the moving platform and jump into the middle area on the left.
There should be some breakable brown blocks. Stand on the brown blocks and
break through until you land in a rocky area.

Get through the birds as best as you can until you see the pipe. Break through
the three brown blocks then place the blue block to cover the gap. Like this:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

__        _PPP
  |_   __|

The rats will walk over the block and into the pipe. That pipe will then drop
them right into trap, so that's all done.

Now it's time for the extras. Pick up the blue block and go into the area on
the right. Kick all of the magic blocks in this area to get pies and point
items. Go back to the rocky tunnel and jump up the tunnel to find yourself
back near the trap. Kick the magic block to get some Krusty chips.

Jump up to the top platforms and go left to get back to the door and exit.

  Room 4-4
  - - - - - - -

Go left to find the rats and a whole bunch of jars. Trap all the rats in the
jars. Also, kill that damn bird.

Now, you may notice that there are some breakable brown blocks in the upper
left corner. But, you have no marbles. Use the jar blocks to build some steps
starting on the right edge. You're trying to reach the small platforms up near
the ceiling.

Kick the magic block to get some marbles, then pick up the blue block. Fall
down again and use the jars again to build some steps that lead up to the brown
blocks. Use your marbles to break through.

Go all the way to the left and kick the two lone magic blocks to get some
horns, then kick the other magic blocks starting with the top one. Point items
and pies will be your reward.

Let's finally trap the rats. You have to build steps again, but you also have
to put the blue block in a certain spot. I'll just draw it out:

(B=Block, J=Jar)

      B |
     J  |
    J   |
   J    |
  J     |

Now just carry all the jars up to the trap, and use the block to jump back up
after all the jars are gone.

Kick the jars to release the rats and complete this Room.

  Room 4-5
  - - - - - - -

Go to the right and kick the barrel, then go into the area on the right.

This area is drenched in water drops, so avoid them as best as possible. Go up
to the upper left platforms and you'll see three barrels. Kick a barrel to the
right, then kick it left off the middle platform.

Fall to the bottom and kick the barrel to the right. Now just go back up and do
the same to the other two barrels so that all three are on the bottom right.

Now go up to the barrels on the upper right platforms. Kick the two barrels
that are at the top so that they land on the platform in the middle. Then
kick them down to the right, then go down and kick the bottom barrel once
more. See the steps forming?

Go to the top and kick the last barrel to the left to complete the steps and
get the rats trapped.

Go back near the entrance and fall down on the left side of the thick brown
pipes. Kick all of those magic blocks starting with the top one to get point
items, food, and weapons. Go to the door to exit.

  Room 4-6
  - - - - - - -

Hmmmm... all right. This Room is huge, and there are various ways to go. But
as always, trapping the rats is a very basic thing.

Go to the far right and you'll see the trap. Jump up through the red platform
above it and step on the brown block to break it. Now fall into the hole to the
left and go through the tunnel.

There are some birds in the tunnel, but just avoid them by jumping up into the
small gap in the ceiling. Pick up a blue block as well while you're in there.

Go to the right to find some of the rats. Start off by breaking through the
brown blocks at the bottom, then use the two blue blocks from the tunnel and
the one at the bottom to build steps up to the top platforms. Kick the magic
blocks to get point items and pies, then grab the blue block at the top.

Since you have more pies I suggest killing the two birds right now. Then, break
the brown blocks on each platform to get the rats down to the bottom. 

Now we want to get the rats to the tunnel on the left. Use a blue block as a
step to get the rats out of the bottom and on the surface. If you go to the far
left of the tunnel you'll see that there are a couple of platforms and a pipe 
that goes around and ends right over the trap.

Once the rats are in that area, just use the four blue blocks to make steps and
get the rats into the pipe. Here is the visual:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)


When the rats get to the trap they need to be enclosed. Place one block at the
left edge of the brown block already next to the trap, like this:


As soon as the rats enter the pipe take a block and place it on top of the
first blue block to cover their exit. Like this:


Repeat the process until all those rats are exterminated.

So, think we're done? Nope, there are still more rats to trap. Go all the way
back to the area on the right and use the blue blocks to get to the top
platforms. Once you have the steps set up, take all three blocks except the
one that is between the lower and upper platforms.

You need three blocks at the top, so you can only leave one to jump up to the
platforms. Use the three blocks to reach the tunnel at the top.

Walk straight to the right and DO NOT stop. There is a row of breakable blocks
and you don't want to break them. Hop quickly to get across them.

At the end of this tunnel you'll find the last two rats and a whole bunch of
other stuff. Start by riding the moving platform that is on the right. On the
way down you'll see a vertical pipe block, so pick it up.

Go up to the rats and put the pipe block next to the long pipe on the left.
Next, go up and kick the barrel to the left, then one more time. Go back down
the moving platform.

Jump into the first tunnel and go left. Pick up the fan block, then jump down
and kick the magic block to get some food.

Go back to the rats and put the fan block down in the center of the platform
above. With that the rats will get blown into the tunnel at the top.

