Behind the Pixels
Click to open PDF file.
By the Numbers
Sales (in U.S. dollars): $6,560,000
Sales (in units): 202,700
High Resolution Scans
Announcement Trailer
Click to expand or close the codes and cheats.
Long Arms
Pause the game and press Circle, L1, Circle, R1, Circle, L2, Circle, R2
Arm Head Mode
Go to the press start screen and enter: Circle, L1, Circle, R1, L1, L2 Circle
Big Head Mode
At the Press Start screen press Circle, L1, L1, L1, Up, Down
Bonus Match (This will open extra character matches and stages)
At the Press Start screen press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right.
Credit Gags
At the Press Start screen, Circle, L1, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, Circle, R1
This code shows a funnier version of the credits sequence which is activated by
choosing Credits at the Main Menu, but the Credits only show up once you beat all
three circuits.
Completion Date
At the Press Start screen, Square, Circle, L1, R1
Press start while playing a match and when you pause the game, at the top of the
menu, it'll show the programmers' message on the completion date of the game.
Flat Land
At the Press Start screen, Circle, L1, L1, L1, Left, Right
Infinite Energy
At the Press Star screen, Circle, R1, R1, R1, Down, Up
Infinite Health
At the Press Start screen, Circle, R1, R1, R1, Right, Left
Mirror Matches
At the Press Start screen, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle,
L2, Circle, R2, Circle, L1, Circle, R1
New Arena
Pause the game and press Circle, R2, R1, Circle, R2, R1
Begin a new match, and you should be in a new arena.
No Outlines
At the Press Start screen, Circle, Right, Up, Right, Down
Win Without Pin
At the Press Start screen, Circle, R1, R1, R1, Right, Left
Unlock Bumble-Bee Man
Beat New Challenger circuit to unlock Bumblebee Man
Unlock Moe
Beat Defender Circuit to unlock Moe
Unlock Ned Flanders
Beat Champion Circuit to unlock Ned Flanders
Have Bumblebee Man Selectable
800741E8 0001
Have Moe Selectable
800741EC 0001
Have Frink Selectable
800741F0 0001
Have Flanders Selectable
800741F0 0001
Have Extra Characters Selectable (GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed!)
50000404 0000
800741E8 0001
Have Defender Circuit
80072BF0 0001
Have Champion Circuit
80072BF2 0001
Have Bonus Match Up
80072BD0 0001
Infinite Health P1 Only
8002EFA0 0DEC
8002EFA2 2699
8002EFA8 0004
8002EFAA 1724
Infinite Health P2 Only
8002EFA0 0DEC
8002EFA2 2699
8002EFA8 0004
8002EFAA 1324
Infinite Health P1 & P2
8002EFBA 2400
Infinite Health P1 & 1-Hit Death P2
8002EFA0 0DEC
8002EFA2 2699
8002EFA8 0004
8002EFAA 1724
8002EFBA AC60
1-Hit Death P1 & P2
8002EFA0 0DEC
8002EFA2 2699
8002EFA8 0004
8002EFAA 1324
8002EFBA AC60
1-Hit Death P1 & P2
8002EFBA AC60
Always Max Power (Both Players)
8003472E 2400
80037EC2 2400
Hit Anywhere (Both Players)
8001F43E 2400
All Characters Selectable & Players Can Select The Same Character
8002852E 2400
P1 Quick Pin On
800E17AC 0003
P1 Cannot Be Pinned
800E1868 0000
P2 Quick Pin
800E1868 0003
P2 Cannot Be Pinned
800E17AC 0000
P1's Wins Count For P2
8001D09A 2400
P2's Wins Count For P1
8001D09A 1000
Character Modifier P1
8006E258 00??
Character Modifier P2
8006E278 00??
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes
00 - Barney
01 - Krusty
02 - Apu
03 - Willie
04 - Homer
05 - Lisa
06 - Marge
07 - Bart
08 - Bumblebee Man
09 - Moe
0A - Frink
0B - Flanders
0C - Itchy
0D - Scratchy
Click to expand or close the guides.
