Game: The Simpsons: Itchy & Scratchy's Miniature Golf Madness
Release: 1993
Platforms: Nintendo Game Boy
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment Inc.
Developer: Beam Software
Players: 1
Play: eBay

They fight, and bite, and so on... but sometimes they do other activities? Itchy & Scratchy deviate from the usual mindless violence to mini golf-themed violence in this little game for Nintendo's handheld. Each level is one hole from a nine hole game, with various level names reflecting the television show such as "Pirates Of The Scratchibbean," "20,000 Mice Under The Sea," and "Malice in Krustyland."

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                 Written and maintained by SubSane
                   Last Updated  August 28, 2003



     1.1 Game Details
     1.2 Story

     2.1 Game Start
     2.2 Status Screen
     2.3 Controls
     2.4 Items
     2.5 Miniature Golf For Dummies
     2.6 Krusty's Crazy Golf Tips

     3.1 Hole 1: Grim Furry Tales
     3.2 Hole 2: Malice in Krustyland
     3.3 Hole 3: Rest In Pieces
     3.4 Hole 4: Pirates Of The Scratchibbean
     3.5 Hole 5: I Scream Of Genie
     3.6 Hole 6: Chop-A-Long Scratchidy
     3.7 Hole 7: Patty Meltdown
     3.8 Hole 8: 20,000 Mice Under The Sea
     3.9 Hole 9: 9 1/2 Shrieks


     5.1 Version History
     5.2 Guide Credits
     5.3 Contact Information
     5.4 Legal Stuff


===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION =============================================

                        1.1  Game Details

This was the first Itchy and Scratchy game, released in 1993 by
Acclaim. Developed by Beam Software.

                            1.2  Story

It was a fine day in cartoon land. Scratchy looked about and decided
he could go for a round of miniature golf.

Alas, all was not well. The evil Itchy suddenly appeared, brandishing
a weapon of some sort! Now it's up to Scratchy to play through!


===== 2.0 BASICS ===================================================

                           2.1  Game Start

Choose this option to begin the game.

Music On
Here you can toggle the music on and off.

                         2.2  Status Screen

From left to right:

 Scratchy icon...Number of remaining lives
 Double number...Number of swings taken
 Weapon..........Current weapon (Press Select to switch)
 Arrows..........Points to the ball location

                          2.3  Controls

 Select.....Switch between weapons
 Left.......Move left
 Right......Move right
 Down.......Hold down to stop the ball from rolling past
 Up.........Press Up and hold B to charge a putt
 B button...Hold to charge a putt
 A button...Jump

                             2.4  Items

 Scratchy.....These icons will grant an extra life
 Ticket.......Slanted ticket that takes one swing off your par
 Putter.......Default weapon, used to putt
 Wooden bat...Weapon
 Frisbee......Projectile weapon
 Bomb.........Projectile weapon
 Grenades.....Projectile weapon
 Boomerang....Projectile weapon (can be retrieved)
 Ray gun......Projectile weapon

                   2.5  Miniature Golf For Dummies

I'll admit, I have never played miniature golf. Nor do I want to. I
looked into it and it seems the lower your points, the better you're
doing? The game was sorta off from the regular rules, so I'll do my
best to explain.

In golf you, how should I put this... You whack a ball into a hole
in the ground by using a stick with a broad or flat end.

There are nine holes to whack the ball into, and each hole has
something called a par. A par is the expected number of hits for
that hole. 

IE: Hole 1 has a par of 16, so that means you're expected to hit
the ball 16 times to get it into that hole. If you make it in less
than 16, good! If you take more than 16, bad.

So, having a positive score is a BAD thing. Having a score of 17+,
for example, means you took more putts than you were supposed to.
If you have 14-, then you hit the ball the number of times or less
than required. Uh, get it? Gimme a break, I don't know the damn

Anyway, watch your swings! A good idea is to scout ahead and make
sure you plan your hits. Hitting the ball with the putter won't cost
you a swing. Only a putt will do that.

The only exception is in the final stage. The dead hands from the
ground will cost a swing when you release a ball with them.