The rats will go through the pipe, but when they come out they will be walking
to the right. Quickly pick up the fan block and place it at the right side of
this tunnel to create a barrier and make the rats turn the other way.

Pick up the fan again and run to the left. Ignore the bird and keep going
until you reach some tangled pipes and magic blocks. Don't kick the magic
blocks yet.

Put the fan block under the THIRD pipe from the left. The right pipe out of
the three above. What you want is for the rats to get blown into that pipe.

Remember way back in the beginning when you broke that block over the trap?
Well, now you'll see why. The rats will fall down on the pipe below and then
fall through that broken block, straight into the trap.

Now it's time to leave. Go back the way you came, and remember to kick the
magic blocks for point items and pies. Also remember not to stop when you
cross that row of brown blocks, or you'll get stuck if you don't have a block.

Go back to the door and finally leave.

  Room 4-7
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the far right and fall down to find a magic block. Kick
it to get some marbles, then jump back to the top. Now pick up the jar block,
then jump up to the highest platform in the middle. Place the jar block on the
very left edge and then jump into the tunnel on the left.

Ride the moving platform down to the bottom and kick the two magic blocks to
get some items. Go back to the moving platform and enter the tunnel all
the way at the top.

There will be a moving platform going from left to right at the top, but there
is also a bird. Feel free to use one or two marbles to try and kill the bird,
but you must keep at least three marbles.

Break through the brown blocks and kick the magic blocks to get points
and to open a secret area. Go back to the moving platform you just used and
jump down about halfway to the other side. You'll see the top of the doorway

THIS SECRET AREA IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! You absolutely have to beat this
secret area to gain access to Room 4-14. Quickly go left and break through the
brown blocks, sticking to the right side. When you reach the bottom use the
springs to quickly hop up and grab the last few items, and get an extra life.

You will then appear next to a magic block, so kick it to open up Room 4-8.
Hop up the springs to get back to the top, then go down to the rats.

There are several gaps on the door level, and you have to put down the fan in
the second gap from the left. This gap lines up with the center of the rat

Now go up and move the jar from the left edge of this platform to the right
edge. Go down and pick up the left blue block. Take it and place it on the
edge of the jar to create a step, then take one more blue block and finish
the steps up to the trap.

Do you see how the rats keep falling in the first gap on the door level? Use
the last blue block and cover that gap, and the rats will walk into the fan
and get blown up. After all the rats have climbed up, pick up the jar with
the rat and kick it next to the trap to exterminate the last rat.

Well, that's it. Let's get out of here.

  Room 4-8
  - - - - - - -

The first thing to do is kill that annoying bird. Now go to the left tunnel and
kick all of the magic blocks starting with the top ones to get point items and

Go to the right tunnel and pick up a blue block to release the rats.

Now go to the top-right platform of the four small ones and place the block on
the right edge. Go back for the other blue block and put it on the right edge
as if building steps, but what will happen is the rats will crash into this

(B=Block, F=Fan)

   ____B |

The rats will fly up, walk to the left, and then fly up again to get caught
between a pair of fans above the trap platform.

Go up to the trap platform and place the blue block on the right edge so
that you build a step between the trap platform and the small one on the right.
Go down and get the other blue block.

Go up to the very top platform and use the blue block to stop the rats. Wait
for all the rats to be on the right side and then place the blue block on the
left edge. The rats will bump into it and turn right, toward the platform
where you created a step. They will then make their way to the trap.

That was fairly easy, so let's go back to the door and exit.

  Room 4-9
  - - - - - - -

Start by going to the right and going down the long steps. Eventually you'll
see a column of brown blocks in the ground, so stand on them to break through.

Grab the blue block, then kick all of the magic blocks on the left to find
point items, food, weapons, and a special magic block that opens Room 4-11.

Use the spring to get out of here.

If you go up the steps you'll see a small green platform up in the air. Jump
on this platform. Now jump onto the spring on the right. DO NOT hold the jump
button. Just jump on it then jump to the next three by just holding Right.
Once you get to a spring with a high ceiling, hold the jump button.

Go over the wall and land between the two dark walls to hit another spring,
then jump over the next wall and aim for the same distance as the last spring.
From here jump up to the platforms and drop off the blue block somewhere on

Go all the way to the rats by using the springs again (you really don't want to
mess with the birds at the bottom), and jump into the tunnel with some jars in
it. Take the jars and get all the rats trapped in them, then pick up the fan

Go drop the fan block over where you dropped the blue block, then do the same
with all the jars. This will take a while.

If you fall, there are hidden platforms in the dark shadows to the right of
those dark blue walls between the springs. You can jump along the platforms
next to the last dark blue wall on the right. That'll get you up to the springs

Once everything is over there, set it up like this:

(B=Block, F=Fan)


Kick all the jars on the right side to send the rats walking to the left.
They'll all be blown straight into the trap. DO NOT fall into the big hole
that is to the left of the fan and block. You will get stuck.

Let's move on.