Game Guide
Written and maintained by SubSane
Last Updated on April 15, 2004
1.1 About the Guide
1.2 About the Game
1.3 About the Walkthrough
2.1 Game Modes
2.2 Saving/Loading
2.3 Status and Menu Screens
2.4 Controls
2.5 Power-ups
3.1 Combos
3.2 Jump Attacks
3.3 Pinning
3.4 Holding
3.5 The Ropes
4.1 Barney
4.2 Krusty
4.3 Apu
4.4 Willie
4.5 Homer
4.6 Lisa
4.7 Marge
4.8 Bart
4.9 Bumblebee Man
4.10 Moe
4.11 Frink
4.12 Flanders
4.13 Smithers & Burns
4.14 Kang & Kodos
4.15 Itchy
4.16 Scratchy
5.1 New Challenger Circuit
5.2 Defender Circuit
5.3 Champion Circuit
6.1 Things to Unlock
6.2 Codes
7.1 Version History
7.2 Guide Credits
7.3 Contact Information
7.4 Legal Stuff
===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION =============================================
1.1 About the Guide
Hiya folks. You are now reading a guide to The Simpsons Wrestling,
my 27th guide for a Simpsons game. It's been 2 years and I gotta
say this is still as enjoyable as the day I started.
If you've read a FAQ for a fighting or wrestling game then you can
probably navigate your way through this one. But as always, I'll
include a Simpsons twist here 'n there. Enjoy!
1.2 About the Game
Pogs are over. Yoyos went the way of the dodo. The latest craze
in Springfield is now wrestling! Unfortunately this wrestling craze
is a result of an intergalactic challenge by two familiar green
aliens: Kang and Kodos. They witnessed Jebediah Springfield wrestle
the famous bear light years ago, and now they have arrived to find
a wrestler as strong as Jebediah himself!
Springfield citizens have risen to the challenge, but only one
person can go on to battle the aliens and prove that humans know
how to lay the smackdown!
===== 2.0 BASICS ===================================================
2.1 Game Start
New Challenger Circuit
- - - - - - - - - - - -
This single player mode is available from the start. You get to
choose a character and beat the circuit with that character, but
if you wish to change character you will start over from the
Defender Circuit
- - - - - - - - -
Complete New Challenger Circuit to unlock this mode. It is like
New Challenger, but more challenging.
Champion Circuit
- - - - - - - - -
Beat Defender Circuit to unlock this mode. It is the final and
most challenging circuit.
Continue Tournament
- - - - - - - - - -
You can select a saved circuit character from the memory card.
This allows you to pick up where you left off.
Practice Game
- - - - - - -
Select this to play one match against a CPU opponent.
Vs. Match Game
- - - - - - - -
The two player mode. Both players can select their wrestler and
duke it out in a selected level.
- - - -
Here you can adjust various settings.
Vs. Rounds: The number of rounds per match.
Music Volume: The volume of the level music.
Voice Volume: The volume of the character voices.
Effects Volume: Volume of sounds other than music and voices.
Vibration: Toggle the vibration of the controllers.
Load Unlocked Data: Load unlocked data from the memory card.
- - - -
View the production credits.
2.2 Saving/Loading
- - - -
The game asks you to save after every match. You can choose not to
save, but if you turn off the game afterward your data will be lost.
- - - -
The game automatically loads when the game begins. You can also
select Continue Tournament to load a saved circuit, or go to Options
and select Load Unlocked Data.
2.3 Status and Menu Screens
Status Screen
- - - - - - -
The various meters and indicators during a match.
Wins: Yellow trophies indicate number of wins.
Taunt: Collect letters from "!" marks or by executing
combos and you will get a taunt. Press R1 or R2
to use the taunt and become invulnerable for a
limited time.
Attacks: This is based on the energy meter. When an
attack is available it will be highlighted.
Energy Meter: The energy meter is filled automatically, and
each time you perform an attack it will
decrease. Each type of attack requires a
different amount of energy.
Health Meter: The health meter decreases after every hit,
though it does also increase slightly during
the game. You can also get health power-ups
to replenish health.