In conclusion: 

 - = GOOD
 + = BAD

                    2.6  Krusty's Crazy Golf Tips

(The first nine are from Krusty, and I added a few at the end)

No. 1- Stand next to the ball and press up on the control pad to putt
       the ball.

No. 2- Push down on the control pad to stop the ball from
       rolling past.

No. 3- Press select to choose a weapon.

No. 4- If the ball is stuck in a corner, bounce the ball off the wall.

No. 5- The key to good golfing is to use your power meter wisely.

No. 6- Checking the terrain ahead of the ball often has its advantages.

No. 7- If you achieve the par for a whole you will earn an extra life.

No. 8- There is a secret area to discover in each and every hole.

No. 9- Once a hand has your ball, stand next to it and press your B
       button to fire.

No. 10- I suggest you always, and I mean always, go ahead and kill
        all of the Itchys in a stage.

No. 11- The arrows in the bottom right corner always point to the
        ball. Keep that in mind when you go exploring.


===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ==============================================

                    3.1  Hole 1: Grim Furry Tales

Par: 16

Okay, so let's begin! The first stage has a par of 16, shouldn't be
too tough. Before you hit the ball, go left and jump against the tree
to find a secret area and an extra life.

Press Up next to the ball and hold B to charge your putt meter. When
the meter is at the very left, let go of B. This will hit your ball
all the way to a platform on the right. Stand over the platform to
fall in.

At this point I suggest walking ahead and getting the baseball bat as
soon as you enter the caves. Use it to kill the first two Itchys on
this level. The best way to do it is to jump over and let Itchy
pass, then hit him from behind.

Go back to the ball and use full strength to whack it once to the
left. Find it and hit it one more time to push it over the edge on
the left.

Fall down, but don't putt the ball. Instead grab that mallet and run
to the right. Do not stop until the mallet has run out, as you'll
kill four Itchys along the way. You'll also get some frisbess, and
at the end of your run you should see an extra life up near the

Keep going, jumping over and killing any remaining Itchys that pop
up. You'll go all the way to a wall, then you'll go left to another
wall, and that's it. Go back to the ball.

Putt the ball at full strength five times. If you did it correctly
the ball will go over all the holes and up one steep hill. Now putt
the ball immediately after the meter reaches the line, so it will
rebound off the wall and stop near the center of the moving

Ride up with the ball and putt it at full strength to the left. Grab
the ticket at the top right of that shaft to take one swing off your
par. Now putt the ball at full strength twice to get it up two steep

To get it up the last hill and onto the platform you have to putt
the ball when the meter is a bit before the line. The point is to hit
it just hard enough to get it up the hill without having it rebound
back down the hill. Ride up with the ball and hit it at full strength
onto the ground.

Now hit the ball once, when the meter is at the line. It will roll
and stop next to a small bump in the ground. Before you sink the
last putt, jump over the old lady in the boot (what the hell is that
about... :), and through the hole in the tree. You'll get another

Go back and putt the ball as soon as the meter is left of the line.
And I mean IMMEDIATELY after the line, or you'll hit the ball too
hard and rebound off the shoe. 

If you managed to get all the same putts that I did you'll have a
par of 14, so that even gives you some room to mess up! Hey, and you
get an extra life too.

                  3.2  Hole 2: Malice in Krustyland

Par: 15

Start off by walking all the way to the right until you see a large
Krusty head. This is where the ball will end up. Just keep in mind
that you will have to hit the ball in such a way so that it will
land in the tip of the tongue once it has rolled out.

Anyway, go back and whack the ball at full strength, then walk to
the platform and fall down. As soon as you get down there Itchy will
appear with a flamethrower. Wait for him to shoot then jump over and
kill him. Now hit the ball to the left at full strength.

The ball will now roll down a whole series of ramps, so don't bother
trying to follow it. Be careful because there will be an Itchy on
the way down. After about three small ramps you should reach another
level area that goes left. Kill Itchy and use the spring that's on
the left to get up to a small corner with a bomb weapon. Kill the
Krustys to make sure you don't get hit.

