I reported a while back that the rights to all of the classic Simpsons games from the early to mid 90s were being auctioned off for $7,500. The auctioneer recently updated the site to reflect the changes since that auction, and it turns out the games sold! Now the only question is who they were sold to. My hope is that FOX purchased the lot and will use the games wisely (a.k.a. make some money from them) and in turn provide fans with compilations of all the games. Check out my opinion on that matter.
Family Guy Article
14 Apr 2006
The May issue of GamePro magazine has a great preview of the upcoming Family Guy game. In the article there is a small feature on animated shows of the past and their attempts at breaking into video games; naturally, there is a blurb about the Simpsons. I have updated the articles section with the feature.
Simpsons Video Game... Accessories?
04 Apr 2006
FOX and 4Gamers quietly announced a deal back in March that would see Simpsons-themed video game accessories come to the market in the UK.
"Our product development team are currently working on the initial launch line up targeted at the crucial Back to School season later this summer" said Bill Stirling, Sales Director at A4T. Check out the article.
Simpsons Movie in 2007: Games as well?
02 Apr 2006
In case you've been under a rock the last few days (or just doing something more productive), The Simpsons Movie has been confirmed for a release of Summer 2007. I can guarantee that the first Simpsons game we'll see is a game based on the movie that will also be released in Summer 2007. So we'll have a game based on a movie, that is based on a show... oh, joy!
Bring Back the Classics
27 Mar 2006
I've written a new article about the possibility of a Simpsons compilation, similar to the compilations being released by companies such as Capcom and Midway. Check it out in the articles section.
Adverts 'n music
26 Mar 2006
I have added a few new music tracks to the downloads section, as well as an all new old image of a German advertisement for The Simpsons Arcade. You'll find that in the advertisements section.
While stating the poor quality of past Simpsons games as fact is something I can't exactly agree with, I did like the bit about a Simpsons RPG. As of this news post, RPG is winning in the site poll above, so perhaps EA should stay away from another derivative sports/3rd person action clone.
Family Guy: The Games
05 Mar 2006
Although this is somewhat old news, FOX and 2K Games have signed an agreement to release video games based on the Family Guy TV series. Check out the details. FOX and 2K Games (a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, of GTA series fame) recently released 24: The Game as well.
New Poll is Live
01 Mar 2006
I've placed a poll at the top of this News page that will remain there until the next Simpsons video games are announced. It will be interesting to see what the public would like to see and what EA actually delivers.
Happy (belated) Birthday!
16 Feb 2006
I totally forgot about Matt Groening's birthday! He turned 52 this February 15th, and I want to wish him the best for the coming year. As a celebratory treat I brought out this old game sprite of Groening that I captured from the game Bart vs. the World, in which a grayscale version of him appears on a sheet of paper in the background of the final stage. The sprite has been added to the Bart vs. the World page.