  Room 4-10
  - - - - - - -

get blown up they'll be stuck and you'll be forced to quit.

After you've picked up the fan, kick the magic block to get some marbles. Go
to the top of the pipes and drop the fan, then break through those brown blocks
in the ceiling by using the marbles. You'll get pies and point items.

So, let's trap the rats. There are five jars, and five rats. Trap each rat in
one jar, then drop off all of the jars on the pipe above.

Set up the fan according to this picture:


Now take the jars and kick them on the left side of the jars one at a time.
The rats will walk towards the fan and get blown up, then land and go into the

Well, that one was a bit easier.

  Room 4-11
  - - - - - - -

Trapping the rats is a bit complicated, so let's get all of the extras first.
Kill the bird that is flying around the trap, then jump up all the way to the
top-left corner of the room. Kick the magic block to get some marbles.

Walk to the left and you'll notice some rows of brown blocks in the wall. Break
the blocks using the marbles to open a tunnel. Watch out for all the drops and
kick the magic blocks starting with the top one. You'll get more marbles and
gain access to Room 4-12.

Now go all the way to the far right, near some jar blocks and pipe blocks.
Break through the brown blocks with the marbles and go through the tunnel to
find more magic blocks. You'll get point items, food, and marbles.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Pick up two pipe blocks from the platform near
the door and take them over to the right. Set up the pipes and blocks according
to this picture:

(J=Jar, P=Pipe)

      J |
     J  |
___ P___|

The rats will climb up the steps and go into the pipe. The pipe will then lead
them to the left area with the other rats.

Now take all the pipes and jars that are here and drop them somewhere on the
trap platform. Set everything up according to this picture:

   P  __Trap_
   P J
    P  _______
    P |       |
    |_|  Door |

So the rats will travel up the pipe and end up right there next to the trap
platform, but they are blocked in so the rats will just go back down the pipe. 

What you have to do is grab the other jar and stand on top of the pipe. The
second a rat pops up, drop the jar. If you timed it right the rat will get
pushed up and walk straight into the trap. Repeat this for every other rat
that comes up the pipe.

After that is done, set the two jars on the left side of the trap. Kick the
jars on the left side to make the rats walk into the trap.

All done, let's get out of here.

  Room 4-12
  - - - - - - -

Kill the bird that is flying around, then walk to the right. There's a jar
there, but also a wall.

In this Room there are several invisible platforms. The first ones are near the
blue wall on the right. These platforms are between a column of grey-green
bricks and a column of blue bricks with a design. The space between has a pitch
black shadow.

Jump onto this area from the door platform to find the first invisible
platform, then jump up once to find the second one. Now hold Left and jump far
to the left to find another invisible platform, then jump up once more and walk
right to get over the blue wall.

Fall down and kill the bird, then kick the magic blocks at the bottom to get
some pies and to gain access to Room 4-13. Also pick up the jar.

Stand next to the blue wall and jump up four times. Once you're on the fourth
invisible step, jump as far to the right as you can. You will land on another
invisible platform.

Walk to the right to find a room full of magic blocks. Each magic block has
an invisible platform, so start with the top magic blocks. Remember to kick
the top blocks before kicking the ones underneath. Kick the single blocks

Now go back and place the jar block under the trap platform, to build a step.
All of the rats will then climb up into the trap, except for the rat that gets
trapped in the jar.

Once all the rats are trapped, pick up the jar. Go back up the invisible
platforms, but don't jump up to the top platform that goes to the wall. Stay on
the one just below and jump to the far left.

There is a small platform high above the trap, so once you're on it put down
the jar and kick it to free the rat. The rat will fall straight down into the

I know it's a bit tough, but once you find all the invisible platforms it's a

  Room 4-13
  - - - - - - -

Start by using the moving platforms to get to the top and go into the tunnel.
Look out for the drops and go to the right, but don't kick the magic blocks.
There are some invisible platforms that go up into the tunnel.

Kick the magic block at the top to get points, then kick the magic blocks
below to get point items, health items, and pies. That's it for the extras, so
go down to the main room.

This is basically a maze of fans, but you just have to know where to put the
blocks. Go down to the bottom and pick up a blue block, then jump onto the
platform above the trap.

There is a rusted column to the right of this platform, and it has a
left-facing fan on it. Put the blue block on top of the fan.

Now go down and pick up another block and cover the fan that is on the
immediate left of the door. The rats will then walk over to the left and into
another fan.

This will put all of the rats into a loop in the middle of the room. Now pick
up the block at the bottom and place it on the left edge of the trap platform.



Grab the other blue block and stand on the top platform. If you put down the
block it will cause the rats to stop and walk to the right. They'll fall into
some other fans, but eventually they'll fly down onto the block next to the
trap. Then they'll just walk into it.

Well, that's it for this Room. One more to go.

  Room 4-14
  - - - - - - -

Go up one level and kill the bird, then go to the right and kick the magic
block to get a spotted bag. Pick up the spring block and use it to go up TWO
levels. Don't go into the second level yet, so go into the third. Also try and
avoid any drops that fall down.