Go right and fall down the last ramp. You'll find another Itchy on
this level. Once you reach the very left stop and jump over the gap.
You should see a small platform with a ticket over it. Grab the
ticket to take one swing off your par.

Fall down and if the ball is at the top of the hill, hit it against
the wall, then hit it two more times to get the ball near a catapult.
There will be about three Itchys on the way there, so be careful. 

Now charge your putt meter to about half the bar and putt the ball
into the catapult. Jump on the catapult to launch the ball up onto
the next platform, then use the spring that's to the right to get up
there. Putt the ball softly again to get it into the next catapult.
Don't launch the ball yet, but go to the right and fall down that
hole to get an extra life.

Go back and launch the ball up. Now putt the ball softly again and
hit it into that next catapult. Kill the Itchy on the left and use
the spring, then hit the ball into yet another catapult. Walk right
and fall into the hole to find a ticket on a small platform. Make
your way back to the ball and launch it.

The ball will go right, but you have to go left. Climb up the
platforms to find an extra life. Go right again as if you were going
to the hole, but stop and use the spring along the way. Putt the
ball into the catapult and launch it, then use the spring on the
right to get up there. Don't forget the ticket in the top right

Go to the next level and putt the ball at full strength and it should
reach the catapult. Launch the ball, then putt the ball once at full
strength. It should roll right up to Krusty's head and get pushed
back by the tongue.

Now this part is tough. You have to putt the ball into the tip of the
tongue at just the right moment or you'll miss and the ball will be
pushed back. Remember that holding Down will stop the ball at your

Watch the tongue's pattern for a while, then time your hit so that
it reaches the tongue just as it has rolled it. Not too early or the
ball will quickly be pushed back, and not too late or the ball will
stop and get pushed back eventually.

I managed to get a score of 11- using this exact guide, so you have
4 chances to mess up.

                     3.3  Hole 3: Rest In Pieces

Par: 09

Putt the ball and full strength and go right to fall down into the
stage. The ball should now go down a hill. Before putting again go
back to the left and jump through the wall to find an extra life.

Now that the ball is at the bottom of the hill putt it at max power
to the right. It will roll onto a coffin. Don't worry about the bats
because they can't hurt you. Jump and get the grenades above the
first RIP.

Now this next part is the most important thing in this stage. You see
the spot where those bats fly out of? Putt your ball so that it will
be right on the spot where the bats come out.

What? Did that bat just steal your ball and fly away! Go right and go
up after passing the two RIPs. There's no need to go down. Grab the
ticket that's right there and go up and left. Follow another path to
the left, killing any Itchys that pop up, and grab another ticket
that's to the left.

Go across the gap and back to the right. You'll find another large
gap that goes down, but first get the boomerang on the right side.
Now fall in and go all the way to the end until you come out of a
large gap. Be aware that there will be Itchys along the way, but
they shouldn't be a problem. When you come out of the large gap go
to the left.

Go left and get the ticket that you'll come across, then keep going
left and jump over the big gap to find an extra life. Fall in the
gap and go back to the right. 

Hey it's the ball! It seems the bat conveniently dropped it off right
next to the hole. Putt the ball when the meter is on the line and the
ball should stop next to the reaper. Now time the ball so it gets
pushed in by the reaper's stick and you'll be done!

I got a score of 3 with this strategy. With that neat little bat
trick it's too easy.

             3.4  Hole 4: Pirates Of The Scratchibbean

Par: 25

First walk to the right and jump to get an extra life. Now hit the
ball at full strength to get it on the platform. Walk over it and
fall down.

Hit the ball at full strength once to get it on dry land, then once
more when the meter is on the line and it will go through the skull.
Make sure to get the bomb weapon above the skull.

At this point it would be best to kill all the Itchys between the
first skull and the next skull you see. Once they're dead, hit the
ball left at full strength. Those chains along the way will actually
pull the ball up, so don't worry about 'em. When the ball is next to
the water, hit it softly! You want the ball to be on the right side
of the small hill in the water.