Stun Meter: This appears when you have been knocked down
or are being pinned down. Press X repeatedly to
decrease the meter and wake up or get out of
a pin.
Character Select
- - - - - - - - -
Press Left and Right to scroll through the characters and choose the
one you want. Remember that two players can't select the same
character in Vs. mode. Those "?" marks mean that certain characters
have not been unlocked.
Pause Menu
- - - - - -
There are various options to adjust in the pause menu.
Music: The volume of the level music.
Effects: Volume of sounds other than music and voices.
Voice: The volume of the character voices.
Vibrate: Toggle the vibration of the controllers.
Quit: Quit the match and return to the main menu.
2.4 Controls
Command | Character Action | Other
Cross | Move character | Navigate menus
L3 | Move character | Navigate menus
R3 | - | -
Square | Normal attack | -
Triangle | Strong attack | Exit menus
Circle | Special attack | -
X | Jump | Select in menus
L1 | Hold or pin | -
L2 | Hold or pin | -
R1 | Taunt | -
R2 | Taunt | -
Select | - | -
Start | Pause | -
2.5 Power-ups
"!" Mark
- - - - -
- - - -
A small health boost.
Krusty Cereal
- - - - - - -
A big health boost.
- - -
A small energy boost.
Nuclear Atom
- - - - - - -
A big energy boost.
- - - - -
These shoes give a speed boost for a limited time.
"?" Mark
- - - - -
A random power-up.
===== 3.0 TECHNIQUES ===============================================
3.1 Combos
Though normal attacks are usually pretty weak, pressing Square
repeatedly will result in a combo attack. The speed of the combo
varies from character to character, but if you can pull off a combo
your opponent will be knocked to the ground and you will gain a
Taunt letter.
3.2 Jump Attacks
By pressing X to jump, then Square or Triangle, you can perform a
jump attack on your opponent's head. If you keep pressing Square
you can continue jumping and cause more damage, but pressing
Triangle will only work for one jump.
Jumping and pressing Square can be a big help with some of the
tougher enemies.
3.3 Pinning
You can press L1 or L2 to pin an opponent, but only when he or she
has been knocked down. After the pin you will have to the count of
3 to win the match, but if the opponent's stun meter goes back to
zero you will be pushed off.
The stun meter usually vanishes quickly if the opponent has any
health. So, beat the health away before attempting a pin.
3.4 Holding
If you press L1 or L2 near your opponent (and if he or she is not
stunned), then you can perform a grab. Quickly press Square, Circle,
or Triangle after that to peform a hold attack.
3.5 The Ropes
If you run to the ropes on any side of the ring and then press
Square, Triangle, or Circle you will peform a fast rope attack. This
is an annoying and effective way to wear down your opponent, but
watch out for projectiles or special attacks that follow you.
===== 4.0 CHARACTERS & STRATEGIES ==================================
4.1 Barney
- - - -
Barney's rise to the Springfield elite was ended when he met a good
friend called Duff. Now Barney is known for sleeping in taverns and
creating great films with horrible titles.
- - - -
Normal Attack: A swipe with a beer mug. His combo is too slow
to use effectively.
Strong Attack: Tosses his beer mug through the air. Must be
thrown from a distance to work.
Special Attack: A cloud of burp gas floats in the air for a
short time. Good for keeping away opponents or
trapping them in corners.
Playing Vs. Barney
- - - - - - - - - -
Barney likes to use his burp gas attack often, and occasionally he
will throw a beer mug. Just stay far away until any burp clouds
have disappeared, then go in with some jump attacks. He may try
to counter your jumps with his own, but he's too slow to do any
serious damage. Just stick to jump attacks and projectiles.
4.2 Krusty
- - - -
Krusty's life in the Jewish gutter instilled a great passion for
success and the good things in life. Now Springfield's baddest
clown blows thousands of those good things at the dog track.
- - - -
Normal Attack: A simple punch with the hand. His combo is
a bit slow, but it'll work against slow
Strong Attack: A pie toss. Works great, and it can hit
at any range.
Special Attack: Krusty's hammer attack works good for the first
hit, but hitting an opponent multiple times is
not so easy. Just don't let them jump on you.