Go right and kick the two magic blocks to get some horns, then pick up the
spring and go back to the left by using the red platforms hidden in the blue
bricks. Use the spring to go up to the fourth level.

Kick all of the magic blocks in this area to get an extra life, marbles,
squishee, and to close World #4. Go back down to level three and go to the

Fall down to the tunnel and you'll come out on level two. Kick those two
magic blocks to get more point items, then go back to the door to exit and
finally finish World #4.

                                 4.05  World #5

Room locations for World #5.
|            | |                       |        ||             |
|    5-1     | |  5-5                  |  5-9   ||             |
|_______     | |_______ _              |______  ||   5-10 5-11 |
|           _| |  5-3  |_|_      5-6            ||_  ________  |
|         _|_|  ____    |_|_    ____           _||_ |          |
|       _|_|  _|    |_    |_|  |    |           ||_ |5-12     ||
|5-2  _|_|  _|        |_      |      |         _||_ |___     | |
|__  |_|  _|     _______|    |    ____|    5-14 ||_ |   |   |__|
|  |_    |      |  5-4      |    | 5-7     _____||  |    |     |
|    |__|       |__________|     |_____     5-8     |     |5-13|
|                                      |____________|      |___|

(Room 5-10 will appear after kicking the special magic block in Room 5-8.
 Room 5-11 can only be accessed after kicking the special block in Room 5-10,
 and Rooms 5-12 and 5-13 will open once the special block in Room 5-11 is

 Room 5-14 will open once you have closed all other Rooms.)

Enemies in World #5 are: Snakes, aliens, flying pigs, birds
Trap assistant will be: Bart and the Slice-O-Matic

  Room 5-1
  - - - - - - -

There is a snake and some flying pigs in here, so kill them from the get go.
Then grab the fan block on the left. Run to the right and place the fan block
on the lower branch of the second tree, so that the rats will get blown up,
then get blown to the left by the other fan.

Now kick the barrel block to the right five times. Use the blue blocks on the
left to build steps up to the lower branch of the tree. Now just make sure the
rats are on the left side of the steps and they will climb to their doom.

That was simple, let's move on.

  Room 5-2
  - - - - - - -

Grab two of the blue blocks on the left and stack them next to the three magic
blocks on the right. Use the blocks to kick the magic blocks and get point
items and marbles.

Use only one marble to kill that bird, then use the four blue blocks to build
some steps. Start two spaces from the right of the pipe in the ground, and the
last step should hang right over the trap.

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

     B Trap
    B  Trap

Use some marbles to break through the brown blocks above and get up there. Kick
the magic blocks to get some point items. Then, kill the bird if you can.

Jump to the left against the wall to land on an invisible platform, then jump
up to the top and walk right. You will walk through the wall and into another
room full of magic blocks and jars.

Kick the magic blocks to get health items and pies, then pick up a jar. Go
all the way back to the beginning, near the rats.

Jump into the rat area and put down the jar in the middle, never on the left.
Take the trapped rat and put down the jar on the right side of the pipe that
is in the ground. Make sure it is on the RIGHT side of the pipe. The rats will
then climb up the blocks and fall in the trap.

Repeat this with the other five rats to trap them all and close this Room.

  Room 5-3
  - - - - - - -

Go to the left and kill the bird flying over the trap room, then kill the
flying pig flying overhead. Jump to the other roof on the left and kick the
magic blocks to get more pies and a burger.

Now get the jars and build steps that go to the upper-right ledge. You will
need to grab some of the lower jars to keep extending the steps. Kill the
alien once you get up there.

Kick the magic blocks to get chips, a horn, and open a secret area on the
right. Enter and get all of the items to get an extra life.

After that's finished, it's time to trap the rats. Get the jars and trap all
of the rats inside them. Now take the jars and go into the little room on the
far left. Stack some jars to kick the magic blocks and get a squishee and
a mug.

Now take the jars one at a time and stand on the fan in the little room.
Place the jar on the left edge of the fan, then kick it to release the rat
and have it blown into the pipe. Make sure there is nothing blocking the

The rats will all go into the trap room you can leave.

  Room 5-4
  - - - - - - -

Before I begin, let me warn you that the drops will become an extreme annoyance
in this Room. Just wanted to make sure ya know.

Start by going to the bottom and picking up one of the blue blocks. Place it
next to the magic blocks on the left so that the rats fall into the gap
between the magic blocks and get trapped.

Now get a block and jump onto the third ice platform on the right. Put down
the block on the right side of the platform. Go back for another block and put
it on the right edge of the first block to build steps up to the fourth ice
platform. Pick up the bottom block, but leave the top one in mid air.

Go to the right and fall into the spring area. Keep going right and hold the
jump button to fly up into the trap area. Put down the block you have on the
right side of the ice platform to create a step over the barrier.