Hit the ball at full strength and it will fly out and roll all the
way to the next skull. Hit it again to knock it through the hole and
into another pool below.

There are two hills here, and you want to have the ball to the left
of the right hill. Once it's there hit it at full strength and follow
it to watch the ball go up a platform. You may have to putt the ball
against the wall to center it in the platform, so tap it lightly.
Now hit the ball left onto the next area.

The ball will roll up a chain and into a cannon, which will then
shoot it out to the right. Now get the ball through the skull hole
and go down the hole on the right. Watch for the Itchy hanging from
the ceiling, and the ticket!

Now use the small hill to hit the ball up and left and it should go
into the water. Go hit the ball at full strength and it should roll
between the second and third hills. Now position it just to the
right of the third hill and use full strength to smack it out of
the water. 

Hit the ball up the chains and follow it after it gets shot out of
the cannon. Go up the platform and hit the ball lightly to get it
onto the next platform, then use about half strength to get the ball
into the water, but on the right side of the hill. First go to the
top right corner of the shaft you were just in and you'll find a
secret area with an extra life.

Hit the ball at full strength to get it into a cannon. Follow the
ball through the series of cannons, and grab the ticket along the
way. Once the ball has gone up the first chain hit it again up the
second chain and a few more hills. Once it goes through the cannon
at the top you'll be one hit away from finishing. At this point my
lowest par has been 21.

Now you have to get the ball into that treasure chest while it's
open. Start charging the meter when as soon as it closes, then when
the meter is at the line, release. The ball should go in just as the
chest opens. So of course that was a score of 22-, so ya have three
chances to mess up.

                   3.5  Hole 5: I Scream Of Genie

Par: 22

Give the ball a full strength whack to the left and walk over to fall
in. Do you see the gray panel on the ground? That's a booby trap.
These are scattered all over the stage, and if you step on one you
will either get sliced by a dart or get blown up. So avoid stepping
on these.

Putt the ball at full strength again and grab the sword over the gap,
then fall in. There is a secret area on the right side of this shaft,
so hug the right wall to find it. You'll get an extra life. You will
then find an Itchy at the very bottom behind a wall, so go ahead and
kill him. Go into the spot under the booby trap and you'll get a
ticket. Now hit the ball at full strength to the right.

The ball should stop at the base of a hill. There will be a wall that
rises and falls, so time your putt so that you can make it over the
wall at full strength. Be careful on the next hill because there will
be a flamethrower Itchy.

Putt the ball up the hill and it will stop on the platform. Go up
with the ball and hit it before the meter reaches the line. It will
roll onto another platform, but kill the Itchy in the wall first.

Hit the ball at full strength once you're at the top and it'll roll
past a booby trap. To avoid this one step on it and let the dart
pass by, then walk across. Itchy will pop out on the right side, so
watch out. Now hit the ball so it will stop at the base of that
small bump, then smack it at full strength to send it over.

Grab the boomerang that's right over the gap, then go across and get
the ticket that's in a corner at the top. Now putt the ball with full
strength and avoid the two booby traps along the way. Kill the Itchy
that appears.

Hit the ball again at full strength and it will roll into a gap, and
hopefully on top of another moving platform. There will be another
Itchy down there, so once again be careful. If the ball isn't on the
platform then go putt it so it is. Now go up with the ball and hit
it when the meter is right before the line. The ball will roll and
hit the wall, then stop on the next platform.

Use the second platform and get the extra life that's on the far left
side, then go back and hit the ball when the meter is at about
halfway. The ball will stop on another platform. Hit it to the left
at full strength. The ball should roll over the first wall with that

Go and hit the ball when the meter is on the line and then get the
ball on top of the wall. Remember that holding Down will keep the
ball from rolling past you. 

Once you have the ball on the wall, stop! It's time to go back and
get something we left behind. Fall down the last gap you passed and
go left. Kill the Itchys along the way, then get the ticket at the
far left. Oh, and watch out for the booby traps because here they

Anyway, go back to the wall and hit the ball when the meter is on
the line and when the smoke cloud is above the hole. 