Playing Vs. Krusty
- - - - - - - - - -
Staying far away isn't a good idea because of Krusty's pies, and
if you're too close he'll definitely get you with his hammer
special attack. AND, Krusty is fast enough to chase you down and
pummel you with annoying normal attacks.
So, what's the best thing to do?
Jump attacks! Krusty will most often stand there and let you jump
on his head a good eight or nine times, and this also works great
during his special attack.
4.3 Apu
- - - -
Apu's studies in computer science landed him a sweet gig at the
Springfield Kwik-E-Mart. Now he lives the American dream with his
betrothed wife and nine children.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some Indian karate moves, but they're too slow
to pull off effective combos.
Strong Attack: He'll throw out some red squishees. These can
hit at any range, so go nuts!
Special Attack: Some sort of karate barrage. He will continually
punch and kick, and if you get the opponent
trapped this can do some major damage. Definitely
one of the better specials.
Playing Vs. Apu
- - - - - - - -
For the love of all that is holy, STAY AWAY FROM HIS SPECIAL ATTACK!
As soon as you see his arms blur jump up. Get some jump attacks on
his head and stay up there because that special attack can bring
the end of the match if he traps you.
Naturally he'll toss his squishees if you're far away, and he's
also pretty fast. Use any projectiles you have and use the
Triangle rope attacks if he's near you.
4.4 Willie
- - - -
Willie was raised in merry ol' Scotland, where folks 'ate everyone
and each other. Now Willie works as Springfield Elementary's buff
and grease-hogging groundskeeper.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Strikes with his leaf rake. It's actually pretty
fast, which means you can get a few combos from
Strong Attack: A twirl in the air using his rake. This is great
for jabbing at opponents and wearing down their
Special Attack: He'll drop a bunch of traps and gardening tools
on the arena floor. Great for hurting the
opponent while running away.
Playing Vs. Willie
- - - - - - - - - -
Willie will most likely litter the arena with his traps and tools,
then he'll chase after you for a few combo attacks. Jump attacks
work well against him if you see the opportunity, but other than
that stick to projectile attacks.
4.5 Homer
- - - -
Homer Jay Simpson had a motherless childhood, a head full of hair,
and a lean body. Now he found his mother, went bald, and gained
about 100 pounds. He currently lives with his 3 kids and wife, Marge.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Homer's fists and some kicks, but not good for
combos. But if you do the special attack he
will be fast enough for some sweet combo action.
Strong Attack: Several bowling balls can be sent rolling
on the arena floor. Miniscule damage, but very
Special Attack: He will eat a box of donuts and gain some extra
speed and power (will also grow larger). Good
for a limited time.
Playing Vs. Homer
- - - - - - - - -
Homer will undoubtedly use his bowling balls, but they don't do much
damage. Other than that he may try to do some combos or grabs, but
overall Homer isn't tough to beat at all. All the attacks will work
just fine.
4.6 Lisa
- - - -
Lisa has endured much hardship in her short life, mainly due to her
oblivious father and annoying brother. When she isn't studying Lisa
likes to play jazz on her sax and create diagrams.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Her little punch-kick combos are quite fast,
so I recommend using them whenever possible.
Strong Attack: Make sure the energy meter is charged, then
begin tapping Triangle. You have to pause
for a nanosecond between each note, and if done
correctly a song attack will hit the opponent
anywhere in the arena.
Special Attack: You have to get near the opponent, then press
Circle to bite the opponent. Doesn't do much
Playing Vs. Lisa
- - - - - - - - -
Oy, quite annoying. Her saxophone attacks can hurt you from anywhere
in the arena, although they don't take much health. Her combos are
also one of the quickest, so don't stay near her. Just use the strong
and special attacks to get rid of Lisa.
4.7 Marge
- - - -
Marge dreamed of being the first woman in space and was on the debate
team in high school. She graduated and got knocked up by Homer, then
had two more kids. Marge enjoys rolling up socks and gambling.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some whacks with her frying pan. The combos
are slow, but very strong.
Strong Attack: Uses her hair to lash out at the opponent.