Go back near the door and jump into the small area in the top left corner. Put
down the fourth block in the middle of this platform, right under the pipe.
Pick up the block that is next to the magic blocks and put it on the right
edge of the block at the top, then pick up the bottom block and leave the
other in mid air.

Now it's time to trap the rats. Go to the bottom and put the block next to the
magic blocks again, then kick the magic block. The rats will start to walk
out, so quickly pick up the block and kick the other magic block. You'll get
some point items.

Rush up to the top platform and put the block next to the other one to build
some steps. Once the rats have gone over the first step, pick up that block
and go to the first ice platform. Put down the block on the right side to
build a step.

Once the rats have passed over this step, pick up the block and put it on the
right side of the second platform to build another step.

After the rats have gone over this step, get the block again and put it next
to the other block on the third ice platform. As soon as they pass over the
first step, pick up the block and put it on the right edge of the fourth ice
platform to build a step into the pipe.

This next part must be done QUICKLY. The absolute microsecond after the rats
have entered the pipe, pick up the block and enter the spring area. Hold the
jump button and you go to the right to go further, then get onto the ice
platform near the trap. Place a blue block on the left side of the white
platform, like this:

(B=Block, P=Pipe)

       |       |
      B|       |
 _______ __TRAP|
 |_____| ||    |
B_______X_|    |

If all was successful, the rats will climb over the barrier and get trapped
walking back and forth below that platform. Pick up the blue block from the
platform and put it where the X is when the rats are to the right of that
spot. Then pick up the blue block from the left and drop it on the X block
when the rats are standing there. This will force the rats up to the trap

If you mess up any of this, don't worry. Just let the rats get back to the area
in the upper left corner of the room and start over.

After all that mess you deserve some extras. Jump into the wall right of the
trap to find a secret tunnel. Go through and then kick the magic blocks
starting with the top ones. You'll get point and health items.

Go back to the area with the big ice platforms and fall down on the left side
of the fourth platform. Kick the magic block near the fan to get more pies.

Go to the door to leave.

  Room 5-5
  - - - - - - -

Start off by going to the left and killing that flying pig, then jump up the
trees and kill the bird. Kick the magic blocks near the trap to get point and
health items. Go to the far left and kick those two magic blocks to get pies
and a horn.

Pick up the blue block on the ground, then go down the tunnel next to it. Drop
the blue block at the start, then kill the two aliens along the way. You'll
find the rats in a room on the right.

Pick up the three blocks to release the rats, then use the three blocks to
build steps that go up to the tunnel on the left. Now, pick up a block and
quickly run to the left. Put the block down on the third space from the left
wall, then put another block on the left edge of the first block.


|      ___
| B

The rats will walk in and get trapped. Now take the other two blocks and build
some steps that go to the next platform on the right.

|      ___
| B   B

Grab a block from mini trap and put in on the platform, on the third space from
the right. Grab the other block and put it down on the right edge of the block
to build another one of those traps.

|____      |
|        B |
|      _B__|
|     B

Use the other two blocks to build steps up to the left platform, then build
another trap to enclose the rats again. Repeat this until the rats reach the
platform at the top, then use two blocks to keep the rats on the left platform.

Now, to get the rats up to the grass requires some speed and quick reflexes.
Get the two blocks that make up the trap and set them up like this:

|______|   |
|         B|
|        B |
|      ____|
|     B    |
|____B     |

The absolute SECOND that the rats pass over the first step block, pick it up
and put it at the bottom of the steps that go up to the grass. If any rats
fall then you'll have to go through all the platforms again, so don't mess up!

Once the rats get up to the grass, take two blocks and trap them on the grass.
Pick up the other two blocks and go to the right, over that blue barrier. Cover
the pipe in the ground with one block, then put the other block in front of the
pipe on the right to block that one.

Now go back and wait for the rats to walk to the right, then take one of the
blocks from the left and put it next to the small bush that is on the left side
of the blue barrier.

The rats will now climb over the blue barrier and make their way to the right.
Pick up a block again and rush over to the right, and put down the block next
to the other block that you had on the right to create steps.

The rats will climb up the steps and get blown across several fans until they
get stuck between two fans at the top. Take two blocks to the top of the tree
and put them as if you were building steps to the platform over the trap. Wait
for the rats to be on the LEFT side before putting the second block.

Once you put that second block the rats will stop and walk over the platform
and into the trap.

After all this you can finally leave.

  Room 5-6
  - - - - - - - 

Kill the snake in front of you, then hop up the wooden fence and kick the first
magic blocks you see. You will get some pies and a squishee.

Kill the snake on the other side of the gap, then go to the right and kill that
last snake near the trap. Go back to that crumbling blue platform near the gap
on top.

Stand in the middle and jump straight up. You'll land on an invisible platform.
Keep going up and avoid the bird to find some more magic blocks. Kick them
all starting with the top one to get point and health items. Jump back down
and go inside the gap.

It's time to trap the rats. Go down to the bottom left corner to find four
blue blocks. Take the two blocks that are stacked on the left to leave a gap
between the wall and the two other blocks, then put one of the blue blocks
next to the two that are stacked. The rats will then fall into that gap and
get grouped together very nicely.