I came out with a score of 15-! It's another simple stage, as long
as you follow my guide as closely as possible.

                 3.6  Hole 6: Chop-A-Long Scratchidy

Par: 24

Hit the ball at full strength once, then hit it at full strength
again to get it up the hill. It will stop on the bridge. Now you'll
need to jump on one of the cannon balls and ride it until it begins
to glow. There will be a ticket up in the air, so jump off the
cannon ball before it explodes and get the ticket.

Now step on the bridge and stick to the right wall, and you'll find
a tunnel. Grab the extra life in there and jump down to the bottom.
Quickly go to the right and get the bombs, then head left. 

Ride a cannon ball and hop up the platforms. Watch for the next
cannon and ride another cannon ball to find another ticket. Then go
right and jump up the platforms to get an extra life. Watch for the
two Itchys along the way.

Now go back and whack the ball once, at full strength, then fall in
the whole. Go and kill the next two Itchys that you see, then go
back and hit the ball once at full strength. Hit the ball one more
time so that it stops at the edge of that small bump, then give it
a full strength hit.

Hit the ball at full strength so that it flys into the box of TNT.
Don't touch the TNT! You'll blow up if you do. Don't forget the
grenades that are over the TNT, then hit ball again at full

Now this part is kinda tricky. You have to whack the ball into the
platform so that it gets lifted up, then it has to be hit onto
another platform. I was able to get the ball on the platform by
hitting it when the meter is just before the line. Hold the button
for about half a second and let go to get the ball onto the other
platform. The meter should go about 1/4 of the way. Then hit the
ball once more to get it in the TNT box.

Next is a very steep hill. Go kill the Itchy at the top first, then
hit the ball when the meter is just before the line. It will roll
up and onto the platform. Putt the ball when the meter is about 1/4
of the way and it will get onto the next platform.

Hit the ball lightly so that it falls onto the next area, but the
lower part. Now hit it at full strength so that it flys over that
bump, then hit it again to make it over the next bump. Putt the ball
when the meter is about halfway to get it onto the platform.

Hit the ball at about half strength to get it onto another platform,
then whack it at full strength to get it in the TNT box. To get it
onto the next platform, hit the ball at about half strength. It may
vary, but if you're this far it shouldn't be a problem. Hit the ball
again at about 1/4 strength to get in on the next, and final,
platform. Hit the ball one more time at full strength and you'll be
one putt away from victory!

Before you finish the stage, go left. You'll find another ticket up
in the air. All right, once you head to the right be careful because
Skinner the cowboy's bullets can actually hurt you! He will shoot
four into the ground, and one straight. Nothing blocks the ball, so
try hitting it at about half strength to get it in the hole.

I pulled off a score of 20-. Not too shabby.

                    3.7  Hole 7: Patty Meltdown

Par: 23

Give the ball a good whack to the right, then hit it once more when
the meter is about 1/8 away from the line. By now it should be no
problem. If you hit it at the right strength then the ball will
float up in the air and land on the platform. The magnets underneath
are what float the ball.

Hit the ball at about 1/4 strength to get it onto the next area, then
hit it at full strength. Jump to get the ray gun that's near the
shaft, then go to the left. Watch out for Itchy.

Go ahead and hit the ball at full strength and the magnets will push
it up onto the moving platform. Hit the ball at full strength, then
go and look out for the bazooka Itchy. Hit the ball into the magnets
at full strength.

Hop to the top, but go left. There will be some toxic drops dripping
from the ceiling, so avoid them and get the ticket. The conveyer
belts shouldn't be a problem. Go back to the ball and kill the Itchy
that pops up, then hit the ball at full strength. Go down and hit
the ball at full strength again.

Hit the ball at half strength to get it up on the next platform. Go
forward a bit and kill the first Itchy, then go between the toxic
drops and electric bolt and kill the second Itchy. Go back and hit
the ball at full strength. The conveyer belt might push it back, so
hit it at full strength again. Carefully go through the drops and
electricity and find the ball, then hit it at full strength again.

