Did you know websites are work? Because I was just reminded of how much time it takes to do this stuff.
Anyway! There's a whole bunch of new game info added to the aptly titled Game Info section. There are all kinds of electronic games and interactive experiences that I'm sure CBG would include in any worthwhile collection. That means game cover scans, manuals, screenshots, and plenty of cool tidbits to while away your evenings.
We're Back! Simpsons Games from 2007 to 2018
07 Mar 2018
It's been a decade since this place got an update. What's happened in the world of Simpsons video games?
2007 - The Simpsons Movie ramps up its hype machine in the first half of the year and releases in July.
2008 - The Simpsons Ride first opens at Universal Studios Florida and then Hollywood, allowing park visitors to go an on interactive joyride through Springfield.
2009 - EA releases their first Simpsons game on iOS by remaking The Simpsons Arcade, a modern take on the classic brawler.
2012 - Konami strikes a deal that allows them to re-release an updated version of the original The Simpsons Arcade game onto Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms.
2012 - After a rocky start, EA releases a tap-happy take on monetization with The Simpsons Tapped Out on iOS and Android. The game rakes in all the money and EA decides it's going to sit on that cash cow for some time.
2017 - The Retronauts podcast begins releasing micro episodes in which the gang discusses various Simpsons games of yore. They also post a fascinating interview on Simpsons game history with former Acclaim and Fox Interactive producer Paul Provenzano at the Talking Simpsons Patreon.
And that's all the news I've got. I'll be expanding the site with new info and other goodies over time. Feel free to poke around in the meantime or check out a shotgun blast of content at this place's official social media presence: noiselandco.tumblr.com.
The Simpsons Game Guide
02 Feb 2008
The guide for The Simpsons Game has now been completed. You can check out version 0.9 of the guide at the game info page or game guides page.
Shop 'til you drop at the Simpsons Shop
02 Dec 2007
It's that time of year, folks. Your loved ones (or people you feel obligated to give a gift to) are expecting some nice stuff and if they have even the slightest affection for our favorite yellow family then you should make sure to check out the latest wares at the Simpsons Shop. You can drink a pint, place the ornaments on the tree, hang the stockings from the chimney with care, and then carry all your gifts on your way back home.
The Simpsons Game Guide... is begun.
05 Nov 2007
The officially unofficial guide to The Simpsons Game has now been released. You can check out version 0.3 of the guide (covering everything in the game up to the Mob Rules episode) at the game info page or game guides page.
Oooo... Skins!
04 Nov 2007
Tired of looking at your boring ol' game system? Fan of the Simpsons without anything new to buy? Or maybe you're just someone with time and some spare cash lying around?
Boy, have I got the solution to your predicaments! Check out the all-new Simpsons skins at the official Simpsons Shop which you can order for any of the latest game systems such as Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and Nintendo DS. You can also order skins for your phone and music player if you feel like you need to floss the Simpsons everywhere you go.
The Simpsons Game In Stores Now!!!
01 Nov 2007
It's been a long 4 years, but the deed is finally done: a new Simpsons video game is in stores! Go pick up your own copy on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP, and/or Nintendo DS.
You Simpsons nuts out in L.A. have a chance to celebrate the release of The Simpsons Game by joining in on the Game Launch Celebration at Universal CityWalk. And, because they know we love it: free stuff! Check out the details.
Simpsons news from E for All!
20 Oct 2007
A guy at everyone's favorite Simpsons community, the NHC, recently posted his impressions of the upcoming The Simpsons Game which was set up for gamers at the E for All event. Check out his write-up of the game and fan reactions.
We are from ze land of chocolate!
08 Oct 2007
Did you ever wonder what would've happened if those rude Germans hadn't interrupted Homer's escapades in the Land of Chocolate? ... What do you mean "no"? Bah, who asked you anyway. Click the pic for a beeeoooteeful HD cutscene from the Land of Chocolate level in The Simpsons Game, courtesy of the fine folks at EA.