Take the blue block that was used as a step and go to the first pyramid in the
middle of the room. Put the block between the bottom pyramid and the one on the
right to create a step between the two pyramids.

Get another block and put it on the tip of the right pyramid, creating a wall.
Now the rats will be stuck on the left side of the room.

Grab another block and go to the right pyramid. Wait for the rats to head back
down, then pick up the block on the tip of the pyramid and put it on the right
edge of the tip. Get the other block and put it on top of the first one to
create another wall.

Here's what you have so far:


           _| |_
         _|     |
  _| |_
_|     |_

Grab the last unused block and put it on the left edge of the tip of the top
pyramid to create a step out of this place.

Now wait for the rats. As soon as the group passes over the very first block
(the one on the bottom pyramid), grab that block and build a step between the
right pyramid and top pyramid. If you made it in time the rats will climb up
the top pyramid and go to the left.

Now just stand by and watch the rats make their way into the trap. You should
know that the rats can go either way from the top of the roof and they will
still end up in the trap.

All done here, so go back to the door and exit.

  Room 5-7
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and break through the three brown blocks, then kick the magic
blocks starting with the top ones to get point and health items. Pick up the
jar on the left.

Go back to the top, near the barrels. There are four barrels, numbered 1
through 4 starting from the top. Put the jar on the left edge of barrel 2.


   J 1

Now go and kick barrel 1 to the left. Pick up the jar again and put it on the
left edge of barrel 4.

 J 3

Go and kick barrel 2 to the left, then kick barrel 1 to the left twice.


So barrel 1 is now free. Pick up the jar, then kick this barrel to the left and
it will fall over the edge. Put the jar two spaces to the left of the barrel,
so there must be two spaces between the jar and barrel.


Kick the barrel to the left and it will stop at the jar. Now pick up the jar
again and kick the barrel to the left five times. It will stop one space from
the left wall.

Now use the jar to cover that pipe in the ground and get the rats to the left.
After they have all passed over the pipe, pick up the jar and complete the
steps up to the trap. 

Once all the rats have been destroyed, take the jar and put it on the trap
platform. Kick it from the right side to release the rat and finally complete
this Room.

This one was easier than the last few Rooms, so let's move on.

  Room 5-8
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going to the far right and killing the two flying pigs near the moving
platform. Then kick the row of magic blocks at the bottom to get point items,
health items, and some marbles.

Hop on the moving platform and jump onto the first platform on the right. Pick
up one of the fans that face up. Take that fan to the hole where the rats are

Do you see the three pipes that hang over the rat hole? Put down the fan so
that the rats will get blown up into the left pipe. They will end up in the
area on the right, near the moving platform.

Drop the fan somewhere on the top platforms and pick up one of the blue
blocks. Use this block to cover the pipe on the bottom left and keep the rats
here in the right area.

Go pick up the other blue block and go up to the top right corner. Make sure
you have the marbles before going in here. Put the blue block next to the pipe,
then use no more than two marbles to break through the brown blocks.

Keep going left, over all the mess of pipes, and you'll find an area near the
trap. Stand on the brown blocks to break through to the bottom, then use a
marble to bust through the blocks over the trap.

Go back to the fan blocks and pick up the fan that faces to the left. Hop up to
the top and put the fan block on the third space from the left.

(B=Block, F=Fan, P=Pipe)

      | P

Go get a fan that faces up and fall to the ground where the rats are. Put this
fan down on the second space from the right wall.


Now the rats will get blown up, the left, then they will fall right into the

Well, that's done. Let's go kick the last magic block. Fall into the big hole
and kick the special magic block to gain access to Room 5-10, then leave.

  Room 5-9
  - - - - - - - 

All right, start by killing the two flying pigs and the snake under the
mushroom platforms. Then, go to the right and fall to find some magic blocks.
Kick 'em all to get point and health items, and pies.

There are some hidden bushes under the tall mushroom, so just jump around to
make them appear. Go back to the left and kick that barrel down to the left,
then pick up the two blue blocks and go under the tall mushrooms.

There's a hidden bush next to the brick wall that you can use to jump out of
this area.

The rats will be walking around in this area. Set the blue blocks according to
this picture to group the rats together:


| B

Now, the next part requires some speed. You need to build some steps up to the
first low platform using the two blocks. Here's an illustration:

|          ___
|         B | 

As soon as the rats walk over the first block, pick it up and quickly get to
the top of the mushrooms.

So quickly go into the spot where the rats entered and use the block to cover
the entrance they used. This will keep them in this area between the
mushrooms. Now grab the other block and put it on the right side of the first
block to create some steps that go to the left.

After the rats have entered the left side, take the two blocks and quickly
stack them up on top of the right platform of this part. Here's the visual:
     ___   B
___ ______B

After the rats have climbed up the steps, take the two blocks and build steps
that go to the higher platform on the left.