The ball will get pushed by a series of magnets and land nicely on
another platform. Go to the gap in the lower left to get a sword. Go
back up and kill the Itchy that appears. Putt it at full strength to
the right, then go down and putt the ball against the wall to rebound
it to the left.

Now hit the ball at full strength to the left to have it go over the
first conveyer, and pass under the electric bolt by walking as it
goes up. You have to time it so you pass under it just as the bolt
moves up. Hit the ball at full strength again, then kill the Itchy
that appears.

Before you hit the ball, jump to the left and on the magnets. Hug
the wall and you'll find a gap. Kill the Itchy in there and get the
ticket. Go back and hit the ball at full strength, then fall down.
Get the ticket that's right next to the building exit, then hug the
wall on the right and get the extra life in the gap.

Go back outside and give the ball two full strength putts. Now when
you approach the ball you'll see a large pulsating radiation tower.
That pulsating will push the ball away, so hold Down! Remember that
holding Down will stop the ball from rolling past you.

What I did was let the tower push the ball as far as it would go,
then hit the ball when the tower is NOT pulsating. That tower pushes
the ball different distances, so it'll vary.

I got a score of 18-, so you have 5 chances at the end to get the
ball in. 

               3.8  Hole 8: 20,000 Mice Under The Sea

Par: 25

Your first hit here has to be very precise, so that it lands right
on the platform. 


The graphic depiction above is the putt strength bar. The best time
to release the button is when the meter is at the same position as
the X above.

So ride up with the ball and putt it at full strength, then kill the
Itchy that appears. Hop up on the platforms and grab the boomerangs,
then kill the Itchy on the ledge right above you.

Go down and putt the ball at full strength when the water jet is up,
then kill yet another Itchy. If your hit was strong enough, the ball
will enter a door. These doors are like teleporters, and they will
only work when the ball has already passed through.

Go through the door and you'll appear on the ledge above. Hit the
ball against the wall at full strength and it'll end up at the base
of a hill. Hit the ball up the hill at half strength, then whack it
at full strength over the gap. Go and enter the door.

Walk ahead on this floor and kill the two Itchys that appear, then
go back to the ball. The next step is to get the ball on the moving
platform below. Hit the ball before the meter reaches the line. Not
next to the line, but a bit before it. The ball should roll onto the
platform. Go up and hit it at full strength. The ball will then stop
next to a door on the far right. Hit the ball in and enter.

Walk ahead in this next room and kill Itchy, then two full strength
putts to the left should get the ball in the next door. Hit the ball
at about 1/4 strength to get it on the moving platform, then hit the
ball when the meter is just before the line. It has to roll onto the
moving platform that is about halfway down the hill.

Grab the baseball bat above and kill Itchy when he appears, then go
back and hit the ball to the right at full strength. You'll find the
ball at the right end of this platform, so go and putt it again at
full strength.

The ball will now roll into a hole at the far right, so go ahead and
kill the two Itchys that appear here, then jump into the secret area
in the right wall. You'll get an extra life in there.

Fall and get the grenades along the way. Kill the Itchy on the ground,
then jump into the ledge on the left to find a ticket. Now go back
and hit the ball into the door at full strength.

Kill yet another Itchy in here, then jump into the secret area on
the right to find another ticket. After that hit the ball at full
strength into the door on the left. The next room will have two more
Itchys, so kill them. Grab the ticket at the top of this room.

Hit the ball to the right at full strength, then get it into the door
on the right. This is the final room! First, putt the ball at full
strength. Now you have to get it into the hole, but avoid the octopus
tentacle. Start charging the putt strength bar when the tentacle is
away from the hole, then hit the ball when the meter is slightly to
the right of the line.

Cool, I got a score of 18-. Shouldn't be a problem.

                     3.9  Hole 9: 9 1/2 Shrieks

Par: 28

Putt the ball at full strength, into the hand. These hands act like
catapults, and when you stand next to them and press B, they will
shoot the ball out. Keep in mind though that each time you shoot a
ball out of a hand, it will cost you one swing. The hands have three
positions: low, mid, and high. I will refer to the best position for
each hand you come across.