Very good reach and also takes a good chunk
of damage.
Special Attack: Maggie will be released and slow down the
Playing Vs. Marge
- - - - - - - - -
She will always release Maggie, but if you're fast enough you can
probably avoid it. Other than that she will probably try to follow
you and hit you with the pan. Use the Trianlge rope attack to get
rid of Marge, as well as projectiles.
4.8 Bart
- - - -
Bart was a troublemaker since his days in the womb. Although he
showed intellectual promise early on, it didn't last. Bart now
spends his time reading comics and nearly killing his friend Milhouse.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some pretty fast punches and kicks, which of
course means some good combos.
Strong Attack: A slingshot. It's OK, but doesn't do much
Special Attack: A ride around on his skateboard. Again,
doesn't do much damage and it's hard to aim.
Playing Vs. Bart
- - - - - - - - -
Don't panic when you see the skateboard because it doesn't do much.
Bart will also use his slingshot (another weak move), and he will
probably chase you around the whole time. The Triangle rope move
should dispatch him quickly, along with whatever special attack you
may have.
4.9 Bumblebee Man
* Must be unlocked in New Challenger Circuit *
- - - -
El Bumblebee Man became a success on spanish television as his TV
persona: Bumblebee Man. He eventually married Mrs. Bumblebee Man
and they now live happily in Springfield. He also hates oranges.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Slow moves, and a slow combo. Not his best.
Strong Attack: A long yoyo. This thing is weak, but can hit
from far away. Good for avoiding attacks.
Special Attack: He will release a chihuahua, which will run
around and bite the opponent. Annoying and
effective against opponents who like to
Playing Vs. Bumblebee Man
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
This guy isn't tough to beat, but his attacks sure are annoying.
The chihuahua is pretty fast but can be avoided, and his long yoyo
attack has a pretty good reach. Use your projectiles and the
Triangle rope attack to defeat him.
4.10 Moe
* Must be unlocked in New Challenger Circuit *
- - - -
Moe was an ugly child, and his dreams of being an actor soon faded
in favor of a less lucrative career as bartender. The loyal drunks
keep Moe going in an otherwise pathetic life.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some very fast punches. This is probably the
best combo attack in the game.
Strong Attack: He will toss some Flaming Moes into the air.
Although they only go a set distance, the fire
that remains is great for stopping opponents
who like to follow.
Special Attack: Moe will spin around with his board and nail.
This is very strong and works great at close
Playing Vs. Moe
- - - - - - - -
Moe will toss his Flaming Moes if you're far, and the fire from them
will last a while. If you're near you will probably get hit by a
few combos and his very strong special attack. The best attacks are
the jump attacks and the Triangle rope attack, and any specials that
can follow him around or otherwise get in his way.
4.11 Frink
* Must be unlocked in Defender Circuit *
- - - -
Frink's father called him a disgrace to the nerdy name of Frink, but
he still went on to invent various valuable inventions. Some notable
ones include the hammer/screwdriver and high-tech dancing shoes.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some quick punches a kicks. Good combos.
Strong Attack: A ray gun. Doesn't take much damage but reloads
quickly and has a good aim.
Special Attack: Will release either a toy robot or a land mine.
The robot follows the opponent and blows up,
but the mine must be stepped on to blow up.
Playing Vs. Frink
- - - - - - - - -
Frink likes his gun, and that's probably what he'll use for most
of the match. If you're near he might also try for a combo. Just
use whatever projectiles you may have, or the Triangle rope attack.
4.12 Flanders
* Must be unlocked in Defender Circuit *
- - - -
Flanders was a bad kid until psychology taught him to repress his
anger. He then became a man of God, and when he's not exploding in
fits of rage he likes going to church and blocking cable channels.
Special Feature: Back from the Dead!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, not so much dead. But any time you pin Flanders, he will get
a second chance! Not kidding. The count will go to three, then a
heavenly light will shine down and Flanders' health meter will
completely refill. This is obviously good news if you are playing
as Flanders, but sucks if you're fighting him.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Fast punches and great for combos.
Strong Attack: Will toss a bible that can hit at any range.