Wait for the rats to walk up these steps, then pick up a block and go to the
left. There are two mushrooms on the far left, and under them to the right is
a gap that the rats can fall through you have to put the block in that gap to
cover it.
|    ___ 
|     |  ___
|     |_B_

Once that hole is covered the rats will walk over the wall and fall to the
left, and go into the trap.

Go to the door to exit.

  Room 5-10
  - - - - - - - 

Walk across the bush blocks that appear. Now, there are some invisible blocks
on the left side of the shaft that goes up. They aren't next to the left wall,
but a bit closer to the center. Hop up the invisible platforms to find some
magic blocks. You'll get a mug, burger, pies, and you'll also open access to
Room 5-11.

Now go to the bottom and pick up the blue block, then enter the area on the
left. DO NOT fall into the first gap, instead jump over to the left side.
There are some mini platforms on the left, and there is a hidden tunnel in
the wall under it. Go inside and kick all the magic blocks (starting with
the top ones), to get a whole bunch of horns.

Go back outside and fall to the bottom, where there is a ledge and a small
gap. Put the blue block on the edge of the ledge, like this:

(B=Block, R=Barrel)

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|       |
|____ B |
     |  |

Now go to the hole under the bush blocks on the right and pick up the blue
block that is down there. Take it back to the first block and put it on the
right edge, then pick up the first block. The other block will be left in mid

|        R__
|_      |
|       |
|      B|
|____   |
     |  |

Go around to the right side of the barrels. Kick three of the barrels to the
left, then go back to the rat area. Get onto the solid platform (the one just
above the ground), and put the block down on the right edge. This will let the
rats climb up to the next platform.

Now, as soon as a rat climbs over the block, pick it up and put it next to the
pipe. You will need to repeat this several times to get all of the rats into
the pipe.

A fan will blow the rats to the left, and they will walk themselves into the

Time to move on.

  Room 5-11
  - - - - - - - 

Start by going up the tree and grabbing the fan block that is facing up. Take
this block and fall into the hole on the right. There is a tunnel that goes
left, and one that goes right. DO NOT enter these tunnels yet.

Fall to the bottom and you'll find yourself in a room full of drops. Kill the
bird, then put the fan block right on the wooden beam nearest to the entrance.

(F=Fan, B=Block)



Now go back and pick up the block that faces to the left. Put it on the left
side of the farthest top right platform.


Now pick up the blue block from the tree and make a step for the rats that are
near the door. They will climb out and begin marching to the right.

They will go over the grass, through the tunnel on the left, then finally get
to the fans that you set up at the bottom. Pick up the fan block that faces
up after all the rats have been blown to the trap area.

Jump into the trap area and put down the fan block on top of the pyramid. The
rats will eventually get to the trap.

Go back up the tunnel and go into that left tunnel with the magic blocks.
Start with the top ones to get point items. Now go to the tunnel on the right.

Kill the alien, then quickly cross over the brown blocks. Kick these magic
blocks to get pies and chips. Now break through the brown blocks.

Break through the next column of brown blocks, then kick the magic block on
the left to get a squishee. Now go to the right and jump up the springs.

Enter the room and kick the single magic block to get a horn, then kick the
other ones starting with the top one. You'll get a horn, marbles, and you'll
open up Rooms 5-12 and 5-13.

Use the marbles to break through the brown blocks and exit.

  Room 5-12
  - - - - - - - 

Go to the left and you'll find two jars and three pipe blocks. Wait for two of
the rats to get trapped in the jars, then use the jars to trap the rats on the
left side, next to the hedge.

(J=Jar, V=Vertical pipe, L=L-shaped pipe)

| J

There are seven mushroom platforms to the right, and four of them build an
arch. Like this:
      ___ |___
       |  | |
       |  | |
       |  | |
   ___ |  | |

Now grab the L-shaped pipe and put it on the right side of the first platform,
then stack the two vertical pipes on top of it.
      ___ |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

Take one of the jars and put it on the right side of the second platform to
build a step. Then wait for the rats to be on the left, then put the other jar
to build a step from the ground to the first platform.
      __J |___
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
     V |  | |
   __L |  | |

As soon as the rats pass over the first jar, pick it up and put it on the edge
of the fourth platform.

Now do this next part QUICKLY! Pick up the second jar after the rats have
walked over it and rush to the right. There is a raised tunnel here, so put
the jar a space away as if you were building steps up to the platform.

Pick up the other jar after the rats have passed over it and complete the steps
to the tunnel. If any rats fall just repeat what you did.

The tunnel leads to an area full of fans, so grab all the jars and pipes and
take them over there. Kill the snake at the bottom too. Kick the magic blocks
in the right corner to get a mug and pies.

Now it's finally time to trap the rats. First take the two jars up to the
small platform in the middle, and build some steps up to the next platform on
the right. Then, take the bottom jar and leave the other one in mid air.

The rats are stuck between two fans, so wait for the rats to be on the left
and put a jar in their way. Make sure to put the block on the right side so
that the rats can climb up to the right.