As for the ghosts, they do not help. It a ghost catches your ball it
will disappear and just leave the ball there. It can really be
annoying when you're trying to get through.

Right, so to get the ball over the ghost, wait for it to be at it's
lowest point and release the ball from the hand when the hand is at
the mid point. Go find the ball and you'll fall into a haunted
mansion. Quickly go left and get some frisbees, then kill the first
Itchy. Then hit the ball at full strength into the hand on the right.
Release the ball at the mid point.

Release the ball from the next hand when the ghost is low and the
hand is high. Now kill that Itchy on the ledge and hit the ball when
the meter is on the line. Grab the sword that's on the ledge to the
right, then kill the Itchy just below the ledge. Go back and hit the
ball into the gap at full strength.

If you hit the ball to the left at full strength it should reach a
hand. Release the ball from the hand at the mid point, make sure the
ghost is farthest away. Kill the Itchy along the way, and if the
ball is already at the next hand, great! If not just whack it in.

Release the ball from this hand when the ghost is at it's low point
and the ball is at it's high point. Next walk ahead and kill the
Itchy, then putt the ball up the hill at nearly half strength. Not
full strength because there's a ghost at the top of the hill.

So, grab the ticket at the top first, then hit the ball into the gap
at full strength. When you fall in there will be three high ledges
on the left. The third ledge down will have an Itchy hidden in the
wall, so when you fall face left and kill him.

Before hitting the ball, jump to the right and land on the ledge.
There will be a secret area in the wall to the right, and a ticket
on the top. If the ball was still on one of the ledges on the left,
hit it down.

Get the ray gun on the left, then go forward a bit and kill the next
two Itchys that you see. Go back and hit the ball at full strength
to get it up the first hill, then again to get it up the second hill.
Kill Itchy and hit the ball into the hand.

Release at the high point, then release from the next hand at
the mid point. For the next hand, release at the high point
when the ghost is at the low point. Kill the Itchy that's
just ahead and hit the ball into the next hand.

Release the ball at mid point, then go to the right and get the extra
life. Now fall in the hole. Kill this Itchy and that'll be it for
the small Itchys...

Hit the ball down to the left, then hit the ball at full strength
when the two ghosts are both up. Don't forget the ticket above the
doorway on your way out! Hit the ball again at full strength.

Beware the headless Itchy, King of all Itchys! He has a pattern of
two short throws and one throw that follows you. You'll have to hit
the ball in the hole during the two short throws.

Well... THAT'S IT!!! You just beat the game with a score of xxx-! As
long as you had a - next to the number, you won!


===== 4.0 CODES & SECRETS ==========================================

Game Shark codes

 Infinite lives

Game Genie codes

 Always get a hole in one

 Infinite lives

 Start with 1 life

 Start with 5 lives     

 Start with 15 lives     

 Invincible after getting hit     



===== 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================

                        5.1  Version History

August 28: Version 1.1
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey, don't look at me like that! There was stuff to fix.

June 27: Version 1.0
- - - - - - - - - - -
Oy, yet another FAQ rewrite. But it's an improvement, trust me.


                         5.2  Guide Credits

Thanks to...

1. Matt Groening. The man created 'The Simpsons', which has been on
the air for 14 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy
bearded bastard!

2. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds
of individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers, voice
actors, animators, producers, gofers, and every other person
involved... thank you!

3. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space
Mutants' guide. It inspired me to write guides for Simpsons video

4. Beam Software and Nintendo for making the game possible.

5. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own

                      5.3  Contact Information

The address is:

The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely
respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without
a subject. Put 'Itchy & Scratchy Golf' or something similar in the
subject line.

                          5.4  Legal Stuff

1. "Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness" is copyright © 1993
Acclaim Entertainment Inc. The Simpsons and any related Simpsons
characters are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

2. This guide copyright © 2002-2003 SubSane. This guide may be
distributed freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and
UNALTERED form. It is only for private use and may not be reproduced
for commercial purposes.

If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is
being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide
removed from that location.

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