Bart vs. the Space Mutants Guide 10 Sep 2006
After months of putting it off I finally completed the guide for the Genesis version of Bart vs. the Space Mutants. You can check it out at the Game Guides page.

Game Manuals Update Part 1 25 Aug 2006
Today I uploaded the first half of a bunch of new video game manuals that I got along with the games in last month's big eBay shopping spree. You can view the new manuals at the Game Info page.

Massive Images Update. 02 Aug 2006
I went a bit eBay crazy last month and picked up a bunch of old Simpsons video game magazines. You can check out the newest ads, articles, and covers at the Images section.

No Simpsons For You in 2006. 12 Jul 2006
I saw it coming but there was always hope... until now. EA has confirmed the product release roster for 2006 and The Simpsons are nowhere on the list. Check out what they have coming in the remainder of the year if you're interested.

Simpsons Movie Trailer on Xbox Live. 10 Jul 2006
Gamers with an Xbox 360 can now download the Simpsons Movie trailer on Xbox 360 Marketplace. Check it out and let us know if it's any different from the one we've all seen on Youtube. :)

Site Design 6.5 Now Live! 05 Jul 2006
If you're a regular visitor you may have noticed a few tweaks to the site. If you're new, welcome to the newly redesigned CBG's Video Game Collection, version 6.5! It's not a complete overhaul or anything that extreme, just a few design issues that were bugging me. There might also be a few weird errors that I'll fix over the next few days.

Next-gen Simpsons Game to be a Platformer? 02 Jul 2006
I recently came across a job posting at the EA Jobs website that called for a level designer to work on an upcoming Simpsons game. Some of the requirements include "getting" action-adventure games, having experience with platform gaming, and level building skills. Given that the most recently announced Simpsons game has had no details released, and the Simpsons movie has also been announced to release in Summer 2007 (a likely target season for the game as well), it's safe to say that this level designer will be creating platform levels on the next-gen Simpsons game.

It is honestly a bit disappointing to see EA Redwood Shores (the developer) take such a standard direction with the game, but given the limited time to have the game done on a next-gen system I can't blame them for going towards platformer. Simpsons Hit & Run was a bit on the platformer side and it was fun, so I won't knock the next game 'til I try it.

Articles from merry ol' Brazil. 24 Jun 2006
Macbee contributed some awesome scans of Brazilian magazines featuring Simpsons games. Sure, it's the same information that many of the other articles have, but it's in Portuguese! Check 'em out in the image articles section.

Bart vs. the World (2006) 19 May 2006
Hey folks. Macbee, the creator of Return of the Space Mutants, is working on an awesome new game called Bart vs. the World (2006). It's a recreation of Bart vs. the World using the beat 'em up engine from games such as Streets of Rage. Check out some preview pics in the forum.

Revamped Downloads Section 07 May 2006
Today's update is a revamped Downloads section with new downloads and more organized sections. Check out the Downloads page for the latest stuff.

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