Now the rats will go into another fan and get stuck between two more fans. Get
the jar and take it up to the third platform. Drop it on the right edge. Now
get the L-Shaped pipe.

Go down to the platform where the rats are blowing around. Drop the pipe to
have the rats climb onto the right, then quickly pick up the pipe and jump up
to the jar above. Wait on the right edge for the rats to go up, and drop the
pipe on the right edge immediately after.

Once all the rats have been trapped, take the two jars and bust them on the
trap platform to get those last two rats in. Go back to the door to exit.

  Room 5-13
  - - - - - - - 

Pick up one of the two jars and trap a rat in each one, then break the brown
blocks near the rats to have the rats fall into a hole on the right. Place the
jar in the left gap of that brown barrier on the right side to have a perfect 

There are two barrels on the top platform. Kick the left barrel down, then
kick it again to make it fall in the rat hole.

Now take the other jar and place it on the right edge of the bottom square,
then kick the barrel to the left. Once the barrel is on the square kick it to
the right and the jar will stop it. Pick up the jar and put it on the right
edge of the barrel. After all that you should see this picture:

(J=Jar, R=Barrel)

    J |
    | |
___R| |__

Wait for the rats to be walking to the left, then pick up the lower jar and
quickly put it at the right edge of the top jar. The completed steps will let
the rats walk into the next area.

Pick up a jar and go into the next area. Break brown blocks to let the rats go
into the lower area, then drop the jar anywhere. Now we have to get the other
jar. Use the jar you have to jump over the wall and get the other jar.

Do you see that little dip in the ground that is two spaces wide? Take a jar
and place it according to this picture:

__ J  __

Go to the top and kick the barrel to the right and it will fall to the ground.
Kick it to the right again and the jar will stop it next to the dip.

__RJ  __

The next part should be obvious. You have to take the two jars and build steps
starting at the right edge of the barrel. Make sure the rats are on the left
of the barrel before you put the jars.

__R   __

Pick up the two jars and go into the next area. Place one jar on the pipe, then
kick the upper barrel of the two on the left. Once that barrel is on the
ground, kick it to the right and it will stop next to the pipe.

Now kick the lower barrel of the two on the left. One time to the right is all
it takes.

After the lower barrel has been kicked down, use the two jars to build steps
that lead to the trap. The rats will then climb up and get sliced. Move the
two jars back to the left side, away from the trap.

Now go up to the top right and kick those three barrels down to the left. The
three barrels will stack up on top of each other. Put the last two jars near
the trap and stand on the stacked barrels to slice up the last two rats.

The rats are done, so let's get the extras. Kick the magic block at the top
to get some marbles, then shoot a marble straight into the wall on the right.
You will break into a hidden tunnel.

Kick all of the magic blocks in this tunnel to get point and health items.
Break through the brown blocks in the hole, then go to the door to exit.

  Room 5-14
  - - - - - - - 

Just avoid the laser gun and go to the right. Pick up that first spring and
move one space over so the drops don't hit you, then kick the blocks at the top
to get pies and a mug.

Go down and pick up the spring again. Use the other spring to jump up and get
the mug in the magic block, then use the spring again and go to the right.

Kill the alien, then kick the two blocks to get a horn and to kick the special
block that closes World #5.

There is more stuff on top, but you're pretty much done with the game already.
Anyway, go up and kill the snakes if you have to, then kick the block on the
left to get a mug.

Put down the spring and jump up to the left to get a spotted bag, then jump
on the tree for a horn. Jump to the right one more time for a squishee and an
extra life.

All done, so go to the door to exit and finally be done with World #5.


Go ALL the way to the beginning and enter the door to finally beat this game.

Thanks for playing and congratulations!!!


===== 5.0 CODES & SECRETS =====================================================

    Password     |  Password effect
    RATS         |  World 1 completed
    CARUMBA      |  Worlds 1 and 2 completed
    NUCELAR      |  Worlds 1, 2, and 3 completed
    FRAMED       |  Worlds 1, 2, 3, and 4 completed
    SNOTNED      |  Unlimited lives, all Worlds and Rooms unlocked


===== 6.0 LEGAL / MISC. =======================================================

                              6.01  Version History

2013.09.07 - Version 1.0: Guide completed.

                               6.02  Guide Credits

Thanks to these folks...

1. Virgin Interactive, Acclaim, Fox Williams, and the people at Audiogenic for
   creating the game.

2. Wilson Lau for his excellent guide to 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants'. It
   inspired the over 60 guides I've written to date.

3. You for reading.

                            6.03  Contact Information

subsane at gmail dot com

                               6.04  Legal Stuff

1. "Krusty's Fun House" is copyright (C) 1993 Acclaim Entertainment. Published
   by Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd. Based on a concept and
   game designed by Fox Williams. Developed by Audiogenic Software Ltd.

2. This guide copyright (C) 2013 SubSane. This guide may be distributed freely
   as long as it remains in its ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form. It is only for
   private use and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.

   If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is being
   displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide removed from that

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