Doesn't do much damage though.
Special Attack: The power of god. Literally. He will kneel and
call forth some bolts of lightning from the sky
that can cause major damage. It's possible to
get hit before the attack is finished, so do it
when far away or when the opponent is stunned.
Playing Vs. Flanders
- - - - - - - - - - -
First of all, do not let Flanders use his special attack. That thing
is a killer, albeit easy to avoid. Other than that he will toss bibles
every once in a while and go for combos. Use your projectiles and
special attacks often, in addition to some jump attacks if you
can trap him.
4.13 Smithers & Burns
* Only playable through Bonus Match Up *
- - - -
Mr. Burns and Smithers came together on the day that Smithers'
father died (working at the power plant). Mr. Burns took Smithers
on as his lacky, and they've been together ever since.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some fast punches. It isn't the fastest combo,
but it's still pretty effective.
Strong Attack: Tosses a three-eyed fish out into the ring.
The fish will follow the opponent for a while
before disappearing.
Special Attack: I'm not certain, but I think Burns' nuclear
bombs are the special attack. The thing is those
bombs appear whether you press Circle or not,
and pressing Circle will only make Smithers stand
still for a second or two. Either way, those bombs
cause massive damage.
Playing Vs. Smithers
- - - - - - - - - - -
Smithers alone is really no problem. His fish doesn't cause much
damage and his combo tactics are weak. But then you have those bombs
dropped by Burns. They are the real killer, and the best way to
handle them is to stay at the opposite corner of the ring as much
as possible. Use projectiles and special attacks to beat up Smithers
and avoid the bombs.
4.14 Kang & Kodos
* Only playable through Bonus Match Up *
- - - -
Kang and his sister Kodos have visited Earth many times, and for
various reasons. Although they originally seemed peaceful, then
hostile, now they just float in space and laugh at the foolish humans.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Very fast and very strong hits with the tentacles
and club. Although it is hard to aim because of
the size.
Strong Attack: A ray gun. Works great from any distance, but
doesn't deal much damage.
Special Attack: A barrage of tentacle and club combos. Works
pretty well, but it has the same aiming problems
as the normal attacks.
Playing Vs. Kang
- - - - - - - - -
Oh boy, this one's a toughie. Kang (depending on the difficulty)
will follow you around the whole time and try to wallop you with his
stretching tentacles and club. And if you're far away he will go
trigger-happy with his ray gun.
The number one thing to remember is USE THAT TAUNT. Every chance you
get man, because this guy is no joke. Pick a character with one of
those special attacks that keep going (like Apu or Flanders) and use
it, AND keep packin' in the combo attacks. This should cause a
fairly good amount of damage.
Jump attacks also work well, but only when you get an opportunity
to reach his head. Most of the time he's too close to get up there.
4.15 Itchy
* Only available through Bonus Match Up *
- - - -
Itchy was the creation of cartoon genius (and father of cartoon
violence) Chester J. Lampwick. But, the loveable psychotic mouse
didn't become famous until Roger Meyers Sr. "borrowed" him.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Some quick hits with a wooden club. This is
a fast a damaging combo, one that I recommend
using often.
Strong Attack: A tommy gun. This thing only needs a bit of
energy, which means you can shoot multiple times
in a row. And it also causes major damage.
Special Attack: Dude, the chainsaw! All you have to do is get
near Scratchy and the thing will do it's job.
Now if only they had blood in this...
Playing Vs. Scratchy
- - - - - - - - - - -
Oh man, what a joke. Use any of the button attacks (normal, strong,
or special) and Scratchy is done for.
4.16 Scratchy
* Only available through Bonus Match Up *
- - - -
Scratchy was created (or possibly "borrowed") by Roger Meyers Sr. to
star in a cartoon flop, but then he was partnered with Itchy.
Scratchy's brutal deaths have since become a thing of cartoon legend.
- - - -
Normal Attack: Swings of the ax and a few kicks. An average
combo at best.
Strong Attack: A rocket launcher. This thing can cause some
damage, but only if it is properly aimed.