Xbox 360 Owners Get Theirs
08 Oct 2007
It's out! All of youse who own an Xbox 360 better be out there either downloading The Simpsons Game Demo from Xbox Live Marketplace or playing it right now.
What, you think I'm kidding? GO, GO, GO!
PS3 Owners Offered the First Demo for The Simpsons Game
04 Oct 2007
That's right, folks. You lucky PS3 owners can now pay a visit to the PlayStation Network Store and download the official demo for The Simpsons Game. Yours truly doesn't own a PS3, but something tells me that Xbox 360 owners will be seeing a demo as well. At least I hope so.
Pre-Order Now and Show EA Your Homerballs
23 Sep 2007
Homerball refers to Homer's special turn-into-a-fat-ball-and-crush-things ability from the new Simpsons Game. And when you pre-order the game from select retailers (read: Gamestop), you too can roll like Homer by receiving the Homerball pre-order item.
Wait, it gets better! EA wants to see your Homerballs in action in the form of photographs. Homerball at work, Homerball on a roller coaster, Homerball in your dog's mouth... well, that last one might not be ideal, but you get the point. Check out the Homerball page at ea.com and look around for all the other awesome web pages they've put up for some of the levels from the game.
Funnier Than A Troupe of Krusty the Clowns Throwing Custard Pies
23 Sep 2007
That's what Rob Burman from IGN had to say when describing the pure comic genius that is The Simpsons Game. He also had a lot to say about the gameplay and visuals in his preview for the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming game (scheduled for release the week of October 30th in the US). Check it out below:
What happens when you piss off a lot of dolphins? Take a look.
Ooohh... pretty Simpsons screenshots.
16 Sep 2007
Check out the latest round of awesome screenshots sent to CBG's VGC by our buddies at EA. Click to enlarge...
Anybody else wanna be a hero and mess with my pretzels!?
See, Bart? This'll happen to your spine if you don't sit straight.
Hey Bart, what're you... oooohh, did you just cut the heroic cheese!?
Ok, Lisa. You fight, I'll glide a few feet above the ground. We're a perfect team!
You'll pay for stealing my shrimp... *BURRRRRRP*.
The Simpsons Website, Part IV
12 Sep 2007
The official Simpsons Website has been updated once again with a snazzy yellow and white design, plus a ton of info and media for our gamer eyes to behold. There's a nice blurb about the recent EA Media Showcase where media types got to check out a few levels from the game. Visit the good folks at nohomers.net for a nice write-up about the event and the current state of the game.
The Simpsons Rock You Like a Hurricane
09 Sep 2007
First and foremost, we have release dates! The Simpsons Game for Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, and Wii is set to release on October 30, 2007, while the PSP and DS versions of the game release a week and two weeks later, respectively (per Gamestop).
On to media news, the latest trailer for The Simpsons Game from EA features The Scorpions' Rock You Like a Hurricane in a very GTA-esque series of gritty street scenes. Get an eye full of angry citizens, Itchy pimps, and other whacked out characters from the new game by clicking the link below.
Medal of Homer Trailer
02 Sep 2007
EA released a new trailer for the upcoming Simpsons game with the words "Medal of Homer" at the end. It features Homer and Bart in a World War II themed environment, possibly a level from the new game. Check it out below:
Last to the Party, But Here I am
30 Aug 2007
You know, it never fails. I head out for a quick vacation and return to a ton of updates about one Simpsons game or another. So without further ado, the new stuff:
Box Covers
That's right! We now have official box covers and confirmation on the title: The Simpsons Game. And in case you're wondering, that wasn't a typo! I did indeed say covers. Each version of The Simpsons Game has a unique cover featuring Homer being mauled by what appears to be enemies from the game, with various other characters in the background. Check 'em out:
Website Update
The official website was recently updated from the Grand Theft Scratchy theme to a new mysterious factory design. One has to wonder how a green slime factory relates to the game... but I suppose we'll find out in a few months.