Special Attack: The ax attack ain't bad, in fact it's similar
to Krusty's hammer attack. The only problem is
getting the opponent in the right spot to get
Playing Vs. Itchy
- - - - - - - - -
... which means you are playing as Scratchy. Much like the show,
Scratchy is much weaker. The best thing to do is use jump attacks.
Itchy will try to hit you, but if you keep pressing Square he'll
never touch you. Also remember to use the Anvil with R1.
===== 5.0 THE CIRCUITS =============================================
5.1 New Challenger Circuit
New Challenger Circuit is the one you begin with. It's not too
difficult, and best person to use is either Apu or Krusty. They
both have strong special attacks that will come in useful.
5.2 Defender Circuit
This appears after completing New Challenger Circuit. Krusty isn't
as effective for this one, so stick with Apu and his special attack.
5.3 Champion Circuit
The final circuit. And now you have, drum roll please... FLANDERS!!!
Flanders has the best special attack in the game AND he can escape
from a pin, so he is the best choice to complete this last circuit
and finish the game.
===== 6.0 CODES & SECRETS ==========================================
6.1 Things to Unlock
- - - - - -
Bumblebee Man and Moe are unlocked after you defeat them in
New Challenger Circuit. Frink and Flanders are unlocked in Defender
Bonus Match Up
- - - - - - - -
After completing Champion Circuit you will unlock Bonus Match Up
at the main menu. Here you can set up matches against any character,
including the bosses and Itchy & Scratchy.
6.2 Codes
At the "Press Start" title screen.
Bonus Match Up
- - - - - - - -
Circle, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right
Bumblebee Man
- - - - - - -
Circle, Left, Up, Left, Down, R1
- - -
Circle, Left, Up, Left, Down, L1
- - -
Circle, Left, Up, Left, Down, R2
- - - - -
Circle, Left, Up, Left, Down, L2
Infinite Health
- - - - - - - -
Circle, R1, R1, R1, Down, Up
No Health = You Lose
- - - - - - - - - - -
Circle, R1, R1, R1, Right, Left
Bounce against ropes multiple times
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Circle, R1, R1, R1, Up, Down
Big Heads
- - - - -
Circle, L1, L1, L1, Up, Down
Flat Characters
- - - - - - - -
Circle, L1, L1, L1, Left, Right
No Black Outlines
- - - - - - - - -
Circle, Right, Up, Right, Down
Gag Credits
- - - - - -
Circle, L1, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, Circle, R1
Big Ape (large arms)
- - - - - - - - - - -
Circle, L1, Circle, R1, Circle, L2, Circle, R2
Big Ape Arena
- - - - - - -
Circle, R2, R1, Circle, R2, R1
Date the game was finished
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Square, Circle, L1, R1
===== 7.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================
7.1 Version History
April 15: Version 0.9
- - - - - - - - - - -
Stick in a fork in it son, cuz it's done. See ya!
7.2 Guide Credits
Thanks to:
1. Matt Groening. The man created The Simpsons, which has been on
the air for 15 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy
bearded bastard!
2. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds
of individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers,
voice actors, animators, producers, gofers, and every other person
involved... thank you!
3. Wilson Lau, whose 'Bart vs. the Space Mutants' guide inspired
me to write FAQs.
4. Fox Interactive, Activision, and Big Ape Productions for creating
the game. Can't have too many Simpsons games, no sir.
5. Tips & Tricks (X-mas 2002) for the codes. I LOVE those magazines.
6. Rama Yudhistira for the Itchy & Scratchy correction.
7. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own
7.3 Contact Information
The address is:
The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely
respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without
a subject. Put 'Simpsons Wrestling' or something similar in the
subject line.
7.4 Legal Stuff
1. "The Simpsons Wrestling" is copyright © 2001 Fox Interactive and
Activision, Inc. The Simpsons and any related Simpsons characters
are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
2. This guide copyright © 2004 SubSane. This guide may be distributed
freely as long as it remains in it's ORIGINAL and UNALTERED form.
It is only for private use and may not be reproduced for commercial
If I discover that this guide has been altered in any way and is
being displayed publicly, I reserve the right to have the guide
removed from that location.